Happy birthday to my younger sis<3

My one and only update post for this week again. Wore ethnic costumes on Racial harmony day(: It's like so lame or should i say crazy to wear the ethnic costumes for the whole day while having our lesson. LOL but its quite fun. Took quite alot of pictures. Some people's costumes are really nice! Especially those wearing Kimono. And finally the school hall is air conditioned! End school earlier and went for racial harmony celebration. Then went back class take photos again. Mrs Cheow was like so enthu also. Oh and our class arranged the tables into the shape of E2 and its so cool la.

Celebrated Jerry's birthday in the function room. Should be tuesday if im not wrong. Went KFC first. Saw some mediacorp actor/actresses shooting for the Xin Hua DuoDuo kai. Then went function room. People present were yvonne, xw, wingsze, chermel,jerry, chris, km, jianwei sean,huayao, yy and yj. Played some games and the loser had to eat the fries with the anyhow mix sauce. haha then after cutting cake, birthday boy went off. Then did our hw. Only completed two sbq for duno how many hours-.- haha but it was not a bad day la.

Mr Tan was absent on thursday. So no ace. Cool.. cos i will have more time to complete my hw! And it was fun during Pe. Whole class playing Captain's ball in the hall. First time play with so many people. And the funny part is when people making alot of funny actions when playing.

Em test today was hard!( To me) Can't seem to concentrate and do this paper properly. And i swear my answers are all rubbish. Don't even know what im writing. No mood to do at all-.- stayed back in class to help in the noticeboard deco for awhile. Then ate lunch with evon in the canteen. Went home at around 2.10. Normal school timing again. LOL Don't know why suddenly have the urge to go jogging. Maybe is too stress with many many things or what, so asked evon pei me go. PK went too. Wah and i can't believe that we actually ran from punggol to punggol beach, somewhere near punggol marina. And the beach is super far. All the way in and had to run up the slope somemore-.- damn tiring and my leg was super itchy while running halfway. Haha the beach is nice. Took alot of pictures. cooool then at around 6.50pm head off to 188 bball court. Played till 9.30. Its been sucha long time since i perspire so much and its a very nice feeling! Good way of destressing.

Everything has changed ):
Nothing much happened for the whole of this week, so can be considered quite a peaceful week? LOL wah i can swear sec four life is very very stress! Homeworks are piling like hell especially for humanities and seriously i can't cope with it! Got to stay up late at night to complete all my work. I must push myself to finish all of it if not i will feel damn uneasy. Motivation please(: haha

Yeah stayed back on wednesday to help out in the teachers' day card. Stayed back till 6p.m with yvonne, jerry, huayao and kairen. Peiyi and Dorothy went off at 5 plus. And the card is damn nice! To me la. And we dint really follow the rules set because we used two vanguard sheet to make the card where it was supposed to be one-.- haha but who cares. Reached home at 7pm. Was feeling so tired already, so studied for A maths test for awhile and slept at 9! Its the first time i slept so early in my whole of sec school life( im not kidding). Im so happy that i finally managed to understand the concept for electrolysis alrdy! Did pretty well for the elec test. Thanks to those who taught me, you should know who you are. Hohohoho A maths test was alright. Till now, i can mix up integration and differentiation-.-

Sat with Jaryl in class on Friday. It was super funny during English lesson. Jas gave us some worksheets to do. Then there is one which need us to fill in the blanks for the question where the answer is given on top alrdy. So we decided to compete see who write faster. LOL and Jaryl won! But when jas was going through the answers, we found out that we did the wrong thing. We are supposed to change the grammar of the word to match the sentence! JARYL Look who is the joker and idiotic one here?! LMAO

Had chemistry mock exam today. Studied abit but forgot alot of things when attempting the paper. Shit! And the paper is not that difficult anyway. It would be super demoralising if i fail or just get a borderline mark for it. Then tried out the ethnic costume. Whole class stayed back except for one. Tsk. So nice of Astiana, Hanisah and darliyana to lend us their costumes <3

I know im selfish...
Had not been checking my mail for like ages, so was like clearing some of them and found this !Quite meaningful la :D
F - Few R - Relations I - In E - Earth N - Never D - Die
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself and doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!
A simple friend has never seen you cry.A real friend shoulder is soggy from your tears..
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book..
A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.
A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.A real friend could blackmail you with it!
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.A real friend calls you after you had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.A real friend expects to always be there for you!
'Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. '
Guess i will be posting of like once in a week? Been busy with homeworks! The homework that I have is piling up! But compared to other classes, it's considered very few alrdy. LOL And was quite shocked when Mr Tan said that 'O' levels is just 90++ days from now. OMG OMG OMG. 'O' levels is around the corner and the teachers are working very hard too! Especially Jas. It was so nice of her to conduct a 1 to 1 oral session everyday after school in the library for us! And miraculously( No offence),she is even going back to school tmr to conduct an oral lesson for some of the 4E2 students. And yes i totally agree with wanni. Maths is a powerful subject which never fails to frustrate me too!Haha(:

