Today morning so scary.Saw a small long snake.I saw it cos my head was looking down the ground to avoid the puddle of water then almost step onto the black snake.The snake was still there after i went home from band.But the unlucky thing is it was DEAD!LOL start to dun like ss already.It seems like we are like getting scolded almost everytime during lesson time.Got sick of it sometimes.And homeworks are piling up,got sick of homeworks.Today during maths lesson very funny.Cos we need to sit in gripus to do maths.The benjamin is super lame,keep making chermel,raenes and me laugh...seems like i have nothing to update anymore.okay bye im off to sleep!
Conferened with Xuewei,Jerr-aye,Desmond and Kokming jus moments ago.Jus put down the fone.Chatted all along while doing my SS seq?hahas pro rite.Actually while talking i oso cannot understand what am i writing.Mayb gonna redo it?hahas if i have the time man!lol
Finally can find the time to update.This whole week is common test week.Studied very hard for all the test but did not really have the time to go through in detail for physics because had cca until very late and was to sleepy to revise.Had the test today,it was an average paper.hope i can do well! back chemistry ct today.Quite satisfied with the marks :) love chem cos Mrs Tan is so good and funny at times,enjoy her lesson alot.Anw today went to collect newspaper for the cip.went to 2e5 to collect.We took those from under the table.LOL and i love my group members they are so funny and cute.They are amanda,jasmine,xuewei,wanni,esther and guangmin!Love them so much.Not forgetting Raenes,Weiling and chermel larh :P and it will be friday tmr!So fast one week gone.hahas and tmr our class will have to stay back in class to have a tea break session with P and VP.Im going to voice out those things that im not happy about the school if i dare.

I hate(too strong a word?)or can i say dont like? people who give me attitude for no reason : (
Yesterday went watch fireworks at marina there with family.When reach there,there are lots of people.The fireworks should start at nine.However it dragged until about 9.20 then start.Legs were so tired by then.The fireworks are so nice and cool can.The last pars were the nicest.But i tink last year nicer cause got form shapes like stars.yeah after the fireworks end,everyone went off.LOLthe road jammed until like siao.The whole road was filled with people walking and the traffic police can seem to guide the people to another pathway for the cars to move.So many people there larh.Lucky no accidents.hahas yeap and i haven finish doing my physics wb 11a.Do until pek chek lor.alot of calculation involved.No answers or methods can be found tin the textbook.So plan not to do.Hope Mr Chia will go through the wb with us tmr and not handing in.if not...DIE.
Its been long time since i blogged.People like raenes keep asking me to update hahas.Today is quite a relaxing day for me.PE did wushu.Quite fun actually but starting to have leg cramps.School was okay luh.At evening went for xtra ballet class.Went earlier with my ballet friends for dinner.Ate at long john silver.Then went for ballet class.When i was halfway dancing, my ballet teacher walked towards me and touched my stomach"Why suddenly ur stomach so big?" everyone was laughing."HUH!cos i jus ate my dinner mahs.Know what the teacher replied?This girl so skinny got a Float around the stomach look so funny.hahas i was laughing all the way larh.LOL so had a fun time there indeeed.Reached home bout 8.45, on the computer immediately.No homework today.Tests are coming up again.I cant seem to understand the new chapter for maths.Had lots of difficulties while doing it : ( those who are lagging behind are real sonn catching up.But for me?i tink im stuck there.No forward step.So gotta work very hard for my upcoming tests.Hope can do well.If not end year will chiong all the way.JIAYOU everyone!!!

These are the photos taken during the sentosa trip.3e2 rocks!hahahs hope to have more of this trip.will try to organise! hahahs NAD 3e2 blog is ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!
