My mum and sis!
My grandmother and sis!
Lil cousin beside me!

Me and cousins in Poh Heng : )

My aunt at the right. HAHAHA
A clearer view of us!
Went Orchard with my family,cousins,aunts and grandma! Did alot of shopping today and my legs are tired now. Bought alot of things today. HAHA shopped for the whole afternoon and only went home at about ten plus. It is so fun to go out shopping with all my cousins and family they all la. Also, I saw Mrs Tan ( Chemistry teacher) when i was sitting on the bench resting. LOL she saw me too and came to talk to me! And she still recognise me. HOHO when i first saw her my first sentence was ' eh, you still recognise me ar?' then she smiled and said' yeah of course! Wa u so free ar still can go shopping. School reopening in a few days rite? And btw what happen to your hair uh? she smiled' lol i knew she would ask that ques and of course i replied i cut it! hahas it was so funny la after chatting for awhile she went off. She give birth alrdy but dont think she will be coming back to teach us : (

Anw im gonna enjoy my last few days of holidays before school reopens! Going to catch a movie with my cousins on monday! yeah and 8 of us will be going! Im sure it will be a fun trip! Oops i better go and do my homework now. Alot still undone yet. And i am stuck with history hw! I better go post something on elearn lest get scolded. HAHA enjoy people!

Went cousin's house to celebrate christmas on 25/12/07! Had potluck : ) Went there in the afternoon to help out. Then me and cousins played block catching. LOL it was childish but was fun! Its been quite some time me and my cousins had so much fun together/ Had our potluck dinner. Aunt brought two log cakes. It was nice : ) oso sort of sang a birthday song for my lil cousin as her birthday fall on christmas. We did not have gift xchange this year : ( but surprisingly, received a present from my aunt. It was a big betty boop towel! Had a wonderful christmas this year!hohoho
Its christmas eve today! Went to orchard with amanda, clay, jerry, justin, wanni and xuewei. Shopped till five plus cos justin need to buy christmas presents for his cousins! The trip was okay larh but laughed alot during our lunch at KFC. Walked from orchard to ps to look for Justin's one more present then went home after that. Went cp to look for my piano book and went home after that. Going my cousin's house to celebrate christmas and birthday party tmr (My cousin's birthday!)

And I don't think that i will be blogging till school reopens. So gonna blog as much things as possible today! 3e2 will be seperated into different classes when school reopens : ( New year, New textbooks, New teachers and New classmates! How i wish that there is no reshuffling of class cos there are so many lovely and fun friends to mix around with in 3e2! We get closer and closer each time we go out together and even formed a so called 'steamboat gang'!

AMANDA: We are in the same primary school and in the same chinese class before. But we are not so close until we meet in 3E2! You are a very cute and cheerful girl whose laughters are weird and funny (No offence!) Likes to crack lame jokes chotomatayhuiyi. LOL will not be in the same class as you next year, but will definitely remember the days when we do funny things together in class.Will miss you alot! Hope that we will still be as close as before although we are in different class : )

ALASTAIR: A super humourous guy who never fails to make everyone laugh. Quite a funny guy but can be very serious at times. Same class with you for three years and there is still one more year to go! A very nice friend to hang out with. Especially when im in bad mood, its the best to hang out with you cos you will make me laugh till stomach pain! LOL

CHERMEL: Superwoman and so called the leader in the 'steamboat gang!' Only get to know you this year. Nice friend la. Still remember the first time where you and me went to dental in school. Dint dare to talk to you cos i find you quite dao. NO offence! hahas but after this one whole year, found out that you can really talk and crap alot : )

CLAYDERMAN: Same class with you since sec one and two. Three years same class with you. You are always the one who gets the singa award! This proves that you are a good guy la with good attitude blah blah. Different class with you next year but of course we will still keep in touch as friends la. haha =] All the best in everything you do!

DESMOND: Small guy with big voice! LOL but afterall you are quite a caring guy : ) same class with you for three years also but will be different class next year. Quite sad cos cant get to hear your LOUD voice in class next year. And i bet that our class will not be as noisy without your presence. hahas. Good luck in everything too! Not sure if you will read this. hoho

Esther: The sexy babe!hahas you are a wonderful friend :) glad to know you this year. tot u are those pai kia at first but turned out that u r not. Study hard next year hor! Dont always play play and play. LOL hope you can fufill ur wish as an air stewardass!hehe

Guangmin: Cheesecake girl! hahas you are a great friend too!Not bad ar always get first in class never give me as chance!LOL jkjk hahas next year same class again. Hope to know more of you cute guangmin! mol/dm cube!!

