Went out with Yvonne Ang on Thursday. Went to town and shopped around. Can't find any wallet again but bought a dress. Yvonne bought a dress too and alot of other things. Auntie mah. LOL no offence! then at around 6 plus went to River City restaurant in Excelsior Hotel to have our buffet! The food was delicious. Ordered oatmeal prawns, thousand island prawns, shark fin soup, crab, fried fritters, honeydew sago, mango pudding, chicken wrapped in special paper and many others. LOL ordered the fish at first but cancelled in the end cos we were very full by then. hoho and it was not really expensive. Each person only had to pay $30 with the 7% gst and 10% service charge. Service charge was alot man. But considering that the waiter kept refilling our drinks, it was worth the $5. Hoho

Friday was Teachers' day cum sec 4 farewell party celebration. The performance put up was quite good. Some parts were hilarious though. Then the sec four teachers sang some songs and some students and teachers teared. Guess i would see more people crying during the prom night. Anw happy belated teachers' day!

Just came back from kallang for dinner. Hoho then went somewhere in singapore which i don't know where to watch getai. Not i watch is my parents want to watch -.- Wah the place super noisy. Was having a bad headache and felt like vomiting at the same time. So went to shop around to avoid the noise. LOL and i duno why i kepy laughing today. Perhaps i find something very funny. HINT: Late rgo swim kallang river. I meet you later. I now from _______ canal swim over. ROFL
OMG im so borrrrreeeed now! So little people online at this time! All turn into Pig already! Anyway find this horoscope thingy quite accurate. Look at Aquarius and you will know why(:

Aquarius (January20-February18)

The Aquarius Personality: Your Aquarian has a faithful and dependent nature and at times may be difficult to understand. He or she is patient, unobtrusive, faithful, and very kind. Aquarians may not always defend themselves against injustice and can be quiet when they need to stand up for themselves. Aquarians avoid arguments and are easy to get along with.

The Aquarian child likes people and wants to be liked in return. This child loves learning and is curious about life and its mysteries.The Aquarian child may want to approach plans quickly and with gusto. Aquarians tend to start at the top rather than the bottom but can usually handle challenges with their ability to learn new tasks quickly. Aquarians are talented in many areas and can succeed in scientific research as well as executive management. They can sell anything to anyone and are well liked in social circles. They do their best in large corporations with performance incentives.


The Pisces Personality: Your Pisces child is affectionate, sympathetic, loyal, idealistic, kind, and forgiving. The Pisces child is the mystic, the seeker after hidden truths. Pisces is considered a dual sign: one fish battling odds and swimming upstream, and the other fish drifting along with the current.Pisces children love peace and strongly dislike an inharmonious atmosphere filled with discordant voices. This child is sincere and truthful. The Pisces child often devotes his or her life to the cause of truth and justice. March children should cultivate the spiritual part of their nature. They must be taught to search for facts and come to conclusions-to learn to trust their instincts and premonitions.


The Aries Personality:If your baby is born under the sign of Aries, he or she has the qualities it takes to be a leader. Aries people are pioneers and visionaries giving force, energy and inspiration to the people around them. Aries are aggressive and enthusiastic, yet inclined to be compulsive and quick in action.

Persons born with this sign can be stubborn and impatient but still attract many admirers for their confidence. When challenged, the Aries person is a formidable opponent who is both bold and firm. The pioneering instincts of an Aries child should be encouraged. Their aspirations should be taken seriously and given great attention to.Aries are thinkers-always planning for the future and conjuring new ideas and schemes; they are often seen as being far ahead of their time. Aries do best managing enterprises or businesses and tapping into unknown fields.


The Taurus Personality: The Taurus child is resolute, practical, obstinate, and conservative. He or she is reliable and careful in speech and action.Taurus children can be known to hold back emotions and desires until provocation releases them. Taurus children who are taught to control their emotional outbursts can develop into sensitive, intuitive persons.The Taurus child loves beauty and harmony and loathes disorganization.

Taurus children are also generous, kindhearted, trustworthy, and intensely strong willed. They love the good things in life but are rarely overly dramatic or charismatic.A Taurus child will be gifted with many talents. He or she will be good at executive work and being in charge of others as well as with things to do with the earth, such as real estate, mining, and oil fields. Taurus is often competent in positions of trust and confidence, such as a doctor, nurse, or judge. Even though practicality is a strong part of the Taurus makeup, Taurus can also make wonderful artists, especially in the fields of architecture, interior design, and textiles.

