Hd physics class test today! Its quite hard though but luckily its not common test. hohoho then got back chinese idiom common test. Got very low for the test : ( luckily alot of people around me got almost the same marks as me, so its okay luh. Shall try harder next time. Then was A maths. Mrs cheow gave us one period A maths to do our decoration cos was told that the judges will be going around takingphots of classes at around 3 pm. So had to rush out the deco. And its good to see the e2 people working together and enjoying in doing the deco. As we are too enthu into doing the deco, Mr Tan was unable to settle us and thus we ate into his SS Period and continued doing our deco! LOL had fun helping out in the decorations : ) stayed back after school for awhile too. Then went for lunch. Lunched with yvonne, gabriel, naqib and matthew. LOL Gabriel told me and yvonne the 'baked beans' joke and it took us to laugh only after he explained to us the second time. We are slow indeed. Then he taught us how to play the cube. Its so hard even for me to solve the first layer! Then after that went for band. And of course we are late. Then sectionals.Its boringgg! But luckily got yingxuan. hahas then after that went home with amanda, chermel, raenes, xw, jerry, justin, gabriel, huayao and naqib : )
Had physics class test todayyyy. Oh man its quite hard though but lucky its not common test. hohohoho got back chinese idiom test. LOL and i failed. So low can : ) hahas but lucky alot of people also got the same marks as me. So nvm la. lol used one period of A maths to do the CNY deco cos heard that the judges going to come at around 3pm to take photos of the class. LOL as the e2 people were too engrossed in doing their parts of the deco, Mr Tan cant seem to get us to settle down for SS lesson. And yeah ate up Mr Tan's ss lesson too to use for deco. HOHO had loads of fun decorating the classroom and it feels nice to see everyone cooperating :) Stayed back after school to help out awhile then was asked to get out of the classroom cos of some ACE english program thingy. Then went for lunch cos having band later. Ate with yvonne, gabriel, naqib and matthew. Gab told me and yvonne a 'baked beans' joke but it took us to laugh after he explained it the second time cos we did not get it at first! Then after lunch he us how to do the cube thing and i still can't get it! He is like so pro can. LOL say im slow or what luh. then went for band. Was of course late! Went home with amanda, raenes,
Yesterday went to school for Ace humanities class. Met amanda, chermel and raenes to go to school together. When we reach school, we were running to the canteen asking the auntie whether can we put the cake in the fridge before we ran up to the AVA. Luckily the class has not started. Then class-ed all the way till 9.30 then break time. Continued for SS lessons till 11.45pm i think. Did the utility questions. Quite hard though dint rellie understand the structure of how to write. Mr Tan said that those who want to leave can leave first, the others who have question can stay back ask him. Surprisingly, the whole of e2 stayed. And of course for a reason! All of us did what we are supposed to do. Some stayed in class to ask Mr Tan question first. While some went to bring up the cake and prepare the card and planning to sing the birthday song when the cake is brought in to the AVA room. We only light up 18 candles! Mr Tan remain 18 years old forever. LOL justin brought the cake in and everyone started singing birthday song. And Mr Tan was like quite surprised i think. Then took a class photo! First time taking a photo with 4e2! And yeah ate the cake at canteen, crapped around and went home after that with amanda, raenes and xw.

Went home and train-ed to bugis with sis. Went to see the basketball match. Alot of basketballers there. Luckily we were on time and saw the match played by christopher, kokming and sean. They won the first and second match! Quite exciting though. Sandra, jane they all were there. Yvonne with e4 ppl too. Then arcade, walk around with sis. LOL then at 6 plus went to downtown east the restaurant there to meet up with family, cousins, grandparents. Had early reunion dinner : ) then arcade again! LOL its fun. played basketball and initial D. Then went home after that.

They had the 3rd match today. They lost the match but however, the important thing is that they have enjoyed in the competition!
One week has past so quickly! And its friday today : ) Had to stay back for the CNY rehearsal and today band is realeased super late! at 6.45pm! reached home only at 7 plus. Had ace SS class today. Combined with 4e5 in the AVA room. The class was okay la can concentrate cos there is aircon! LOL then went to have lunch with yvonne. Luke and JQ joined us after that. The others went for class deco. Then band all the way till 6 pm! Was damn tired after that. Heard that we still need to wear band uniform during that day and i guess we will be hot to death man! Had PE lesson. Floorball was not as fun as i think. Maybe it is just the start of the basics. Must wait till the real game then i think i will enjoy having pe.

Had Maths test last thursday i think. E maths and probability somemore! i don't think i will fair well for this paper. Same for chinese! LOL alot of test is coming up and i start to feel so stressed out! Everyday teacher will keep mentioning the word 'O levels' which make us so stressed out. :( can they dont mention the word just for one day??!

