Its been a week since i blogged! So be prepared for a super long posts below:)

Lst saturday: History mock exam was a killer! Almost leave a question blank because seriously don't even know what to write! But Mr Tan say ccannot leave blank so wrote some crap on the paper. English mock was okay. Hand were tired after all the papers. Then went home with yvonne and decided to go out in the afternoon to relax. Went to eat first in cp then Jaryl and Gabriel came to meet us after that. Was discussing where to go then duno why suddenly yvonne thought about hawpa villa( Whatever u call that) and so gab suggested that we go there so we went there in the end! LOL looks weird la cos normally this kind of places is for those tourist to go and the four of us seemed stupid to go to such places. hahah but it was fun! We took like alot alot alot of pictures there. Almost 200 pictures were taken during that day! haha it was super hot there and got tired of walking so we went to Vivo. Took bus back. And Gabriel seems so familiar with the places what buses to take etc. Cos his church is near there mah.

Walked around Vivo. Me and yvonne decided to go to the pool ther eto play with the water cos legs were tired. The two guys dint went down cos they were both wearing long pant. And they become our nanny. Sitting on the grass patch taking care of our shoes and bags. LOL and when we were about to get out of the water, they ran away with our shoes! And we just stood there for them to come back. hahah tehn arcade after that! Fun played quite alot of funny games especially Jaryl learning how to fly the aeroplane and the plane crash cos the gab trying to pull back the duno what isit called. LOL then played the 2vs2 games. Must hit the thing into the hole one.wah duno what is it called again! Im sure u all should know what games im talking about. Teamed with Jaryl whiel yvnne with gab. Who won?! Of course is me and Jaryl! yeah then went to see pets and walked around vivo. Went to see bags and last station were toysRus. We actually stayed there the longest! Cos we were practically playing with everything that we see. Like small kids, so childish but who cares? its fun! Took quite a number of imba pictures there. Shall post it when i have the time. The pictures tells it all that we had alot of fun there! LOL got hungry and went to the hawker centre which yvonne suggested. The fried mee that jaryl and gab ordered suck! So sticky and duno what. Not nice. hahah and ordered oyster. Soo sour. LOL then at bout 9-10 plus trained home. Pirouette guys! hahah saw yy in the train. Such a coincidence. And yeah the day ended off like that. One ord to describe: Fun!

Monday: Went to Dongcheng with Xw,Yvonne, Gabriel, Jaryl and Naqib. Dint want to go there at first but gab says the things they sell there is nice so just went. Me and xw ate chee cheong fun. Nice! haha the others ate maggie mee! LOL then went popular to buy ruler after that! hahah then walked home with xw. Chatted alot with her! hahah then home sweet home

Tuesday: Had Napfa test. Did shuttlerun, sit-ups and sit and reach! yupps and we played captain's ball during FT period. Super fun! Its nice to see everyone having fun together. Sad that lil jaryl had to sit at one corner to take his history test! Mrs Cheow even brought drinks for us after that! So nice of her! Hope that our ft period will be like this every week. haha

Wednesday: Band performance was cool! Last time i was the one sitting on the chair performing but now im the one sitting on the floor watching those juniors playing! Missed those times performing on the stage! They played quite a few songs and it sounds nice! Well done band :)Then went yoshinoya with xw, jaryl, gab kairen and joel for lunch :) Then GB with Kairen, Jq, Zx, Jy, Jerry, Yongda and chermel. Fun la since its been years since i played it.

Thursday:Can't really rmb what happen. Only remembered that me and xw went Koufu with JQ,Luke and shah. Bought Wafers and shah was telling us some jokes la. Then walked back to school with xw to find mrs cheow cos i forgot to take my report book for some reasons. hahha

Friday: Had chinese oral. Was the second last super unlucky. waited for so long before it was my turn. Haha by the time it was my turn the hall was like left with only less than 10 people? LOL don't think i did well cos the teacher asked me quite a number of ques. hais then decided to go to camillus's house. Me, xw,Jintai, Jaryl and Gab went. Before we went in he chained up his dog. LOL cos he said one of his dogs will lick us then we were scared. hahah Actually not we la is me and xwHe got three dogs at home! The other one was at the back of his house. A super huge dog Played pool in his house. Damn cool can his house. Got alot of portraits then alot of drink can etc. Very big also. Then played on his grand piano! Gab too! Played quite a number of songs. Gab played some really nice music on the piano. Cam too! His canon in D. Then pplayed pool again! Then went home at about 5 plus. Was talking some crap on the way home. Some indian songs etc and now Jaryl call me Ah neh! And Niang Niang! Cos of some reasons. haha! played gb with Cam and Gab at night till two plus. 3 of us vs 3 BOONS! lol super fun. Wilson chee wanted to join but we were tired so all went to sleep. He joined in at the wrong timing.