Taurus people are most compatible with Virgos and Capricorns.


The Gemini Personality: A Gemini child is intellectual and lives in the world of thoughts. Geminis are usually quick witted, clever, and can express themselves in words very well.This child is kind, loving, willing, and expressive in disposition. Your child will exhibit curiosity and a desire to learn about everything. The Gemini child will enjoy adventure and travel while remaining sensitive and imaginative. Geminis may have difficulty finishing one project before starting another and need focus, balance and encouragement to see things to completion.Your Gemini child is inclined toward scientific, intellectual work as well as to education and government. Geminis will have many dual experiences, two courses of action, or two subjects of study often entering their lives which will force them to learn to make choices.

Geminis are most compatible with Aquarius and Leo signs.


The Cancer Personality: If your child is born in Cancer (also known as Moon Child), he or she has a sentimental and versatile nature and a constructive imagination. Cancer is sympathetic and talkative, loves home and family, and has a tenacious memory-especially for details and historical events. The Cancer child appreciates praise and is encouraged by kindness. This child will delight in beautiful scenery, romantic settings, and new adventures.

Cancer children appear retiring but are positive, tenacious, and love to be noticed while appearing to be unassuming. They are not averse to fame, even though they can sometimes be shy. Your Cancer child will be fond of older persons, ancient customs, and things connected with the past that have sentimental value. The Cancer child often has a bright, alert face.These imaginative, impressionable children make many changes in their lives until they find the position or occupation where they feel self-assured, well integrated, and appreciated. Their greatest attribute is the love of their home. They can turn anything into a beautiful environment. They love to travel and are particularly found of the sea.

Cancers are most compatible with Pisces and Scorpio.


The Leo Personality: If your child is born in Leo, he or she is usually a happy extrovert that loves power. A child of the Sun is sincere, honorable, magnanimous, and proud. As adults they are usually dignified and positive. The Leo child is philosophical, forceful, and demonstrative. Because they are assured, Leos demonstrate faith, hope, and fortitude. This child is apt to be energetic and lavish in expenditure of energy and money when his or her sympathy or interest is aroused. Leos are usually popular and even-tempered but quick to anger if their Leo pride is hurt. Leos always aim for the stars, and with their determination and self-confidence, Leo children usually get there.

The Leo child is daring, unflinching, and unafraid and at times must be taught to curb his or her exuberance. Leos love to be at the head of things. Leos' great organizing ability and commanding power usually bring success. They are charming and excel as artists, actors, and musicians, and succeed best where they have authority or where they hold responsible executive position.

Leos are most compatible with Gemini and Libra signs.


The Virgo Personality: If your child is born in Virgo, he or she is cautious, discreet, and not only contemplative but industrious. Virgos will enjoy the things money can buy and will gladly work for them. The Virgo child is self assured but not easily content with the commonplace. He or she will learn quickly but may worry at times. Virgos will be sensitive to their surroundings and have a thirst for knowledge. They will be very careful of details and can view things with a critical eye. The Virgo child is methodical and spends little time speculating on the unknown.

The Virgo child can absorb and learn anything he or she is determined to learn. Virgos want facts; in business they work for greater improvements, sometimes unobserved and unappreciated. These individuals are greatly affected by marriage and expect purity and constancy in mates.Virgo children are persevering and ingenious as well as very intelligent, but rarely control their own lives or make changes unaided. They make money and spend it for pleasure and education instead of on material things. Virgo can succeed in life as an agent or intermediary for a large company, or can be a trusted executive assistant for a public or political figure. He or she excels in general commercial ventures, imports and exports, and matters connected with the earth and its products. Virgo persons generally rise in life through their own merits.

Virgos are most compatible with Taurus and Capricorn.


The Libra Personality: Your Libra child loves justice. He or she is a sensitive individual and likes to be shielded from the unhappy side of life, at times content to live with illusions. Your Libra child loves beauty, colors, music, and the arts. If not talented in the arts, he or she will deeply appreciate them. Libras often show a great sense of sympathy toward people and are good at using tact. A Libra is likely to be an attentive listener who shows genuine compassion for others.Libra children seem to learn best from experience and intuition, which is amazingly developed. These children are usually handsome or beautiful, as if their innate souls find expression in the physical.