And And happy birthday in advance to Mr Tan. It is exactly left with 12 mins before ur birthday! All the best in everything u do and you are a great teacher! hoho
School was okay today. Started off with english lessons. One word to describe it BORING! did compre and i only managed to do only 8 ques it the past 45 mins cos the passage was too hard for me to understand. LOL and jas reminded me of one thing ' aiyo she very weirdo one leh, from last year she can always hand in the work on time. She can give me crap work but can also give me fantastic work. Depends on her mood. 'She said this cos we all did a compo on our niche area. then she asked those who got 20 and above to stand up. surprisingly im one of them :) those others who stand up were like those english person like chermel, david,chery, jessica and more. Cant remember. Then people like jaryl were like 'huh?! huiyi?' LOL but its really funny.

CME was so relaxed. Was supposed to do the CNY deco but the admin work took us 50 mins to complete. Mr Tan asked us to form a sort of like a study group. My group was with xw, yongda and JQ. Hope this study group will be good. hahahs then was assembly. It was okay la about some cyber games presentation. Thenstayed back for awhole to do the CNY deco. Great to see alot of 4e2 staying back to help out. Hope we can win! LOL Mr Tan said: 'WE MUST WIN!'
Me, sis, justin and eric LOL
What are they doing??
Scissors, paper, stone
Identify mine?

At dhoby xchange
In the toilet!
While listening to Eric's story..

My story telling time!
Outside the shop. hehe
Last Saturday went out with my cousin, sis and her friends to Bugis first. Sis went to take part in the arcade bball competition. LOL went there to support her too la. Hoho played at the arcade for awhile before heading to bugis street. It was damn crowded can but had an enjoyable day there. Bought a skinny jeans too. Cousin bought a skirt at only 20 bucks! Super cheap man. Then after that we walked to suntec city. It drizzled halfway on our way there. Me and my cousin ran cos we dint want to get wet! While my sis and her friends strolled their way there.

At the millennia walk, we went to candy empire. Bought some candies to eat. Of course candy empire’s candy is nice luh but super expensive. Mini toons one cheaper. LOL went Carrefour and shopped around suntec. Then went to Marina square. Walked around there to accompany my sis’s friend for clothes. Then arcade again! Time crisis and more :) Stayed at the arcade for about until 7 plus then went for dinner at Dhoby Xchange! But me and my cousin trained back to bugis to buy the skirt she wanted then meet the rest at dhoby xchange. Reached dhoby at bought 8 plus. Then started eating and crapping a lot. LOL then started telling ghost stories! OMG some stories are simply too scary and weird. Hoho and the funny and cool thing is all the shops around dhoby has closed and we are the only customer left eating there. The place is closed at 10.30 and at 10.15 we are still there listening to one another’s story. LOL super funny can. Had a lot of fun with them! First time going out with sis friend and they are super funny and friendly. That’s a good thing indeed. Then trained home and reached home at bout 12 plus. Wonderful day out!!
Well since i had not been updating regularly, i shall blog about what happen from tuesday to friday! It will be good if i can rmb what happened these few days :)

Tueday Jan 15 2008: Cannot really remeber what exactly happen! OMG but the only thing that i can remember is during physics practical. Sat with Wilson Ang. New classmate. LOL he is quite nice la. But the prac is damn boring and its so stuffy in the room. Did the light rays refraction and reflection thingy. It was quite hard though to draw a straight line of the light ray. AFter that was FT. Hahas it is fun! The whole class discussed about the CNY decorations and we have an idea of what to do for the deco 'ideal new year'! When other people is discussing about what ideas to have, me, xw and sandra went to add some things on the board. hahas it is so funny la. But the thing is that Mr Tan said that our idea is similar to theirs. So can say we got mo qi!Hope 4e2 can win so that Jerry can go up and collect the prize.LOL

Wednesday Jan 16 2008: Cme went to computer lab to do the career exploration test! Mr Tan wanted us to do so that And it seems that the test is not accurate enough! According to my abilities, the only job that quite matches me is Manager- hotel :( hoho but the funny thing is those job that i dint choose keep appearing on the screen saying it matches. E.g pilot! Chermel dun be jealous ok! hahas yea and assembly after that. Had some boring musical performance by the SAF? then school ended. and the good news is wednesday band practice had been cancelled for the sec fours! That means i can go home earlier on wednesday! wow so happy man

Thusday Jan 17 2008: First period was chemistry prac. It was not fun at all! While burning some chemicals, the chemical suddenly splash out from the test tube and it was hot and of course splash on my hand la. It happened to dorothy too! And the funny thing is that both of us were sitting at the same row of the table : ) can say we are clumsy! SS lesson was the last period and i was alrdy v tired in the lesson. Had a so called 'seq mini test'. Were given 15 mins to read up notes and 25 mins to do the seq. Wrote only a lil for the seq as my mind was not really functioning and i could not remeber what i have revised during the 15 mins! Feel so stressed out :( After that was trip to Ngee Ann poly. Feel it is a totally waste of time there. Did not learn anything. All i know was all of us each got a goodie bag. LOL

