28 October 2007 is my super unlucky day!Guess what?My handphone was being washed away by rainwater!So damn sad luh all my contacts, messages all lost. It was raining so heavily today, was on my way to my Ah ma's house. Then my dad let me and my sis alight first then they go parking.Then when getting down the car i ran.My handphone then drop out from my pocket and drop onto the floor then bounce off into the drain.The drain was filled with dirty water. I wanted to retrieve back my phone but the water was too strong and washed my hp away into the small hole.I jus stood there and see my hp being washed away. T.T lol so unlucky luh. So jus called to starhub to terminate my phone luh. Wah so sad canot sms liao.hoho so gotta buy a new hp soon : )

Anw tmr getting back results liao.Pray hard that i will do well.Hahas and also band is starting tmr : (
Went cycling at Pasir Ris park today with Amanda,Wanni,Xuewei,Justin,Desmond,Jerry and Kokming. Went arcade and played Daytona.Im the lousiest!But it was quite exciting and fun luh. At bout two plus went cycling. The weather was very hot and we cycled till four plus. And now my leg muscle is aching and this proves that i have not been exercising enough. After that walked back to downtown.Desmond went off first. Then went to arcade awhile. After that i went off to PS to meet up with my family and grandma for dinner. Then shopped around and now im here!okay gtg to watch tv.
Went to Marina Bay with 3e2 people.Bowled first and have steamboat! Justin scored the highest, pro him. And at 6 it was steamboat time! Everyone was like so hyper luh. Amanda and Xw sat beside me. The three of us keep cooking the char siew! Xw's favourite!LOL yusiang best cook all those expensive food one like fish!crab!hahas managed to eat abit of the fish yusiang cooked.thanks! After eating we went arcade awhile. Then walked back to the MRT station. Crapped alot. Was scaring each other on our way back. Just found out that Chermel is actually so dan xiao : ) on reaching MRT station, me and xuewei asked chermel to piggyback us cos leg tired after a long trip.LOL xw could not get on chermel's back!LOL was so funny. Then it was my turn. Chermel dint even know i had actually got onto her back already, then still say faster!LOL me and xw was like laughing all the way. But it was scary to be on her back cos u will feel so insecure!Hoho ... chermel is damn super funny and super crazy!LOL overall it was a fun trip and it feels so good when exams are over!

Raenes, Weiling, Chermel, Amanda,Xuewei, Wanni, Claydeman, Kok ming, Jerry, Justin, Yusiang, Desmond,Poh khoon : ) They rocks! LOL

Yeah just changed my blogskin. The previous red blogskin got alot of problem make me very fedup.Lol i jus love this skin cos its grey!Going my grandparents house later!Its been such a long time since i went to visit them cos was busy with exams etc.Miss them so much!hahas
Having A maths paper one tmrw!It is the last paper and then i can throw all my books away!lol cant wait for tmr. Going out to have steamboat with 3e2 mates.Bet it will be fun.HMMi tink thats all cos i have no idea what to post.lol : )

LOL chatting with Raenes now in msn.She is a super funny, lame, thickskin (jkjk), cute and more!!!!hahahs was laughing alot on one part.Shall not reveal too cos its.....DENG DENG deng deng.Lol DIRTYminded!hahas 15 years old still so childish.hahahs Raenes: You are my best fren (Dog is my best fren)Lol this phrase make me Lol.okay hahahs shall not blog so much gootaa chat wid her more now!BYE PEOPLE!hahahs

Feel quite relaxed now.Cos exams is ending!whheeehhhee all the scripts were quite ok.the subject that i have the least confidence is social studies and chem!hahas reallie studied very hard for ss but in the end?jus hope i can pass and i will be overjoyed! having chinese and E maths tmr and the last paper will be A aths paper two and that will be the end of sec three syllabus.time seems to pass by so quicky and gonna be sec four soon!OMG!hahas okay there;s nothing much to posts actually.Will post more if something happen!Jus found this pic in my com : )

