Busy with alot alot alot of stuffs! So don't complain that i never update and never reply people's tag. ( Not referring to anyone ar) Had chinese 'o' level last week! Really studied super hard for the exam. Spent the whole day just to memorise those good phrases to be used for paper one. And i think i screwed up this time. Just hope that i will not be given a chance to retake! LOL

Physics and chem 'o' level spa skill 3 is finally over. Physics was ok but chem was totally not ok! Was totally affected by chem. Screwed up again! All because of the acid! -.- anw, its over. No point brooding it over now. So went to play bball at 299 with lots of people. Played match and its fun. Me, jerry and sean vs yvonne, pk and jintai. And we won:) Then continued playing till 9 plus with noddy and frens and amanda and raenes. Raenes cheer up ok! Don't sad alrdy! (: Went home and felt super bored. Mood was not really that good either ): Can't get to sleep. Thinking of many many many things. What is happening to me?? Only fell asleep at 2 plus and woke up at 11.30 today cos got class at 1.15-4.15. Played bball for awhile then Ptm after that. Results were not really good. I will make sure that i will do very well for my prelim! And this is a promise to myself!

I am feeling very.... right now. undescribable feeling?? why must it turn out to be like that? Even to the extent of... Is it worth it a not?? my heart can't take in anymore...SERIOUSLY!
Went to 188 to play basketball with yvonne, sean, kokming and christopher yesterday. Had fun playing though im quite noob in playing bball. Played from 4 plus to around 7 plus then went home:) It was not bored while walking home. LOL

Went shopping with family today! Its been a long long time since i have went out with my family alrdy! Went to my ah ma's house at night. Out the whole day. Haha maybe meeting Noddy and friends tmr after they watch their iron man? Still not confirm. Anw jaryl don't be so Fed-up ok!
Got back results and were not really happy with it except for E maths and chinese paper 1. But im not gonna give up so easily. i want to get at most 10 points for my O level! Went back class for FT and mrs cheow suddenly asked me what happen to me. Cos she say my results are deproving and position in class/school dropping too. So im going to prove her wrong and hope to achieve those kind of results like last year:)

Had chinese mock exam today. It was not ok at all. haha and chinese O level is coming! 26th May 2008. One week ++ left! Gotta work hard!

Went compass with yvonne just now. And yvonne u talked a alot arh! No offence. Then went dongcheng with jerry and sean. Shared chee cheong fun and the maggie noodles with YA! lol then saw raenes and amanda. Such a coincidence. They have alrdy walked around cp for like 5 rounds? So funny. So at last we accompanied yvonne to dental. Sean and jerry went off first. Then me, raenes and amanda chatted quite alot outside the dental. Don't know is we walked too loud or what, one of the dentist suddenly open the door, looked at us then shut the door. LOL after yvonne come out, she dint really talk much cos she have a rubberband in her mouth! haha and its pain ok. Ouch. then walked home with them. And it been a long time since i walked home with amanda and raenes!<3

13May 2008: Skm took my phone and ran away to dhoby with his dota peeps after school. LOL. So that left me with no handphone for the whole afternoon. Haha. Met him at my house there at around 7 plus?? Sat at the multi purpose hall and chatted about everything under the sun. And i came to know alot of things (: Chatted till late 11 plus then home. Its a nice htht indeed. LOL. Im sure he feels the same way (:
Went out yesterday to have buffet lunch at RiverView hotel with weiling, alas, alas's mum and friend and wangpeng! I miss wangpeng sosososo much :) never seeb ger for one year ++ i think?she is going france and U.S.A for some kind of exchange program and she would only be back next year. T.T Felt that she dint change much. Her specs were still the same! LOL and i actually remembered though i have not seen her for so long alrdy. hoho the buffet lunch was quite nice. Thanks alastair's mum! Took quite a lot of pictures too. Shall post it when i have the mood. lolol after lunch then went to hang around at the old singapore river there, quite relaxed sitting there. Dint join alas, his mum and alas' mum's friend to marina square. Was tired so trained home. And yeah staying at home is bored cos only go tv, com and nobody to play ps2 with me. hahah so at night played gb with cam and jaryl until i felt sleepy and ZZZzzzz

Went for ballet lesson today. And there is a heavy jam at the highway there. And as usual i was late again. Lesson was fun today! haha then after lesson went home. Then watched tv and slacked all the way till 6 plus. Was not really in good mood at that time.Then felt bored so asked my sis to accompany me to pasar malam.