Friday Jan 18 2008: Happy that i got into the module floorball! so happy about it. Luckily im not in the outdoor education. Our teacher was Ms/ Mrs Tan. Cant rmb. My name was not called out when she was taking attendance. LOL then i tot i heard wrongly that i got into the floorball. LOL but in the end, the teacher said that she did not see my name cos my name was the last one and she did not see -.- then was explanation about the floorball thing. Then suddenly, ms Tan looked at me and asked me not to gv her the blur face! But im not giving the blur face what. LOL so ps. Then she wanted to choose the leader. Then told the students in the floorball module : "Erm huiyi arh cannot choose her to be the leader cos she is too blur. And she may bring all of you to the wrong place anytime during PE." Wah and everyone started laughing. But nvm i will show her that im not that blur ok!

And math lesson was quite funny today. Was given one period to complete our homework. The wilson Ang is damn funny. Chia Hwee too. Asked him math but no matter how he explain, i still dun understand what he is talking. And the way he talks is quite serious too. LOL Wilson actually heard what mrs cheow told me to do for the maths ques which i had problem doing with. So whenever he saw me, even today after school he keep repeating the sentence :' aiyo huiyi ar this step you forgot to put the remainder, this step also!' and and he is quite helpful la help me to do the last ques for maths so that i can hand it in today:) Then chinese remedial and band ended my day. It was tiring indeed

Found out something today! Just hope that everything will go back to normal soon :)))))))))))))))
Ooh had not been blogging since school reopens cos busy with alot of stuffs, homeworks and band etc!Shall summarise what had happened on these past few days or weeks : )

Tuesday Jan 8 2008: Went to Jalan Kayu to eat roti prata with ex e2 members plus yiyang. As a form to celebrate Alastair's birthday. LOL it was already four plus when we reached there cos we actually walked there! And we found utthat the prata was so expensive can. But i still ate as i dint eat during recess time. LOL me, esther, xuewei and Justin sat on one table. And we were laughing non stop while eating. Crapping alot on stuffs. Laughing at esther playing the Seven UP. Yeah and it was a fun filled day indeed. Then all of us bus-ed home instead of taking the lrt.

Wednesday Jan 9 2008: Cannot reallie remeber what had happened : (

Thursday Jan 10 2008: Had alot of fun laughing with the three girls named raenes, amanda and xuewei during recess time! The four of us kept laughing non stop while eating the chicken rice during recess. Laughign about how we hold of fork and spoon to eat, laughing about why raenes's chicken rice is always so black and full of bones instead of full of chicken like mine! Perhaps the auntie like me more. LOL then after school amanda and raenes got chemistry lessons. I could not go home at that time cos it was raining quite heavily and i did not have an umbrella so waited in the canteen with xuewei instead to wait for the two big ladies. LOL to kill time, both of us played tic tac toe using the plastic which is meat to put the bao(bun) lol. then when it was about time, we went up to find both of them. See we so good. hahahs then the four of us went home together. The journey home was ull of crap luh. Then trained to compassvale station. I went home while amanda, raenes and xw went to tampines to buy bag. Dint go with them cos got piano lessons. Yeah and this is what happened on thursday la. hoho

Friday Jan 11 2008: Had PE lesson. Took height and weight. And i seriously think that there is a problem with the height and weight machine. LOL it sensed taht im shorter than esther lua. LOL hahahs then played captain's ball. First time i played with the new classmates. It was quite a fun game luh. Me, xw, chermel, wanni, peiyi, sandra, sherry was in one team: ) a very nice team indeed : ) then after that was lessons all the way! and lunch-ed with yingxuan! HAHAS had loads of fun eating with her. Feel so relaxed when im with her. HOHO <33 band we played a few new songs. So happy that the saxophones get to play the pink panther music : )

Saturday Jan 12 2008. Went PS watch movie titled 'one missed call' with Amanda, esther, weiling, xuewei, clay, justin and Kokming. Lunch-ed at the kopitiam. Yusiang joined us after that. Chermel, wanni and yusiang did not watch the movie. They went shopping instead. The movie ending was so suckish. But it was not a bad movie afterall. Bt cannot stand those Ang Mohs making so much noise in the cinema! After movie, we went to have Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. hoho it was of course nice! Can u imagine 8 person sharing a bowl 4-5 person's bowl of ice-cream? LOL. Then after that had to go bugis to meet up with family. Km went off too. Then the others went to heeren i tink to take neoprint! OMG and i wasn't there. Such a pity. hahahs but there are more chance to come!hoho had a fun day!!

Sunday Jan 13 2008. Ballet lesson. Waited for the bus for exactly 20 minutes and i was late for my lesson! The bus was so crowded till the bus driver had to shout for everyone to move in and had trouble closing the bus door. LOL surprisingly i wan not late. hahahs the previous class ended late so i was not late too. Then went home after class to rush up all my homework cos was out the whole day on Saturday. And yeah and thus my sunday is gone like that.