Libras are most compatible with Aries and Leo.


The Scorpio Personality: Your child the "scorpion" likes to live in a world of truths. A Scorpio child likes to visualize the completion and realization of his mental and physical efforts. He or she has an inner vision of the soul that can see beyond illusion. Scorpios tend to be secretive, and others must earn their trust.

Scorpio children are noted for their effervescent humor and their attractiveness; these children are the most magnetic of all the children of the zodiac, often attracting the admiration of the opposite sex. They are quick and restless and tireless workers.Because of their great energy and force, Scorpios should be taught the difference between constructive and destructive power. They should be taught self-mastery and be given careful direction so their tremendous energy and drive is channeled into creative activity. These children should also be taught early in life that as they show understanding, so will understanding and compassion be shown to them.The Scorpio child is talented in promotion activities, writing, designing, modeling, and acting.


The Sagittarius Personality: Your child is an intellect. He or she is often possessive but generous with those that are close. A child born under this sun sign is hopeful and impressionable. He or she is quick, enterprising, demonstrative in affection, and loyal. This individual loves liberty and will do anything to obtain it. Because of a firm belief in freedom of speech and expression, Sagittarius children are strong in opinion. Sagittarians also have a psychological outlook on life, always trying to understand what makes people tick.Sagittarius children love beauty and are often artistic and refined. They tend to take shortcuts, sometimes getting caught up in detail and forgetting the big things. Your Sagittarius is noble, sentimental, and impulsive.

Sagittarians are talented in art, education, dancing and ministry. Many Sagittarians are also business people, specifically lawyers.


The Capricorn Personality: Your little Capricorn will have a quiet, meditative nature ruled by reason instead of impulse and may seem older than his or her years at times. These children are thrifty, reserved, diplomatic, deep thinking, and determined. They are cautious in what they do and say. They know what they want and they usually get it by methodically planning every detail ahead of time-they like to take their time with things, learning lessons well along the way.

Capricorn children are receptive to down-to-earth activities. They feel a deep sense of responsibility and love being praised for a job well done. Parents should take time with their Capricorn child to show them the joy of touch and sharing comfort. Though typically practical and serious, the Capricorn often has a well-developed sense of wit and humor and is also known for being reliable.Capricorns are industrious and ambitious. They often love wealth for the power and prestige it brings them. The Capricorn is talented in mechanics, engineering, and politics. Literary and religious things also interest them. They make excellent executives and love responsibility in any field they enter. Capricorns often delay marriage until late in life, but once married they are faithful and devoted.

Capricorns are most compatible with Virgos and Taurus signs.
Prelims over! Had A maths paper 1 and 2 today. Paper one was alright, paper two got standard! So careless that i din't notice the last part of the graph question which cost me 3 precious marks! Since its over, shall not brood over it anymore. Just wait for the results to come out and cry for some papers. LOL

Went to have lunch at KFC with lots of people. Then went to SKCC with Yvonne. Left at around 7.45 with yvonne, huayao, jerry, pk, sean, km, poh boon and weicong. The guys went to 188 to continue playing(: Watched tv all the way till just now which is a few minutes ago! Don't really feel like slping so im using the com now.

All the best to those taking their chinese papers tomorrow (=
Happy birthday Yiyang(:

Had History and E maths paper today. And history sbq came out Korean war. OMG did not understand the sources. Cold war is a total stranger to me. LOL hope can do well for history in order to save my SS. Realised that i did the 3B seq wrongly. The question was: The sufferings of the people in Sri Lanka was due to armed conflict. Something like that. And we should answer the consequences led to the sufferings of the people. BUT BUT i did the other way round. I wrote how the sufferings of the people lead to arm conflict. T.T Misread the question -.-

Will be having a short break. Need not go school on wednesday cos some people will be taking their chinese papers. Coool the friday will be having teachers' day celebration and farewell party fot the sec fours. HOHO gonna enjoy these short break! killed alot of my brain cells due to the prelims!

Im just not so used to it. We are starting to be like strangers, talking less than 5 or not even a sentence everyday. I don't know why im so affected by these matter but..
Its the release of O level chinese results today. Congrats to those who did well(: but sadly to say, i got a B3. And should i retake?! This question has been irritating me after i got back the results! HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP

yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no

AWWWWW i have nothing better to do now-.-

And the next thing that is worrying me is English O level Oral!

