Woke up and saw km's sms asking me to accompany him go school buy books yesterday. It was like alrdy 3 plus and the bookshop closes at 4pm. LOL. So was rushing can. Funny. Talked alot on the way. I know im entertaining (: Not much books to buy actually. There was no one in the bookshop so did not have to queue. Reached home within an hour. It was fast indeed : )

Went out to Orchard with Liying and Lois today!Trained to Orchard with Liying. Talked alot in the MRT and it was nice talking to her.Long time since we went out together. The last time was like sec one?? Met Lois at Orchard and we went shopping. Went to Taka first. Nothing much there for us to see cos the things there are all branded stuffs. So went to Far East Plaza. Went into every shop to help Lois see nice clothings. Saw one quite nice lace shirt and asked Lois to try on it.And it was quite nice so she bought it.Yeah her taste and mine are similar. Lois bought everything from top to bottom except shorts/ jeans. Guessed she spent quite alot today! I bought nothing except a pair of earrings cos have to save up money for the upcoming chalet.

We practically went in all the shops in Far East Plaza. We walked non stop and our legs become so sour. Was quite tired after the shopping spree. So trained home after that. It was a fun day out with them!
Went queensway today with Amanda, Chermel, Wanni, Xuewei, Clay, Justin, Jerry, Kokming and Yusiang. Wore our steamboat jersey there. The jersey was nice and cool and its worth the money la. Some reached there ate Mac while some ate Laksa. The laksa there is delicious! After lunch went to shop around for clothes. Justin and Clay bought tops and bottoms while Yusiang did not managed to get any cos none suits him. Found out that guys buy things super fast. Its like once they see the clothes they like, they jus TRY, TAKE and GO without much thinking. Then about 5 plus bus-ed and train-ed home. Was crapping and laughing away with amanda, chermel and wanni. Making fun of the names of the train station. And yeah its so fun hanging out with them. These few days keep going out and now im broke.Need to save up soon!And looking forward to our trip to buy food for the chalet!

6 more days to chalet : )
Me and the birthday boy!

Group photo!
Us on the tram
Went out to Sentosa to celebrate Kok Ming's birthday. Amanda, Chermel, Wanni, Weiling, Alastair, Clay, Justin, Jerry, Kokming, Poh khoon rented a bicycle and cycled around.Me and xw did not feel like cycling so we chose to walk instead. We walked up and down sentosa and chatted quite alot : ) After that we went to the beach to play! Cut cake first and sang birthday songs. Took quite a number of photos(All in Wanni's camera!)The group photo was niceeee! After that went to play with seawater. The guy's plan was to push km into the water. However in the end, it ended up with Jerry in the water. The scene was super funny but too bad we did not video it down . After that went to wash up and headed home cos km need to go home early to celebrate his birthday with his family. Went for dinner at CP with amend the and cute cute xuewei! Ate at KFC. After that went to buy things and we walked home!Was singing one particular song and laughing all the way when singing. Shall not elaborate further : ) Going to buy books with the same people mentioned above tmr i tink? Then heading to Chermel's house to collect our Jersey!Hope tmr will be fun! okay gtg bye people! 7 more days to chalet!YEAH!

Still got alot of pictures to go!but lazy to posts.All thanks to Wanni for sending us the photos!

Happy birthday G_ _ _ KM!

Today is the last day of school which means is the last day of studying together with those 3e2 classmates dropping to combine science : ( Went to Amanda's house today with Chermel, Raenes, Wanni, Weiling, Xuewei, Claydeman, Justin, Jerry, kokming and Yusiang. Went home first to bathe and take my DDR mat to her house! Started playing Game of life first. Got bored and went to play DDR in the end. Some played Mahjong while soe played cards. And it was so nice of Amend the to go econ to get the batteries for the DDR mat and she bought all of us ice cream too!So nice of her to Zhao dai us!Thanks and love you amanda! Got so excited while playing. Compete with yusiang!LOL both of us were like doing the same actions and choosing the same songs over and over again.It was indeed fun and we came out of the room perspiring like mad.hahahs and now my feet is so pain cos i tink is i step on the mat too hard.Cos sometimes canot sensor. Had a great day today! Waiting for the chalet to come! 3,4,5 dec!It will be great!