Last Wednesday went to sentosa with Mrs Ng, Mr Tan and 3E2 peeps.Really enjoyed myself there.This is the first e2 trip we had.Reached there about two plus and all of there took the tram to the beach.Ate pizzas first. (Mrs Ng's treat) after that we went wild!we played Freesbie, capton's ball and seawater.hahahs at first the teachers dont allow us play with water cos its too dangerous however e2 have its own ways of begging teacher.LOL the best part was capton's ball.Me,xuewei,david,Kokming,Jintai,Mrs Ng and Mr Tan teamed.Mr Tan was the catcher and im supposed to pass the ball to him when the ball is passed to me.Cos we were standing the closest.hahas Barry was the defender.Mr tan fell and rolled on the floor many times when i passed him the ball.hahahs its damn funny can and he cheated many times.LOL but its a fun game indeed.At bout 6.45pm some of the e2 people need to go so all of us decided to pack up and go for lunch.Mrs ng could not join us so all of us went to bathe first as we are so sweaty and smelly.After that went lunch with Mr tan and frens at food republic at vivocity.Started eating at bout 8 plus.Mr tan treated us to drinks.thanks mr tan!Shared food with esther.The food there quite yupp : )) Mr tan started telling us ghosts stories.Yvonne cried after listening to it.LOL lucky i sat esther,yongda,jerry justin and xuewei.our table of 6 were also telling ghosts stories but also crapped some lame jokes (neh mind neh mind)hahahs very funny indeed.Then at bout 9 plus trained back to sengkang.Mr Tan trained back with us before going back.good rite?took quite alot of pictures in the,xuewei,raenes,justin and yongda pose alot of funny actions.the mosts funny one is the WOW action and the act sleeping action.hahas and raenes face is always cut off by my big head in almost every pics.LOL (blame her face too small)lol and yupp Mrs Ng will not be teaching us when school reopens.Will miss her teaching alot.Mrs Ng 3E2 WILL miss you!
WTH accidentally deleted my blog while brwosing through the template this afternoon.Was quite sad as yesterday slept till very late to find skin and put alot of effort to make this blog nice.But who knows my itchy hand press the wrong button "delete blog"SHIT!GRR thinking of these make my blood boil.All my posts are gone and now i need to repost all over again.And the long long posts about the sentosa trip is GONE too!!!!!no choice i have to start all over again : (
The Princess Diary
Today morning so scary.Saw a small long snake.I saw it cos my head was looking down the ground to avoid the puddle of water then almost step onto the black snake.The snake was still there after i went home from band.But the unlucky thing is it was DEAD!LOL start to dun like ss already.It seems like we are like getting scolded almost everytime during lesson time.Got sick of it sometimes.And homeworks are piling up,got sick of homeworks.Today during maths lesson very funny.Cos we need to sit in gripus to do maths.The benjamin is super lame,keep making chermel,raenes and me laugh...seems like i have nothing to update anymore.okay bye im off to sleep!
Conferened with Xuewei,Jerr-aye,Desmond and Kokming jus moments ago.Jus put down the fone.Chatted all along while doing my SS seq?hahas pro rite.Actually while talking i oso cannot understand what am i writing.Mayb gonna redo it?hahas if i have the time man!lol
Finally can find the time to update.This whole week is common test week.Studied very hard for all the test but did not really have the time to go through in detail for physics because had cca until very late and was to sleepy to revise.Had the test today,it was an average paper.hope i can do well! back chemistry ct today.Quite satisfied with the marks :) love chem cos Mrs Tan is so good and funny at times,enjoy her lesson alot.Anw today went to collect newspaper for the cip.went to 2e5 to collect.We took those from under the table.LOL and i love my group members they are so funny and cute.They are amanda,jasmine,xuewei,wanni,esther and guangmin!Love them so much.Not forgetting Raenes,Weiling and chermel larh :P and it will be friday tmr!So fast one week gone.hahas and tmr our class will have to stay back in class to have a tea break session with P and VP.Im going to voice out those things that im not happy about the school if i dare.

