Went to esplanade for a band concert last saturday! Alastair, Mr Tan and Mr Tang were performing there. Most of the songs they played were jap songs. Quite ncie and cool la. We sat at the last row. Went to play pool with peiyi, sandra and yiyang and others.And of course i dint play cos i long time never play already and dint want to embarass myself. LOL before going for the concert then it took us quite long to reach esplanade cos we thought of walking from dhoby to esplanade. But not quite sure of the route so took mrt there instead. Saw alot of familiar faces there. Almost all the band members turned up okay! Not bad all were there to support alas, mr tan and mr tang. The funny thing was that we were all dressed quite formally. LOL the dressing theme for the day is to wear black'grey and white! And there is amanda, chermel, xw, esther(last min never turn up!), clay, desmond,jerry, justin, kokming, klinsmann and yusiang all wore black and white. So cool right? Dint manage to eat dinner cos we were rushing to the place and scared that we were late. So dragged till 9 plus where the concert ends and headed to dhoby exchange for our dinner. At Just Acia. The spicy chicken set damn nice la. But alot of people complain it was too spicy! Espcially desmond cos he got ulcer.Haha free flow of ice cream and drinks somemore. Then yiyang and peiyi joined us after that at 10-11 plus? They just come for fun. haha then after eating jiu train-ed home. Reached home at bout twelve and dropped dead after my shower. Nice day out la

Today physics lesson was suepr funny. Kept laughing non stop with xw, jerry and yd. We were counting and asking for register no. to see who we were partnering for tmr's napha test.LOL then talked about something really funny. Shall not elaborate out. Then during maths lesson also. Something jerry said that made me laugh non stop. And thanks to jerry that make me laugh till my stomach is pain now ( im not exagerating) =) Tmr will be a damn long day. First is Napha 2.4km run. Followed by lessons all the way till 2.10. Then chem ace. Then physics ace where we will be having common test. Then CIP again. We are supposed to go aorund the school to pick up litters. I wonder of there is so much litters for us to pick. LOL Mrs Cheow say it ill end till 6.45. Wah tmr cfm die!
Seems like everyone is cutting their hair at supercut already! LOL due to Jas' recommendation. Because go supercut cut only $3 cos isa those trainee cut one mah. Heard that daniel's cutting skills is quite nice. Our class boys went to cut there and they look quite different la. Quite nicely cut. Wanted to cut at supercut one but yesterday i go daniel not there .So don;t want already. Wasted my trip. Should ask jaryl help me ask first before going cp. haha so went to eat wafer and sat down at the mrt there with raenes, amanda, xw, jaryl and qiming. Then went home at bout 2.30 plus plus. Reached home, bathed then went to sleep. Woke up at 7 : ) Keep sleeping these few days and everytime wake up at 7! Then studied ss all the way till 12 plus! Studied all except globalisation cos i duno what the hell globalisation is all about! haha

Then today went to school early early in the morning for ss test and english test. Hands already super sour and can break already after writing so many essays at one go. Super tired can but now its over! So can relax already. But There's alot of mock exam coming along starting from next week. Sure not enough time to sudy. haha sick of all the tests!

Going out to play pool first and going to see alastair perform later in the concert =) It will sure be funny cos everyone will be wearing black and white!

4e2 class photo! Took this photo while we are waiting for the next teacher to come in :) Sandra is missing here! Cos she helped us take this photo. LOL and as you can see, the whole class is sitting together! All tables joined up. haha forgot whose idea it is but its rather funny and fun. When mrs cheow and mr tan asked what happen to our sitting arrangement? why is it like that. Then we would all give crap answers like oh cos like that then united mah, class bonding :) Sit like that we will be closer.*Laughs* quite cool that our sitting arrangement is in this way

Out to Bugis with Guangmin, yvonne, Jaryl and Pk on friday It was great :) Accompanied yvonne and Guangmin to have their pepper lunch lunch first. Thanks Jaryl for treating us the drinks :) Was playing psp with pk while waiting for them to finish their lunch. And of course lose to him la. Haha then headed to arcade. Just went to see some pros play the bball. Stayed there for awhile and decided and go bugis street.

And the three girls bought the same colour shirt and the wordings on our shirt are linked together! Its cool la:) Guangmin bought two shirts while yvonne bought two shirts and a pair of shoes! Then jaryl and pk bought shorts. And the Jaryl super funny la. Shall not elaborate what happen. And even the shop owner finds it funny. hahahahaha

Seems like everyone bought something. Guangmin left early due to some things :( So after that we went arcade again! And this time we compete with each other in the bball:) its quite tiring but yvonne quite pro in it. Girl power. And and surprisingly,pk and jaryl lost to us. Jaryl then played the car racing game. The whole seat rocked. Quite fun. $3 game i think and his quite pro in it. He scored a B at last. Not bad la considering is jaryl leh!

Legs quite tired so went to grab a drink and settled down to chat. I think the best part of the day is this. We practically talk about everything under the sun! And we sat there for don't how long . Maybe one hour plus plus??Talked and talked and so we of course became hungry. Then went to a coffee shop opposite bugis to eat. Ate fried rice :) Then continued to chat until we finish eating. But Jaryl is the most quiet when we reached there. Cos he had a headache which also snatched away his appetite. Poor jaryl. haha and we continued chatting until we reach cp. LOL so much to talk la. Asked jaryl to help me buy sweets from 7 eleven and then bade farewell. Nice outing with them :P Reached home, rested awhile and went to pasar malam with my elder sis cos nothing to do at home and nobody is at home. Saw yvonne and pk with one of their primary school friend. Such a coincidence. Not much things there actually and the route is super short! Went home and there's pasta to eat. Only ate a little la. And my one day is just gone like that. Enjoyed myself for one full day and guess i should really buck up and not keep going out and be playful anymore.

