Today's timetable was quite relaxed. Only 2 hours of maths lecture. 2 hours of lunch break followed by one hour of physiology tutorial. Maths lecture was so damn boring. Lecturer teach those basic stuffs. Indices etc. All learn in sec sch alrdy. And i have alrdy finished the self test ques in the book. So me and other friends were busy doing other things. LOL.

Then had lunched with km. Sean and christopher joined us an hour later. Was doing the maths online thing during phy tutorial. LOL. lecturer dint noticed cos i sat right a the corner end -.- Went to it helpdesk again! Finally found out the prob. Its my network connection at home. Some blocking of firewall thingy. Shall go fixed it soon.

After sch, makan place to mug with sandy, siyun, jasmine and shiting(: Did maths tutorial work and microbiology. After two hours of mugging, then early dinner. Then went for our cca trial. Joined dancesports with shiting. There were alot of people. Thought that the guys in dancesports will be those kind of gays or sissys one. But im wrong. Most of them were quite goodlooking and man. Except that their legs were super skinny! Maybe is cos of the attire. Went to another studio cos there were too many people alrdy. the vice president taught us some moves. Quite fun. Then ask us find partner. So they paired me up with this guy. Abit paikia those kind. I was so damn ps. Then they asked us to hold hands -.- Everyone was like so obedient la. But im NOT. So they started dancing with partners. I just turned to the other side to avoid the guy's face. LOL. Then the seniors see the two of us like that. So i paired up with a year two senior, alex at last. He is very friendly and gentleman la. At least i dun feel so ps facing him. He said i got potential cos i learned the moves quite fast -.- HAHA. so funny. But afterall, this cca quite fun. Hoho. Then homed with chris and sean.

Gonna stay back in tmr again. For dancegroup cca. Going for fun only. Accompanying shiting(: Then she will accompany me for the netball trial on thurs! So will be choosing one out of this 3 ccas. Hope tmr will be fun! Bag will be damn heavy tmr. Cos got pracs and need bring stretchable pants for the cca -.-

Its 12.43am alrdy. Gonna slp now. Nights.
One word to describe maths online. SUCKS. wasted so much of my time accessing it. From re-installing to travelling to kairen's house to borrow his laptop to him coming my house to help me. But at last, still can't! Wonder whats wrong with it. All cos of np. Download also never download properly -.- PISSED off man. Done everything except questions for mol. And the deadline for submission is before 12am which is just 2 hours away. So, i will be handing in my work late alrdy. So think will be travelling to np earlier to get the software fixed before my tutorial starts. First lesson of the day. Hais. So troublesome.

Watching star awards. Not really nice this time round. Shall slp after the show ends. And i haven pack my bag!
Im still awake!

Ng Xue Wei sent me an email! Who use emails to send message nowadays? Very seldom! Guess the two of us will be making full use of emails now! Just replied her. Gonna catch some sleep now.
Finally found time to blog. Poly started for just one week only and there's so much work to do! Trying to get used to everything! Dun like lectures especially microbiology. First lesson, dun catch a single thing that the lecturer says -.- its hard for me. Cos dun have basics for biology and the indian accent of the lecturer is damn strong. Wrote 1 hour as 1R. Wth? Very funny things happened during ipc lecture. Mr kueh in his 60s i think. He was briefing us about what to bring for lab pracs etc. And he pronounced lab COAT as lab COCK. Everyone burst out to laughter. As usual, i can't stop laughing! Then he continued saying" rmb to wear ur goggles during pracs if not u need to REPAIR ur eyes". LAUGHS. Fahkrin then told me engineering sch nearby. We can walk there to repair it. Omg. And i was really laughing non-stop.

Love tutorials. Can slack and its fun. There was one time when fakhrin webcammed me when he was sitting right beside me -.- alexis and jesslyn behind us was laughing away. Lucky teacher never notice. And the playful him went to invite everyone(about 8) who is online to the conversation. Many were giggling but mr kueh duno what they were laughing at. Of course, i dint join in the fun. Paid attention in class k(:

CCA! Hundreds of cca to choose from. So shortlisted a few. Cheerleading( Magnum force) sounds cool! Dancesports( Latin dance etc), dance group( ballet, chinese dance etc) and netball! Further shortlisted. And now decided whether i should join dancesports or netball. Suggestions!!!

Love friday's timetable cos ends sch at 12 and there's only sports and wellness and CATS classes on that day. Chose volleyball for SW. Shiting and munirah too! Its in a first come first served basis. Should have chosen Sports climbing or dancesports instead! Wanted to change module. But need re Q. heng never. Cos end up left with some boring module. Go gym one. Cats class quite fun. Know alot people form other courses. They are all very friendly and nice people. It would be great if they were in my course class. Not saying my course the people unfriendly. But seems like people from other courses are much more friendlier!