A short game with cam, jq and jerry. Teamed with jerry to vs jq and cam. Needless to say we of course lose la. Hahaha and i can say jerry play gb damn damn imba!!!!!!
You are such an idiot!
Today is my dad's birthday :)Happy Birthday Daddy! ILY

This whole week was not a good day. First was Napfa. The route seemed short but it is actually super long when you start running! Hahaas timing was 15++ minutes. Thanks Jintai for pacing and encouraging me at the last lap. haha he super funny cos at the last lap i kept walking and slowing down. Then gm and yvonne was infront of me. So he said in chi' faster faster must win yvonne and gm. And so i ran as fast as i could la and overtake gm. Then guess what he said?' He said to gm's pacer( forgot who it is) Nanny nanny poo poo you cannot catch me. LOL super funny la but no energy to laugh already. But it was quite wasted la missed by one minute then can get an A already. But its considered quite good already cos dint train for this napfa. hoho After the run many were feeling unwell. Xw and guangmin was feeling very unwell after the run. They vomited, walked and keep stopping halfway to sit down. So when everyone was walking back to school, some of us were still at the route there. LOL took quite long to reach back school. People like kairen, luke,jerry,Jq and edmond also stayed to accompany the so called'sick' girls. haha then Jaryl ran two times in and out of the school just to call for teacher and help get tissues. haha so kind of them :)

After the run, most were feeling unwell. So mostly were not paying attention in class. Requested to postpone the physics common test but Mr chia don't allow. By the time we took the exam, im already very tired. Too tired and lazy to attempt the question. So just wanted to complete the paper quickly. And in the end, failed the test :( super sucks la. But really studied quite hard for this common test. Study hard still fail. This proves that im stupid la.

Oh yeah i almost forgot. Thursday April 3 was yvonne's birthday!Happy belated birthday to yvonne ang! HAHA sat with yvonne during practical lab cos she ws absent then we were going to do the experiment that we planned ourself! Both of us did the same things cos yvonne was absent that day and dint know what to do. But sad case is the experiment o planned failed! Not 100% failed la. If change the ammeter to milliammeter and the experiment would have worked! Haha o most of us who dint include milliammeter as apart of our aparatus would get all the same current for al the reading. And mr Chia requested for us to draw graph somemore. So the graph would turn out to be a total straight line! Funny indeed. Then do until halfway kairen asked me over and told me to act abit cos yvonne's birthday. So i kept talking to her and make sure that we are the last to put back our aparatus. So that Mr Chia would scold us. LOL and i acted quite professionally. LOL then halfway Yvonne was asked to stand up and mr chia acted very seriously and seems like going to scold her anytime. And yvonne's face was like almost red. LOL and we sang birthday song for her! So funny la mr chia : )

After school went to yoshinoya with yvonne,jaryl, david, jintai and chia hwee. Stayed there for quite long. Was crapping and keep laughing about chia hwee's habit! Some should know what im talking about la. Then don't know why halfway we started taking out our physics common test paper and see what we got wrong and discussed. LOL quite lame la. Then wanted to go supercuts cut hair but daniel not there. Thk he will be back on Tuesday. Saw raenes and amanda. Raenes went to see doctor cos sick mah. Get well soon Raenes!

Mrs Cheow told me that i got 27 for my E maths. Not happy still cos i expected abit higher. Thought i could get 29. LOL maybe is careless? haha

Went back for E math and Physics mock exam today. It was hard. Heard that combined science paper was quite difficult too. But it sounds like pure phy paper was easier than combined science paper cos me and xw was discussing with ys, clay and desmond and their paper seems harder? All of us thought that maybe the teachers mixed up the paper. LOL but don't think the teachers are so blur la. It really dampens my mood to go back to school during a saturday just to take an exam! Normally i would get to wake up abit later during saturday but these continuous mock exam everyday is taking away my sleep time! And tehre is History mock exam next week! Wah gonna die already! Went for lunch at KCF with xw, clay, ys, desmond and edmond. They kept shooting ice then i think a couple sitting behind us was abit unhappys o we went off after much ice shooting. lol and we walked back home instead of taking the lrt. Came home and started playing on my piano. Suddenly feel like playing. haha then watched tv all the way and now im using com. And im not going to study today! I shall give myself one day to relax. hoho

Things starts to get worse and we seems to be drifting apart. Can things go back to normal? I really hope so :(
The Princess Diary
Its been a week since i blogged! So be prepared for a super long posts below:)