Happy mother's day and happy birthday weiling!
Finally mid year exams are over! And the feeling is so great! haha studied really hard for humanities, em and chemistry this time round! But don't think i can do well in humanities cos both papers i dint managed to finish it on time. LOL still remembered a few of us ( yvonne, jintai, jaryl, kairen, huayao, david, chia hwee and jerry ) stayed back after school one day before exam start for Mr Tan till 5 plus to ask him to mark our mock exam paper. While waiting, instead of revising, we were at the canteen playing lots of funny games! The Da jia yi qi zhe yang zuo, heart attsact and the murderer. Super fun and funny man. then at night, me, yvonne, jintai,jaryl, huayao and kairen went to david's house to study E maths. We were really serious. Dint really tallk much except for asking each other maths stuffs. And thanks huayao for helping us in math. His maths very power. Stayed at David's house till 11 plus. Close to twelve. Thanks david! hoho then don't know which day went cp to study with jaryl and sean. History and physics. hahah dint really study much. Then after studying went to the fitness corner at my house there. Don't know why everytime go out i will end up hanging around the fitness corner. Lat stop is always fitness corner!

Went straight to David's house when our A maths paper 1 ends on wednesday! me, yvonne, xw, gab, jelly and jt walked to david's house from the pasar malam. And it suddenly rained when we cross the road. And we ran across the road. hahah and David's mother cooked lunch for us! Played on thne piano, some played guitar, some played cards at first. Then after that we started going youtube to watch those funny videos. Mostly was recommended by bobabby. So can tell that he always watch those lame videos when his free. And that reflect his character too! hahah jkjkThen played the taiwan show game and the superman ,batman ,spiderman action game. Kept laughing non stop. And jelly and bobabby was singing the twinkle twinkle litterle star. Super funny.Anw thanks david and his mother once again! They are hospitable:)

On thursday after our Am paper 2 ends, me, yvonne, jt, david and gab were deciding on where to go. And after a long decision making, we went to play bowling. peiya, sandra, xw and yy were there. Everyone except xw did not play. And me the imba niang niang actually scored the highest! haha And the guys did alot of funny style and tricks when playing. Very funny. Then after that went seperate ways. Yvonne, noddy, bobabby, sotong and jelly came my house! We went to the playground there. Took some funny photos. And was like trying to hang the camera in such a way with david's bag so that everyone can be captured in the photo. Then went to play badminton at the open space badminton court downstairs. Had fun playing. Noddy and jelly teamed, aunty A and sotong teamed and me and gab teamed! We won the first round when competing with Aunty A and sotong. But when it comes to competing with noddy and jelly we lost! All thanks to me that i lost. hahha cos keep hitting the shuttle cock out. but ican say bobabby's badminton skills damn good! pro! Then after that sotong went up his house to get something. While resting, we did a damn funny action and noddy video-ed it. Some thing related to the palace. LOL and david actually brought a big bottle of water down for us to drink! Thanks sotong. Then we started playing a fool with the water. Making lots of weird sound. And the noddy tried it then laughed and spit out the water! I was sitting right in front of him and the water splashed on my shirt and some into my mouth! Awww damn funny. Then the guys tried doing the handstand and somersault at the court like nobody's business. Then gab and jelly went home to bathe first cos they said they were sticky and very uncomfortable wearing their sticky clothings. So went home just to bathe and come out again to meet us for dinner. So noddy, yvonne and sotong came to my house first to play ps2. Wanted to play DDR but cannot find battery. hahah so played medal of honours! Noddy super funny when playing the game. And yvonne won him! Pro man after about half an hour gab and jaryl came my house. Quite fast la considering they stay quite far from sk? Chatted awhile then went to econ to buy cup noodles! LOL wanted to bring down the cup noodles to the playground downstairs to eat and play catching but ended up eating at my house and crapping and playing the UNO stackers! Then they left at about 11 plus i think? After they went home, we conferenced till 1 plus(: fun fun and thats how i spent my whole day:)