Makan place on friday. Saw kairen and his friends. Sat together. Waited for lois to have lunch together. Barry were there too. Then home-ed at around 3 plus.

Tried many routes to school. And mrt is simply the fastest. Tried bus route and was late for two times alrdy -.-

The stupid mol is so damn annoying. Cannot access it. Weird symbols and alphabets instead of numbers. So damn pissed. Supposed to hand in by 12 tmr. Dun think can hand in on time alrdy. PISSED. But thanks to kairen who wanted to help me do those questions using his lappy and benjamin who tried to help by checking the settings etc. THANKS(:

Dinner-ed with jiayi at ljs at rm. Usual hangout when im with her.

Moodswings lately again. Don't know for what reason also. So sorry to those whom i gave attitude to. Dint mean it. So yeah, real sorry.

Starting to feel the coldness in you? Or just that im not used to u treating me this way? I don't know.
Advanced ballet today! The works are nice. And very very tiring. Perpired alot. can't find my leotard. So wore a tanktop and a fbt shorts and my ballet shoes instead -.- Did loads of stretching and the feeling is damn great. Hoho.

Collected my jacket. Then trained to vivo with sean. Met up with xw, chermel and yy first. Then bought tickets for movie first. Catched "17 again". Km and jerry came after that. Huayao dint come cos he got hw left undone ): Was supposed to either dine at sushi tei or hongkong cafe kim gary. But our movie starts at 6.50 and it was already early 6 plus. So ate pasta mania instead.

The movie was okok la. But felt uncomfortable when watching due to the seat. Then walked around vivo after that. Took very very lil photos this time.

Then went pasar malam with xw. Walked home and as usual, went to the staircase there to talk. We have been doing this for so many times! And for two consecutive days alrdy. Must talk more. Cos when sch starts, which is tmr, dun even know when we can meet up/ Thats sad! But nvm. she's gonna buy her laptop tmr((:

Yeah. School is starting just tmr. Its fast. Wow 6 months past in a blink of an eye. Don't know why. I don't feel excited at all!

And i duno what to bring tmr. Oh god. haha. Its 12.32am now. Shall go slp already. Need wake up at 6 am tmr. SIAN
Got bored at home today. So texted xw to go shop. Met at 5pm. So late. haha. Saw sean and chrisopher at dhoby. Took the same train but dint see each other inside. Haha. Went to bugis(: Cos both of us wanted to buy bag. so saw this bag which was quite nice. The salasgirl keep asking us to buy..but we dint in the end cos xw wanted to go bugis street to see ohers first as she saw one quite nice bag there last week. Came back to the same shop in less than 10 mins time -.- the bag in bugis is too small. LOL. So we each bought one and a laptop case each. And we actually bought the same design and colour -.-

Don't know where else to go after that. So met sean and chris at iluma. The new shopping centre. Then went kfc at bugis for dinner. Chris is really a joker. LOL. Then chris went tm, sean dhoby(according to him) while me and xw took the train towards harbourfront instead then back to sk cos we are afraid there's no seats in the mrt. HAHA. Was thinking very hard of where to go for dinner tmr during the journey. So at last, decided to go vivo. Either going sushi tei or another restaurant( forgot the name).

Advanced ballet starting tmr! And i can't seem to find my leotard. Omg. So decided to wear a tanktop and fbt for class tmr. Hope ms shymala won't mind. And then head to vivo to meet the others( xw, chermel, huayao, sean, yy and km) for dinner(:

School starting on mon! And i seriously duno what to bring on monday. Shitty shit. HAHAHA.
Np to buy notes with safurah, sherry and three other people(forgot their names). Only safurah same course as me. The others were either in BMS or CBE. Got lost in school. Was already perspiring when we reached the school bookshop. And i think i bought the tb which is not compulsory. It was bloody thick and the contents inside are super lengthy!Its like a story book.Not like the sci ones in sec sch. Hope can refund. Cos it cost me almost $3o bucks -.- Then lunch at makan place. Ate nasi lemak. Food okok only. The rest went off to buy their things while me and safurah went to find the machine that can top up ez link cards. Then went our own ways after that.

Read my storybook throughout the journey. And the journey seems shorter today compared to the last time i went sch. Thinking of if i should take bus or mrt to sch when sch reopens. Cos my mum told me that my dad can drive me to hougang interchange everyday. Thats cool! At least i can slp abit more.