Just got tricked by Alastair and Xinfei on msn just now.They said that they had a mini competition among all sections in band and sax got last among all the group.Then Alas got scolded by instructors blah blah.( refer to Xinfei's blog for more info). LOL and i reallie believed them!So gullible of me!But it was really funny and a relief that it was not true.HENG AR!!!
Tmr will be the last day whereby 3E2 will be studying together already!!Hope tmr will be the a fun and memorable day!hehe and Miss Kua treated us to pizza today!it was nice but the weird thing is she ordered the pizzas she ownself dun wan to eat.LOL and we took photos with her!She is a reallie good teacher and will be missed by us!Anw after the pizza treat, went Wanni's house!heheh it was quite fun and wanni is super hyper when we get to her house.Showed us alot of her photos!hahas thanks us Miss Pak!After that jiu went home.It was indeed a tiring day!
School open house today. Not alot of people came so can it considered to be successful?Still can remember last year there were so many people surrounding all CCA booth and today the canteen was like mostly PeiHwa students and teachers. The performance in hall was quite okay. We played Pirates of the carribean!And i love this music alot cos its fun and exciting.The opening ended at bout 2 plus then went home with my parents. Later going to kovan : )

Woke up super early in the morning like 6.10am to meet up with frens for breakfast at Mcdonalds!We were like super early and thus the gate leading to Mac not open yet.So waited for awhile then have our breakfast.Thought we r the first customer but then some was already waiting for the Mac to open.Faster than us.After that went back to school for our CCA preparation. Band today was okay luh : )
Went off to Airport, terminal three first with Amanda, Chermel, Jasmine, Jerry, Justin, Kokming, Raenes, See swee, Weiling, Wanni, Xuewei and Yusiang. It was quite fun luh. Explored terminal three : ) Danson Tang coming to singapore.But his fans very little and Raenes was like telling everyone 'eh Tang Yu Zhe leh'quite funny luh her.Then after that we went GIANT to shop.Went to check out some prices of food for our 3E2 chalet!Bought those plastic utensils first.Then went IKEA awhile to buy Hotdog bun and Ice cream.And went home after that. Overall it was quite fun but its tiring!
Why must there be a reshuffling of class??!!!! I really dun understand. When this news was told to 3e2, all of us were so shocked and super sad.We thought Mrs Cheow was only kidding with us at first but it was actually true! Really super sad cos 14 students from our cls will not be in 3e2 nxt year.Some of us broke down.Its really cruel to break us up.Why cant we stay together as a united class to study and play together?WHYWHYWHY!3E2 is really a super fun class with so many nice and lovable frens to play and joke with!Although we only know each other for less than one year, we can actually mix so well with each other and now the reshuffle of cls make us damn sad : (

Heard that some of the 3e2 people has already decided to drop to combine science.That means that they will change cls nxt year : ( but nvm!They will be missed by 3E2 alright!Good luck to those taking the test on 18 DEC. Grab this opportunity. This is the only chance to prove urself to the teachers that u can do it! All the best!

Going for breakfast tmr with the 3e2 girls! And the 'steamboat' gang going GIANT after the school open house preparation to check out the prices for food for the 3e2 chalet!

Reallie love 3e2 alot especially all the frens around me!( Refer to either chermel, Raenes or Wanni's blog for names)LOL hope Ms chong will reconsider the reshuffling of class : ( 3e2 cannot be separated!3E2 rocks!< 3<3<3
Today only the sec threes came to school for lesson. But all the stalls except for the first and last stall was open!And we had nothing to eat! Was so hungry so after school went yoshinoya woth esther and xuewei. After that went library cos esther wanted to recommend me a book to read and i borrowed it.Should be quite nice bahs.Then went cold storage to take a look at some frozen food.Needed a rough idea on the price of the food for our coming 3E2 chalet.Hope it will be successful!Cant wait for that day!And yeah there's pe tmr!Hope it will be fun : )
Okay at least my face is not as red as before : ) Just finished doing my SS homework and there is still one more english compo 'heroes' to go.And seriously i have no idea what to write about.Give me some ideas man : ) And im very bored now!!

Went WWW yesterday with amanda,alastair, chermel,clay,desmond,jerry,justin,wanni and xuewei. It was super fun! We went from morning till 5 plus. All of us got sunburn : ) Chermel and wanni's face are the reddest!hahas had loads of fun there and me and wanni is trying to do the handstand in the water.LOL had dinner in whitesands and went home after that.

So went to school today to have normal lessons. After recess was form teacher period.Checking of long mark sheet.Results was okay. After that went for lunch with Yingxuan and Alastair. Alastair did not go for band cos not feeling well. Mus take care! Band is abit boring without him cos he will always make us laugh.