You are not a jerk...
The Princess Diary
Went out with Yvonne Ang on Thursday. Went to town and shopped around. Can't find any wallet again but bought a dress. Yvonne bought a dress too and alot of other things. Auntie mah. LOL no offence! then at around 6 plus went to River City restaurant in Excelsior Hotel to have our buffet! The food was delicious. Ordered oatmeal prawns, thousand island prawns, shark fin soup, crab, fried fritters, honeydew sago, mango pudding, chicken wrapped in special paper and many others. LOL ordered the fish at first but cancelled in the end cos we were very full by then. hoho and it was not really expensive. Each person only had to pay $30 with the 7% gst and 10% service charge. Service charge was alot man. But considering that the waiter kept refilling our drinks, it was worth the $5. Hoho

Friday was Teachers' day cum sec 4 farewell party celebration. The performance put up was quite good. Some parts were hilarious though. Then the sec four teachers sang some songs and some students and teachers teared. Guess i would see more people crying during the prom night. Anw happy belated teachers' day!

Just came back from kallang for dinner. Hoho then went somewhere in singapore which i don't know where to watch getai. Not i watch is my parents want to watch -.- Wah the place super noisy. Was having a bad headache and felt like vomiting at the same time. So went to shop around to avoid the noise. LOL and i duno why i kepy laughing today. Perhaps i find something very funny. HINT: Late rgo swim kallang river. I meet you later. I now from _______ canal swim over. ROFL
OMG im so borrrrreeeed now! So little people online at this time! All turn into Pig already! Anyway find this horoscope thingy quite accurate. Look at Aquarius and you will know why(:

Aquarius (January20-February18)

The Aquarius Personality: Your Aquarian has a faithful and dependent nature and at times may be difficult to understand. He or she is patient, unobtrusive, faithful, and very kind. Aquarians may not always defend themselves against injustice and can be quiet when they need to stand up for themselves. Aquarians avoid arguments and are easy to get along with.

The Aquarian child likes people and wants to be liked in return. This child loves learning and is curious about life and its mysteries.The Aquarian child may want to approach plans quickly and with gusto. Aquarians tend to start at the top rather than the bottom but can usually handle challenges with their ability to learn new tasks quickly. Aquarians are talented in many areas and can succeed in scientific research as well as executive management. They can sell anything to anyone and are well liked in social circles. They do their best in large corporations with performance incentives.


The Pisces Personality: Your Pisces child is affectionate, sympathetic, loyal, idealistic, kind, and forgiving. The Pisces child is the mystic, the seeker after hidden truths. Pisces is considered a dual sign: one fish battling odds and swimming upstream, and the other fish drifting along with the current.Pisces children love peace and strongly dislike an inharmonious atmosphere filled with discordant voices. This child is sincere and truthful. The Pisces child often devotes his or her life to the cause of truth and justice. March children should cultivate the spiritual part of their nature. They must be taught to search for facts and come to conclusions-to learn to trust their instincts and premonitions.


The Aries Personality:If your baby is born under the sign of Aries, he or she has the qualities it takes to be a leader. Aries people are pioneers and visionaries giving force, energy and inspiration to the people around them. Aries are aggressive and enthusiastic, yet inclined to be compulsive and quick in action.

Persons born with this sign can be stubborn and impatient but still attract many admirers for their confidence. When challenged, the Aries person is a formidable opponent who is both bold and firm. The pioneering instincts of an Aries child should be encouraged. Their aspirations should be taken seriously and given great attention to.Aries are thinkers-always planning for the future and conjuring new ideas and schemes; they are often seen as being far ahead of their time. Aries do best managing enterprises or businesses and tapping into unknown fields.


The Taurus Personality: The Taurus child is resolute, practical, obstinate, and conservative. He or she is reliable and careful in speech and action.Taurus children can be known to hold back emotions and desires until provocation releases them. Taurus children who are taught to control their emotional outbursts can develop into sensitive, intuitive persons.The Taurus child loves beauty and harmony and loathes disorganization.

Taurus children are also generous, kindhearted, trustworthy, and intensely strong willed. They love the good things in life but are rarely overly dramatic or charismatic.A Taurus child will be gifted with many talents. He or she will be good at executive work and being in charge of others as well as with things to do with the earth, such as real estate, mining, and oil fields. Taurus is often competent in positions of trust and confidence, such as a doctor, nurse, or judge. Even though practicality is a strong part of the Taurus makeup, Taurus can also make wonderful artists, especially in the fields of architecture, interior design, and textiles.