JERRY: Know you only this year. The GL king! How to spell Jerry's name? N.O.O.B! LOL quite a funny guy oso la but super gl. The guy who never fails to call me qnly or other nicknames. Long time since i heard you call my name : ) But cannot blame you cos i also call you freak. hahas but quite a nice friend la cos very fun to bully. LOL jkjk

JUSTIN: The youngest guy in our steamboat gang, also in 3E2. Quite gl oso but not as gl as the above gl king! Also got to know you this year. Likes to say : I TELL YOUR MOTHER! guess its quite familiar to xw too. hoho quite a humourous guy too! A nice friend!

KOK MING: Also got to know you this year. The person who sits beside me in class : ) You are quite a playful guy and gong too. Can show all of you what he have done to some of my papers one day. LOL but its quite fun sitting beside you la cos I wont get bored as you are always up to many funny tricks. Quite a nice guy too. Will be different class next year but I am sure we will still keep in contact. Hoho

RAENES: Quite a close friend of mine who never fails to share her things with me. LOL. Also a girl whom we always like to make fun of. A weird girl sometimes too. No offence! But you are the girl whom I feel comfortable to hang out with la. A good friend indeed! Raeneh! Will miss you a lot as we different class next year!

WEILING: A super quiet girl! Seldom talk in class :( But a nice sweet looking girl. Hahas. Hope that you can try to talk more with us. It will be wasted if you never talk cos nobody will get to hear you sweet voice!LOLLL open your mouth and talk to me more!

WANNI: Farrer Pak wanni! Wunny! Hahas a super cheerful girl who is quite innocent looking at times. Can be very lame and is friendly to all especially to me! Hahas jkjk : ) Knew you through alas last year but dint talk. And we are in the same class for the first year! Treasure our friendship a lot and hope that our friendship will last forever ok!

XUEWEI: Same class with you for three years but this is the first year we are so close. I think this is fated! LOL Thanks for your Christmas card! Its so nice and I love it a lot. You are a very nice girl. Thanks for listening to me sometimes, thanks for ur advise. Aiya in short, thanks for everything! Had fun sitting beside you this one whole year. Although we can have some lil conflict sometimes, we still can solve it yea. Hope to have an everlasting friendship with you!

YONGDA: Potential choir member! Always call me HUIYI in a very high tone. Can go Jurong bird park teach those parrots how to sing song! Your future career.LOL jkjk Funny guy too. But ask you go out with us always cannot except for a few times! But cannot blame you la hor cos you got…hoho you can look super innocent at times, quite funny. Haha good friend too!

YUSIANG: Same class with you for three years oso. Find you quite playful especially when you are with chermel. LOL had fun playing DDR with you in amanda’s house. Hahas …one two little bitch, familiar bahs. All the best in everything you do next year! Good luck.

I know i have nothing better to do to write all this. Cause im too bored! Anw, please leave a tag if u all have read these :)

Christmas will be arriving at about 1hour45 mins time! LOL guess i wont be so free to blog at exactly 12 cos my favourite tv programme starts at 12 too! So, wish everybody a merry christmas in advance and enjoy the last few weeks of holidays before school reopens!

Chermel invited us to her house there to celebrate her birthday with her relatives and friends on Thursday. Wanni, xuewei, justin, jerry and alastair went. Quite fun there. Went home at about eleven plus. Next day went out again to celebrate. Went Jurong East to ice skate. Amanda, wanni, xuewei, raenes, weiling, chermel, yusiang, pk, kokming, jerry, justin, clay, desmond, yongda and yiyang. went. Ate lunch first then went for ice skating. It was very fun there. Some who duno how to ice skate at first knew how to ice skate abit after the long hours of "training" there. Wanni is super funny larh when she ice skate.I fell down quite a number of times. Two times was when i was skating with miss pak! Another was by yonda who pulled me when he was about to fall( Jerry's fault!) LOL another one was when pk and desmond fell down at the same time. Clay wanted to help them up but did not see me infront and accidentally tripped me. hahas but it was a fun trip indeed! Lots of laughters were created all because of those wonderful friends around! Once again, i would like to wish CHERMEL and YENPING a happy belated birthday!!!!
Went Malaysia on Saturday. Bought alot of things there and shopped alot. It was quite a fun trip la.