School was normal today. Our english lesson was took over by Mr Tan for social studies revision.Did my revision for SS and maths with guangmin and raenes. And the raenes today duno why abit crazy keep saying"eh please shut ur mouth!' its so funny. After school went straight to staffroom to find Mr Tan with xuewei, kok ming and jerry. We waited for like one hour before we can find Mr Tan? after that we went to 3E2 classroom as the weather suddenly become very hot.Asked Mr Tan to check our work that we have done.Learnt quite alot of things and knew some of the common mistakes all of us make.At bout 1-2 plus went home. Think is xw who started plucking out plant then use the plant tickle my face.the scence is really funny.So me, km and jerry followed.We pluck out the plant then make fun of each other.We even make fun of chinyi too cos saw her on our way back.hmm i tink thats all for today.And its an enjoyable day today!hope EOY will end sooner!
Had English EOY paper today. Overall it was okay luh jus that had some problems with the english summary and some of the questions. Time seems to pass by so slowy whenever exams are nearing.Other school have alreay finished their exams and start to relax while our school jus started english paper today.And our next paper is on next friday.I cant wait for exams to finish so that i can have fun and enjoy! Started my SS revision. I cant afford to fail ss again. Hope to get a B3 if i achieve it i will be damn happy : ) hope that day will come true. okay gotta go and mug lerh.bye people!and i jus find that my posts are getting shorter and shorter each day.
Yesterday was a super fun and relaxing day!Went to have breakfast with wanni and xuewei first.After that we studied for bout 2 hours at the void deck then went to xuewei's house for awhile then headed to RC again. Yesterday at the RC was quite relaxing though cos we only did SEQ practice : ) managed to complete one seq! After that went to have dinner with Mr Tan, yvonne,xuewei, jq,kokming,jerry and barry. We walked to cp. Chatted alot with Mr Tan when we walk there.Ate at Yoshinoya. Then walk around Cp.Mr Tan went to comics connection with Jq to buy some sort of cards. So childish.After that at around 7 plus decided to go to sculpture park. We chatted about alot of things: lame jokes, gossips etc.Chatted at bout 10 plus then dispersed! Mr Tan is very good actually.He knew that we were all very stressed up so spent alot of time and chat with us to relieve our stress :) and i cant wait for 3E2 chalet after EOY! And today is my Grandma's birthday.Going to celebrate at her house later! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!LOVE YOU ALWAYS <3
Its finally friday!Today is simply just a relaxing day especially english period.Jas asked us to do a mindmap on Freedom but she ended up telling us her life stories instead.It was quite interesting.Will be going for SS class in RC tmr.Hope will learn something there.Bad thing is we must bring Dictionary which is very HEAVY.Hope to get back all my mock exams.Mts Tan told us less than 6 people in our class pass chemistry and i really pray that im one of them who pass.But looking at the fact its very difficult.Anw next Thurday will be our first english EOY followed by other subjects.Im gonna study very hard to get good results!Jiayou to everyone!
Felt quite relaxed now.Jus had physics mock paper.It was sort of difficult!Hope to pass jiu very happy lerh.Am i am very happy now cos tmr no test
The Princess Diary
28 October 2007 is my super unlucky day!Guess what?My handphone was being washed away by rainwater!So damn sad luh all my contacts, messages all lost. It was raining so heavily today, was on my way to my Ah ma's house. Then my dad let me and my sis alight first then they go parking.Then when getting down the car i ran.My handphone then drop out from my pocket and drop onto the floor then bounce off into the drain.The drain was filled with dirty water. I wanted to retrieve back my phone but the water was too strong and washed my hp away into the small hole.I jus stood there and see my hp being washed away. T.T lol so unlucky luh. So jus called to starhub to terminate my phone luh. Wah so sad canot sms liao.hoho so gotta buy a new hp soon : )

Anw tmr getting back results liao.Pray hard that i will do well.Hahas and also band is starting tmr : (
Went cycling at Pasir Ris park today with Amanda,Wanni,Xuewei,Justin,Desmond,Jerry and Kokming. Went arcade and played Daytona.Im the lousiest!But it was quite exciting and fun luh. At bout two plus went cycling. The weather was very hot and we cycled till four plus. And now my leg muscle is aching and this proves that i have not been exercising enough. After that walked back to downtown.Desmond went off first. Then went to arcade awhile. After that i went off to PS to meet up with my family and grandma for dinner. Then shopped around and now im here!okay gtg to watch tv.
Went to Marina Bay with 3e2 people.Bowled first and have steamboat! Justin scored the highest, pro him. And at 6 it was steamboat time! Everyone was like so hyper luh. Amanda and Xw sat beside me. The three of us keep cooking the char siew! Xw's favourite!LOL yusiang best cook all those expensive food one like fish!crab!hahas managed to eat abit of the fish yusiang cooked.thanks! After eating we went arcade awhile. Then walked back to the MRT station. Crapped alot. Was scaring each other on our way back. Just found out that Chermel is actually so dan xiao : ) on reaching MRT station, me and xuewei asked chermel to piggyback us cos leg tired after a long trip.LOL xw could not get on chermel's back!LOL was so funny. Then it was my turn. Chermel dint even know i had actually got onto her back already, then still say faster!LOL me and xw was like laughing all the way. But it was scary to be on her back cos u will feel so insecure!Hoho ... chermel is damn super funny and super crazy!LOL overall it was a fun trip and it feels so good when exams are over!