Went RC for ss revision yesterday. Me, GM and Yvonne wore the shirt that we bought! Its quite weird but funny la. But i only managed to do 1/half question for sbq for the 3 hours stay there! Found it quite a waste of my time. Maybe i should do those question at home before going there so that i can consult Mr Tan instantly. Then it was drizzling. All of us including mr tan went to cp for dinner. Some went delifrance while some went KFC. Went to KFC but due the long queue and felt quite sick of the food there, me and yvonne went to kopitiam instead. Then was ask by Mr Tan to go down to delifrance after we had eaten. Mr tan treated us fruit tarts. Thanks :) then went to buy some things and went home after that.
There is no ace on monday. So went for lunch at compass banquet with amanda, esther and raenes. Was looking at one girl from St. Joseph convent and when she walked past me, she actually diao-ed me. LOL and of course i diao her back. After we finished eating, we started our chatting. Stating the facts about some people. HAHA and we actually agreed on some things and its super funny.

Had physics test yesterday. Think it is a class test. Not satisfied with my result at all though i have passed it. Super super disppointed la. It was raining super heavily after assembly today and me and xuewei could not go home. No umbrella and even we had an umbrella i think we would still be drenched. Waited for awhilethe rain is still so heavy. So xw called her mother to come and fetch us. Thanks xw :)

Then slept all the way till 5.30 pm:) and im feeling super energetic now!

The class outing with 4E2 was fun! Started of with bowling at superbowl. Me,chermel, wanni, peiyi, camillus and zhanxiang was in one team. Lane 5! Our group ranked the third among the 6 teams! All thanks to camillus cos he scored the most. And and im the lousiest among the group. haha :) Then at about two plus took 136 to amk the nebo hub. Alot of fun there. Mr Tan decided to change our group cos the way we were grouped was like all those close friends together. I grouped with guangmin, sherry, derrick, chia hwee and haowen! Quite a fun group la. Started off playing the board games. Played tabbo and alot more! First game was charade i think? Hao wen went up. And had a hard time guessing cos i think the word tehy gave was too hard to act out.

Then was scavenger hunt. They needed 8 items but our group only managed to have five of them. They wanted mirror,1 one dollar note,sunglasses, one adidas item, nail clipper, family photo, 2 strands of white hair and 3 rubberbands. The funny part was that we got only one rubberband but we managed to get through by folding the big rubberband to make it look like we have three! LOL. Then was group performance. Our group performed a food skit something related to the mocca.com. Funny thing is our team and another team scored the lowest! haha but its alright. The thing is that we had enjoyed ourselves. Then was a surprise birthday celebration for sandra's belated birthday! Sang birthday songs and took a class photo. Then lastly was lucky draw! And of course im not the lucky one la. Mr Chia wa sthe guest of honour to pick out the lucky number and Jaryl was the lucky one! Wah his prize was a 2GB thumbdrive!

After the whole thing ended, all went seperate ways. Soem went pool, some went to Bishan the arcade there while me, yvonne, guangmin, dorothy, pk, JQ, jaryl went to arcade! Took neoprints :)) Quite funny la. Jerry joined us after that. Played the bang bang game with dorothy ( Forgot what game is it called). Play until my hands pain. Then Pk and jerry played basketball. After that, JQ and jaryl teamed, yvonne and gm teamed to compete with each other. And the girls won! Guangmin and yvonne managed to get into stage four and scored like 300 plus plus points? Girls power! ANd the guys were like huh? Stayed there till about 8-9plus then decided to go home. Funny thing is we stood outside the arcade and took like 25 minutes to discuss what bus to take home so that the 7 of us can take the same bus home instead of going seperate ways! And finally, JQ and Dorothy took 86 home while the rest took 88 home instead! Took alot of photos in the bus and alot of funny things happened in the bus ( Shall not laborate) My cousins were at my house. They ordered pizza hut : ) Then conferenced with yvonne, jaryl and pk awhile and went to slp. Nice day out indeed!

Yesterday went out to play badminton with jaryl and pk! Its really a fun day out with them la. We could not book a court so decided to find a badminton court to play. As we were finding, jaryl decided to ask the passerby where is the badminton court. Then pk suddenly say ' There the badminton court is here!' The badminton court is just right in front of us and we dint even notice it! LOL super funny. Then another problem is we did not have a net. Then decided to call those living nearby to bring a net or a raffia string for us. Zhanxiang was so kind to bring down strings from his house! Thanks zx! At least the string is better than nothing :) Then started playing. Me and jaryl team-ed up to vs pk! hahaha and i think we won? Then saw barry. So played together la. haha played for almost two hour plus. Then went to cp for dinner.