Went out today with xuewei and wanni! Went to Bugis(My second home) first. Three of us wanted to buy shirt but nothing seems to attract us. Maybe some are too expensive. So at bout 5 plus went to AMK hub to shop. Wanted to shop for clothes! But bought nothing in the end after a whole long day. Went to have dinner at s11. Wanni and Xw told me that they asked jerry to come down find us. I dint believe until he actually appeared in front of me.hahahs chatted alot of things that make us laugh non stop.haha wanni went off first cos her dad fetch her home.So me,xw and jerry chatted for awhile more until bout 7 plus then go home. Took bus 86 home. Chatted alot on bus. Me and xw oso chatted alot even after we alight from the bus. Stood at the bus stop there for about quite long. Then went home at bout 9 plus. It was a nice day out!

Went for some sort of prayers last week. It was quite tiring cause need to be there from afternoon to late at night. But some parts of the prayer was quite fun need to run around.LOL hmm so stayed at home this few days. Dint went out with xw they all to watch enchanted and do homework cos could not make it.
My BIGfoot!
footprints : )

Me and Yvonne!
Yongda and me!
The guys in the girls' room!
Guangmin's artwork!

This is gonna be a super naggy and long post. 3E2 chalet had given me alot of wonderful memories with all the lovely friends around me. And im gonna posts all those things that happen in the chalet if i remember! So pardon me if u squint ur eyes while reading : )

First day of chalet: All of us met at 12pm at compassvale lrt. We set if this time cos we thought that sure got alot of people late. But at last, most of them were so punctual!Guess 3E2 is excited about the chalet. Bus-ed to downtown east and settled in the waiting area.Could not check in cos it was too early and we need an 18 year old to help us check in i think. So most of them went to have lunch while me, guangmin, yvonne, alastair, clay and weiling stayed to look after the belongings. Listened to music, took photos and chat alot with Gm and Yvonne. Time past by so slowly and we still could not check in. So after they finish their lunch we headed to arcade.Some played daytona, some basketball and some photo hunt!Me,Gm and yvonne played photo hunt at first and more people came to join us after that. The photos they gave were so funny. After that played basketball with xuewei and chermel. We only managed to get into the second level.We r lousy.Hahas after that received a call from clay that we can check in.So all of us headed back to check in!Heard that Esther coming so all of us lined up one straight line to welcome her and she was so paiseh!Our chalet was located so far behind larh make us walk and walk. Room was quite small but lucky we book two rm : ) the guys one while the girls one.Started playing poker while some played game of life. Then in the late afternoon was movie time!watched house of wax. Its super nice larh although i watched it about three times?

At night we went to park to take a was rather a long walk.Walked to the playground.Wanted to play on the swing but some said it is not good to swing at night so we just hang around there. Went back chalet, washed up and movie again!One room was watching snakes on plane while the other was alone!Xw was sleeping but woke up when the movie is about to end. While i laid on the bed feeling tired but couldn't get to slp.After movie some went to mc to eat while some decided to slp!Most of us dint slp in the first day. Some played poker outside.While me,km,jq,des played game of life till mornin. Des was super funny in the game.Played till bout 6am in the morning then went to have breakfast at Mac with yvonne,raenes, wanni, pk, km,yd,jq,clay and ys.The others went to whitesands to eat. After eating me,yvonne,des and km went back to chalet to slp. Amanda and xw join after that. We slept oni for like 1hr30 mins and its 930am oni.

second day: Waited for those who fell alsp also to wake up and we went to park to play. Some cycled while some went to the playground to play and take photos. It was quite fun though. Went to beach to walk. Played for awhile and all of us went back after that cos pk was all alone in the chalet : ) Then esther came and she went swimming with some of the boys. While amanda,xw,weiling,justin,jerry,yd and me started to prepare food for the bbq. some defroze stingray and prawns, some marinate the stingray, some prepare the rose syrup while some help in the corn wrapping.LOL it was fun preparing those bbq food. Mr Tan came after that and went straight to chalet to play poker with those boys while some at the other room watching tv. Started our bbq at bout 5-6 plus? Then bbq-ed at bout 10 plus jiu stop le. Washed up. Xuewei, wanni, amanda, justin and km wanted to slp.So they slept in the girl's rm while the other people ws in another room playing games.Mr Tan went out to cheers to buy tidbits and snacks.He bought 3 Ben n Jerry's ice cream and also DVD too!LOL they watched 881 and is like the whole rm was packed with people.So me, raenes, yvonne, jerry, yongda went outside to slack. At bought 2am in the morning, all came out to have the ice cream. Then i asked them why not tmr then eat.Then Mr Tan replied u cant expect them to eat ice cream in the morning at breakfast rite?LOL then esther was like laughing. After their ice cream most of them went to slp! Wanted to slp but all the bed was like occupied and cold in there.