Yeah, went to Sean's house to celebrate his birthday on Wednesday. Many people went too. Played Cai quan and zong ji mi ma. The loser had to dip the popcorn chicken into the mixed sauce consisting of the whipped potato, chilli and tomato sauce. And it was disgusting! Then sang birthday song and cut cake. Then chatted and played till around 11 plus. Home-ed after that(:

And there is alot alot of homework this weekend!
1)Chemistry electrolysis worksheet
2)Ss notes on Sri Lanka
3)3 Seq from Seq package
4)1 full set sbq paper from sbq package
5)English comprehension(Considering not to do)

Wow and that's alot alrdy! Seeing all these homework is giving me a headache! Hohoho but I shall not complain any further. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT =D

Yeah and not forgetting Chermel, Get well soon! (:

Its 2.41am now. But still not able to get to sleep. Feeling so energetic and i also don't know why. Hahaha
Realised my last post was at June 13. The reason of me not blogging frequently may be due to my laziness and perhaps there is nothing interesting for me to blog about i think? And YES i have get over and done with my chinese o level oral. This week has been a baaaaaaaaaaaad week for me especially the first day and last day of school. Today is considered one of the worst day that i had ever since school reopens...Thought of blogging out all the things that i had done this whole week. But after a second thought, decided not to. And again, maybe is due to my pure laziness, or no mood or for many many other sorts of reasons which i can think of now.

Yeah, you sent me a super long sms today. Was quite shocked to receive this kind of sms from you. Did not dare to read what you wrote at first but still, i read it in the end-.- and yeah you may be wondering why i did not reply you until now. The reason being is that im too exhausted today and may not have a clear mind to think through. So, was quite afraid that i may not be able to give you a perfect answer to that due to my current mood and tiredness. So yeah, will reply you as soon as possible
Really lazy to blog. Find it meaningless to blog after school reopens.
The Princess Diary
Happy birthday to my younger sis<3

My one and only update post for this week again. Wore ethnic costumes on Racial harmony day(: It's like so lame or should i say crazy to wear the ethnic costumes for the whole day while having our lesson. LOL but its quite fun. Took quite alot of pictures. Some people's costumes are really nice! Especially those wearing Kimono. And finally the school hall is air conditioned! End school earlier and went for racial harmony celebration. Then went back class take photos again. Mrs Cheow was like so enthu also. Oh and our class arranged the tables into the shape of E2 and its so cool la.

Celebrated Jerry's birthday in the function room. Should be tuesday if im not wrong. Went KFC first. Saw some mediacorp actor/actresses shooting for the Xin Hua DuoDuo kai. Then went function room. People present were yvonne, xw, wingsze, chermel,jerry, chris, km, jianwei sean,huayao, yy and yj. Played some games and the loser had to eat the fries with the anyhow mix sauce. haha then after cutting cake, birthday boy went off. Then did our hw. Only completed two sbq for duno how many hours-.- haha but it was not a bad day la.

Mr Tan was absent on thursday. So no ace. Cool.. cos i will have more time to complete my hw! And it was fun during Pe. Whole class playing Captain's ball in the hall. First time play with so many people. And the funny part is when people making alot of funny actions when playing.

Em test today was hard!( To me) Can't seem to concentrate and do this paper properly. And i swear my answers are all rubbish. Don't even know what im writing. No mood to do at all-.- stayed back in class to help in the noticeboard deco for awhile. Then ate lunch with evon in the canteen. Went home at around 2.10. Normal school timing again. LOL Don't know why suddenly have the urge to go jogging. Maybe is too stress with many many things or what, so asked evon pei me go. PK went too. Wah and i can't believe that we actually ran from punggol to punggol beach, somewhere near punggol marina. And the beach is super far. All the way in and had to run up the slope somemore-.- damn tiring and my leg was super itchy while running halfway. Haha the beach is nice. Took alot of pictures. cooool then at around 6.50pm head off to 188 bball court. Played till 9.30. Its been sucha long time since i perspire so much and its a very nice feeling! Good way of destressing.

