Its Friday 13th today!

Woke up at 9am today! It is considered quite early for me alrdy to be able to wake up at 9am today. Helped my mum to iron some clothes and watching tv at the same time. After that did some maths worksheets. At least i did something today. LOL then after that wen tdownstairs to pei Jaryl to wait for the others to come(Yvonne, raenes, amanda, dav, jintai and gab) back from hougang mall! They went to NTUC and red man to buy ingredients cos we wanted to bake cookies today! Went to my house first. Mum taught them how to make fruit cake. LOL then afte rthat went david's house to bake cookies! Actually is only me and yvonne baking it. The others were outside playing cards and watching tv. haha had fun making la. LOL the fruit cake was burnt at the top part. So we ate the bottom part. It was nice! To me la. But to jaryl and Jintai it was not cos they dun like the flour or the fruit smell. LOL so they gave raenes' their share. hahaha And the chocolate chip cookies were delicious. Can be compared to Famous Amos cookies(Im exageratting) But it taste a LITTLE bit like FA. After baking, the guys were watching Huang jin nian hua and some cartoon. LOL and it funny la cos the show is meant for old people to watch?

After that went to find my 'Cousin'. Had a long long chat and its nice talking to her. Hahaahaa chatted till 7 ++ then went home. And im having a bad headache right now! But can't get to sleep-.- So im here blogging! (:
Yvonne and Me(:
Me and lil girl(During the race)
Me and an Ang Moh
Half naked KR and jintai!
Mr Chia and me(=
Hua Yao and me!

Me and PK

Lil Peiyi
Us again!
Camillus, me and yvonne(:
Xuewei and me

Me and KR
Us again!
Me and Chia hwee
Me and Dorothy
Me and Peiyi
Xuewei and I

Look where's Mr Chia!
4E2 Cheese~
Nobody believes im the GURU):
Polar Bear!

Mr Tan giving out food-.-

HMMMM ca i say i slack alot during this June holidays? This is gonna be a super super naggy posts! Cos i will be summarising what did i do for this holidays. HAHAH will be updating all in one go (:

First is Class outing on 4 June i think. Went sentosa(: Been t sentosa for so many many times alrdy. But its still fun. Almost everyone went i think? Mr Tan and Mr chia went with us too! Played amazing race, polar bear, ball games and many others! It was fun cos we had four wonderful planners(Astiana, sandra, pk and yd) They are rally wonderful planners. The amazing race was fun and was successful! Heard that the four planners even made a trip to sentosa to plan for our amazing race two days before. Got into 8 groups of 5. And my group is lucky number five which consist of Jintai, Kairen and Zhan xiang. All boys-.- Our first stop was actually just right at the beach station and astiana was sitting right behind waiting for us. But he four of us dint get the clue and walked all the way to the other side of the beach and it took us about 45 minutes just to solve the clue( Thanks to kr who noticed the sign) Got to take photographs of one red t-shirt, one caucasian, one picture of a girl under 6, one half naked guy( Kr sacrificed again) LOL

Next station was PK's station. Cool deck! So trained all the way to siloso beach and spotted him sitting on the sand. hahah it was damn hot k! His station was to play volleyball. Was supposed to wait for the other team to come so can compete. But waited for five minutes the other team din't come so we played with each other. Need to have 25 successful passes in pairs to go to the other station! Jinta and Kr played. Me and zx dint and we rushed to the other station. Had hard time solving the third clue. So walked all the way to the beach station information counter to ask. And the ans was Tanjong beach-.- Super damn far can it was the end of the beach of sentosa. So took the tram all the way. Same station as jaryl's group. So we went together. On the way, saw sandra standing there. Got excited and we got off the tram! Saw yvonne, justin, wilson chee and ang. So we ran! Cos wanted to get there first. And when we reached, sandra told us we are not suppose t be at her station-.- and we were like HUH?! So walked all the way to tanjong beach. Was damn pek chek and tired alrdy. The guys in my team all walk so fast-.- Then saw yongda! Arrived there late so did a forfeit(Using butt to write the word I LOVE PEIHWA)Had to Need to hold a pingpong ball with a plastic spoon. Then must fill the plastic with water, use our mouth to hold the plastic and must fill the 1.5litres water full then can get to the last station( Sandra's station)