Taurus people are most compatible with Virgos and Capricorns.


The Gemini Personality: A Gemini child is intellectual and lives in the world of thoughts. Geminis are usually quick witted, clever, and can express themselves in words very well.This child is kind, loving, willing, and expressive in disposition. Your child will exhibit curiosity and a desire to learn about everything. The Gemini child will enjoy adventure and travel while remaining sensitive and imaginative. Geminis may have difficulty finishing one project before starting another and need focus, balance and encouragement to see things to completion.Your Gemini child is inclined toward scientific, intellectual work as well as to education and government. Geminis will have many dual experiences, two courses of action, or two subjects of study often entering their lives which will force them to learn to make choices.

Geminis are most compatible with Aquarius and Leo signs.


The Cancer Personality: If your child is born in Cancer (also known as Moon Child), he or she has a sentimental and versatile nature and a constructive imagination. Cancer is sympathetic and talkative, loves home and family, and has a tenacious memory-especially for details and historical events. The Cancer child appreciates praise and is encouraged by kindness. This child will delight in beautiful scenery, romantic settings, and new adventures.

Cancer children appear retiring but are positive, tenacious, and love to be noticed while appearing to be unassuming. They are not averse to fame, even though they can sometimes be shy. Your Cancer child will be fond of older persons, ancient customs, and things connected with the past that have sentimental value. The Cancer child often has a bright, alert face.These imaginative, impressionable children make many changes in their lives until they find the position or occupation where they feel self-assured, well integrated, and appreciated. Their greatest attribute is the love of their home. They can turn anything into a beautiful environment. They love to travel and are particularly found of the sea.

Cancers are most compatible with Pisces and Scorpio.


The Leo Personality: If your child is born in Leo, he or she is usually a happy extrovert that loves power. A child of the Sun is sincere, honorable, magnanimous, and proud. As adults they are usually dignified and positive. The Leo child is philosophical, forceful, and demonstrative. Because they are assured, Leos demonstrate faith, hope, and fortitude. This child is apt to be energetic and lavish in expenditure of energy and money when his or her sympathy or interest is aroused. Leos are usually popular and even-tempered but quick to anger if their Leo pride is hurt. Leos always aim for the stars, and with their determination and self-confidence, Leo children usually get there.

The Leo child is daring, unflinching, and unafraid and at times must be taught to curb his or her exuberance. Leos love to be at the head of things. Leos' great organizing ability and commanding power usually bring success. They are charming and excel as artists, actors, and musicians, and succeed best where they have authority or where they hold responsible executive position.

Leos are most compatible with Gemini and Libra signs.


The Virgo Personality: If your child is born in Virgo, he or she is cautious, discreet, and not only contemplative but industrious. Virgos will enjoy the things money can buy and will gladly work for them. The Virgo child is self assured but not easily content with the commonplace. He or she will learn quickly but may worry at times. Virgos will be sensitive to their surroundings and have a thirst for knowledge. They will be very careful of details and can view things with a critical eye. The Virgo child is methodical and spends little time speculating on the unknown.

The Virgo child can absorb and learn anything he or she is determined to learn. Virgos want facts; in business they work for greater improvements, sometimes unobserved and unappreciated. These individuals are greatly affected by marriage and expect purity and constancy in mates.Virgo children are persevering and ingenious as well as very intelligent, but rarely control their own lives or make changes unaided. They make money and spend it for pleasure and education instead of on material things. Virgo can succeed in life as an agent or intermediary for a large company, or can be a trusted executive assistant for a public or political figure. He or she excels in general commercial ventures, imports and exports, and matters connected with the earth and its products. Virgo persons generally rise in life through their own merits.

Virgos are most compatible with Taurus and Capricorn.


The Libra Personality: Your Libra child loves justice. He or she is a sensitive individual and likes to be shielded from the unhappy side of life, at times content to live with illusions. Your Libra child loves beauty, colors, music, and the arts. If not talented in the arts, he or she will deeply appreciate them. Libras often show a great sense of sympathy toward people and are good at using tact. A Libra is likely to be an attentive listener who shows genuine compassion for others.Libra children seem to learn best from experience and intuition, which is amazingly developed. These children are usually handsome or beautiful, as if their innate souls find expression in the physical.