Monday Jan 14 2008. Chinese lesson was the first lesson. LOL those who forgot to bring chinese textbook was asked to stand behind the back of the class. Sounds like what we have done in primary school. The first two row was all asked to go to the back and stand. So funny luh the scenario. Not even one of the so called e2 clique except jw brought the tb -.- Then the rest of the day was normal lessons. After school ate with yingxuan and lois followed by alastair. Band tried out to play chinese new year songs today. hoho it sounds quite weird with band playing cny songs. But had no choice need to perform during cny celebration. Reached home at about 6 plus and here i am feeling tired and seriously need to sleep now. byebye and RAENES i have updated already. And this is sucha long post meant for u!!Better be thankful. HAHAHAH
Will only be posting tmr!!!LOL
First few days of school was okay only. Not as fun as last year. Jerry was made the class chairman and yvonne the vice chairmen. CONGRATS! The good thing for 4e2 is that we have alot of good teachers to teach us! Mrs cheow- math, Mr tan - Humanities, Ms Teo- chinese, Mr chia-physics, -Mrs Dan- chemistry. Chem teacher is damn good la she is new but i really like the way she teach us. So detailed, interesting and funny. hahas. Funny thing is that jaryl keep saying me with the new hairstyle and compare mine with David's fringless hairstyle. And during english lesson, Jas suddenly walk towards me and touch my hair and said' hey everyone look! This hairstyle is nice.' and everyone laughed. I was so shocked and paiseh can. But now okay liao.

Friday was CCA fiesta. It ended until about 8 plus. Band played pirates and it was nicee! But it can be better though. Did not expect so many parents to come but the hall was fully packed with parents, teacher and students. We ate our dinner first before we performed. It came so late that we are all complaining that we were hungry. Ate with yingxuan and Lois. Saw raenes tay! So late and she is still in school. hoho she sat with us and chatted for awhile. Nice chatting with her and she is so funny lo. Can talk to yingxuan though she just get to know her a few minutes ago .LOL and thats about that. went to grandma house after that. Then went home!
Today woke up my eyes damn pain. Was quite red and swollen at first but after putting some hot water on my eyes, it finally got better but still abit swollen. Met Raenes at cp first. Then after that, both of us went up to chermel's house to meet the others ( Amanda, weiling, wanni, xuewei, poh khoon, yiyang). After that, we headed to Kok ming's house to prepare for the surprise birthday party for Justin and Alastair!Jerry was with Alas and justin cos he was trying to drag the time as long as he can so that we can prepare for the surprise party. Sang birthday song and alastair was so surprised to know that we are actually celebrating for him today after we sang the birthday song the second time! hoho then after that played around the playground and swimming pool. Was being complained by some other residents and were being asked not to play in the playground. After that desmond and yusiang came. Then we went to the reading room to play. Played musical chair .Was the first to get out in the game but it was quite fun la.Played poker. Won at first but after awhile, no luck. So dint manage to win or lose in the end. At bout 5.30, bused home. It was nice of Amanda and xuewei to accompany me to buy things needed before they went for their dinner!

Hope Alastair and Justin enjoyed the party today! And alastair's forfeit was real funny :)

School reopens tmr. It will be a brand new start again. However, it will not be the old 3e2 anymore : ( Just hope that i will be able to get along with the new class and enjoy myself in the new year. Will miss the old 3e2!!
Me and Cousins! Me! Backview of me and cousin
Yesterday was awesome! Went out with all of my cousins for a movie"i am legends". The show was really damn nice la must watch it people. hahas some parts were quite scary while some exciting but the ending was not what i wanted! It could be more thrilling. hahas too bad im not the director : ) Went to Dhoby exchange there for lunch first before going for the movie. Had Korean food! Damn nice the food prices are quite ex too. Free flow of ice cream and drinks. But after having my set lunch, i was so full already. Now i know why the shop there states free flow cos they knew after we eat our set lunch, we will be super full alrdy. hoho the movie ended at about 5 plus then we rushed to orchard cos sis got to work at 6. LOL reached there still quite early so went arcade first. Played one round of initial D. and looking from my skills, u can tell that im not a professional at all but my sis is cos she keep winning other people everytime! Managed to buy a shirt after a long day out. Went home at about 10 plus. Lucky my parents came to fetch us back home if not my legs are going to break. Got to thank my sis for sponsoring me money for the whole entire day!