So Pk suggested to play game of life and so we played. Mr Tan, David, Barry, Pk and desmond the banker was in the game. hahas played one round of it and my eyes was closing larh. Mr Tan was the winner in the end.Sat on the stairs and slp. Quite comfortable but neck was real pain. Woke up by the noises and Mr Tan suggested to go out to take a walk. me,yvonne,raenes, des,pk,jaryl, jerry,barry,david,yusiang went. Settled outside the arcade and sat there for awhile.Fell aslp there. But woke up when des and david was playing the hai dai game.Thier action super funny make us laugh till peng. Mr Tan recommended us a card game and felt interested.So was awake and we went cheers but diff types of drinks. Settled at an area of the chalet and started our game.It was so fun! Those loser got to drink the drink make up of diff types of drinks.I was made to drink it three time.hahas then played the new type zong ji mi ma.LOL quite interesting.Then got sian of it so went play truth or dare.Shall not elaborate what had happened. At bout 4-5 am we headed back. Some were still aslp so sat outside the chalet and chatted with Mr Tan .Time flies and its 630am in the morning. My eyes was closing by then.LOL those who jus woke up went to have breakfast with Mr Tan while me and yvonne went back to slp. Slept on the floor with my face lying on the bed. I remembered myself slping in the boy's rm but in the late morning i found myself in the girl's rm.LOL woke up and its 8 plus in the morning.

3rd day: Some were still slping but packed up first. Fell slp again after waiting for them to pack up. Then finally we wanted to check out.But it started to rain a little.No choice and had to wait again!Those energetic ones played poker and watched tv. Me and Amanda sat outside the chalet to wait for the rain to stop and she and I fell alsp too. After rain had stopped, home sweet home!
The Princess Diary
My mum and sis!
My grandmother and sis!
Lil cousin beside me!

Me and cousins in Poh Heng : )

My aunt at the right. HAHAHA
A clearer view of us!
Went Orchard with my family,cousins,aunts and grandma! Did alot of shopping today and my legs are tired now. Bought alot of things today. HAHA shopped for the whole afternoon and only went home at about ten plus. It is so fun to go out shopping with all my cousins and family they all la. Also, I saw Mrs Tan ( Chemistry teacher) when i was sitting on the bench resting. LOL she saw me too and came to talk to me! And she still recognise me. HOHO when i first saw her my first sentence was ' eh, you still recognise me ar?' then she smiled and said' yeah of course! Wa u so free ar still can go shopping. School reopening in a few days rite? And btw what happen to your hair uh? she smiled' lol i knew she would ask that ques and of course i replied i cut it! hahas it was so funny la after chatting for awhile she went off. She give birth alrdy but dont think she will be coming back to teach us : (

Anw im gonna enjoy my last few days of holidays before school reopens! Going to catch a movie with my cousins on monday! yeah and 8 of us will be going! Im sure it will be a fun trip! Oops i better go and do my homework now. Alot still undone yet. And i am stuck with history hw! I better go post something on elearn lest get scolded. HAHA enjoy people!

Went cousin's house to celebrate christmas on 25/12/07! Had potluck : ) Went there in the afternoon to help out. Then me and cousins played block catching. LOL it was childish but was fun! Its been quite some time me and my cousins had so much fun together/ Had our potluck dinner. Aunt brought two log cakes. It was nice : ) oso sort of sang a birthday song for my lil cousin as her birthday fall on christmas. We did not have gift xchange this year : ( but surprisingly, received a present from my aunt. It was a big betty boop towel! Had a wonderful christmas this year!hohoho
Its christmas eve today! Went to orchard with amanda, clay, jerry, justin, wanni and xuewei. Shopped till five plus cos justin need to buy christmas presents for his cousins! The trip was okay larh but laughed alot during our lunch at KFC. Walked from orchard to ps to look for Justin's one more present then went home after that. Went cp to look for my piano book and went home after that. Going my cousin's house to celebrate christmas and birthday party tmr (My cousin's birthday!)