Libras are most compatible with Aries and Leo.


The Scorpio Personality: Your child the "scorpion" likes to live in a world of truths. A Scorpio child likes to visualize the completion and realization of his mental and physical efforts. He or she has an inner vision of the soul that can see beyond illusion. Scorpios tend to be secretive, and others must earn their trust.

Scorpio children are noted for their effervescent humor and their attractiveness; these children are the most magnetic of all the children of the zodiac, often attracting the admiration of the opposite sex. They are quick and restless and tireless workers.Because of their great energy and force, Scorpios should be taught the difference between constructive and destructive power. They should be taught self-mastery and be given careful direction so their tremendous energy and drive is channeled into creative activity. These children should also be taught early in life that as they show understanding, so will understanding and compassion be shown to them.The Scorpio child is talented in promotion activities, writing, designing, modeling, and acting.


The Sagittarius Personality: Your child is an intellect. He or she is often possessive but generous with those that are close. A child born under this sun sign is hopeful and impressionable. He or she is quick, enterprising, demonstrative in affection, and loyal. This individual loves liberty and will do anything to obtain it. Because of a firm belief in freedom of speech and expression, Sagittarius children are strong in opinion. Sagittarians also have a psychological outlook on life, always trying to understand what makes people tick.Sagittarius children love beauty and are often artistic and refined. They tend to take shortcuts, sometimes getting caught up in detail and forgetting the big things. Your Sagittarius is noble, sentimental, and impulsive.

Sagittarians are talented in art, education, dancing and ministry. Many Sagittarians are also business people, specifically lawyers.


The Capricorn Personality: Your little Capricorn will have a quiet, meditative nature ruled by reason instead of impulse and may seem older than his or her years at times. These children are thrifty, reserved, diplomatic, deep thinking, and determined. They are cautious in what they do and say. They know what they want and they usually get it by methodically planning every detail ahead of time-they like to take their time with things, learning lessons well along the way.

Capricorn children are receptive to down-to-earth activities. They feel a deep sense of responsibility and love being praised for a job well done. Parents should take time with their Capricorn child to show them the joy of touch and sharing comfort. Though typically practical and serious, the Capricorn often has a well-developed sense of wit and humor and is also known for being reliable.Capricorns are industrious and ambitious. They often love wealth for the power and prestige it brings them. The Capricorn is talented in mechanics, engineering, and politics. Literary and religious things also interest them. They make excellent executives and love responsibility in any field they enter. Capricorns often delay marriage until late in life, but once married they are faithful and devoted.

Capricorns are most compatible with Virgos and Taurus signs.
Prelims over! Had A maths paper 1 and 2 today. Paper one was alright, paper two got standard! So careless that i din't notice the last part of the graph question which cost me 3 precious marks! Since its over, shall not brood over it anymore. Just wait for the results to come out and cry for some papers. LOL

Went to have lunch at KFC with lots of people. Then went to SKCC with Yvonne. Left at around 7.45 with yvonne, huayao, jerry, pk, sean, km, poh boon and weicong. The guys went to 188 to continue playing(: Watched tv all the way till just now which is a few minutes ago! Don't really feel like slping so im using the com now.

All the best to those taking their chinese papers tomorrow (=
Happy birthday Yiyang(:

Had History and E maths paper today. And history sbq came out Korean war. OMG did not understand the sources. Cold war is a total stranger to me. LOL hope can do well for history in order to save my SS. Realised that i did the 3B seq wrongly. The question was: The sufferings of the people in Sri Lanka was due to armed conflict. Something like that. And we should answer the consequences led to the sufferings of the people. BUT BUT i did the other way round. I wrote how the sufferings of the people lead to arm conflict. T.T Misread the question -.-

Will be having a short break. Need not go school on wednesday cos some people will be taking their chinese papers. Coool the friday will be having teachers' day celebration and farewell party fot the sec fours. HOHO gonna enjoy these short break! killed alot of my brain cells due to the prelims!

Im just not so used to it. We are starting to be like strangers, talking less than 5 or not even a sentence everyday. I don't know why im so affected by these matter but..
Its the release of O level chinese results today. Congrats to those who did well(: but sadly to say, i got a B3. And should i retake?! This question has been irritating me after i got back the results! HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP

yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no

AWWWWW i have nothing better to do now-.-

And the next thing that is worrying me is English O level Oral!

You are not a jerk...