Reached home at about 11 plus. And i jus sat on the bed, watching tv and waiting for 12am to arrive. cos its new year! and anw its Justin's birthday. The network yst was super lousy luh and had to try alot of times before i can send one sms! LOL watched tv and slept at 2am : ) Happy new year! and here's wishing Justin a happy fifteenth birthday!HOHOHO

The Princess Diary
Hd physics class test today! Its quite hard though but luckily its not common test. hohoho then got back chinese idiom common test. Got very low for the test : ( luckily alot of people around me got almost the same marks as me, so its okay luh. Shall try harder next time. Then was A maths. Mrs cheow gave us one period A maths to do our decoration cos was told that the judges will be going around takingphots of classes at around 3 pm. So had to rush out the deco. And its good to see the e2 people working together and enjoying in doing the deco. As we are too enthu into doing the deco, Mr Tan was unable to settle us and thus we ate into his SS Period and continued doing our deco! LOL had fun helping out in the decorations : ) stayed back after school for awhile too. Then went for lunch. Lunched with yvonne, gabriel, naqib and matthew. LOL Gabriel told me and yvonne the 'baked beans' joke and it took us to laugh only after he explained to us the second time. We are slow indeed. Then he taught us how to play the cube. Its so hard even for me to solve the first layer! Then after that went for band. And of course we are late. Then sectionals.Its boringgg! But luckily got yingxuan. hahas then after that went home with amanda, chermel, raenes, xw, jerry, justin, gabriel, huayao and naqib : )
Had physics class test todayyyy. Oh man its quite hard though but lucky its not common test. hohohoho got back chinese idiom test. LOL and i failed. So low can : ) hahas but lucky alot of people also got the same marks as me. So nvm la. lol used one period of A maths to do the CNY deco cos heard that the judges going to come at around 3pm to take photos of the class. LOL as the e2 people were too engrossed in doing their parts of the deco, Mr Tan cant seem to get us to settle down for SS lesson. And yeah ate up Mr Tan's ss lesson too to use for deco. HOHO had loads of fun decorating the classroom and it feels nice to see everyone cooperating :) Stayed back after school to help out awhile then was asked to get out of the classroom cos of some ACE english program thingy. Then went for lunch cos having band later. Ate with yvonne, gabriel, naqib and matthew. Gab told me and yvonne a 'baked beans' joke but it took us to laugh after he explained it the second time cos we did not get it at first! Then after lunch he us how to do the cube thing and i still can't get it! He is like so pro can. LOL say im slow or what luh. then went for band. Was of course late! Went home with amanda, raenes,
Yesterday went to school for Ace humanities class. Met amanda, chermel and raenes to go to school together. When we reach school, we were running to the canteen asking the auntie whether can we put the cake in the fridge before we ran up to the AVA. Luckily the class has not started. Then class-ed all the way till 9.30 then break time. Continued for SS lessons till 11.45pm i think. Did the utility questions. Quite hard though dint rellie understand the structure of how to write. Mr Tan said that those who want to leave can leave first, the others who have question can stay back ask him. Surprisingly, the whole of e2 stayed. And of course for a reason! All of us did what we are supposed to do. Some stayed in class to ask Mr Tan question first. While some went to bring up the cake and prepare the card and planning to sing the birthday song when the cake is brought in to the AVA room. We only light up 18 candles! Mr Tan remain 18 years old forever. LOL justin brought the cake in and everyone started singing birthday song. And Mr Tan was like quite surprised i think. Then took a class photo! First time taking a photo with 4e2! And yeah ate the cake at canteen, crapped around and went home after that with amanda, raenes and xw.

Went home and train-ed to bugis with sis. Went to see the basketball match. Alot of basketballers there. Luckily we were on time and saw the match played by christopher, kokming and sean. They won the first and second match! Quite exciting though. Sandra, jane they all were there. Yvonne with e4 ppl too. Then arcade, walk around with sis. LOL then at 6 plus went to downtown east the restaurant there to meet up with family, cousins, grandparents. Had early reunion dinner : ) then arcade again! LOL its fun. played basketball and initial D. Then went home after that.

They had the 3rd match today. They lost the match but however, the important thing is that they have enjoyed in the competition!
One week has past so quickly! And its friday today : ) Had to stay back for the CNY rehearsal and today band is realeased super late! at 6.45pm! reached home only at 7 plus. Had ace SS class today. Combined with 4e5 in the AVA room. The class was okay la can concentrate cos there is aircon! LOL then went to have lunch with yvonne. Luke and JQ joined us after that. The others went for class deco. Then band all the way till 6 pm! Was damn tired after that. Heard that we still need to wear band uniform during that day and i guess we will be hot to death man! Had PE lesson. Floorball was not as fun as i think. Maybe it is just the start of the basics. Must wait till the real game then i think i will enjoy having pe.

Had Maths test last thursday i think. E maths and probability somemore! i don't think i will fair well for this paper. Same for chinese! LOL alot of test is coming up and i start to feel so stressed out! Everyday teacher will keep mentioning the word 'O levels' which make us so stressed out. :( can they dont mention the word just for one day??!