And I don't think that i will be blogging till school reopens. So gonna blog as much things as possible today! 3e2 will be seperated into different classes when school reopens : ( New year, New textbooks, New teachers and New classmates! How i wish that there is no reshuffling of class cos there are so many lovely and fun friends to mix around with in 3e2! We get closer and closer each time we go out together and even formed a so called 'steamboat gang'!

AMANDA: We are in the same primary school and in the same chinese class before. But we are not so close until we meet in 3E2! You are a very cute and cheerful girl whose laughters are weird and funny (No offence!) Likes to crack lame jokes chotomatayhuiyi. LOL will not be in the same class as you next year, but will definitely remember the days when we do funny things together in class.Will miss you alot! Hope that we will still be as close as before although we are in different class : )

ALASTAIR: A super humourous guy who never fails to make everyone laugh. Quite a funny guy but can be very serious at times. Same class with you for three years and there is still one more year to go! A very nice friend to hang out with. Especially when im in bad mood, its the best to hang out with you cos you will make me laugh till stomach pain! LOL

CHERMEL: Superwoman and so called the leader in the 'steamboat gang!' Only get to know you this year. Nice friend la. Still remember the first time where you and me went to dental in school. Dint dare to talk to you cos i find you quite dao. NO offence! hahas but after this one whole year, found out that you can really talk and crap alot : )

CLAYDERMAN: Same class with you since sec one and two. Three years same class with you. You are always the one who gets the singa award! This proves that you are a good guy la with good attitude blah blah. Different class with you next year but of course we will still keep in touch as friends la. haha =] All the best in everything you do!

DESMOND: Small guy with big voice! LOL but afterall you are quite a caring guy : ) same class with you for three years also but will be different class next year. Quite sad cos cant get to hear your LOUD voice in class next year. And i bet that our class will not be as noisy without your presence. hahas. Good luck in everything too! Not sure if you will read this. hoho

Esther: The sexy babe!hahas you are a wonderful friend :) glad to know you this year. tot u are those pai kia at first but turned out that u r not. Study hard next year hor! Dont always play play and play. LOL hope you can fufill ur wish as an air stewardass!hehe

Guangmin: Cheesecake girl! hahas you are a great friend too!Not bad ar always get first in class never give me as chance!LOL jkjk hahas next year same class again. Hope to know more of you cute guangmin! mol/dm cube!!

JERRY: Know you only this year. The GL king! How to spell Jerry's name? N.O.O.B! LOL quite a funny guy oso la but super gl. The guy who never fails to call me qnly or other nicknames. Long time since i heard you call my name : ) But cannot blame you cos i also call you freak. hahas but quite a nice friend la cos very fun to bully. LOL jkjk

JUSTIN: The youngest guy in our steamboat gang, also in 3E2. Quite gl oso but not as gl as the above gl king! Also got to know you this year. Likes to say : I TELL YOUR MOTHER! guess its quite familiar to xw too. hoho quite a humourous guy too! A nice friend!

KOK MING: Also got to know you this year. The person who sits beside me in class : ) You are quite a playful guy and gong too. Can show all of you what he have done to some of my papers one day. LOL but its quite fun sitting beside you la cos I wont get bored as you are always up to many funny tricks. Quite a nice guy too. Will be different class next year but I am sure we will still keep in contact. Hoho

RAENES: Quite a close friend of mine who never fails to share her things with me. LOL. Also a girl whom we always like to make fun of. A weird girl sometimes too. No offence! But you are the girl whom I feel comfortable to hang out with la. A good friend indeed! Raeneh! Will miss you a lot as we different class next year!

WEILING: A super quiet girl! Seldom talk in class :( But a nice sweet looking girl. Hahas. Hope that you can try to talk more with us. It will be wasted if you never talk cos nobody will get to hear you sweet voice!LOLLL open your mouth and talk to me more!

WANNI: Farrer Pak wanni! Wunny! Hahas a super cheerful girl who is quite innocent looking at times. Can be very lame and is friendly to all especially to me! Hahas jkjk : ) Knew you through alas last year but dint talk. And we are in the same class for the first year! Treasure our friendship a lot and hope that our friendship will last forever ok!