Had dinner at KFC. Then was arcade again. The jaryl is real funny when playing the initial D racing game. If i were to help him with the gear again, he is bound to lose! LOL then pk played time crisis four! His the real mad one! Super pro la he dint even lose a life can.He played the game for super super long until he started perspiring. Then while waiting for him, me and jaryl played the game. Forgot what the game is called again!And the pk still can come to see us play awhile before he went back to his game.Lol damn zai right. And jaryl won me at the last last minute! hahah fun. Jaryl wanted to use up all his money in the timezone card so he played the drum again. He chose the easy level and all he was only beating one note throughout the whole song! And he looks super dumb when doing that. I video-ed it but forgot to save! Argh super wasted!
At bout 9.45pm, went home. We walked home :) Then went to the fitness corner around my house there to play.Climb up and down the bar,nothing to do: ) Tried on the DJ max game. Then at around 1030pm went home. But before we went home we went to find david!( Jaryl's idea) Went to his unit and pressed on the doorbell. HAHA and david was like damn shocked to see us there. Went to say hi only. Super lame right. Then we went home after that. Had a really fun day out yesterday! March holidays is ending! And i would better go and do my chinese essay now!
Caught Rule #1 with my cousin last tuesday? Quite a nice movie la but its abit confusing sometimes. Dint really get what the movie is about at the last part. Funny ending? haha but some parts were quite disgusting and scary. But i still don't understand why is was rated NC16 because there weren't any violent scenes or what. And my cousin got through it anyway. The person also dint check her ic. LOL

Went to CP to study with xw, JQ and jerry. Went to the library at first to see whether we can study there but there is no chairs or tables so went to burger king instead. Studied till about 4-5 plus? Then started to slack cos we got bored of studying! Chatted and laughed at about some things. Then saw luke. So went to find him at Mac. Then walked around at cp. Super boring cos cp so small then like nowhere to go. Went comics connection cos JQ wanted to buy the rubik cube sticker. No matter where we go, there is bound to be one of us wanting to buy food. First stop was breadtalk. Jq and xw bought bread there. Then walked past cold storage. Jerry wanted to but sushi but no $. haha Then was bubbletea shop. Jq bought bubbletea. Then walked past Mac. Jerry bought an ice-cream using his EZ link card. Then walked past Old Chang kee. Me and xw bought some things to eat! LOL super funny la. Then nothing to do so just sat around the tap card area to stone and chat abit. At around 6 plus then train-ed home: )

Going out again tmr. Class outing! Will it be fun??
Something funny happen this morning. Someone using gabriel's phone to call me saying' If you want to get xuewei back, please pay your ransom of one hundred dollars now!' LOL and of course i know someone is making fun of me la and i thought it was sherman at first. But it was actually naqib! Then trained to school with amanda and xuewei :)

Physics spa! It was so-so? Dint really understand the question at first so asked Mr Chia and told him i do not understand. But he just stood beside me,kept quiet and kept pointing at the paper hinting me something. But luckily i understood. Its good that he kept quiet cos once he tell me what to do, my skill one marks will be deducted. hoho and yvonne experienced the same thing too! Both of us asked the same question. Break time and as usual they played catching while this time, me,xw and jerry watched them play. Then was SS lesson. Before we started Mr Tan was discussing about the friday class bonding outing. Hope it will be fun la :)

Went to have lunch at Koufu with yongda, JQ, Huayai, Kairen, Gabriel, Justin and jerry. Haha walked halfway and it started to drizzle! And the rain got more heavy after that. And the kairen was like 'eh who got umbrella uh? i scared of rain'. Super funny. At first i thought nobody would have an umbrella but it turns out that yongda had one! And the guys were like 3 person share one. So lame can. And JQ was covering his hair with his hands-.- It started raining more heavily and we ran! Poor jerry had to run with us. Then lunched and we went back to school for oral. On the way back, gabriel and jerry kept shooting the ice at me. GRRR was abit late for oral. So was the second to take it. Jas was the tester. The oral was alright la. Then waited for yvonne and went home together. Chatted alot :)

Flu became worser now. And seem to be running a fever now...Anw thanks for the strepsils:)
PTM on saturday! Had a one hour talk by miss chong and mrs yao and then the distribution of report books! Mr Tan and Mr Chia talked to my dad. My results are really bad this term failed both sciences :( Guess i realy got to study hard for sciences and of course not fogetting about other subjects.

Had Chemistry SPA exam today. It was fine : ) and there is physics SPA exam tmr and english oral exam tmr too. Thinking of all these exams spoil my mood! But tmr is my mum's birthday! <3 played line catching during the break with chermel, wanni, xw,justin, yongda, eunice, jan, christopher, jianwei and see swee. It was super fun but tiring! Then went for maths lesson. Finish the A maths chapter alrdy. Lesson end at 12 and some of them went for english oral. Mine is tmr. So stayed back in class to chat around with guangmin, yvonne, JQ, camillus, poh khoon and jaryl: ) JQ,camillus and jaryl are funny people. Talked alot of crap. Don't know why i suddenly talked about gunbound thing. Then JQ and camillus was like keep discussing non-stop about the game. Then when i asked them questions both of them dao me. And the stupid jaryl was like keep laughing away. LOL stayed in class till one then went home with them.