Happy birthday liying!
Was suppposed to go out for movie' the game plan' with the steamboat gang today! But yesterday at night stomach was feeling so unwell so went to see doctor.Hahaas and it was slight food poisoning.So too bad did not go out with them today and i know that i have already missed the FUN : ( nvm there is next time.Hope to go WWW on thurs!Cant wait for that day : ) Just now XW called me while i was in CP with my mum for lunch. They seem to have so much fun there luh, and i could hear Wanni's laughter on the fone background luh, how i wish i was there.hahas and im sure if i get there, toilet will be my second home.LOL feeling better now and i hope Thursday to arrive quickly! okay gotta go play my PS2 now.hahas enjoy people
Had 3 A maths period today!Did alot of maths question.Practically many of us are busy making the card for Mrs Tan : ) the card is beautiful!All thanks to xw and chermel who did the most work!Went to find Mrs Tan after school.Chatted with her for awhile and alastair is so funny shall not expose what he said. Hope Mrs Tan will have a smooth delivery and come back to teach us next year!3E2 needs her alot and we will definitely miss her k!

Its Esther's birthday today!Happy BIRDay sexy babe!LOL one year older liao mus me more mature : )hehes!

And i dislike people who keep saying me and him!So pls stop that nonsense.You know who u r :)
Today had normal lesson.No mood listen in class cos exams are just over. But had pe today. Played rounders and captain's ball.It was fun! Anw went chermel house just now to make some thing. It was very fun and her house is damn nice man!hahas anw Mrs Tan will be on her maternity leave : ( she will not be able to teach us and today is her last day teaching us. Sad luh cos Mrs Tan is a very nice, good and funny teacher!Hope she will come back soon.3E2 needs her alot! : )

hahas and today had alot of fun in class.Cos we started speaking in Japanese, korea and thai language.Learnt alot from Amanda, Raenes and Yvonne.haahs. 1) Mushimushi(By xw) 2)Watashijitomatay!!3)Khidir(duno how spell)4)Anata still got one i forgot liao.That Cute word Raenes always say.But forgot how to say.Anw its fun toking to all of them!LOL love 3e2!
The Princess Diary
Woke up and saw km's sms asking me to accompany him go school buy books yesterday. It was like alrdy 3 plus and the bookshop closes at 4pm. LOL. So was rushing can. Funny. Talked alot on the way. I know im entertaining (: Not much books to buy actually. There was no one in the bookshop so did not have to queue. Reached home within an hour. It was fast indeed : )

Went out to Orchard with Liying and Lois today!Trained to Orchard with Liying. Talked alot in the MRT and it was nice talking to her.Long time since we went out together. The last time was like sec one?? Met Lois at Orchard and we went shopping. Went to Taka first. Nothing much there for us to see cos the things there are all branded stuffs. So went to Far East Plaza. Went into every shop to help Lois see nice clothings. Saw one quite nice lace shirt and asked Lois to try on it.And it was quite nice so she bought it.Yeah her taste and mine are similar. Lois bought everything from top to bottom except shorts/ jeans. Guessed she spent quite alot today! I bought nothing except a pair of earrings cos have to save up money for the upcoming chalet.

We practically went in all the shops in Far East Plaza. We walked non stop and our legs become so sour. Was quite tired after the shopping spree. So trained home after that. It was a fun day out with them!
Went queensway today with Amanda, Chermel, Wanni, Xuewei, Clay, Justin, Jerry, Kokming and Yusiang. Wore our steamboat jersey there. The jersey was nice and cool and its worth the money la. Some reached there ate Mac while some ate Laksa. The laksa there is delicious! After lunch went to shop around for clothes. Justin and Clay bought tops and bottoms while Yusiang did not managed to get any cos none suits him. Found out that guys buy things super fast. Its like once they see the clothes they like, they jus TRY, TAKE and GO without much thinking. Then about 5 plus bus-ed and train-ed home. Was crapping and laughing away with amanda, chermel and wanni. Making fun of the names of the train station. And yeah its so fun hanging out with them. These few days keep going out and now im broke.Need to save up soon!And looking forward to our trip to buy food for the chalet!

6 more days to chalet : )
Me and the birthday boy!