Lst saturday: History mock exam was a killer! Almost leave a question blank because seriously don't even know what to write! But Mr Tan say ccannot leave blank so wrote some crap on the paper. English mock was okay. Hand were tired after all the papers. Then went home with yvonne and decided to go out in the afternoon to relax. Went to eat first in cp then Jaryl and Gabriel came to meet us after that. Was discussing where to go then duno why suddenly yvonne thought about hawpa villa( Whatever u call that) and so gab suggested that we go there so we went there in the end! LOL looks weird la cos normally this kind of places is for those tourist to go and the four of us seemed stupid to go to such places. hahah but it was fun! We took like alot alot alot of pictures there. Almost 200 pictures were taken during that day! haha it was super hot there and got tired of walking so we went to Vivo. Took bus back. And Gabriel seems so familiar with the places what buses to take etc. Cos his church is near there mah.

Walked around Vivo. Me and yvonne decided to go to the pool ther eto play with the water cos legs were tired. The two guys dint went down cos they were both wearing long pant. And they become our nanny. Sitting on the grass patch taking care of our shoes and bags. LOL and when we were about to get out of the water, they ran away with our shoes! And we just stood there for them to come back. hahah tehn arcade after that! Fun played quite alot of funny games especially Jaryl learning how to fly the aeroplane and the plane crash cos the gab trying to pull back the duno what isit called. LOL then played the 2vs2 games. Must hit the thing into the hole one.wah duno what is it called again! Im sure u all should know what games im talking about. Teamed with Jaryl whiel yvnne with gab. Who won?! Of course is me and Jaryl! yeah then went to see pets and walked around vivo. Went to see bags and last station were toysRus. We actually stayed there the longest! Cos we were practically playing with everything that we see. Like small kids, so childish but who cares? its fun! Took quite a number of imba pictures there. Shall post it when i have the time. The pictures tells it all that we had alot of fun there! LOL got hungry and went to the hawker centre which yvonne suggested. The fried mee that jaryl and gab ordered suck! So sticky and duno what. Not nice. hahah and ordered oyster. Soo sour. LOL then at bout 9-10 plus trained home. Pirouette guys! hahah saw yy in the train. Such a coincidence. And yeah the day ended off like that. One ord to describe: Fun!

Monday: Went to Dongcheng with Xw,Yvonne, Gabriel, Jaryl and Naqib. Dint want to go there at first but gab says the things they sell there is nice so just went. Me and xw ate chee cheong fun. Nice! haha the others ate maggie mee! LOL then went popular to buy ruler after that! hahah then walked home with xw. Chatted alot with her! hahah then home sweet home

Tuesday: Had Napfa test. Did shuttlerun, sit-ups and sit and reach! yupps and we played captain's ball during FT period. Super fun! Its nice to see everyone having fun together. Sad that lil jaryl had to sit at one corner to take his history test! Mrs Cheow even brought drinks for us after that! So nice of her! Hope that our ft period will be like this every week. haha

Wednesday: Band performance was cool! Last time i was the one sitting on the chair performing but now im the one sitting on the floor watching those juniors playing! Missed those times performing on the stage! They played quite a few songs and it sounds nice! Well done band :)Then went yoshinoya with xw, jaryl, gab kairen and joel for lunch :) Then GB with Kairen, Jq, Zx, Jy, Jerry, Yongda and chermel. Fun la since its been years since i played it.

Thursday:Can't really rmb what happen. Only remembered that me and xw went Koufu with JQ,Luke and shah. Bought Wafers and shah was telling us some jokes la. Then walked back to school with xw to find mrs cheow cos i forgot to take my report book for some reasons. hahha

Friday: Had chinese oral. Was the second last super unlucky. waited for so long before it was my turn. Haha by the time it was my turn the hall was like left with only less than 10 people? LOL don't think i did well cos the teacher asked me quite a number of ques. hais then decided to go to camillus's house. Me, xw,Jintai, Jaryl and Gab went. Before we went in he chained up his dog. LOL cos he said one of his dogs will lick us then we were scared. hahah Actually not we la is me and xwHe got three dogs at home! The other one was at the back of his house. A super huge dog Played pool in his house. Damn cool can his house. Got alot of portraits then alot of drink can etc. Very big also. Then played on his grand piano! Gab too! Played quite a number of songs. Gab played some really nice music on the piano. Cam too! His canon in D. Then pplayed pool again! Then went home at about 5 plus. Was talking some crap on the way home. Some indian songs etc and now Jaryl call me Ah neh! And Niang Niang! Cos of some reasons. haha! played gb with Cam and Gab at night till two plus. 3 of us vs 3 BOONS! lol super fun. Wilson chee wanted to join but we were tired so all went to sleep. He joined in at the wrong timing.

