JAE results out today! First thing when i woke up was to on my phone and my phone was vibrating non stop with people asking what poly and courses im entering. Was waiting eagerly to see where im posted to. But all i see was my friends' name! So nervous. Finally, i received the msg from MOE. When i saw where im posted to, i was like SIAN and continued lying on my bed. Got up and told my parents that i got into 'chemical and biomolecular engineering' and straight before they ans, i told them i wanna appeal cos i dun have interest in this course at all! it was my 5th choice if im not wrong. So i asked my dad to drive me to Np. And so he did. So touched la cos dad was working at the point of time and he sacrificed his working time just to accompany me to NP. HOHO reached there, the counsellor asked me what courses i wanna appeal. And the conver goes like this:

Me: " Erm, i got shortlisted for biomed/ molecular biotechnology under the JPSAE and i went for the interview that day( forgot which date). Then i thought that most prob i will get into the course cos im shortlisted. May I know why im not posted into the course?

Counsellor: Oh, have u checked the JPSAE result?

Me: "er, the result for JAE and JPSAE is the same right? Via sms.

Counsellor: (Went to ask another counsellor). It's not the same. JAE is JAE. JPSAE is JPSAE. Is different. you need to check the JPSAE result online.

Me: "HUH! WTH. I thought is JAE leh cos that time mr mak( one of the interviewers) told me that i need to check the JAE whether im successfully posted to that course.

Counsellor: No? I think he meant that u need to check the JPSAE results online when the results of JAE is released.

Wa i was like "HUH,LOL". Omg this is so damn blur of me la! So i logged into the JPSAE website. And i was accepted to "molecular biotechnology"! Was damn damn happy la. My interview was a success. Hoho. Then went around and checked out for the 2009 COP. MBIO: cop was 12. Biomed:9 Felt super super happy. Cos my L1R4 was 4 points off the cop for mbio and they accepted me! And the intake for this course is only 80 ok! So felt damn lucky. And of course, the sad thing is that i have the lousiest result in this course' cohort. HAHAHA but all i can say is im just so damn lucky!
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

Chinese New Year. Went house visiting and collect ang baos(: Ate steamboat for days! The sight of steamboat dun make me feel like eating anymore. Hoho.
Went for company dinner at Pariss in Marina during chu 2. Boss even gave us red packets. $8. So cool la. Imagine 150 ppl turn up and all got a red packet. Plus the buffet fully sponsored by him and the attractive prizes in the lucky draw! Talking about the lucky draw, i am so damn lucky. Out of 150 people from different outlets and out of the 20 prizes, xw and I won the 9th and 8th prizes respectively! Celine from our outlet won two cans of birdnest and a can of abalone. OMG xw won a very very big hamper! I won a panasonic electronic shaver -.- i can't use it but my dad can! LOL wanted the psp but it was the 4th prize! Asked the guy if he wanted to exchange with me but he declined the 'GOOD' offer. HAHA. First prize was microwave oven. Due to the hamper that xw won, she asked her mum to come fetch us. That means me and esther dun need to take mrt home. LOL and it was so nice of minglong and shaogang( friends form tori q) to help carry the hamper and waited for xw's mum to come before they went home. So gentleman =D

Work next day. Don't have the mood cos im stil in CNY mood. Esther and xw also working. Its so rare that the three of us are put to work together. So it was not that bored. Esther got to go home at 7pm. NOT FAIR!! Trained home with xw. Think we were too engrossed in talkiung and the train OVERSHOT! Instead of alighting at dhoby, we alighted at cityhall. LOL we dint even know the train overshot till we reached cityhall cos the train door opens at the other side. LOL so got off and train back to dhoby. Wasted our time! Its really funny. Two person can make such a stupid and silly mistake! HOR XUEWEI :P
Oh yeah almost forgot. Went back school for the CNY celebrations. The performance was not a bad one. Alastair's solo was superb! HAHA and lois and barry accompanied me to work after that. Caught up alot with them especially lois poh! HAHA
Ok should end off here. Happy CNY everyone. Going Mr Tan's house followed by xw's followed by my aunt's house tmr. YEAH
I got shortlisted for the course i want!!! SUPER HAPPY!!!

Interview tmr. SUPER NERVOUS!!!

Selling ice-cream later. SUPER FUN AND TIRING!!!
HAHAHA went to play pool and bowling with kr, gab, hy and jar last last last last last last last last last last week. LOL bowling was more fun. Cos im not the noobest there! First round, huayao top! Kairen last. And was laughing at kr for being so nooob. But who knows, im the last for the second round -.- then stood at one corner to decide where to eat. All thanks to gab for finding a job at the newspaper, we called and managed to find a job for the 5 of us. SELL WALLS ICECREAM!