Group photo!
Us on the tram
Went out to Sentosa to celebrate Kok Ming's birthday. Amanda, Chermel, Wanni, Weiling, Alastair, Clay, Justin, Jerry, Kokming, Poh khoon rented a bicycle and cycled around.Me and xw did not feel like cycling so we chose to walk instead. We walked up and down sentosa and chatted quite alot : ) After that we went to the beach to play! Cut cake first and sang birthday songs. Took quite a number of photos(All in Wanni's camera!)The group photo was niceeee! After that went to play with seawater. The guy's plan was to push km into the water. However in the end, it ended up with Jerry in the water. The scene was super funny but too bad we did not video it down . After that went to wash up and headed home cos km need to go home early to celebrate his birthday with his family. Went for dinner at CP with amend the and cute cute xuewei! Ate at KFC. After that went to buy things and we walked home!Was singing one particular song and laughing all the way when singing. Shall not elaborate further : ) Going to buy books with the same people mentioned above tmr i tink? Then heading to Chermel's house to collect our Jersey!Hope tmr will be fun! okay gtg bye people! 7 more days to chalet!YEAH!

Still got alot of pictures to go!but lazy to posts.All thanks to Wanni for sending us the photos!

Happy birthday G_ _ _ KM!

Today is the last day of school which means is the last day of studying together with those 3e2 classmates dropping to combine science : ( Went to Amanda's house today with Chermel, Raenes, Wanni, Weiling, Xuewei, Claydeman, Justin, Jerry, kokming and Yusiang. Went home first to bathe and take my DDR mat to her house! Started playing Game of life first. Got bored and went to play DDR in the end. Some played Mahjong while soe played cards. And it was so nice of Amend the to go econ to get the batteries for the DDR mat and she bought all of us ice cream too!So nice of her to Zhao dai us!Thanks and love you amanda! Got so excited while playing. Compete with yusiang!LOL both of us were like doing the same actions and choosing the same songs over and over again.It was indeed fun and we came out of the room perspiring like mad.hahahs and now my feet is so pain cos i tink is i step on the mat too hard.Cos sometimes canot sensor. Had a great day today! Waiting for the chalet to come! 3,4,5 dec!It will be great!

Just got tricked by Alastair and Xinfei on msn just now.They said that they had a mini competition among all sections in band and sax got last among all the group.Then Alas got scolded by instructors blah blah.( refer to Xinfei's blog for more info). LOL and i reallie believed them!So gullible of me!But it was really funny and a relief that it was not true.HENG AR!!!
Tmr will be the last day whereby 3E2 will be studying together already!!Hope tmr will be the a fun and memorable day!hehe and Miss Kua treated us to pizza today!it was nice but the weird thing is she ordered the pizzas she ownself dun wan to eat.LOL and we took photos with her!She is a reallie good teacher and will be missed by us!Anw after the pizza treat, went Wanni's house!heheh it was quite fun and wanni is super hyper when we get to her house.Showed us alot of her photos!hahas thanks us Miss Pak!After that jiu went home.It was indeed a tiring day!
School open house today. Not alot of people came so can it considered to be successful?Still can remember last year there were so many people surrounding all CCA booth and today the canteen was like mostly PeiHwa students and teachers. The performance in hall was quite okay. We played Pirates of the carribean!And i love this music alot cos its fun and exciting.The opening ended at bout 2 plus then went home with my parents. Later going to kovan : )

Woke up super early in the morning like 6.10am to meet up with frens for breakfast at Mcdonalds!We were like super early and thus the gate leading to Mac not open yet.So waited for awhile then have our breakfast.Thought we r the first customer but then some was already waiting for the Mac to open.Faster than us.After that went back to school for our CCA preparation. Band today was okay luh : )
Went off to Airport, terminal three first with Amanda, Chermel, Jasmine, Jerry, Justin, Kokming, Raenes, See swee, Weiling, Wanni, Xuewei and Yusiang. It was quite fun luh. Explored terminal three : ) Danson Tang coming to singapore.But his fans very little and Raenes was like telling everyone 'eh Tang Yu Zhe leh'quite funny luh her.Then after that we went GIANT to shop.Went to check out some prices of food for our 3E2 chalet!Bought those plastic utensils first.Then went IKEA awhile to buy Hotdog bun and Ice cream.And went home after that. Overall it was quite fun but its tiring!
Why must there be a reshuffling of class??!!!! I really dun understand. When this news was told to 3e2, all of us were so shocked and super sad.We thought Mrs Cheow was only kidding with us at first but it was actually true! Really super sad cos 14 students from our cls will not be in 3e2 nxt year.Some of us broke down.Its really cruel to break us up.Why cant we stay together as a united class to study and play together?WHYWHYWHY!3E2 is really a super fun class with so many nice and lovable frens to play and joke with!Although we only know each other for less than one year, we can actually mix so well with each other and now the reshuffle of cls make us damn sad : (

Heard that some of the 3e2 people has already decided to drop to combine science.That means that they will change cls nxt year : ( but nvm!They will be missed by 3E2 alright!Good luck to those taking the test on 18 DEC. Grab this opportunity. This is the only chance to prove urself to the teachers that u can do it! All the best!