The most funny part was when camillus suddenly out of no where said last time those show always say huang hou niang niang XIA dao! But it should be huang hou niang niang JIA dao! And the jaryl started giving those xia dao actions instead of the jiadao! LOLLL super funny and me and yvonne laughed like mad! And we were still laughingafter we got off the lrt. And camillus was like aiya u all want laugh jiu laugh those kind of face! ahahha fun day afterall : )

Went to cp with my sister to shop for mummy's birthday present! And after a long walk, we finally bought what we wanted. HHAHA

Stayed back in school yesterday for english ace. Actually not really ace but sort of chatting session( oral communication lesson) with Jas. We sat in circles and talked about anything we want. Every one will have a turn to share about their families, goals with each other. And and Jas started talking about her house the spirit thing again! And of course we listened attentively to her with her ghostly stories. Then after ace stayed back in class to cut yongda and wanni's belated birthday cake! Played around and went home after that:)

Today pe lesson was fun! Played floorball again! Me,Sandra,Guangmin and Wilson Ang team-ed up to competer with wanni, chermel, yongda and guowei. Wah really had alot of fun. Keep laughing non-stop i tell you. And the guowei is super funny la. Cos i hit the ball then it ended up as airball. Then guowei hit the stick up and hit it as if he was playing badminton! *LAUGHS* Then lesson all the way till 12.30 and i went home early cos got piano exam in the afternoon :) The others had to stay back for maths lesson. It was supposed to be SS extra class but Mr Tan did not come today. So Mrs Cheow took over his period:)

Reached home at about 1pm. Super early. Ate and started practising my piano before i head off to cityhall(Adelphi building!) Saw yvonne in the lrt and david at cp lrt station. Met up with my dad and headed to the exam studio. While me and my dad was registering, i saw the examiner walking out of the exam room! And of course i smiled at her la. Must leave a good impression ok! Saw this girl waiting nervously for her turn to go in. She was grade 7 and was before me. And she keep telling her mum that she was nervous. LOL and of course i was nervous too la. Waited outside for about half and hour. When the girl came out, her first sentence she told her mother'WAH I CONFIRM FAIL!' her this sentence make me more nervous can. Went in and tried to remain calm. But i can seem to do it. Played scales first. It was okay at first but abit jerky when playing the chromatic scales. One funny part was she asked me to play F minor i went to play F# minor! Too nervous alrdy! Thats why. Then started with the pieces. Palms were super sweaty. Kept rubbing my hands on my jeans.LOL Felt that i played it not as good when my piano teacher was around:(

Really really hope that i can pass the exam and it would be great if i can get a merit!Dinstinction for me would be hard to achieve!My teacher also said that it is quite hard for a grade 8 to get a distinction unless you are really super duper good. My teacher and I have really put in alot of effort just to prepare for this piano exam. Lessons for 2-3 times per week! Going to the studio every sunday just to practice and get used to the piano there. My dad has seriously spent lots of $ on me. And i must not disappoint him!If not his money, my teacher and my efforts will be gone to waste! I MUST PASS THIS EXAM! Anw, the examiner quite good and friendly though. Is this considered good or bad??

Oh yeah and the sec fours finally stepped down from cca last wednesday! Had a mini farewell party for the sec fours:) and also a welcome party for the sec ones. Bought 12 pizzas! Thats a alot man and we got our photoframes! And im so lucky to get the frame that i wanted. Heard from alastair that the frame with the photo is super ex. One hundred++ for 18 seniors? Yeah and the instructors thanked us for being such a devoted band member. Its really hard for one to to stay in band for four years but we did it! Saw the band video. Quite touching la. Voices of the sec fours of what they wanted to tell the band were heard by everyone! Mine was'saxophone will always be the best and strongest section ever!' Will confirm miss people like yingxuan! Xinfei!Thessa!Huiqi!Junhao! In short, the SAXOPHONE section:)) Saxophone section rock!
Wow its been super super long since i have actually updated. Really enjoyed the Sec four three days 'camp'! 'I AM GIFTED SO ARE YOU'. At first i thought that the camp will be super super boring but it turned out to be so fun and i seriously enjoyed the three days there!I learnt alot of things from the instructors AMIN, MELVIN AND HUIMIN( c.w.w). They are really fun people i tell you. Almost every sentence they say will make us laugh non stop. They taught us effective study methods, mindmaps, speed reading, about the sheep and eagle story, stories experienced in live and so on. HMMm and i have learnt alot in this camp. And I know that i will not give up so easily next time and i must be more determined to achieve my goals!

At the last day, amin said he wanted to end this camp in a more special way. E1,E2 and E3 sang the song 'holding on' together' with our arms around each other's shoulders :)And we even encouraged each other to work hard for our o levels! It was a nice feeling afterall.The instructors discussed the topic about 'PARENTS!' It made most of the people teared. The way Amin spoke about how we actually treated our parents, shouting back at them, their nags, scoldings, beatings etc made us think through how we actually treated our parents all these years. The way he spoke and the video he showed us was really really touching. But the most touching part was the last day of the camp where parent were invited to attend the closing ceremony. The ceremony ended with students rushing up to the stage waiting for there turn to say some words of thanks, sorry to their parents. My parents did not went for the closing ceremony. And if my parents were there at that time, i think i will be the one standing up there to say some things to them. haha the ceremony ended at about 10 plus. Took some photos with huimin, amin and mr chia. Then train'ed home : ) This camp is really worth the money and really hope that there will be more of such camps!

Rested for just one day and need to go schoool again! But luckily school is not as stressful as for now as there is no more tests coming up! And surprisingly i passed my history! Quite shocking though. And my combined humans is like b3!Quite happy with it la. Oh and i suddenly remember what amanda said during chinese class that day. Cos we are supposed to write chinese compo about something memorable. Then someone asked how to say 'i am gifted so are you' in chinese. And she actually said 'WO SHI LI WU NI YE SHI'! lmao so lame can but its funny afterall haha. Physics prac today was super relax. Practically did nothing but just redoing the experiment using the jockey thing. Then after the class, me, chermel. xw and wanni went back to class together. As usual we played with the long ruler again. And we were like running back to the classroom. As we were running back, accidentally injured my ankle. Cos i jerked when i saw the wall and wanted to turn away. LOL but its only a small injury luh. hoho