Rushed to sandra's station. Luckily the tram came when we went off from yongda's station. So trained to sandra's station. Need to have a successful pass using the t-shirt and answer 6 questions correctly. We kept dropping the plastic filled with water-.- cos zx dno how to coordinate properly. LOL arrived there late again. So had to do forfeit( Standing at the sentosa sculture and shout i love peihwa and the reason why we like Mr Tan) LOL Was the third team to reach. Was super tired by then. The guys were so impatient. So dint waited for the tram to come. So walked all the way from tanjong beach to the place where Mr Tan was at, emerald i think.?I sure it was a super far trip. But after all it was fun! A ot of people reached there alrdy. Some had completed, some teams gave up halfway. But at least my team completed the race (: Then went to join others to play captain's ball and other. Played polar bear with the whole class. Nobody believes im the guru ): but nvm. Thanks astiana and darliyana for preparing the food for the class. Then was free activities after that. At about 5-6 plus al went to bathe then went back together. Split up after that. Some went kovan play pool while me, yvonne, xw,peiyi and pk went cp to me km and yy for dinner. Talked alot during dinner time( Girls' stuffl) Had fun laughing. hoho then wanted to go home alrdy. Was at bus interchange. So all waited for sean to come as he came back from thailand. Chatted awhile then trained home was too tired. Bathed and went to slp! Nice class outing. Had fun indeed(:

Tuesday 10 june went town with xw. Walked from dhoby to orchard and back again to shop and find wallet. But dint saw any wallet i wanted during the long hours of shopping! Legs were so tired. So we went to find a place to sit. And guess what? We sat there for one hour ++! Just stone-ed there and chatted. LOL in the end bought nothing except for some food stuffs. Hohoho then decided to go back cp to eat. Ate at BK. Then waited for YY to come to find us. Chatted awhile again and they accompanied me to bring my sis back from tuition-.- then home sweet home(:

Went CHOMP CHOMP for dinner yesterday with chermel, xw, km, jerry, yy, sean and jianwei. All of us were meeting at different places and thus boarding the bus at different places. Im the first to board the bus, followed by sean and jianwei boardning the bus at rivervale plaze, followed by km at his house bus stop there and the rest at kovan! And we actually managed to board the same bus! Well planed bah. haha The food there was nice! Ordered hokkien mee, popiah, chicken wings, satay bee hoon, oysters, stingrays and others. Forgot alrdy. Finished eating at around 10 plus and reached home at about 11 plus. Nice day out again!

And finally going to David's house to bake cookies, pizzas, mufins and other things tmr with yvonne, raenes( If she can wake up), jaryl,david, jintai and gab. LOL hope it will be fun(: Long time since i have seen the Noddy gang!
Went to watch Chronicles of Narnia: Prince caspian with yvonne, amanda, raenes, gab, david, jaryl and jintai last Monday i think? According to Amanda's blog. Talking about amanda it reminds me of us wearing the same tone colour of shirt and exactly the same colour skinny jeans! It was so much of a coincidence man! And look like twin from far. Met up with yvonne to meet the pthers cos they went Bugis first. Went Cathay. The movie was awesome! Its damn nice (: Then went to have dinner at park mall? Ate at the shop beside QQ mian. Hoho had a hard time deciding whether to eat at QQ mian, teh stall beside QQ mian or at Just Acia at dhoby exchange. Saw one specs shop and was laughing at the name. MEE MEE eyecare. LOL those who went should know what im talking about. hahah after dinner went play pool. Sad thing is raenes had to go home earlier ): And my pool skills is really noob. Gab keep rofl! And jaryl emo halfway. then went home after that. Amanda and jintai walked so fast to the mrt station and they dint wait for us! So we sort of 'purposely' walked slowly and went to arcade to let the both of them go home first. *Cheeky smile* then trained home after that! Nice day after all! (=

Will update about class outing tmr! Lazy...
The Princess Diary
Its Friday 13th today!