Started work the next day. Went to those poly open house with my mum first. Then met up wit hy and kr at cp then trained to hougang. Team-ed with gab and jar. Helped them push trolleys around and take photographs. It was not a bad experience. Selling ice cream door to door was not easy though. But soon after, they managed to sell everything! Lat two boxes of icecream was sold by me. So proud of myself. Hahah then ate at some kopitiam. It was a super bad day there! GAB YOU SHOULD KNOW WHY. YOU AND UR IMBA MOUTH. LOL

Forgotten which day barry and kr came to my house. Seriously need to thank them. They've helped me alot with many things. Those poly courses which im unsure with and helping me out with the GPSAE form! Hope it would be a success. Let's pray hard. Hoho
Then dinner-ed at cp de curry san. Then kr went off to kovan while me and barry walked home. He wanted to go to bball court at first but he came to my house in the end. Was watching tv and at the same time, listening to the conver betwen barry and my dad. LOL i hope to get into the course i want!

Went for lunch with sean yesterday. Went all the way till chinatown cos he said he don't want to lunch at cp. Haha saw chris and wingsze on the way home. Then met kr then bus=ed to serangoon area. Saw yd when alighting the bus. Then we walked to block 225 to meet andrew and jerry. Hoho andrew ordered the wrong stocks! All thanks to him we had very little sets to sell but alot of mini poppers which are damn hard to sell. Only got me, kr, jerry, yd and two other girls this time. Heard that jerry is the top seller that day! Teamed with kr. Was assigned 10 blocks! And there is no lift on overy storey. That means we had to push the trolley down the stairs. LOL highest floor for every block was 12. We start and 6 and went all the way down. Cos we assume those staying at lower floors are more generous according to past experience. LOL got tired and lazt selling halfway. So we went to the 12th floor to slack and waited for time to past while yd and jerry were struggling to sell out their stocks! In the end, jerry and yd only less than half the amount me and kr earned. So whose the pro ones here?? LOL. then went to eat at the nearby kopitiam with jerry and kr. Then home-ed.

Went to grandma's house today! Went tm to get my dress before heading there. Waited for everybody to come and had our steamboat! There's alot alot of food. Hoho. It was a very nice feeling though where everybody gathered in the living hall, watching tv, play and chat together! Played poker. Lost money of course. No luck. Haha i need some luck!

Work tmr.

O level results was a super duper disappointing one for me. Got a super suckish result for english. Quite shocking though. Can't accept it till now though its a fact. No A1's for both maths. What the...no one to blame except myself for getting this results. If i had not over stressed myself, if i had solved those problems/ distractions that im facing,my results would not have been so shit. )))):
The Princess Diary
JAE results out today! First thing when i woke up was to on my phone and my phone was vibrating non stop with people asking what poly and courses im entering. Was waiting eagerly to see where im posted to. But all i see was my friends' name! So nervous. Finally, i received the msg from MOE. When i saw where im posted to, i was like SIAN and continued lying on my bed. Got up and told my parents that i got into 'chemical and biomolecular engineering' and straight before they ans, i told them i wanna appeal cos i dun have interest in this course at all! it was my 5th choice if im not wrong. So i asked my dad to drive me to Np. And so he did. So touched la cos dad was working at the point of time and he sacrificed his working time just to accompany me to NP. HOHO reached there, the counsellor asked me what courses i wanna appeal. And the conver goes like this:

Me: " Erm, i got shortlisted for biomed/ molecular biotechnology under the JPSAE and i went for the interview that day( forgot which date). Then i thought that most prob i will get into the course cos im shortlisted. May I know why im not posted into the course?

Counsellor: Oh, have u checked the JPSAE result?

Me: "er, the result for JAE and JPSAE is the same right? Via sms.

Counsellor: (Went to ask another counsellor). It's not the same. JAE is JAE. JPSAE is JPSAE. Is different. you need to check the JPSAE result online.

Me: "HUH! WTH. I thought is JAE leh cos that time mr mak( one of the interviewers) told me that i need to check the JAE whether im successfully posted to that course.

Counsellor: No? I think he meant that u need to check the JPSAE results online when the results of JAE is released.

Wa i was like "HUH,LOL". Omg this is so damn blur of me la! So i logged into the JPSAE website. And i was accepted to "molecular biotechnology"! Was damn damn happy la. My interview was a success. Hoho. Then went around and checked out for the 2009 COP. MBIO: cop was 12. Biomed:9 Felt super super happy. Cos my L1R4 was 4 points off the cop for mbio and they accepted me! And the intake for this course is only 80 ok! So felt damn lucky. And of course, the sad thing is that i have the lousiest result in this course' cohort. HAHAHA but all i can say is im just so damn lucky!
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