XUEWEI: Same class with you for three years but this is the first year we are so close. I think this is fated! LOL Thanks for your Christmas card! Its so nice and I love it a lot. You are a very nice girl. Thanks for listening to me sometimes, thanks for ur advise. Aiya in short, thanks for everything! Had fun sitting beside you this one whole year. Although we can have some lil conflict sometimes, we still can solve it yea. Hope to have an everlasting friendship with you!

YONGDA: Potential choir member! Always call me HUIYI in a very high tone. Can go Jurong bird park teach those parrots how to sing song! Your future career.LOL jkjk Funny guy too. But ask you go out with us always cannot except for a few times! But cannot blame you la hor cos you got…hoho you can look super innocent at times, quite funny. Haha good friend too!

YUSIANG: Same class with you for three years oso. Find you quite playful especially when you are with chermel. LOL had fun playing DDR with you in amanda’s house. Hahas …one two little bitch, familiar bahs. All the best in everything you do next year! Good luck.

I know i have nothing better to do to write all this. Cause im too bored! Anw, please leave a tag if u all have read these :)

Christmas will be arriving at about 1hour45 mins time! LOL guess i wont be so free to blog at exactly 12 cos my favourite tv programme starts at 12 too! So, wish everybody a merry christmas in advance and enjoy the last few weeks of holidays before school reopens!

Chermel invited us to her house there to celebrate her birthday with her relatives and friends on Thursday. Wanni, xuewei, justin, jerry and alastair went. Quite fun there. Went home at about eleven plus. Next day went out again to celebrate. Went Jurong East to ice skate. Amanda, wanni, xuewei, raenes, weiling, chermel, yusiang, pk, kokming, jerry, justin, clay, desmond, yongda and yiyang. went. Ate lunch first then went for ice skating. It was very fun there. Some who duno how to ice skate at first knew how to ice skate abit after the long hours of "training" there. Wanni is super funny larh when she ice skate.I fell down quite a number of times. Two times was when i was skating with miss pak! Another was by yonda who pulled me when he was about to fall( Jerry's fault!) LOL another one was when pk and desmond fell down at the same time. Clay wanted to help them up but did not see me infront and accidentally tripped me. hahas but it was a fun trip indeed! Lots of laughters were created all because of those wonderful friends around! Once again, i would like to wish CHERMEL and YENPING a happy belated birthday!!!!
Went Malaysia on Saturday. Bought alot of things there and shopped alot. It was quite a fun trip la.

Went out today with xuewei and wanni! Went to Bugis(My second home) first. Three of us wanted to buy shirt but nothing seems to attract us. Maybe some are too expensive. So at bout 5 plus went to AMK hub to shop. Wanted to shop for clothes! But bought nothing in the end after a whole long day. Went to have dinner at s11. Wanni and Xw told me that they asked jerry to come down find us. I dint believe until he actually appeared in front of me.hahahs chatted alot of things that make us laugh non stop.haha wanni went off first cos her dad fetch her home.So me,xw and jerry chatted for awhile more until bout 7 plus then go home. Took bus 86 home. Chatted alot on bus. Me and xw oso chatted alot even after we alight from the bus. Stood at the bus stop there for about quite long. Then went home at bout 9 plus. It was a nice day out!

Went for some sort of prayers last week. It was quite tiring cause need to be there from afternoon to late at night. But some parts of the prayer was quite fun need to run around.LOL hmm so stayed at home this few days. Dint went out with xw they all to watch enchanted and do homework cos could not make it.
My BIGfoot!
footprints : )

Me and Yvonne!
Yongda and me!
The guys in the girls' room!
Guangmin's artwork!

This is gonna be a super naggy and long post. 3E2 chalet had given me alot of wonderful memories with all the lovely friends around me. And im gonna posts all those things that happen in the chalet if i remember! So pardon me if u squint ur eyes while reading : )

First day of chalet: All of us met at 12pm at compassvale lrt. We set if this time cos we thought that sure got alot of people late. But at last, most of them were so punctual!Guess 3E2 is excited about the chalet. Bus-ed to downtown east and settled in the waiting area.Could not check in cos it was too early and we need an 18 year old to help us check in i think. So most of them went to have lunch while me, guangmin, yvonne, alastair, clay and weiling stayed to look after the belongings. Listened to music, took photos and chat alot with Gm and Yvonne. Time past by so slowly and we still could not check in. So after they finish their lunch we headed to arcade.Some played daytona, some basketball and some photo hunt!Me,Gm and yvonne played photo hunt at first and more people came to join us after that. The photos they gave were so funny. After that played basketball with xuewei and chermel. We only managed to get into the second level.We r lousy.Hahas after that received a call from clay that we can check in.So all of us headed back to check in!Heard that Esther coming so all of us lined up one straight line to welcome her and she was so paiseh!Our chalet was located so far behind larh make us walk and walk. Room was quite small but lucky we book two rm : ) the guys one while the girls one.Started playing poker while some played game of life. Then in the late afternoon was movie time!watched house of wax. Its super nice larh although i watched it about three times?