Woke up at 9am today! It is considered quite early for me alrdy to be able to wake up at 9am today. Helped my mum to iron some clothes and watching tv at the same time. After that did some maths worksheets. At least i did something today. LOL then after that wen tdownstairs to pei Jaryl to wait for the others to come(Yvonne, raenes, amanda, dav, jintai and gab) back from hougang mall! They went to NTUC and red man to buy ingredients cos we wanted to bake cookies today! Went to my house first. Mum taught them how to make fruit cake. LOL then afte rthat went david's house to bake cookies! Actually is only me and yvonne baking it. The others were outside playing cards and watching tv. haha had fun making la. LOL the fruit cake was burnt at the top part. So we ate the bottom part. It was nice! To me la. But to jaryl and Jintai it was not cos they dun like the flour or the fruit smell. LOL so they gave raenes' their share. hahaha And the chocolate chip cookies were delicious. Can be compared to Famous Amos cookies(Im exageratting) But it taste a LITTLE bit like FA. After baking, the guys were watching Huang jin nian hua and some cartoon. LOL and it funny la cos the show is meant for old people to watch?

After that went to find my 'Cousin'. Had a long long chat and its nice talking to her. Hahaahaa chatted till 7 ++ then went home. And im having a bad headache right now! But can't get to sleep-.- So im here blogging! (:
Yvonne and Me(:
Me and lil girl(During the race)
Me and an Ang Moh
Half naked KR and jintai!
Mr Chia and me(=
Hua Yao and me!

Me and PK

Lil Peiyi
Us again!
Camillus, me and yvonne(:
Xuewei and me

Me and KR
Us again!
Me and Chia hwee
Me and Dorothy
Me and Peiyi
Xuewei and I

Look where's Mr Chia!
4E2 Cheese~
Nobody believes im the GURU):
Polar Bear!

Mr Tan giving out food-.-

HMMMM ca i say i slack alot during this June holidays? This is gonna be a super super naggy posts! Cos i will be summarising what did i do for this holidays. HAHAH will be updating all in one go (:

First is Class outing on 4 June i think. Went sentosa(: Been t sentosa for so many many times alrdy. But its still fun. Almost everyone went i think? Mr Tan and Mr chia went with us too! Played amazing race, polar bear, ball games and many others! It was fun cos we had four wonderful planners(Astiana, sandra, pk and yd) They are rally wonderful planners. The amazing race was fun and was successful! Heard that the four planners even made a trip to sentosa to plan for our amazing race two days before. Got into 8 groups of 5. And my group is lucky number five which consist of Jintai, Kairen and Zhan xiang. All boys-.- Our first stop was actually just right at the beach station and astiana was sitting right behind waiting for us. But he four of us dint get the clue and walked all the way to the other side of the beach and it took us about 45 minutes just to solve the clue( Thanks to kr who noticed the sign) Got to take photographs of one red t-shirt, one caucasian, one picture of a girl under 6, one half naked guy( Kr sacrificed again) LOL

Next station was PK's station. Cool deck! So trained all the way to siloso beach and spotted him sitting on the sand. hahah it was damn hot k! His station was to play volleyball. Was supposed to wait for the other team to come so can compete. But waited for five minutes the other team din't come so we played with each other. Need to have 25 successful passes in pairs to go to the other station! Jinta and Kr played. Me and zx dint and we rushed to the other station. Had hard time solving the third clue. So walked all the way to the beach station information counter to ask. And the ans was Tanjong beach-.- Super damn far can it was the end of the beach of sentosa. So took the tram all the way. Same station as jaryl's group. So we went together. On the way, saw sandra standing there. Got excited and we got off the tram! Saw yvonne, justin, wilson chee and ang. So we ran! Cos wanted to get there first. And when we reached, sandra told us we are not suppose t be at her station-.- and we were like HUH?! So walked all the way to tanjong beach. Was damn pek chek and tired alrdy. The guys in my team all walk so fast-.- Then saw yongda! Arrived there late so did a forfeit(Using butt to write the word I LOVE PEIHWA)Had to Need to hold a pingpong ball with a plastic spoon. Then must fill the plastic with water, use our mouth to hold the plastic and must fill the 1.5litres water full then can get to the last station( Sandra's station)