I hate(too strong a word?)or can i say dont like? people who give me attitude for no reason : (
Yesterday went watch fireworks at marina there with family.When reach there,there are lots of people.The fireworks should start at nine.However it dragged until about 9.20 then start.Legs were so tired by then.The fireworks are so nice and cool can.The last pars were the nicest.But i tink last year nicer cause got form shapes like stars.yeah after the fireworks end,everyone went off.LOLthe road jammed until like siao.The whole road was filled with people walking and the traffic police can seem to guide the people to another pathway for the cars to move.So many people there larh.Lucky no accidents.hahas yeap and i haven finish doing my physics wb 11a.Do until pek chek lor.alot of calculation involved.No answers or methods can be found tin the textbook.So plan not to do.Hope Mr Chia will go through the wb with us tmr and not handing in.if not...DIE.
Its been long time since i blogged.People like raenes keep asking me to update hahas.Today is quite a relaxing day for me.PE did wushu.Quite fun actually but starting to have leg cramps.School was okay luh.At evening went for xtra ballet class.Went earlier with my ballet friends for dinner.Ate at long john silver.Then went for ballet class.When i was halfway dancing, my ballet teacher walked towards me and touched my stomach"Why suddenly ur stomach so big?" everyone was laughing."HUH!cos i jus ate my dinner mahs.Know what the teacher replied?This girl so skinny got a Float around the stomach look so funny.hahas i was laughing all the way larh.LOL so had a fun time there indeeed.Reached home bout 8.45, on the computer immediately.No homework today.Tests are coming up again.I cant seem to understand the new chapter for maths.Had lots of difficulties while doing it : ( those who are lagging behind are real sonn catching up.But for me?i tink im stuck there.No forward step.So gotta work very hard for my upcoming tests.Hope can do well.If not end year will chiong all the way.JIAYOU everyone!!!

These are the photos taken during the sentosa trip.3e2 rocks!hahahs hope to have more of this trip.will try to organise! hahahs NAD 3e2 blog is ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!
Last Wednesday went to sentosa with Mrs Ng, Mr Tan and 3E2 peeps.Really enjoyed myself there.This is the first e2 trip we had.Reached there about two plus and all of there took the tram to the beach.Ate pizzas first. (Mrs Ng's treat) after that we went wild!we played Freesbie, capton's ball and seawater.hahahs at first the teachers dont allow us play with water cos its too dangerous however e2 have its own ways of begging teacher.LOL the best part was capton's ball.Me,xuewei,david,Kokming,Jintai,Mrs Ng and Mr Tan teamed.Mr Tan was the catcher and im supposed to pass the ball to him when the ball is passed to me.Cos we were standing the closest.hahas Barry was the defender.Mr tan fell and rolled on the floor many times when i passed him the ball.hahahs its damn funny can and he cheated many times.LOL but its a fun game indeed.At bout 6.45pm some of the e2 people need to go so all of us decided to pack up and go for lunch.Mrs ng could not join us so all of us went to bathe first as we are so sweaty and smelly.After that went lunch with Mr tan and frens at food republic at vivocity.Started eating at bout 8 plus.Mr tan treated us to drinks.thanks mr tan!Shared food with esther.The food there quite yupp : )) Mr tan started telling us ghosts stories.Yvonne cried after listening to it.LOL lucky i sat esther,yongda,jerry justin and xuewei.our table of 6 were also telling ghosts stories but also crapped some lame jokes (neh mind neh mind)hahahs very funny indeed.Then at bout 9 plus trained back to sengkang.Mr Tan trained back with us before going back.good rite?took quite alot of pictures in the,xuewei,raenes,justin and yongda pose alot of funny actions.the mosts funny one is the WOW action and the act sleeping action.hahas and raenes face is always cut off by my big head in almost every pics.LOL (blame her face too small)lol and yupp Mrs Ng will not be teaching us when school reopens.Will miss her teaching alot.Mrs Ng 3E2 WILL miss you!
WTH accidentally deleted my blog while brwosing through the template this afternoon.Was quite sad as yesterday slept till very late to find skin and put alot of effort to make this blog nice.But who knows my itchy hand press the wrong button "delete blog"SHIT!GRR thinking of these make my blood boil.All my posts are gone and now i need to repost all over again.And the long long posts about the sentosa trip is GONE too!!!!!no choice i have to start all over again : (