Yesterday had english mock exams.Paper one was okay but Paper two was torturous.It is so difficult and it is the only paper i read until almost fell asleep.Lol after that went back home changed and headed to RC for SS class.Thought it would end until 6.30 but it ended earlier!yeah after that went back home again to change clothes then went to compass to meet up with friends to go plaza sing for the movie:sicko it was abit boring at first but the behind part was sort of useful for ss?the movie ended at bout 11.35.Mr Tan gave us taxi fare to go home.So good of him.He gave us 20 bucks each for one taxi.And there are four taxi.I bet he spent alot on us.He is a very responsible and quite a good teacher although he scold us sometimes : )cabbed home with chermel,amanda and alastair.Crapped and joke alot in the taxi and the driver laugh at us oso.hahahs its so fun! Me and Amanda alighted first.Reached home at bout 12.35.Then bathed,sms-ed and slept!
Everyday in school is REVISION REVISION AND REVISION!!Mrs cheow was absent for the past two days and she is finally in school today.The most homework given everyday is maths.Lol even though Mrs Cheow is absent is never fails to give ur our present:Maths worksheet.We will definitely have one worksheet everyday to do.Haven finish one another had almost one free period for english.Jas forgot to come to our class cos she said she was too engrossed in using her com in office.Anw yesterday had SS remedial.Im in Ms Loh's class.Her teachings are quite easy to understand and i like it!Tmr is the worst thing ever.Having English mock exam and ss remedial after that.I wonder why must we have exams during saturdays?where Saturday is for us to rest?This school is really funny and weird.Haven decided whether to go for the movie"Sicko" after ss with Mr Tan and some of 3e2 people cps the tickets too ex.$10!Lol so how?...someone tell me please :p ok shall end here.Off to dinner and grandparents house!
Ok its been years since i have updated my posts due to mock exams and revisions.End year exam is coming very very soon.Work hard people!Today had chemistry mock exam.It was far harder than i thought it would be.All those i studied so hard did not even come out.Hope i can just pass it.No high hopes for this time round : ( Many test are around the corner and i hate it cos need revision revision and revision.
School was normal today.Nothing much happened.Just update cos raenes ask me to do so.hahas Anyway today maths was so shocked larh cos we were doing group maths work mah,then suddenly Raenes,my group walked away to justin group.Thought she was angry with me cos she complained that i did not teach her.LoL no wonder she was just acting to be angry with me.hahahs lol so evil her rite?hahahs jkjk : ) there is anA maths class test tmr.Mrs Cheow lost my A maths revision worksheet which i have spent a long time finishing it.Had to redo again!no choice.But the funny thing is now all the test had becoming to be all after school,thats a good thing actually.Was supposed to have Social studies remedial today but was cancelled cos Mr Tan was absent.Exams are coming.Gotta work hard for it!RAENES look!i have just updated!
Yesterday went to Marina with Xuewei,Raenes,Amanda,Wanni,Jerry,Justin,Desmond and Claydeman.Went there to eay steamboat but Wanni need to go home early.We went arcade and bowling first.Bowling was fun!hahas although alot of time i did not score,had a great time playing.After about 6plus went for steamboat.We cook all those food first before eating.Found out that xuewei and me ate alot lo.The others were complaining they were already full and they sat down looking at me and xuewei it.Lol so funny.Then the others went to arcade for awhile then left xuewei,Jerry,Desmond and me eating.Reallie had a great time with them there.Hope to go again next time:) Today went for Social studies remedial.We were supposed to meet at 8.20 at CP lrt.But duno why my alarm dint rang.Woke up at 8.20.Was so shocked then rushed.Reached cp at around 8.35?lucky not late.Then remedial did alot of SBQ pratice on comparison.Learnt quite a number of skills.Actually was suppoed to end bout 12pm but Mr tan Lengthened until 1pm instead.GRRR tmr still need go for remedial at word to describe SIAN!
Today had physics remedial early in the morning.Its jus like one hour only, might as well dont go.Lol anyway physics ended like 10 plus then went home straight away.Walked home with alot of 3e2 people and its quite fun and funny.Was bluffing benjamin and david they all about detention tests blah blah and benjamin actually believe me.he's so funny.hahas then pei-ed mum to rivervale mall ntuc.Bought alot of eating stuffs. Reached home about 12 plus.Then after received a call from Jerry.Asked me want go out with Amanda,raenes,xuewei,justin and yongda.I said ok at first.Then after that he said'Eh, i thought raenes say u got ur piano lesson?then how come u can go?''Eh,ya hor!u reminded me.Wah lucky i never go.heng ar" i said.Lol. Then jerry replied'aiya zao zhi dao bu yao gen ni jiang'!Wah its damn funny the conversation.Quite sad i cannot join them.But they said the movie not nice to watch so okay larh.Then after that at night bout 6 plus went Rivervale mall again to meet Amanda,Xuewei and Justin.They were eating at LJS.Crap abit and laughed.Then went to nearby playground to chat and play.The four of us played crocodile!lol so childish but it was fun.hahas then bout 8.45 went home.Walked home with Amanda.The way she laugh very cute :)And we are deciding Thursday where to go.And friday Im going out with Liying and Dorothy.Tmr i will be out too!whoohoo but this holiday seem so short.But anw i love love 3E2 so much.So many nice and cute friends around me!
Blur face! Is me!