And im in class 1.1! Hope the classmates there are nice people(:

Intended to go Bugis today with mum. But then felt real tired after the long journey. com-ed awhile and took a 15 mins nap on sis' bed. Lazy to walk to my room though there's aircon. Haha.

Dinner-ed then went to fernvale to meet sean. Went to the bball court behind koufu. Sat there. Helped to record timings for his sprints etc. And its real sunny there and alot of mosquitoes! Omg. my legs and arms got alot mosquitoes marks alrdy. Ha. My blood that nice meh. LOL

Then koufu for dinner. Kept receiving calls from jasmine. She keep asking me where am i cos band's performing night today and the alumnis of band can join to play for the finale "Friends for life". I just said i go and watch but she keep urging me to perform with the band. SO no choice. Reason why i kept rejecting cos im just wearing a quite a presentable long shirt or dress, Whatever u call it and a sandals and a short!

So waited for sean to finish his chicken rice before heading. He took less then 5 mins to finish his food cos jasmine told me i only have 5-8 mins to reach sch. And i keep rushing him. So bad of me -.-

Jasmine and jiaying alrdy hellped me fix the saxophone and washed the mouthpiece clean! Cos borrowed it from some juniors. And those alumni band members were all wearing long sleeves and jeans. And me?? Look so weird standing with them. surprised that i actually rmb the fingerings. Except when they were playing merry widows, got stuck abit. Cos the tempo were so fast adn im just sight reading. Haha. When the concert ended, most of the band members were crying. Alastair too! But i dint.

Then headed home with sean. Actually with peiyi and pk too. But peiyi wanted to stay awhile more. And only when we reached thanggam pk called and asked where we are. If not can go home together. But he lazy walk home also cos he just came from his orientation camp. Sat at the bench near anchorvale cc. Talked for quite long. Then headed to 7 11 for pocky. Jiayi wanted to eat. Then hsw(:
Was late for work today again. Second time this month. Another time and i would be sacked! Cos cannot be late more than 3 times in a month. Was late cos left home 10 minutes late than usual. It was alrdy 11.50 when i reached dhoby. waited 5 mins for the train! Reached orchard station at 11.56am. Walked and run at the same time. Started getting tired. So walked and was late for 3 mins -.-

Ate cup noodles, plus two sushi and one chicken during lunch. LOL. Damn budget. Got tired of outside food! So cup noodles best choice. Xw ate the same thing as me. HAHA. work ended quite early cos we cleaned up fast today! So just sat there while waiting for the right time before punching our cards. And laichoon lied to us. He was transferred to Bishan tori q ):

Then Mac Flurry at Mac with xw after work. Sudden crave(: Sat there and ate before heading to mrt. Talked about secondary school stuffs suddenly. The happenings in school! Sicko movie, how one dislike another, cold war between me and her etc. Thinking about what happened last time, its really very childish. Im sure all agrees. Guess we have matured?

Almost forgotten. Something very funny happened when me and xw were on our way home the day before. Saw this guy wearing the same tone colour top as xw. So i purposely stood beside the guy and of course thought xw would follow me but she dint! So i stood there like a retard. HAHA. and was laughing non-stop on the lrt platform and especially in the lrt. Found seats to sit. So was telling xw something funny about this super over-sized guy bout his pants and we ended up laughing. The laughter stop for awhile and duno for what reason i started laughing again and its quite loud considering there's only two of us talking and laughing in the train. Xw pinched me and i "ouch!" People around started looking at us. Was damn ps. And the laughing eventually stopped till we got off the lrt and went our ways. LOL

so today found out that xw's actually not laughing bout my joke but laughing at the way i laugh. HAHAHAHAHA. And she already started laughing before telling me her joke. Im like that sometimes too. HAHA. Thought my joke at least was HOT enough to make her laugh!!!! who knows she laughing at the way i laugh -.-

Am going np to buy stuffs for poly with new course mates this fri i think. Must take 1 hour ++ of bus ride again. SIAN.

Shall i go malacca with my parents this saturday? hmmm...

Intermediate ballet this sunday! And poly starting on monday alrdy. 5 more days!

shall go catch some sleep now. Dun wanna be late for work tmr. If not i will be sacked. hoho.

I don't know how u get to know of my password. In another words, hack into my blogger account.

Everybody needs privacy. Im sure u need it too. So why hack into my account. You even went to the extent of checking who i invited to read my blog.