Everything has changed ):
Nothing much happened for the whole of this week, so can be considered quite a peaceful week? LOL wah i can swear sec four life is very very stress! Homeworks are piling like hell especially for humanities and seriously i can't cope with it! Got to stay up late at night to complete all my work. I must push myself to finish all of it if not i will feel damn uneasy. Motivation please(: haha

Yeah stayed back on wednesday to help out in the teachers' day card. Stayed back till 6p.m with yvonne, jerry, huayao and kairen. Peiyi and Dorothy went off at 5 plus. And the card is damn nice! To me la. And we dint really follow the rules set because we used two vanguard sheet to make the card where it was supposed to be one-.- haha but who cares. Reached home at 7pm. Was feeling so tired already, so studied for A maths test for awhile and slept at 9! Its the first time i slept so early in my whole of sec school life( im not kidding). Im so happy that i finally managed to understand the concept for electrolysis alrdy! Did pretty well for the elec test. Thanks to those who taught me, you should know who you are. Hohohoho A maths test was alright. Till now, i can mix up integration and differentiation-.-

Sat with Jaryl in class on Friday. It was super funny during English lesson. Jas gave us some worksheets to do. Then there is one which need us to fill in the blanks for the question where the answer is given on top alrdy. So we decided to compete see who write faster. LOL and Jaryl won! But when jas was going through the answers, we found out that we did the wrong thing. We are supposed to change the grammar of the word to match the sentence! JARYL Look who is the joker and idiotic one here?! LMAO

Had chemistry mock exam today. Studied abit but forgot alot of things when attempting the paper. Shit! And the paper is not that difficult anyway. It would be super demoralising if i fail or just get a borderline mark for it. Then tried out the ethnic costume. Whole class stayed back except for one. Tsk. So nice of Astiana, Hanisah and darliyana to lend us their costumes <3

I know im selfish...
Had not been checking my mail for like ages, so was like clearing some of them and found this !Quite meaningful la :D
F - Few R - Relations I - In E - Earth N - Never D - Die
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself and doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!
A simple friend has never seen you cry.A real friend shoulder is soggy from your tears..
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book..
A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.
A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.A real friend could blackmail you with it!
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.A real friend calls you after you had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.A real friend expects to always be there for you!
'Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. '
Guess i will be posting of like once in a week? Been busy with homeworks! The homework that I have is piling up! But compared to other classes, it's considered very few alrdy. LOL And was quite shocked when Mr Tan said that 'O' levels is just 90++ days from now. OMG OMG OMG. 'O' levels is around the corner and the teachers are working very hard too! Especially Jas. It was so nice of her to conduct a 1 to 1 oral session everyday after school in the library for us! And miraculously( No offence),she is even going back to school tmr to conduct an oral lesson for some of the 4E2 students. And yes i totally agree with wanni. Maths is a powerful subject which never fails to frustrate me too!Haha(:

Yeah, went to Sean's house to celebrate his birthday on Wednesday. Many people went too. Played Cai quan and zong ji mi ma. The loser had to dip the popcorn chicken into the mixed sauce consisting of the whipped potato, chilli and tomato sauce. And it was disgusting! Then sang birthday song and cut cake. Then chatted and played till around 11 plus. Home-ed after that(:

And there is alot alot of homework this weekend!
1)Chemistry electrolysis worksheet
2)Ss notes on Sri Lanka
3)3 Seq from Seq package
4)1 full set sbq paper from sbq package
5)English comprehension(Considering not to do)

Wow and that's alot alrdy! Seeing all these homework is giving me a headache! Hohoho but I shall not complain any further. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT =D

Yeah and not forgetting Chermel, Get well soon! (:

Its 2.41am now. But still not able to get to sleep. Feeling so energetic and i also don't know why. Hahaha
Realised my last post was at June 13. The reason of me not blogging frequently may be due to my laziness and perhaps there is nothing interesting for me to blog about i think? And YES i have get over and done with my chinese o level oral. This week has been a baaaaaaaaaaaad week for me especially the first day and last day of school. Today is considered one of the worst day that i had ever since school reopens...Thought of blogging out all the things that i had done this whole week. But after a second thought, decided not to. And again, maybe is due to my pure laziness, or no mood or for many many other sorts of reasons which i can think of now.

Yeah, you sent me a super long sms today. Was quite shocked to receive this kind of sms from you. Did not dare to read what you wrote at first but still, i read it in the end-.- and yeah you may be wondering why i did not reply you until now. The reason being is that im too exhausted today and may not have a clear mind to think through. So, was quite afraid that i may not be able to give you a perfect answer to that due to my current mood and tiredness. So yeah, will reply you as soon as possible
Really lazy to blog. Find it meaningless to blog after school reopens.