Chinese New Year. Went house visiting and collect ang baos(: Ate steamboat for days! The sight of steamboat dun make me feel like eating anymore. Hoho.
Went for company dinner at Pariss in Marina during chu 2. Boss even gave us red packets. $8. So cool la. Imagine 150 ppl turn up and all got a red packet. Plus the buffet fully sponsored by him and the attractive prizes in the lucky draw! Talking about the lucky draw, i am so damn lucky. Out of 150 people from different outlets and out of the 20 prizes, xw and I won the 9th and 8th prizes respectively! Celine from our outlet won two cans of birdnest and a can of abalone. OMG xw won a very very big hamper! I won a panasonic electronic shaver -.- i can't use it but my dad can! LOL wanted the psp but it was the 4th prize! Asked the guy if he wanted to exchange with me but he declined the 'GOOD' offer. HAHA. First prize was microwave oven. Due to the hamper that xw won, she asked her mum to come fetch us. That means me and esther dun need to take mrt home. LOL and it was so nice of minglong and shaogang( friends form tori q) to help carry the hamper and waited for xw's mum to come before they went home. So gentleman =D

Work next day. Don't have the mood cos im stil in CNY mood. Esther and xw also working. Its so rare that the three of us are put to work together. So it was not that bored. Esther got to go home at 7pm. NOT FAIR!! Trained home with xw. Think we were too engrossed in talkiung and the train OVERSHOT! Instead of alighting at dhoby, we alighted at cityhall. LOL we dint even know the train overshot till we reached cityhall cos the train door opens at the other side. LOL so got off and train back to dhoby. Wasted our time! Its really funny. Two person can make such a stupid and silly mistake! HOR XUEWEI :P
Oh yeah almost forgot. Went back school for the CNY celebrations. The performance was not a bad one. Alastair's solo was superb! HAHA and lois and barry accompanied me to work after that. Caught up alot with them especially lois poh! HAHA
Ok should end off here. Happy CNY everyone. Going Mr Tan's house followed by xw's followed by my aunt's house tmr. YEAH
I got shortlisted for the course i want!!! SUPER HAPPY!!!

Interview tmr. SUPER NERVOUS!!!

Selling ice-cream later. SUPER FUN AND TIRING!!!
HAHAHA went to play pool and bowling with kr, gab, hy and jar last last last last last last last last last last week. LOL bowling was more fun. Cos im not the noobest there! First round, huayao top! Kairen last. And was laughing at kr for being so nooob. But who knows, im the last for the second round -.- then stood at one corner to decide where to eat. All thanks to gab for finding a job at the newspaper, we called and managed to find a job for the 5 of us. SELL WALLS ICECREAM!

Started work the next day. Went to those poly open house with my mum first. Then met up wit hy and kr at cp then trained to hougang. Team-ed with gab and jar. Helped them push trolleys around and take photographs. It was not a bad experience. Selling ice cream door to door was not easy though. But soon after, they managed to sell everything! Lat two boxes of icecream was sold by me. So proud of myself. Hahah then ate at some kopitiam. It was a super bad day there! GAB YOU SHOULD KNOW WHY. YOU AND UR IMBA MOUTH. LOL

Forgotten which day barry and kr came to my house. Seriously need to thank them. They've helped me alot with many things. Those poly courses which im unsure with and helping me out with the GPSAE form! Hope it would be a success. Let's pray hard. Hoho
Then dinner-ed at cp de curry san. Then kr went off to kovan while me and barry walked home. He wanted to go to bball court at first but he came to my house in the end. Was watching tv and at the same time, listening to the conver betwen barry and my dad. LOL i hope to get into the course i want!

Went for lunch with sean yesterday. Went all the way till chinatown cos he said he don't want to lunch at cp. Haha saw chris and wingsze on the way home. Then met kr then bus=ed to serangoon area. Saw yd when alighting the bus. Then we walked to block 225 to meet andrew and jerry. Hoho andrew ordered the wrong stocks! All thanks to him we had very little sets to sell but alot of mini poppers which are damn hard to sell. Only got me, kr, jerry, yd and two other girls this time. Heard that jerry is the top seller that day! Teamed with kr. Was assigned 10 blocks! And there is no lift on overy storey. That means we had to push the trolley down the stairs. LOL highest floor for every block was 12. We start and 6 and went all the way down. Cos we assume those staying at lower floors are more generous according to past experience. LOL got tired and lazt selling halfway. So we went to the 12th floor to slack and waited for time to past while yd and jerry were struggling to sell out their stocks! In the end, jerry and yd only less than half the amount me and kr earned. So whose the pro ones here?? LOL. then went to eat at the nearby kopitiam with jerry and kr. Then home-ed.

Went to grandma's house today! Went tm to get my dress before heading there. Waited for everybody to come and had our steamboat! There's alot alot of food. Hoho. It was a very nice feeling though where everybody gathered in the living hall, watching tv, play and chat together! Played poker. Lost money of course. No luck. Haha i need some luck!

Work tmr.

O level results was a super duper disappointing one for me. Got a super suckish result for english. Quite shocking though. Can't accept it till now though its a fact. No A1's for both maths. What the...no one to blame except myself for getting this results. If i had not over stressed myself, if i had solved those problems/ distractions that im facing,my results would not have been so shit. )))):