Us in Pasta Mania

My tongue is the longest :P

Me and esther hidden behind the two tall girls!
Us on our way back

Three retards excluding the one from top right hand corner

Reflections of me and xuewei
Look at esther's mouth!
DoroTHY perkins!so creative rite

Wanni,esther and xuewei

We love reflections
My cute BABY face

Me and esther


Three pretty girls

Act cool esther


Went to Bugis yesterday with Xuewei,Esther and Wanni.It was a fun and enjoyable trip.All of us bought the same shorts.hahahs so funny but esther was the XTRA one boughtt he other colour.hahas jkjk..anw saw the superstar elaine at pasta mania.Quite pretty indeed.anw today went out to Bugis again.LOL with my Mum and sis cos sis want to buy a bag.hahahs bought a shirt too!Guess i need to save up again!hahas
The Princess Diary
Yesterday had english mock exams.Paper one was okay but Paper two was torturous.It is so difficult and it is the only paper i read until almost fell asleep.Lol after that went back home changed and headed to RC for SS class.Thought it would end until 6.30 but it ended earlier!yeah after that went back home again to change clothes then went to compass to meet up with friends to go plaza sing for the movie:sicko it was abit boring at first but the behind part was sort of useful for ss?the movie ended at bout 11.35.Mr Tan gave us taxi fare to go home.So good of him.He gave us 20 bucks each for one taxi.And there are four taxi.I bet he spent alot on us.He is a very responsible and quite a good teacher although he scold us sometimes : )cabbed home with chermel,amanda and alastair.Crapped and joke alot in the taxi and the driver laugh at us oso.hahahs its so fun! Me and Amanda alighted first.Reached home at bout 12.35.Then bathed,sms-ed and slept!
Everyday in school is REVISION REVISION AND REVISION!!Mrs cheow was absent for the past two days and she is finally in school today.The most homework given everyday is maths.Lol even though Mrs Cheow is absent is never fails to give ur our present:Maths worksheet.We will definitely have one worksheet everyday to do.Haven finish one another had almost one free period for english.Jas forgot to come to our class cos she said she was too engrossed in using her com in office.Anw yesterday had SS remedial.Im in Ms Loh's class.Her teachings are quite easy to understand and i like it!Tmr is the worst thing ever.Having English mock exam and ss remedial after that.I wonder why must we have exams during saturdays?where Saturday is for us to rest?This school is really funny and weird.Haven decided whether to go for the movie"Sicko" after ss with Mr Tan and some of 3e2 people cps the tickets too ex.$10!Lol so how?...someone tell me please :p ok shall end here.Off to dinner and grandparents house!
Ok its been years since i have updated my posts due to mock exams and revisions.End year exam is coming very very soon.Work hard people!Today had chemistry mock exam.It was far harder than i thought it would be.All those i studied so hard did not even come out.Hope i can just pass it.No high hopes for this time round : ( Many test are around the corner and i hate it cos need revision revision and revision.
School was normal today.Nothing much happened.Just update cos raenes ask me to do so.hahas Anyway today maths was so shocked larh cos we were doing group maths work mah,then suddenly Raenes,my group walked away to justin group.Thought she was angry with me cos she complained that i did not teach her.LoL no wonder she was just acting to be angry with me.hahahs lol so evil her rite?hahahs jkjk : ) there is anA maths class test tmr.Mrs Cheow lost my A maths revision worksheet which i have spent a long time finishing it.Had to redo again!no choice.But the funny thing is now all the test had becoming to be all after school,thats a good thing actually.Was supposed to have Social studies remedial today but was cancelled cos Mr Tan was absent.Exams are coming.Gotta work hard for it!RAENES look!i have just updated!