This is way too much!
Told mum i wanted to go shopping for stuffs yesterday. Woken up by mum in the late afternoon today and she said she will accompany me to shop today! Cool. So prepared and went to tampines. Jiayi went too. Long time since i went there. Would go there every week last time cos of ballet >.< Went to the new shopping mall first. But it was way too crowded! Quite big though. Hunted for bags for the whole day around the 3 shopping malls. But dint find any ): So met up with aunty, uncle and couins for dinner. They wanted to go to the new shopping mall. But we have alrdy went there earlier. So went seperate ways.

Realised that if u have something in mind and purposely want to shop for it, you won't be able to find it. But if you don't have anything in mind and shop, u will end up buying alot of things! So next time i shall just tell myself i dun have anything in mind and go shopping! LOL. Thats abit retarded -.-

Ended up buying a jacket at Espirit. My favourite colour!!!!! At least i dint go home empty handed. HAHA. So went home at around 8 plus. Then dvd-ed all the way from late 8 plus till now. My father is watching too! K. Shall go watch it now(:
Was raining heavily at orchard on my way to work. It was alrdy 3.50pm. Stood at the shelter for awhile. Hoping the rain would get smaller. But it dint! So no choice. Had to run all the way to paragon. Was drenched. Hair was in a mess. So stone-ed at the toilet for around 10 minutes to dry my hair cos its way too messy. In the end, late for work. 6 mins late! ARGHH.First time late. Instead of having 30 mins for brea, break time was shortened to 15 minutes. Wth. And 15 minutes really past so quickly.

And time flies so quickly today. Perhaps is cos i start work at 4pm today. Hoho. And today xw was like telling me she dun wan sch to start so fast cos she say the girls in her class like cmi? In terms of dressing sense. I was like LOL! Cos she judge a person according to their dressings. Actually another reason is cos she says she and her new friends no topics to talk. Bet she will miss me when sch starts! I will miss her too!

Actually seriously, i duno if i wan poly to start so soon. Must start everything anew. Getting used to poly life, new teachers and most importantly, need to make new friends. As in yeah, who dun wanna make new friends. But it takes one very long to get to know the person inside out and outside in. Good or bad thing? I don't know.

Wanted to enjoy my last week of holidays before poly starts. But who knows, im working from this coming sun to next fri. 6 consecutive days. Oh gosh. I wanna go shopping! Will either go shopping tmr or next sat alrdy. Ballet starting next sunday. Should i feel excited?

"If you ain't talking to me, i would'nt talk to you forever. Never. " You said this pm is meant for me. You dint even wanna reply me when i asked you why u wrote that. You just told me it does not mean anything alrdy. And its not ur business anymore. I really have no idea why u wrote that pm

I wanna know why.
Its going to be 330am now!
Feeling tired.
But can't seem to be able to get to sleep.
Just being random.
Msn really kills time.
Shall go try and sleep now.
Got work at 4pm tmr!
Such a weird timing.
But double pay tmrw :D

Xw's birthday today. Eh should be yesterday already! cos its 1:38am now. Happy belated birthday miss bunny ng xuewei! HAHA.

Really quite glad that today's outing was considered a success. Met xw, amanda, clay, des and ys at cp first. Waited for awhile for ys cos he came last minute. Trained to somerset. Went to cineleisure. Wanted to catch a movie. Wanted to catch "confessions of a shopaholic". Omg wanted to watch it for very long already! But still dint managed to catch it today cos the timing dun really suit and the guys dun really wanna watch it. Someone suggested "Fast and furious 4". But dint really feel like watching. So ended up eating lunch at some place selling japanese food. Next station was tori q. Went there for awhile and headed to lucky plaza for bubble tea :D Chocolate ice blended. My favourite! Dint buy Hndsg cos the taste deproved alot. Hoho. Clay bought it and its so watery. Haha.

Fareast after that! Really dun understand why guys hate shopping that much. shopping is fun k! Something des said that is quite funny. He said girls when come to shopping will walk at a negative speed. That means very slow! LOL. The three girls bought a belt each. Yeah. Then wanted to search for cardigans. But like not worth. Cos of the material and its quite ex. But its my fav colour. GREY! awwwwwww. And the shades of grey is the one similar to my blog skin! ):

Continued shopping. The guys went to find a place to sit. Guess they hate shopping. Tried heels too. Cos the heels looks cool and it quite matches the dress im wearing. So tried it for fun -.- Want to buy heels. But its like so weird. Cos if i wear it, i will look so tall! Maybe only when i go out with esther then can wear. LOL. No offence. Hahaha.