The Princess Diary
Went to esplanade for a band concert last saturday! Alastair, Mr Tan and Mr Tang were performing there. Most of the songs they played were jap songs. Quite ncie and cool la. We sat at the last row. Went to play pool with peiyi, sandra and yiyang and others.And of course i dint play cos i long time never play already and dint want to embarass myself. LOL before going for the concert then it took us quite long to reach esplanade cos we thought of walking from dhoby to esplanade. But not quite sure of the route so took mrt there instead. Saw alot of familiar faces there. Almost all the band members turned up okay! Not bad all were there to support alas, mr tan and mr tang. The funny thing was that we were all dressed quite formally. LOL the dressing theme for the day is to wear black'grey and white! And there is amanda, chermel, xw, esther(last min never turn up!), clay, desmond,jerry, justin, kokming, klinsmann and yusiang all wore black and white. So cool right? Dint manage to eat dinner cos we were rushing to the place and scared that we were late. So dragged till 9 plus where the concert ends and headed to dhoby exchange for our dinner. At Just Acia. The spicy chicken set damn nice la. But alot of people complain it was too spicy! Espcially desmond cos he got ulcer.Haha free flow of ice cream and drinks somemore. Then yiyang and peiyi joined us after that at 10-11 plus? They just come for fun. haha then after eating jiu train-ed home. Reached home at bout twelve and dropped dead after my shower. Nice day out la

Today physics lesson was suepr funny. Kept laughing non stop with xw, jerry and yd. We were counting and asking for register no. to see who we were partnering for tmr's napha test.LOL then talked about something really funny. Shall not elaborate out. Then during maths lesson also. Something jerry said that made me laugh non stop. And thanks to jerry that make me laugh till my stomach is pain now ( im not exagerating) =) Tmr will be a damn long day. First is Napha 2.4km run. Followed by lessons all the way till 2.10. Then chem ace. Then physics ace where we will be having common test. Then CIP again. We are supposed to go aorund the school to pick up litters. I wonder of there is so much litters for us to pick. LOL Mrs Cheow say it ill end till 6.45. Wah tmr cfm die!
Seems like everyone is cutting their hair at supercut already! LOL due to Jas' recommendation. Because go supercut cut only $3 cos isa those trainee cut one mah. Heard that daniel's cutting skills is quite nice. Our class boys went to cut there and they look quite different la. Quite nicely cut. Wanted to cut at supercut one but yesterday i go daniel not there .So don;t want already. Wasted my trip. Should ask jaryl help me ask first before going cp. haha so went to eat wafer and sat down at the mrt there with raenes, amanda, xw, jaryl and qiming. Then went home at bout 2.30 plus plus. Reached home, bathed then went to sleep. Woke up at 7 : ) Keep sleeping these few days and everytime wake up at 7! Then studied ss all the way till 12 plus! Studied all except globalisation cos i duno what the hell globalisation is all about! haha

Then today went to school early early in the morning for ss test and english test. Hands already super sour and can break already after writing so many essays at one go. Super tired can but now its over! So can relax already. But There's alot of mock exam coming along starting from next week. Sure not enough time to sudy. haha sick of all the tests!

Going out to play pool first and going to see alastair perform later in the concert =) It will sure be funny cos everyone will be wearing black and white!

4e2 class photo! Took this photo while we are waiting for the next teacher to come in :) Sandra is missing here! Cos she helped us take this photo. LOL and as you can see, the whole class is sitting together! All tables joined up. haha forgot whose idea it is but its rather funny and fun. When mrs cheow and mr tan asked what happen to our sitting arrangement? why is it like that. Then we would all give crap answers like oh cos like that then united mah, class bonding :) Sit like that we will be closer.*Laughs* quite cool that our sitting arrangement is in this way

Out to Bugis with Guangmin, yvonne, Jaryl and Pk on friday It was great :) Accompanied yvonne and Guangmin to have their pepper lunch lunch first. Thanks Jaryl for treating us the drinks :) Was playing psp with pk while waiting for them to finish their lunch. And of course lose to him la. Haha then headed to arcade. Just went to see some pros play the bball. Stayed there for awhile and decided and go bugis street.

And the three girls bought the same colour shirt and the wordings on our shirt are linked together! Its cool la:) Guangmin bought two shirts while yvonne bought two shirts and a pair of shoes! Then jaryl and pk bought shorts. And the Jaryl super funny la. Shall not elaborate what happen. And even the shop owner finds it funny. hahahahaha

Seems like everyone bought something. Guangmin left early due to some things :( So after that we went arcade again! And this time we compete with each other in the bball:) its quite tiring but yvonne quite pro in it. Girl power. And and surprisingly,pk and jaryl lost to us. Jaryl then played the car racing game. The whole seat rocked. Quite fun. $3 game i think and his quite pro in it. He scored a B at last. Not bad la considering is jaryl leh!

Legs quite tired so went to grab a drink and settled down to chat. I think the best part of the day is this. We practically talk about everything under the sun! And we sat there for don't how long . Maybe one hour plus plus??Talked and talked and so we of course became hungry. Then went to a coffee shop opposite bugis to eat. Ate fried rice :) Then continued to chat until we finish eating. But Jaryl is the most quiet when we reached there. Cos he had a headache which also snatched away his appetite. Poor jaryl. haha and we continued chatting until we reach cp. LOL so much to talk la. Asked jaryl to help me buy sweets from 7 eleven and then bade farewell. Nice outing with them :P Reached home, rested awhile and went to pasar malam with my elder sis cos nothing to do at home and nobody is at home. Saw yvonne and pk with one of their primary school friend. Such a coincidence. Not much things there actually and the route is super short! Went home and there's pasta to eat. Only ate a little la. And my one day is just gone like that. Enjoyed myself for one full day and guess i should really buck up and not keep going out and be playful anymore.