And And happy birthday in advance to Mr Tan. It is exactly left with 12 mins before ur birthday! All the best in everything u do and you are a great teacher! hoho
School was okay today. Started off with english lessons. One word to describe it BORING! did compre and i only managed to do only 8 ques it the past 45 mins cos the passage was too hard for me to understand. LOL and jas reminded me of one thing ' aiyo she very weirdo one leh, from last year she can always hand in the work on time. She can give me crap work but can also give me fantastic work. Depends on her mood. 'She said this cos we all did a compo on our niche area. then she asked those who got 20 and above to stand up. surprisingly im one of them :) those others who stand up were like those english person like chermel, david,chery, jessica and more. Cant remember. Then people like jaryl were like 'huh?! huiyi?' LOL but its really funny.

CME was so relaxed. Was supposed to do the CNY deco but the admin work took us 50 mins to complete. Mr Tan asked us to form a sort of like a study group. My group was with xw, yongda and JQ. Hope this study group will be good. hahahs then was assembly. It was okay la about some cyber games presentation. Thenstayed back for awhole to do the CNY deco. Great to see alot of 4e2 staying back to help out. Hope we can win! LOL Mr Tan said: 'WE MUST WIN!'
Me, sis, justin and eric LOL
What are they doing??
Scissors, paper, stone
Identify mine?

At dhoby xchange
In the toilet!
While listening to Eric's story..

My story telling time!
Outside the shop. hehe
Last Saturday went out with my cousin, sis and her friends to Bugis first. Sis went to take part in the arcade bball competition. LOL went there to support her too la. Hoho played at the arcade for awhile before heading to bugis street. It was damn crowded can but had an enjoyable day there. Bought a skinny jeans too. Cousin bought a skirt at only 20 bucks! Super cheap man. Then after that we walked to suntec city. It drizzled halfway on our way there. Me and my cousin ran cos we dint want to get wet! While my sis and her friends strolled their way there.

At the millennia walk, we went to candy empire. Bought some candies to eat. Of course candy empire’s candy is nice luh but super expensive. Mini toons one cheaper. LOL went Carrefour and shopped around suntec. Then went to Marina square. Walked around there to accompany my sis’s friend for clothes. Then arcade again! Time crisis and more :) Stayed at the arcade for about until 7 plus then went for dinner at Dhoby Xchange! But me and my cousin trained back to bugis to buy the skirt she wanted then meet the rest at dhoby xchange. Reached dhoby at bought 8 plus. Then started eating and crapping a lot. LOL then started telling ghost stories! OMG some stories are simply too scary and weird. Hoho and the funny and cool thing is all the shops around dhoby has closed and we are the only customer left eating there. The place is closed at 10.30 and at 10.15 we are still there listening to one another’s story. LOL super funny can. Had a lot of fun with them! First time going out with sis friend and they are super funny and friendly. That’s a good thing indeed. Then trained home and reached home at bout 12 plus. Wonderful day out!!
Well since i had not been updating regularly, i shall blog about what happen from tuesday to friday! It will be good if i can rmb what happened these few days :)

Tueday Jan 15 2008: Cannot really remeber what exactly happen! OMG but the only thing that i can remember is during physics practical. Sat with Wilson Ang. New classmate. LOL he is quite nice la. But the prac is damn boring and its so stuffy in the room. Did the light rays refraction and reflection thingy. It was quite hard though to draw a straight line of the light ray. AFter that was FT. Hahas it is fun! The whole class discussed about the CNY decorations and we have an idea of what to do for the deco 'ideal new year'! When other people is discussing about what ideas to have, me, xw and sandra went to add some things on the board. hahas it is so funny la. But the thing is that Mr Tan said that our idea is similar to theirs. So can say we got mo qi!Hope 4e2 can win so that Jerry can go up and collect the prize.LOL

Wednesday Jan 16 2008: Cme went to computer lab to do the career exploration test! Mr Tan wanted us to do so that And it seems that the test is not accurate enough! According to my abilities, the only job that quite matches me is Manager- hotel :( hoho but the funny thing is those job that i dint choose keep appearing on the screen saying it matches. E.g pilot! Chermel dun be jealous ok! hahas yea and assembly after that. Had some boring musical performance by the SAF? then school ended. and the good news is wednesday band practice had been cancelled for the sec fours! That means i can go home earlier on wednesday! wow so happy man

Thusday Jan 17 2008: First period was chemistry prac. It was not fun at all! While burning some chemicals, the chemical suddenly splash out from the test tube and it was hot and of course splash on my hand la. It happened to dorothy too! And the funny thing is that both of us were sitting at the same row of the table : ) can say we are clumsy! SS lesson was the last period and i was alrdy v tired in the lesson. Had a so called 'seq mini test'. Were given 15 mins to read up notes and 25 mins to do the seq. Wrote only a lil for the seq as my mind was not really functioning and i could not remeber what i have revised during the 15 mins! Feel so stressed out :( After that was trip to Ngee Ann poly. Feel it is a totally waste of time there. Did not learn anything. All i know was all of us each got a goodie bag. LOL