Raenes, Weiling, Chermel, Amanda,Xuewei, Wanni, Claydeman, Kok ming, Jerry, Justin, Yusiang, Desmond,Poh khoon : ) They rocks! LOL

Yeah just changed my blogskin. The previous red blogskin got alot of problem make me very fedup.Lol i jus love this skin cos its grey!Going my grandparents house later!Its been such a long time since i went to visit them cos was busy with exams etc.Miss them so much!hahas
Having A maths paper one tmrw!It is the last paper and then i can throw all my books away!lol cant wait for tmr. Going out to have steamboat with 3e2 mates.Bet it will be fun.HMMi tink thats all cos i have no idea what to post.lol : )

LOL chatting with Raenes now in msn.She is a super funny, lame, thickskin (jkjk), cute and more!!!!hahahs was laughing alot on one part.Shall not reveal too cos its.....DENG DENG deng deng.Lol DIRTYminded!hahas 15 years old still so childish.hahahs Raenes: You are my best fren (Dog is my best fren)Lol this phrase make me Lol.okay hahahs shall not blog so much gootaa chat wid her more now!BYE PEOPLE!hahahs

Feel quite relaxed now.Cos exams is ending!whheeehhhee all the scripts were quite ok.the subject that i have the least confidence is social studies and chem!hahas reallie studied very hard for ss but in the end?jus hope i can pass and i will be overjoyed! having chinese and E maths tmr and the last paper will be A aths paper two and that will be the end of sec three syllabus.time seems to pass by so quicky and gonna be sec four soon!OMG!hahas okay there;s nothing much to posts actually.Will post more if something happen!Jus found this pic in my com : )

School was normal today. Our english lesson was took over by Mr Tan for social studies revision.Did my revision for SS and maths with guangmin and raenes. And the raenes today duno why abit crazy keep saying"eh please shut ur mouth!' its so funny. After school went straight to staffroom to find Mr Tan with xuewei, kok ming and jerry. We waited for like one hour before we can find Mr Tan? after that we went to 3E2 classroom as the weather suddenly become very hot.Asked Mr Tan to check our work that we have done.Learnt quite alot of things and knew some of the common mistakes all of us make.At bout 1-2 plus went home. Think is xw who started plucking out plant then use the plant tickle my face.the scence is really funny.So me, km and jerry followed.We pluck out the plant then make fun of each other.We even make fun of chinyi too cos saw her on our way back.hmm i tink thats all for today.And its an enjoyable day today!hope EOY will end sooner!
Had English EOY paper today. Overall it was okay luh jus that had some problems with the english summary and some of the questions. Time seems to pass by so slowy whenever exams are nearing.Other school have alreay finished their exams and start to relax while our school jus started english paper today.And our next paper is on next friday.I cant wait for exams to finish so that i can have fun and enjoy! Started my SS revision. I cant afford to fail ss again. Hope to get a B3 if i achieve it i will be damn happy : ) hope that day will come true. okay gotta go and mug lerh.bye people!and i jus find that my posts are getting shorter and shorter each day.
Yesterday was a super fun and relaxing day!Went to have breakfast with wanni and xuewei first.After that we studied for bout 2 hours at the void deck then went to xuewei's house for awhile then headed to RC again. Yesterday at the RC was quite relaxing though cos we only did SEQ practice : ) managed to complete one seq! After that went to have dinner with Mr Tan, yvonne,xuewei, jq,kokming,jerry and barry. We walked to cp. Chatted alot with Mr Tan when we walk there.Ate at Yoshinoya. Then walk around Cp.Mr Tan went to comics connection with Jq to buy some sort of cards. So childish.After that at around 7 plus decided to go to sculpture park. We chatted about alot of things: lame jokes, gossips etc.Chatted at bout 10 plus then dispersed! Mr Tan is very good actually.He knew that we were all very stressed up so spent alot of time and chat with us to relieve our stress :) and i cant wait for 3E2 chalet after EOY! And today is my Grandma's birthday.Going to celebrate at her house later! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!LOVE YOU ALWAYS <3
Its finally friday!Today is simply just a relaxing day especially english period.Jas asked us to do a mindmap on Freedom but she ended up telling us her life stories instead.It was quite interesting.Will be going for SS class in RC tmr.Hope will learn something there.Bad thing is we must bring Dictionary which is very HEAVY.Hope to get back all my mock exams.Mts Tan told us less than 6 people in our class pass chemistry and i really pray that im one of them who pass.But looking at the fact its very difficult.Anw next Thurday will be our first english EOY followed by other subjects.Im gonna study very hard to get good results!Jiayou to everyone!
Felt quite relaxed now.Jus had physics mock paper.It was sort of difficult!Hope to pass jiu very happy lerh.Am i am very happy now cos tmr no test