Rushed to sandra's station. Luckily the tram came when we went off from yongda's station. So trained to sandra's station. Need to have a successful pass using the t-shirt and answer 6 questions correctly. We kept dropping the plastic filled with water-.- cos zx dno how to coordinate properly. LOL arrived there late again. So had to do forfeit( Standing at the sentosa sculture and shout i love peihwa and the reason why we like Mr Tan) LOL Was the third team to reach. Was super tired by then. The guys were so impatient. So dint waited for the tram to come. So walked all the way from tanjong beach to the place where Mr Tan was at, emerald i think.?I sure it was a super far trip. But after all it was fun! A ot of people reached there alrdy. Some had completed, some teams gave up halfway. But at least my team completed the race (: Then went to join others to play captain's ball and other. Played polar bear with the whole class. Nobody believes im the guru ): but nvm. Thanks astiana and darliyana for preparing the food for the class. Then was free activities after that. At about 5-6 plus al went to bathe then went back together. Split up after that. Some went kovan play pool while me, yvonne, xw,peiyi and pk went cp to me km and yy for dinner. Talked alot during dinner time( Girls' stuffl) Had fun laughing. hoho then wanted to go home alrdy. Was at bus interchange. So all waited for sean to come as he came back from thailand. Chatted awhile then trained home was too tired. Bathed and went to slp! Nice class outing. Had fun indeed(:

Tuesday 10 june went town with xw. Walked from dhoby to orchard and back again to shop and find wallet. But dint saw any wallet i wanted during the long hours of shopping! Legs were so tired. So we went to find a place to sit. And guess what? We sat there for one hour ++! Just stone-ed there and chatted. LOL in the end bought nothing except for some food stuffs. Hohoho then decided to go back cp to eat. Ate at BK. Then waited for YY to come to find us. Chatted awhile again and they accompanied me to bring my sis back from tuition-.- then home sweet home(:

Went CHOMP CHOMP for dinner yesterday with chermel, xw, km, jerry, yy, sean and jianwei. All of us were meeting at different places and thus boarding the bus at different places. Im the first to board the bus, followed by sean and jianwei boardning the bus at rivervale plaze, followed by km at his house bus stop there and the rest at kovan! And we actually managed to board the same bus! Well planed bah. haha The food there was nice! Ordered hokkien mee, popiah, chicken wings, satay bee hoon, oysters, stingrays and others. Forgot alrdy. Finished eating at around 10 plus and reached home at about 11 plus. Nice day out again!

And finally going to David's house to bake cookies, pizzas, mufins and other things tmr with yvonne, raenes( If she can wake up), jaryl,david, jintai and gab. LOL hope it will be fun(: Long time since i have seen the Noddy gang!
Went to watch Chronicles of Narnia: Prince caspian with yvonne, amanda, raenes, gab, david, jaryl and jintai last Monday i think? According to Amanda's blog. Talking about amanda it reminds me of us wearing the same tone colour of shirt and exactly the same colour skinny jeans! It was so much of a coincidence man! And look like twin from far. Met up with yvonne to meet the pthers cos they went Bugis first. Went Cathay. The movie was awesome! Its damn nice (: Then went to have dinner at park mall? Ate at the shop beside QQ mian. Hoho had a hard time deciding whether to eat at QQ mian, teh stall beside QQ mian or at Just Acia at dhoby exchange. Saw one specs shop and was laughing at the name. MEE MEE eyecare. LOL those who went should know what im talking about. hahah after dinner went play pool. Sad thing is raenes had to go home earlier ): And my pool skills is really noob. Gab keep rofl! And jaryl emo halfway. then went home after that. Amanda and jintai walked so fast to the mrt station and they dint wait for us! So we sort of 'purposely' walked slowly and went to arcade to let the both of them go home first. *Cheeky smile* then trained home after that! Nice day after all! (=

Will update about class outing tmr! Lazy...