Went sentosa today with a lot of people. Played volleyball and captain's ball. Then went to play with the seawater. Celebrated weiling''s birthday. Happy birthday to weiling in advance! Her birthday on mother's day. hoho then went dhoby for dinner. Me, yvonne, gab, jt, jaryl and pk went park mall eat. Eat those jap set lunch! Quite nice and the funny thing is noddy who went there to eat sliced fish noodles. hahha then suddenly talked about those ns things. damn random. After dinner they came my house again! cool. Went to the playground downstaris to play catching. And we complained by an indian man. Wah the jaryl was like being scolded by the indian man. Cos we were playing catching in the playground. Just nice the man was standing infront of jaryl. So he asked jaryl whether we are under 12 cos the playground is meant for children under 12. Then jaryl say 'NO, we are 10' then he laughed. then of course the man angry. Then he said being 10 very funny isit? then the jaryl never ans! Somemore the man asked jaryl' you want to fight is it? don't think that ur friends are here and u think u big!' then jaryl dao him. LOL wah jaryl almost fight with the man can. Lucky my younger sis was there. if not sure get into a fight. haha Its like we did nothing wrong and got scolded for nothing. And the indian man say that we are like disturbing the residents there. It was about 9-10 plus only leh. And i dun think got people sleep so early. hahah so sat down at the playground there and chatted. Then went fitness corner again! See the guys did pull up and its like quite easy for them. And i managed to do help with the help from yvonne pushignme from the back, gab and jaryl letting mem step on the hands to go higher and noddy stepping on jelly's leg so that i can step on noddy's leg to go higher and push myself up. LOL and i did one with the help from four people. And the guys did some other funny things with the help from the monkey bars. Quite fun afterall :) then while we were walking home, saw david! he came to find us. I think he walked all the way from cp to find us:) then home sweet home!

Going out with wangpeng, weiling, alastair and alastair's mum tmr for buffet lunch!
The Princess Diary
Busy with alot alot alot of stuffs! So don't complain that i never update and never reply people's tag. ( Not referring to anyone ar) Had chinese 'o' level last week! Really studied super hard for the exam. Spent the whole day just to memorise those good phrases to be used for paper one. And i think i screwed up this time. Just hope that i will not be given a chance to retake! LOL

Physics and chem 'o' level spa skill 3 is finally over. Physics was ok but chem was totally not ok! Was totally affected by chem. Screwed up again! All because of the acid! -.- anw, its over. No point brooding it over now. So went to play bball at 299 with lots of people. Played match and its fun. Me, jerry and sean vs yvonne, pk and jintai. And we won:) Then continued playing till 9 plus with noddy and frens and amanda and raenes. Raenes cheer up ok! Don't sad alrdy! (: Went home and felt super bored. Mood was not really that good either ): Can't get to sleep. Thinking of many many many things. What is happening to me?? Only fell asleep at 2 plus and woke up at 11.30 today cos got class at 1.15-4.15. Played bball for awhile then Ptm after that. Results were not really good. I will make sure that i will do very well for my prelim! And this is a promise to myself!

I am feeling very.... right now. undescribable feeling?? why must it turn out to be like that? Even to the extent of... Is it worth it a not?? my heart can't take in anymore...SERIOUSLY!
Went to 188 to play basketball with yvonne, sean, kokming and christopher yesterday. Had fun playing though im quite noob in playing bball. Played from 4 plus to around 7 plus then went home:) It was not bored while walking home. LOL

Went shopping with family today! Its been a long long time since i have went out with my family alrdy! Went to my ah ma's house at night. Out the whole day. Haha maybe meeting Noddy and friends tmr after they watch their iron man? Still not confirm. Anw jaryl don't be so Fed-up ok!
Got back results and were not really happy with it except for E maths and chinese paper 1. But im not gonna give up so easily. i want to get at most 10 points for my O level! Went back class for FT and mrs cheow suddenly asked me what happen to me. Cos she say my results are deproving and position in class/school dropping too. So im going to prove her wrong and hope to achieve those kind of results like last year:)

Had chinese mock exam today. It was not ok at all. haha and chinese O level is coming! 26th May 2008. One week ++ left! Gotta work hard!