Went RC for ss revision yesterday. Me, GM and Yvonne wore the shirt that we bought! Its quite weird but funny la. But i only managed to do 1/half question for sbq for the 3 hours stay there! Found it quite a waste of my time. Maybe i should do those question at home before going there so that i can consult Mr Tan instantly. Then it was drizzling. All of us including mr tan went to cp for dinner. Some went delifrance while some went KFC. Went to KFC but due the long queue and felt quite sick of the food there, me and yvonne went to kopitiam instead. Then was ask by Mr Tan to go down to delifrance after we had eaten. Mr tan treated us fruit tarts. Thanks :) then went to buy some things and went home after that.
There is no ace on monday. So went for lunch at compass banquet with amanda, esther and raenes. Was looking at one girl from St. Joseph convent and when she walked past me, she actually diao-ed me. LOL and of course i diao her back. After we finished eating, we started our chatting. Stating the facts about some people. HAHA and we actually agreed on some things and its super funny.

Had physics test yesterday. Think it is a class test. Not satisfied with my result at all though i have passed it. Super super disppointed la. It was raining super heavily after assembly today and me and xuewei could not go home. No umbrella and even we had an umbrella i think we would still be drenched. Waited for awhilethe rain is still so heavy. So xw called her mother to come and fetch us. Thanks xw :)

Then slept all the way till 5.30 pm:) and im feeling super energetic now!

The class outing with 4E2 was fun! Started of with bowling at superbowl. Me,chermel, wanni, peiyi, camillus and zhanxiang was in one team. Lane 5! Our group ranked the third among the 6 teams! All thanks to camillus cos he scored the most. And and im the lousiest among the group. haha :) Then at about two plus took 136 to amk the nebo hub. Alot of fun there. Mr Tan decided to change our group cos the way we were grouped was like all those close friends together. I grouped with guangmin, sherry, derrick, chia hwee and haowen! Quite a fun group la. Started off playing the board games. Played tabbo and alot more! First game was charade i think? Hao wen went up. And had a hard time guessing cos i think the word tehy gave was too hard to act out.

Then was scavenger hunt. They needed 8 items but our group only managed to have five of them. They wanted mirror,1 one dollar note,sunglasses, one adidas item, nail clipper, family photo, 2 strands of white hair and 3 rubberbands. The funny part was that we got only one rubberband but we managed to get through by folding the big rubberband to make it look like we have three! LOL. Then was group performance. Our group performed a food skit something related to the mocca.com. Funny thing is our team and another team scored the lowest! haha but its alright. The thing is that we had enjoyed ourselves. Then was a surprise birthday celebration for sandra's belated birthday! Sang birthday songs and took a class photo. Then lastly was lucky draw! And of course im not the lucky one la. Mr Chia wa sthe guest of honour to pick out the lucky number and Jaryl was the lucky one! Wah his prize was a 2GB thumbdrive!

After the whole thing ended, all went seperate ways. Soem went pool, some went to Bishan the arcade there while me, yvonne, guangmin, dorothy, pk, JQ, jaryl went to arcade! Took neoprints :)) Quite funny la. Jerry joined us after that. Played the bang bang game with dorothy ( Forgot what game is it called). Play until my hands pain. Then Pk and jerry played basketball. After that, JQ and jaryl teamed, yvonne and gm teamed to compete with each other. And the girls won! Guangmin and yvonne managed to get into stage four and scored like 300 plus plus points? Girls power! ANd the guys were like huh? Stayed there till about 8-9plus then decided to go home. Funny thing is we stood outside the arcade and took like 25 minutes to discuss what bus to take home so that the 7 of us can take the same bus home instead of going seperate ways! And finally, JQ and Dorothy took 86 home while the rest took 88 home instead! Took alot of photos in the bus and alot of funny things happened in the bus ( Shall not laborate) My cousins were at my house. They ordered pizza hut : ) Then conferenced with yvonne, jaryl and pk awhile and went to slp. Nice day out indeed!

Yesterday went out to play badminton with jaryl and pk! Its really a fun day out with them la. We could not book a court so decided to find a badminton court to play. As we were finding, jaryl decided to ask the passerby where is the badminton court. Then pk suddenly say ' There the badminton court is here!' The badminton court is just right in front of us and we dint even notice it! LOL super funny. Then another problem is we did not have a net. Then decided to call those living nearby to bring a net or a raffia string for us. Zhanxiang was so kind to bring down strings from his house! Thanks zx! At least the string is better than nothing :) Then started playing. Me and jaryl team-ed up to vs pk! hahaha and i think we won? Then saw barry. So played together la. haha played for almost two hour plus. Then went to cp for dinner.