Yesterday went to Marina with Xuewei,Raenes,Amanda,Wanni,Jerry,Justin,Desmond and Claydeman.Went there to eay steamboat but Wanni need to go home early.We went arcade and bowling first.Bowling was fun!hahas although alot of time i did not score,had a great time playing.After about 6plus went for steamboat.We cook all those food first before eating.Found out that xuewei and me ate alot lo.The others were complaining they were already full and they sat down looking at me and xuewei it.Lol so funny.Then the others went to arcade for awhile then left xuewei,Jerry,Desmond and me eating.Reallie had a great time with them there.Hope to go again next time:) Today went for Social studies remedial.We were supposed to meet at 8.20 at CP lrt.But duno why my alarm dint rang.Woke up at 8.20.Was so shocked then rushed.Reached cp at around 8.35?lucky not late.Then remedial did alot of SBQ pratice on comparison.Learnt quite a number of skills.Actually was suppoed to end bout 12pm but Mr tan Lengthened until 1pm instead.GRRR tmr still need go for remedial at word to describe SIAN!
Today had physics remedial early in the morning.Its jus like one hour only, might as well dont go.Lol anyway physics ended like 10 plus then went home straight away.Walked home with alot of 3e2 people and its quite fun and funny.Was bluffing benjamin and david they all about detention tests blah blah and benjamin actually believe me.he's so funny.hahas then pei-ed mum to rivervale mall ntuc.Bought alot of eating stuffs. Reached home about 12 plus.Then after received a call from Jerry.Asked me want go out with Amanda,raenes,xuewei,justin and yongda.I said ok at first.Then after that he said'Eh, i thought raenes say u got ur piano lesson?then how come u can go?''Eh,ya hor!u reminded me.Wah lucky i never go.heng ar" i said.Lol. Then jerry replied'aiya zao zhi dao bu yao gen ni jiang'!Wah its damn funny the conversation.Quite sad i cannot join them.But they said the movie not nice to watch so okay larh.Then after that at night bout 6 plus went Rivervale mall again to meet Amanda,Xuewei and Justin.They were eating at LJS.Crap abit and laughed.Then went to nearby playground to chat and play.The four of us played crocodile!lol so childish but it was fun.hahas then bout 8.45 went home.Walked home with Amanda.The way she laugh very cute :)And we are deciding Thursday where to go.And friday Im going out with Liying and Dorothy.Tmr i will be out too!whoohoo but this holiday seem so short.But anw i love love 3E2 so much.So many nice and cute friends around me!
Blur face! Is me!

Us in Pasta Mania

My tongue is the longest :P

Me and esther hidden behind the two tall girls!
Us on our way back

Three retards excluding the one from top right hand corner

Reflections of me and xuewei
Look at esther's mouth!
DoroTHY perkins!so creative rite

Wanni,esther and xuewei

We love reflections
My cute BABY face

Me and esther


Three pretty girls

Act cool esther


Went to Bugis yesterday with Xuewei,Esther and Wanni.It was a fun and enjoyable trip.All of us bought the same shorts.hahahs so funny but esther was the XTRA one boughtt he other colour.hahas jkjk..anw saw the superstar elaine at pasta mania.Quite pretty indeed.anw today went out to Bugis again.LOL with my Mum and sis cos sis want to buy a bag.hahahs bought a shirt too!Guess i need to save up again!hahas