At night we went to park to take a was rather a long walk.Walked to the playground.Wanted to play on the swing but some said it is not good to swing at night so we just hang around there. Went back chalet, washed up and movie again!One room was watching snakes on plane while the other was alone!Xw was sleeping but woke up when the movie is about to end. While i laid on the bed feeling tired but couldn't get to slp.After movie some went to mc to eat while some decided to slp!Most of us dint slp in the first day. Some played poker outside.While me,km,jq,des played game of life till mornin. Des was super funny in the game.Played till bout 6am in the morning then went to have breakfast at Mac with yvonne,raenes, wanni, pk, km,yd,jq,clay and ys.The others went to whitesands to eat. After eating me,yvonne,des and km went back to chalet to slp. Amanda and xw join after that. We slept oni for like 1hr30 mins and its 930am oni.

second day: Waited for those who fell alsp also to wake up and we went to park to play. Some cycled while some went to the playground to play and take photos. It was quite fun though. Went to beach to walk. Played for awhile and all of us went back after that cos pk was all alone in the chalet : ) Then esther came and she went swimming with some of the boys. While amanda,xw,weiling,justin,jerry,yd and me started to prepare food for the bbq. some defroze stingray and prawns, some marinate the stingray, some prepare the rose syrup while some help in the corn wrapping.LOL it was fun preparing those bbq food. Mr Tan came after that and went straight to chalet to play poker with those boys while some at the other room watching tv. Started our bbq at bout 5-6 plus? Then bbq-ed at bout 10 plus jiu stop le. Washed up. Xuewei, wanni, amanda, justin and km wanted to slp.So they slept in the girl's rm while the other people ws in another room playing games.Mr Tan went out to cheers to buy tidbits and snacks.He bought 3 Ben n Jerry's ice cream and also DVD too!LOL they watched 881 and is like the whole rm was packed with people.So me, raenes, yvonne, jerry, yongda went outside to slack. At bought 2am in the morning, all came out to have the ice cream. Then i asked them why not tmr then eat.Then Mr Tan replied u cant expect them to eat ice cream in the morning at breakfast rite?LOL then esther was like laughing. After their ice cream most of them went to slp! Wanted to slp but all the bed was like occupied and cold in there.

So Pk suggested to play game of life and so we played. Mr Tan, David, Barry, Pk and desmond the banker was in the game. hahas played one round of it and my eyes was closing larh. Mr Tan was the winner in the end.Sat on the stairs and slp. Quite comfortable but neck was real pain. Woke up by the noises and Mr Tan suggested to go out to take a walk. me,yvonne,raenes, des,pk,jaryl, jerry,barry,david,yusiang went. Settled outside the arcade and sat there for awhile.Fell aslp there. But woke up when des and david was playing the hai dai game.Thier action super funny make us laugh till peng. Mr Tan recommended us a card game and felt interested.So was awake and we went cheers but diff types of drinks. Settled at an area of the chalet and started our game.It was so fun! Those loser got to drink the drink make up of diff types of drinks.I was made to drink it three time.hahas then played the new type zong ji mi ma.LOL quite interesting.Then got sian of it so went play truth or dare.Shall not elaborate what had happened. At bout 4-5 am we headed back. Some were still aslp so sat outside the chalet and chatted with Mr Tan .Time flies and its 630am in the morning. My eyes was closing by then.LOL those who jus woke up went to have breakfast with Mr Tan while me and yvonne went back to slp. Slept on the floor with my face lying on the bed. I remembered myself slping in the boy's rm but in the late morning i found myself in the girl's rm.LOL woke up and its 8 plus in the morning.

3rd day: Some were still slping but packed up first. Fell slp again after waiting for them to pack up. Then finally we wanted to check out.But it started to rain a little.No choice and had to wait again!Those energetic ones played poker and watched tv. Me and Amanda sat outside the chalet to wait for the rain to stop and she and I fell alsp too. After rain had stopped, home sweet home!