Had dinner at KFC. Then was arcade again. The jaryl is real funny when playing the initial D racing game. If i were to help him with the gear again, he is bound to lose! LOL then pk played time crisis four! His the real mad one! Super pro la he dint even lose a life can.He played the game for super super long until he started perspiring. Then while waiting for him, me and jaryl played the game. Forgot what the game is called again!And the pk still can come to see us play awhile before he went back to his game.Lol damn zai right. And jaryl won me at the last last minute! hahah fun. Jaryl wanted to use up all his money in the timezone card so he played the drum again. He chose the easy level and all he was only beating one note throughout the whole song! And he looks super dumb when doing that. I video-ed it but forgot to save! Argh super wasted!
At bout 9.45pm, went home. We walked home :) Then went to the fitness corner around my house there to play.Climb up and down the bar,nothing to do: ) Tried on the DJ max game. Then at around 1030pm went home. But before we went home we went to find david!( Jaryl's idea) Went to his unit and pressed on the doorbell. HAHA and david was like damn shocked to see us there. Went to say hi only. Super lame right. Then we went home after that. Had a really fun day out yesterday! March holidays is ending! And i would better go and do my chinese essay now!
Caught Rule #1 with my cousin last tuesday? Quite a nice movie la but its abit confusing sometimes. Dint really get what the movie is about at the last part. Funny ending? haha but some parts were quite disgusting and scary. But i still don't understand why is was rated NC16 because there weren't any violent scenes or what. And my cousin got through it anyway. The person also dint check her ic. LOL

Went to CP to study with xw, JQ and jerry. Went to the library at first to see whether we can study there but there is no chairs or tables so went to burger king instead. Studied till about 4-5 plus? Then started to slack cos we got bored of studying! Chatted and laughed at about some things. Then saw luke. So went to find him at Mac. Then walked around at cp. Super boring cos cp so small then like nowhere to go. Went comics connection cos JQ wanted to buy the rubik cube sticker. No matter where we go, there is bound to be one of us wanting to buy food. First stop was breadtalk. Jq and xw bought bread there. Then walked past cold storage. Jerry wanted to but sushi but no $. haha Then was bubbletea shop. Jq bought bubbletea. Then walked past Mac. Jerry bought an ice-cream using his EZ link card. Then walked past Old Chang kee. Me and xw bought some things to eat! LOL super funny la. Then nothing to do so just sat around the tap card area to stone and chat abit. At around 6 plus then train-ed home: )

Going out again tmr. Class outing! Will it be fun??
Something funny happen this morning. Someone using gabriel's phone to call me saying' If you want to get xuewei back, please pay your ransom of one hundred dollars now!' LOL and of course i know someone is making fun of me la and i thought it was sherman at first. But it was actually naqib! Then trained to school with amanda and xuewei :)

Physics spa! It was so-so? Dint really understand the question at first so asked Mr Chia and told him i do not understand. But he just stood beside me,kept quiet and kept pointing at the paper hinting me something. But luckily i understood. Its good that he kept quiet cos once he tell me what to do, my skill one marks will be deducted. hoho and yvonne experienced the same thing too! Both of us asked the same question. Break time and as usual they played catching while this time, me,xw and jerry watched them play. Then was SS lesson. Before we started Mr Tan was discussing about the friday class bonding outing. Hope it will be fun la :)

Went to have lunch at Koufu with yongda, JQ, Huayai, Kairen, Gabriel, Justin and jerry. Haha walked halfway and it started to drizzle! And the rain got more heavy after that. And the kairen was like 'eh who got umbrella uh? i scared of rain'. Super funny. At first i thought nobody would have an umbrella but it turns out that yongda had one! And the guys were like 3 person share one. So lame can. And JQ was covering his hair with his hands-.- It started raining more heavily and we ran! Poor jerry had to run with us. Then lunched and we went back to school for oral. On the way back, gabriel and jerry kept shooting the ice at me. GRRR was abit late for oral. So was the second to take it. Jas was the tester. The oral was alright la. Then waited for yvonne and went home together. Chatted alot :)

Flu became worser now. And seem to be running a fever now...Anw thanks for the strepsils:)
PTM on saturday! Had a one hour talk by miss chong and mrs yao and then the distribution of report books! Mr Tan and Mr Chia talked to my dad. My results are really bad this term failed both sciences :( Guess i realy got to study hard for sciences and of course not fogetting about other subjects.

Had Chemistry SPA exam today. It was fine : ) and there is physics SPA exam tmr and english oral exam tmr too. Thinking of all these exams spoil my mood! But tmr is my mum's birthday! <3 played line catching during the break with chermel, wanni, xw,justin, yongda, eunice, jan, christopher, jianwei and see swee. It was super fun but tiring! Then went for maths lesson. Finish the A maths chapter alrdy. Lesson end at 12 and some of them went for english oral. Mine is tmr. So stayed back in class to chat around with guangmin, yvonne, JQ, camillus, poh khoon and jaryl: ) JQ,camillus and jaryl are funny people. Talked alot of crap. Don't know why i suddenly talked about gunbound thing. Then JQ and camillus was like keep discussing non-stop about the game. Then when i asked them questions both of them dao me. And the stupid jaryl was like keep laughing away. LOL stayed in class till one then went home with them.