Going for breakfast tmr with the 3e2 girls! And the 'steamboat' gang going GIANT after the school open house preparation to check out the prices for food for the 3e2 chalet!

Reallie love 3e2 alot especially all the frens around me!( Refer to either chermel, Raenes or Wanni's blog for names)LOL hope Ms chong will reconsider the reshuffling of class : ( 3e2 cannot be separated!3E2 rocks!< 3<3<3
Today only the sec threes came to school for lesson. But all the stalls except for the first and last stall was open!And we had nothing to eat! Was so hungry so after school went yoshinoya woth esther and xuewei. After that went library cos esther wanted to recommend me a book to read and i borrowed it.Should be quite nice bahs.Then went cold storage to take a look at some frozen food.Needed a rough idea on the price of the food for our coming 3E2 chalet.Hope it will be successful!Cant wait for that day!And yeah there's pe tmr!Hope it will be fun : )
Okay at least my face is not as red as before : ) Just finished doing my SS homework and there is still one more english compo 'heroes' to go.And seriously i have no idea what to write about.Give me some ideas man : ) And im very bored now!!

Went WWW yesterday with amanda,alastair, chermel,clay,desmond,jerry,justin,wanni and xuewei. It was super fun! We went from morning till 5 plus. All of us got sunburn : ) Chermel and wanni's face are the reddest!hahas had loads of fun there and me and wanni is trying to do the handstand in the water.LOL had dinner in whitesands and went home after that.

So went to school today to have normal lessons. After recess was form teacher period.Checking of long mark sheet.Results was okay. After that went for lunch with Yingxuan and Alastair. Alastair did not go for band cos not feeling well. Mus take care! Band is abit boring without him cos he will always make us laugh.

Happy birthday liying!
Was suppposed to go out for movie' the game plan' with the steamboat gang today! But yesterday at night stomach was feeling so unwell so went to see doctor.Hahaas and it was slight food poisoning.So too bad did not go out with them today and i know that i have already missed the FUN : ( nvm there is next time.Hope to go WWW on thurs!Cant wait for that day : ) Just now XW called me while i was in CP with my mum for lunch. They seem to have so much fun there luh, and i could hear Wanni's laughter on the fone background luh, how i wish i was there.hahas and im sure if i get there, toilet will be my second home.LOL feeling better now and i hope Thursday to arrive quickly! okay gotta go play my PS2 now.hahas enjoy people
Had 3 A maths period today!Did alot of maths question.Practically many of us are busy making the card for Mrs Tan : ) the card is beautiful!All thanks to xw and chermel who did the most work!Went to find Mrs Tan after school.Chatted with her for awhile and alastair is so funny shall not expose what he said. Hope Mrs Tan will have a smooth delivery and come back to teach us next year!3E2 needs her alot and we will definitely miss her k!

Its Esther's birthday today!Happy BIRDay sexy babe!LOL one year older liao mus me more mature : )hehes!

And i dislike people who keep saying me and him!So pls stop that nonsense.You know who u r :)
Today had normal lesson.No mood listen in class cos exams are just over. But had pe today. Played rounders and captain's ball.It was fun! Anw went chermel house just now to make some thing. It was very fun and her house is damn nice man!hahas anw Mrs Tan will be on her maternity leave : ( she will not be able to teach us and today is her last day teaching us. Sad luh cos Mrs Tan is a very nice, good and funny teacher!Hope she will come back soon.3E2 needs her alot! : )

hahas and today had alot of fun in class.Cos we started speaking in Japanese, korea and thai language.Learnt alot from Amanda, Raenes and Yvonne.haahs. 1) Mushimushi(By xw) 2)Watashijitomatay!!3)Khidir(duno how spell)4)Anata still got one i forgot liao.That Cute word Raenes always say.But forgot how to say.Anw its fun toking to all of them!LOL love 3e2!