Went compass with yvonne just now. And yvonne u talked a alot arh! No offence. Then went dongcheng with jerry and sean. Shared chee cheong fun and the maggie noodles with YA! lol then saw raenes and amanda. Such a coincidence. They have alrdy walked around cp for like 5 rounds? So funny. So at last we accompanied yvonne to dental. Sean and jerry went off first. Then me, raenes and amanda chatted quite alot outside the dental. Don't know is we walked too loud or what, one of the dentist suddenly open the door, looked at us then shut the door. LOL after yvonne come out, she dint really talk much cos she have a rubberband in her mouth! haha and its pain ok. Ouch. then walked home with them. And it been a long time since i walked home with amanda and raenes!<3

13May 2008: Skm took my phone and ran away to dhoby with his dota peeps after school. LOL. So that left me with no handphone for the whole afternoon. Haha. Met him at my house there at around 7 plus?? Sat at the multi purpose hall and chatted about everything under the sun. And i came to know alot of things (: Chatted till late 11 plus then home. Its a nice htht indeed. LOL. Im sure he feels the same way (:
Went out yesterday to have buffet lunch at RiverView hotel with weiling, alas, alas's mum and friend and wangpeng! I miss wangpeng sosososo much :) never seeb ger for one year ++ i think?she is going france and U.S.A for some kind of exchange program and she would only be back next year. T.T Felt that she dint change much. Her specs were still the same! LOL and i actually remembered though i have not seen her for so long alrdy. hoho the buffet lunch was quite nice. Thanks alastair's mum! Took quite a lot of pictures too. Shall post it when i have the mood. lolol after lunch then went to hang around at the old singapore river there, quite relaxed sitting there. Dint join alas, his mum and alas' mum's friend to marina square. Was tired so trained home. And yeah staying at home is bored cos only go tv, com and nobody to play ps2 with me. hahah so at night played gb with cam and jaryl until i felt sleepy and ZZZzzzz

Went for ballet lesson today. And there is a heavy jam at the highway there. And as usual i was late again. Lesson was fun today! haha then after lesson went home. Then watched tv and slacked all the way till 6 plus. Was not really in good mood at that time.Then felt bored so asked my sis to accompany me to pasar malam.

Happy mother's day and happy birthday weiling!
Finally mid year exams are over! And the feeling is so great! haha studied really hard for humanities, em and chemistry this time round! But don't think i can do well in humanities cos both papers i dint managed to finish it on time. LOL still remembered a few of us ( yvonne, jintai, jaryl, kairen, huayao, david, chia hwee and jerry ) stayed back after school one day before exam start for Mr Tan till 5 plus to ask him to mark our mock exam paper. While waiting, instead of revising, we were at the canteen playing lots of funny games! The Da jia yi qi zhe yang zuo, heart attsact and the murderer. Super fun and funny man. then at night, me, yvonne, jintai,jaryl, huayao and kairen went to david's house to study E maths. We were really serious. Dint really tallk much except for asking each other maths stuffs. And thanks huayao for helping us in math. His maths very power. Stayed at David's house till 11 plus. Close to twelve. Thanks david! hoho then don't know which day went cp to study with jaryl and sean. History and physics. hahah dint really study much. Then after studying went to the fitness corner at my house there. Don't know why everytime go out i will end up hanging around the fitness corner. Lat stop is always fitness corner!