Friday Jan 18 2008: Happy that i got into the module floorball! so happy about it. Luckily im not in the outdoor education. Our teacher was Ms/ Mrs Tan. Cant rmb. My name was not called out when she was taking attendance. LOL then i tot i heard wrongly that i got into the floorball. LOL but in the end, the teacher said that she did not see my name cos my name was the last one and she did not see -.- then was explanation about the floorball thing. Then suddenly, ms Tan looked at me and asked me not to gv her the blur face! But im not giving the blur face what. LOL so ps. Then she wanted to choose the leader. Then told the students in the floorball module : "Erm huiyi arh cannot choose her to be the leader cos she is too blur. And she may bring all of you to the wrong place anytime during PE." Wah and everyone started laughing. But nvm i will show her that im not that blur ok!

And math lesson was quite funny today. Was given one period to complete our homework. The wilson Ang is damn funny. Chia Hwee too. Asked him math but no matter how he explain, i still dun understand what he is talking. And the way he talks is quite serious too. LOL Wilson actually heard what mrs cheow told me to do for the maths ques which i had problem doing with. So whenever he saw me, even today after school he keep repeating the sentence :' aiyo huiyi ar this step you forgot to put the remainder, this step also!' and and he is quite helpful la help me to do the last ques for maths so that i can hand it in today:) Then chinese remedial and band ended my day. It was tiring indeed

Found out something today! Just hope that everything will go back to normal soon :)))))))))))))))
Ooh had not been blogging since school reopens cos busy with alot of stuffs, homeworks and band etc!Shall summarise what had happened on these past few days or weeks : )

Tuesday Jan 8 2008: Went to Jalan Kayu to eat roti prata with ex e2 members plus yiyang. As a form to celebrate Alastair's birthday. LOL it was already four plus when we reached there cos we actually walked there! And we found utthat the prata was so expensive can. But i still ate as i dint eat during recess time. LOL me, esther, xuewei and Justin sat on one table. And we were laughing non stop while eating. Crapping alot on stuffs. Laughing at esther playing the Seven UP. Yeah and it was a fun filled day indeed. Then all of us bus-ed home instead of taking the lrt.

Wednesday Jan 9 2008: Cannot reallie remeber what had happened : (

Thursday Jan 10 2008: Had alot of fun laughing with the three girls named raenes, amanda and xuewei during recess time! The four of us kept laughing non stop while eating the chicken rice during recess. Laughign about how we hold of fork and spoon to eat, laughing about why raenes's chicken rice is always so black and full of bones instead of full of chicken like mine! Perhaps the auntie like me more. LOL then after school amanda and raenes got chemistry lessons. I could not go home at that time cos it was raining quite heavily and i did not have an umbrella so waited in the canteen with xuewei instead to wait for the two big ladies. LOL to kill time, both of us played tic tac toe using the plastic which is meat to put the bao(bun) lol. then when it was about time, we went up to find both of them. See we so good. hahahs then the four of us went home together. The journey home was ull of crap luh. Then trained to compassvale station. I went home while amanda, raenes and xw went to tampines to buy bag. Dint go with them cos got piano lessons. Yeah and this is what happened on thursday la. hoho

Friday Jan 11 2008: Had PE lesson. Took height and weight. And i seriously think that there is a problem with the height and weight machine. LOL it sensed taht im shorter than esther lua. LOL hahahs then played captain's ball. First time i played with the new classmates. It was quite a fun game luh. Me, xw, chermel, wanni, peiyi, sandra, sherry was in one team: ) a very nice team indeed : ) then after that was lessons all the way! and lunch-ed with yingxuan! HAHAS had loads of fun eating with her. Feel so relaxed when im with her. HOHO <33 band we played a few new songs. So happy that the saxophones get to play the pink panther music : )

Saturday Jan 12 2008. Went PS watch movie titled 'one missed call' with Amanda, esther, weiling, xuewei, clay, justin and Kokming. Lunch-ed at the kopitiam. Yusiang joined us after that. Chermel, wanni and yusiang did not watch the movie. They went shopping instead. The movie ending was so suckish. But it was not a bad movie afterall. Bt cannot stand those Ang Mohs making so much noise in the cinema! After movie, we went to have Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. hoho it was of course nice! Can u imagine 8 person sharing a bowl 4-5 person's bowl of ice-cream? LOL. Then after that had to go bugis to meet up with family. Km went off too. Then the others went to heeren i tink to take neoprint! OMG and i wasn't there. Such a pity. hahahs but there are more chance to come!hoho had a fun day!!

Sunday Jan 13 2008. Ballet lesson. Waited for the bus for exactly 20 minutes and i was late for my lesson! The bus was so crowded till the bus driver had to shout for everyone to move in and had trouble closing the bus door. LOL surprisingly i wan not late. hahahs the previous class ended late so i was not late too. Then went home after class to rush up all my homework cos was out the whole day on Saturday. And yeah and thus my sunday is gone like that.