A short game with cam, jq and jerry. Teamed with jerry to vs jq and cam. Needless to say we of course lose la. Hahaha and i can say jerry play gb damn damn imba!!!!!!
You are such an idiot!
Today is my dad's birthday :)Happy Birthday Daddy! ILY

This whole week was not a good day. First was Napfa. The route seemed short but it is actually super long when you start running! Hahaas timing was 15++ minutes. Thanks Jintai for pacing and encouraging me at the last lap. haha he super funny cos at the last lap i kept walking and slowing down. Then gm and yvonne was infront of me. So he said in chi' faster faster must win yvonne and gm. And so i ran as fast as i could la and overtake gm. Then guess what he said?' He said to gm's pacer( forgot who it is) Nanny nanny poo poo you cannot catch me. LOL super funny la but no energy to laugh already. But it was quite wasted la missed by one minute then can get an A already. But its considered quite good already cos dint train for this napfa. hoho After the run many were feeling unwell. Xw and guangmin was feeling very unwell after the run. They vomited, walked and keep stopping halfway to sit down. So when everyone was walking back to school, some of us were still at the route there. LOL took quite long to reach back school. People like kairen, luke,jerry,Jq and edmond also stayed to accompany the so called'sick' girls. haha then Jaryl ran two times in and out of the school just to call for teacher and help get tissues. haha so kind of them :)

After the run, most were feeling unwell. So mostly were not paying attention in class. Requested to postpone the physics common test but Mr chia don't allow. By the time we took the exam, im already very tired. Too tired and lazy to attempt the question. So just wanted to complete the paper quickly. And in the end, failed the test :( super sucks la. But really studied quite hard for this common test. Study hard still fail. This proves that im stupid la.

Oh yeah i almost forgot. Thursday April 3 was yvonne's birthday!Happy belated birthday to yvonne ang! HAHA sat with yvonne during practical lab cos she ws absent then we were going to do the experiment that we planned ourself! Both of us did the same things cos yvonne was absent that day and dint know what to do. But sad case is the experiment o planned failed! Not 100% failed la. If change the ammeter to milliammeter and the experiment would have worked! Haha o most of us who dint include milliammeter as apart of our aparatus would get all the same current for al the reading. And mr Chia requested for us to draw graph somemore. So the graph would turn out to be a total straight line! Funny indeed. Then do until halfway kairen asked me over and told me to act abit cos yvonne's birthday. So i kept talking to her and make sure that we are the last to put back our aparatus. So that Mr Chia would scold us. LOL and i acted quite professionally. LOL then halfway Yvonne was asked to stand up and mr chia acted very seriously and seems like going to scold her anytime. And yvonne's face was like almost red. LOL and we sang birthday song for her! So funny la mr chia : )

After school went to yoshinoya with yvonne,jaryl, david, jintai and chia hwee. Stayed there for quite long. Was crapping and keep laughing about chia hwee's habit! Some should know what im talking about la. Then don't know why halfway we started taking out our physics common test paper and see what we got wrong and discussed. LOL quite lame la. Then wanted to go supercuts cut hair but daniel not there. Thk he will be back on Tuesday. Saw raenes and amanda. Raenes went to see doctor cos sick mah. Get well soon Raenes!

Mrs Cheow told me that i got 27 for my E maths. Not happy still cos i expected abit higher. Thought i could get 29. LOL maybe is careless? haha

Went back for E math and Physics mock exam today. It was hard. Heard that combined science paper was quite difficult too. But it sounds like pure phy paper was easier than combined science paper cos me and xw was discussing with ys, clay and desmond and their paper seems harder? All of us thought that maybe the teachers mixed up the paper. LOL but don't think the teachers are so blur la. It really dampens my mood to go back to school during a saturday just to take an exam! Normally i would get to wake up abit later during saturday but these continuous mock exam everyday is taking away my sleep time! And tehre is History mock exam next week! Wah gonna die already! Went for lunch at KCF with xw, clay, ys, desmond and edmond. They kept shooting ice then i think a couple sitting behind us was abit unhappys o we went off after much ice shooting. lol and we walked back home instead of taking the lrt. Came home and started playing on my piano. Suddenly feel like playing. haha then watched tv all the way and now im using com. And im not going to study today! I shall give myself one day to relax. hoho

Things starts to get worse and we seems to be drifting apart. Can things go back to normal? I really hope so :(