Went straight to David's house when our A maths paper 1 ends on wednesday! me, yvonne, xw, gab, jelly and jt walked to david's house from the pasar malam. And it suddenly rained when we cross the road. And we ran across the road. hahah and David's mother cooked lunch for us! Played on thne piano, some played guitar, some played cards at first. Then after that we started going youtube to watch those funny videos. Mostly was recommended by bobabby. So can tell that he always watch those lame videos when his free. And that reflect his character too! hahah jkjkThen played the taiwan show game and the superman ,batman ,spiderman action game. Kept laughing non stop. And jelly and bobabby was singing the twinkle twinkle litterle star. Super funny.Anw thanks david and his mother once again! They are hospitable:)

On thursday after our Am paper 2 ends, me, yvonne, jt, david and gab were deciding on where to go. And after a long decision making, we went to play bowling. peiya, sandra, xw and yy were there. Everyone except xw did not play. And me the imba niang niang actually scored the highest! haha And the guys did alot of funny style and tricks when playing. Very funny. Then after that went seperate ways. Yvonne, noddy, bobabby, sotong and jelly came my house! We went to the playground there. Took some funny photos. And was like trying to hang the camera in such a way with david's bag so that everyone can be captured in the photo. Then went to play badminton at the open space badminton court downstairs. Had fun playing. Noddy and jelly teamed, aunty A and sotong teamed and me and gab teamed! We won the first round when competing with Aunty A and sotong. But when it comes to competing with noddy and jelly we lost! All thanks to me that i lost. hahha cos keep hitting the shuttle cock out. but ican say bobabby's badminton skills damn good! pro! Then after that sotong went up his house to get something. While resting, we did a damn funny action and noddy video-ed it. Some thing related to the palace. LOL and david actually brought a big bottle of water down for us to drink! Thanks sotong. Then we started playing a fool with the water. Making lots of weird sound. And the noddy tried it then laughed and spit out the water! I was sitting right in front of him and the water splashed on my shirt and some into my mouth! Awww damn funny. Then the guys tried doing the handstand and somersault at the court like nobody's business. Then gab and jelly went home to bathe first cos they said they were sticky and very uncomfortable wearing their sticky clothings. So went home just to bathe and come out again to meet us for dinner. So noddy, yvonne and sotong came to my house first to play ps2. Wanted to play DDR but cannot find battery. hahah so played medal of honours! Noddy super funny when playing the game. And yvonne won him! Pro man after about half an hour gab and jaryl came my house. Quite fast la considering they stay quite far from sk? Chatted awhile then went to econ to buy cup noodles! LOL wanted to bring down the cup noodles to the playground downstairs to eat and play catching but ended up eating at my house and crapping and playing the UNO stackers! Then they left at about 11 plus i think? After they went home, we conferenced till 1 plus(: fun fun and thats how i spent my whole day:)

Went sentosa today with a lot of people. Played volleyball and captain's ball. Then went to play with the seawater. Celebrated weiling''s birthday. Happy birthday to weiling in advance! Her birthday on mother's day. hoho then went dhoby for dinner. Me, yvonne, gab, jt, jaryl and pk went park mall eat. Eat those jap set lunch! Quite nice and the funny thing is noddy who went there to eat sliced fish noodles. hahha then suddenly talked about those ns things. damn random. After dinner they came my house again! cool. Went to the playground downstaris to play catching. And we complained by an indian man. Wah the jaryl was like being scolded by the indian man. Cos we were playing catching in the playground. Just nice the man was standing infront of jaryl. So he asked jaryl whether we are under 12 cos the playground is meant for children under 12. Then jaryl say 'NO, we are 10' then he laughed. then of course the man angry. Then he said being 10 very funny isit? then the jaryl never ans! Somemore the man asked jaryl' you want to fight is it? don't think that ur friends are here and u think u big!' then jaryl dao him. LOL wah jaryl almost fight with the man can. Lucky my younger sis was there. if not sure get into a fight. haha Its like we did nothing wrong and got scolded for nothing. And the indian man say that we are like disturbing the residents there. It was about 9-10 plus only leh. And i dun think got people sleep so early. hahah so sat down at the playground there and chatted. Then went fitness corner again! See the guys did pull up and its like quite easy for them. And i managed to do help with the help from yvonne pushignme from the back, gab and jaryl letting mem step on the hands to go higher and noddy stepping on jelly's leg so that i can step on noddy's leg to go higher and push myself up. LOL and i did one with the help from four people. And the guys did some other funny things with the help from the monkey bars. Quite fun afterall :) then while we were walking home, saw david! he came to find us. I think he walked all the way from cp to find us:) then home sweet home!

Going out with wangpeng, weiling, alastair and alastair's mum tmr for buffet lunch!