Monday Jan 14 2008. Chinese lesson was the first lesson. LOL those who forgot to bring chinese textbook was asked to stand behind the back of the class. Sounds like what we have done in primary school. The first two row was all asked to go to the back and stand. So funny luh the scenario. Not even one of the so called e2 clique except jw brought the tb -.- Then the rest of the day was normal lessons. After school ate with yingxuan and lois followed by alastair. Band tried out to play chinese new year songs today. hoho it sounds quite weird with band playing cny songs. But had no choice need to perform during cny celebration. Reached home at about 6 plus and here i am feeling tired and seriously need to sleep now. byebye and RAENES i have updated already. And this is sucha long post meant for u!!Better be thankful. HAHAHAH
Will only be posting tmr!!!LOL
First few days of school was okay only. Not as fun as last year. Jerry was made the class chairman and yvonne the vice chairmen. CONGRATS! The good thing for 4e2 is that we have alot of good teachers to teach us! Mrs cheow- math, Mr tan - Humanities, Ms Teo- chinese, Mr chia-physics, -Mrs Dan- chemistry. Chem teacher is damn good la she is new but i really like the way she teach us. So detailed, interesting and funny. hahas. Funny thing is that jaryl keep saying me with the new hairstyle and compare mine with David's fringless hairstyle. And during english lesson, Jas suddenly walk towards me and touch my hair and said' hey everyone look! This hairstyle is nice.' and everyone laughed. I was so shocked and paiseh can. But now okay liao.

Friday was CCA fiesta. It ended until about 8 plus. Band played pirates and it was nicee! But it can be better though. Did not expect so many parents to come but the hall was fully packed with parents, teacher and students. We ate our dinner first before we performed. It came so late that we are all complaining that we were hungry. Ate with yingxuan and Lois. Saw raenes tay! So late and she is still in school. hoho she sat with us and chatted for awhile. Nice chatting with her and she is so funny lo. Can talk to yingxuan though she just get to know her a few minutes ago .LOL and thats about that. went to grandma house after that. Then went home!
Today woke up my eyes damn pain. Was quite red and swollen at first but after putting some hot water on my eyes, it finally got better but still abit swollen. Met Raenes at cp first. Then after that, both of us went up to chermel's house to meet the others ( Amanda, weiling, wanni, xuewei, poh khoon, yiyang). After that, we headed to Kok ming's house to prepare for the surprise birthday party for Justin and Alastair!Jerry was with Alas and justin cos he was trying to drag the time as long as he can so that we can prepare for the surprise party. Sang birthday song and alastair was so surprised to know that we are actually celebrating for him today after we sang the birthday song the second time! hoho then after that played around the playground and swimming pool. Was being complained by some other residents and were being asked not to play in the playground. After that desmond and yusiang came. Then we went to the reading room to play. Played musical chair .Was the first to get out in the game but it was quite fun la.Played poker. Won at first but after awhile, no luck. So dint manage to win or lose in the end. At bout 5.30, bused home. It was nice of Amanda and xuewei to accompany me to buy things needed before they went for their dinner!

Hope Alastair and Justin enjoyed the party today! And alastair's forfeit was real funny :)

School reopens tmr. It will be a brand new start again. However, it will not be the old 3e2 anymore : ( Just hope that i will be able to get along with the new class and enjoy myself in the new year. Will miss the old 3e2!!
Me and Cousins! Me! Backview of me and cousin
Yesterday was awesome! Went out with all of my cousins for a movie"i am legends". The show was really damn nice la must watch it people. hahas some parts were quite scary while some exciting but the ending was not what i wanted! It could be more thrilling. hahas too bad im not the director : ) Went to Dhoby exchange there for lunch first before going for the movie. Had Korean food! Damn nice the food prices are quite ex too. Free flow of ice cream and drinks. But after having my set lunch, i was so full already. Now i know why the shop there states free flow cos they knew after we eat our set lunch, we will be super full alrdy. hoho the movie ended at about 5 plus then we rushed to orchard cos sis got to work at 6. LOL reached there still quite early so went arcade first. Played one round of initial D. and looking from my skills, u can tell that im not a professional at all but my sis is cos she keep winning other people everytime! Managed to buy a shirt after a long day out. Went home at about 10 plus. Lucky my parents came to fetch us back home if not my legs are going to break. Got to thank my sis for sponsoring me money for the whole entire day!

Reached home at about 11 plus. And i jus sat on the bed, watching tv and waiting for 12am to arrive. cos its new year! and anw its Justin's birthday. The network yst was super lousy luh and had to try alot of times before i can send one sms! LOL watched tv and slept at 2am : ) Happy new year! and here's wishing Justin a happy fifteenth birthday!HOHOHO