The most funny part was when camillus suddenly out of no where said last time those show always say huang hou niang niang XIA dao! But it should be huang hou niang niang JIA dao! And the jaryl started giving those xia dao actions instead of the jiadao! LOLLL super funny and me and yvonne laughed like mad! And we were still laughingafter we got off the lrt. And camillus was like aiya u all want laugh jiu laugh those kind of face! ahahha fun day afterall : )

Went to cp with my sister to shop for mummy's birthday present! And after a long walk, we finally bought what we wanted. HHAHA

Stayed back in school yesterday for english ace. Actually not really ace but sort of chatting session( oral communication lesson) with Jas. We sat in circles and talked about anything we want. Every one will have a turn to share about their families, goals with each other. And and Jas started talking about her house the spirit thing again! And of course we listened attentively to her with her ghostly stories. Then after ace stayed back in class to cut yongda and wanni's belated birthday cake! Played around and went home after that:)

Today pe lesson was fun! Played floorball again! Me,Sandra,Guangmin and Wilson Ang team-ed up to competer with wanni, chermel, yongda and guowei. Wah really had alot of fun. Keep laughing non-stop i tell you. And the guowei is super funny la. Cos i hit the ball then it ended up as airball. Then guowei hit the stick up and hit it as if he was playing badminton! *LAUGHS* Then lesson all the way till 12.30 and i went home early cos got piano exam in the afternoon :) The others had to stay back for maths lesson. It was supposed to be SS extra class but Mr Tan did not come today. So Mrs Cheow took over his period:)

Reached home at about 1pm. Super early. Ate and started practising my piano before i head off to cityhall(Adelphi building!) Saw yvonne in the lrt and david at cp lrt station. Met up with my dad and headed to the exam studio. While me and my dad was registering, i saw the examiner walking out of the exam room! And of course i smiled at her la. Must leave a good impression ok! Saw this girl waiting nervously for her turn to go in. She was grade 7 and was before me. And she keep telling her mum that she was nervous. LOL and of course i was nervous too la. Waited outside for about half and hour. When the girl came out, her first sentence she told her mother'WAH I CONFIRM FAIL!' her this sentence make me more nervous can. Went in and tried to remain calm. But i can seem to do it. Played scales first. It was okay at first but abit jerky when playing the chromatic scales. One funny part was she asked me to play F minor i went to play F# minor! Too nervous alrdy! Thats why. Then started with the pieces. Palms were super sweaty. Kept rubbing my hands on my jeans.LOL Felt that i played it not as good when my piano teacher was around:(

Really really hope that i can pass the exam and it would be great if i can get a merit!Dinstinction for me would be hard to achieve!My teacher also said that it is quite hard for a grade 8 to get a distinction unless you are really super duper good. My teacher and I have really put in alot of effort just to prepare for this piano exam. Lessons for 2-3 times per week! Going to the studio every sunday just to practice and get used to the piano there. My dad has seriously spent lots of $ on me. And i must not disappoint him!If not his money, my teacher and my efforts will be gone to waste! I MUST PASS THIS EXAM! Anw, the examiner quite good and friendly though. Is this considered good or bad??

Oh yeah and the sec fours finally stepped down from cca last wednesday! Had a mini farewell party for the sec fours:) and also a welcome party for the sec ones. Bought 12 pizzas! Thats a alot man and we got our photoframes! And im so lucky to get the frame that i wanted. Heard from alastair that the frame with the photo is super ex. One hundred++ for 18 seniors? Yeah and the instructors thanked us for being such a devoted band member. Its really hard for one to to stay in band for four years but we did it! Saw the band video. Quite touching la. Voices of the sec fours of what they wanted to tell the band were heard by everyone! Mine was'saxophone will always be the best and strongest section ever!' Will confirm miss people like yingxuan! Xinfei!Thessa!Huiqi!Junhao! In short, the SAXOPHONE section:)) Saxophone section rock!
Wow its been super super long since i have actually updated. Really enjoyed the Sec four three days 'camp'! 'I AM GIFTED SO ARE YOU'. At first i thought that the camp will be super super boring but it turned out to be so fun and i seriously enjoyed the three days there!I learnt alot of things from the instructors AMIN, MELVIN AND HUIMIN( c.w.w). They are really fun people i tell you. Almost every sentence they say will make us laugh non stop. They taught us effective study methods, mindmaps, speed reading, about the sheep and eagle story, stories experienced in live and so on. HMMm and i have learnt alot in this camp. And I know that i will not give up so easily next time and i must be more determined to achieve my goals!

At the last day, amin said he wanted to end this camp in a more special way. E1,E2 and E3 sang the song 'holding on' together' with our arms around each other's shoulders :)And we even encouraged each other to work hard for our o levels! It was a nice feeling afterall.The instructors discussed the topic about 'PARENTS!' It made most of the people teared. The way Amin spoke about how we actually treated our parents, shouting back at them, their nags, scoldings, beatings etc made us think through how we actually treated our parents all these years. The way he spoke and the video he showed us was really really touching. But the most touching part was the last day of the camp where parent were invited to attend the closing ceremony. The ceremony ended with students rushing up to the stage waiting for there turn to say some words of thanks, sorry to their parents. My parents did not went for the closing ceremony. And if my parents were there at that time, i think i will be the one standing up there to say some things to them. haha the ceremony ended at about 10 plus. Took some photos with huimin, amin and mr chia. Then train'ed home : ) This camp is really worth the money and really hope that there will be more of such camps!

Rested for just one day and need to go schoool again! But luckily school is not as stressful as for now as there is no more tests coming up! And surprisingly i passed my history! Quite shocking though. And my combined humans is like b3!Quite happy with it la. Oh and i suddenly remember what amanda said during chinese class that day. Cos we are supposed to write chinese compo about something memorable. Then someone asked how to say 'i am gifted so are you' in chinese. And she actually said 'WO SHI LI WU NI YE SHI'! lmao so lame can but its funny afterall haha. Physics prac today was super relax. Practically did nothing but just redoing the experiment using the jockey thing. Then after the class, me, chermel. xw and wanni went back to class together. As usual we played with the long ruler again. And we were like running back to the classroom. As we were running back, accidentally injured my ankle. Cos i jerked when i saw the wall and wanted to turn away. LOL but its only a small injury luh. hoho