At arounf six plus, headed to bugis. Went bugis street with xw while the guys plus pk waited at macdonalds cos they were tired -.- Headed back after awhile. Then esther came. So headed to the steamboat place first. It was at the far end. Stupid partner(hy) damn noob. Walked all the way to bugis to bring him here. OMG. Then came sean and yy. Omg. Yy's bag is damn cute. LOL. Walked back then put the cake in the fridge. Lucky got place. Started eating. The food was okay only. $15 only. Dint expect much. Then came jerry jw and chris. At around 10 plus, brought the cake out and sang birthday songs! Took quite a number of photos. Not alot. Cos hands were dirty. Most say the cake was nice. Found it okay only. LOL. And xw looks quite shock and somehow happy with the present i gave. And of course im happy la. At least she likes. Alot effort de k! At least this gift is more meaningful and memorable((:

Then many headed to toilet. Took very long cos the girl's toilet damn full. And i became the auntie carrying the bags and plastic bags for them -.- Then took some pictures before going home. Split up. Esther wore heels. So took lrt home. Omg i simply love her heels! Walked back home with yusiang, desmond, clay and partner! People are now starting to say me and partner alrdy -.-

Chatted alot with partner. Parted off with ys, des and clay and continued chatting till we reach my house downstairs. Wanted to continue talking but due to time constraint. So yeah.

Awww i wanna watch "confessions of a shopaholic"!!!! omg omg omg

Totally shocked...
Woke up at 1pm today. Wanted to continue slping but woke up by my dad talking to his customer on the phone -.- should have agreed to slp with my elder sis the day before. Lunched and tv-ed awhile. Took up the housewife role today. LOL. saw the pile of clothes on the sofa. Folded it. Then mopped the floor. Then iron the clothes while watching dvd at the same time. Rewatched "little man". The show damn funny. HAHA. Got bored cos there's only me and my dad at home. He's working. Mum brought grandpa for checkup. Xinyi working. Jiayi in school! So just continued doing the card. Hate engaging in artwork. Cos at the end of it, my hand would be very dirty, stained with glue and papers. Then table in a mess. HAHA. And im lazy to clean it up. Aww..

Jiayi's grade 6 ballet exam tmr! Goodluck uh pig >.<

Going out to celebrate xw's birthday tmr(:

Don't let urself remind of me again
Met barry to get some stuffs first before going to work yesterday. Just nice he going bugis. At least got people accompany me to dhoby. Who knows i actually forgot to alight at dhoby and trained to clarke quay instead. It was alrdy o133 alrdy. And my work starts at 0200. Luckily never late. HAHA.

Camp orientation today. Really regret choosing np. The bus journey is damn super long. Double deck somemore. Can die! Saw seeswee on bus. Then went to the brieding hall. Feeling rather uneasy/awkward. Everything was stranger to me. New faces. So just anyhow find a seat. The Gls were all so high. But we were all so quiet. Probabaly cos its so early in the morning and everyone feels shy. And this malay girl sitting beside me suddenly talk to me. So we just chatted. LOL. thought i will be the one talking to others first. COS IM SOCIABLE. But who knows, its the other way round -.-

The briefing was quite boring. Videos screened was okay lo. Followed by a short break then tour around campus. Never really see clearly who's in the same course as me cos there are simply too many to be recognised. 80 people. Surprisingly, the no. of males and females were almost equal. Some of them looked quite old to me. LOL. Then was brought to lecture theatre. Entertained by one graduates from np. He's really gay. His actions and cca (aerobics) shows it all. But his quite humorous. Wonder if i will regret not staying over for the camp. cos the camp seems quite fun and i bet i can make quite alot of friends there.

AWWW, im afraid i will be lonely on the first day of school ): NOT!

Took cab with jar. He damn cock up. Thought if turn to PIE will pass by sk then pasir ris. so he took the cab from opp ask the driver u turn and call me board the cab -.- LOL. so i alighted at pasir ris then 88 home while he went for his chalet. But at least, i need not sit on the bus for hours. If not, the chances of vomiting is damn high. LOL

Reached home. Dvd marathon again. So grab an icecream from the fridge and lay on my sis's bed to enjoy the show. Fell asleep halfway! With the icecream stick in my mouth and contact lenses on -.- Mum kept asking me to throw away the icecream stick. As usual, my replies were "Wait". Only threw it till i know i cannot tahan anymore. turned off the tv and went to my lalaland and woke up at 7pm. Dinnered, did some things and dvd again and did some stretching at the same time cos ballet going to start soon! (: 19th April! One day before school starts!

Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine

I'm leaving my life in your hands

People say I'm crazy and that I am blind

Risking it all in a glance

And how you got me blind is still a mystery

I can't get you out of my head

Don't care what is written in your history

As long as you're here with me

I don't care who you are Where you're from What you did As long as you love me

Who you are Where you're from Don't care what you did As long as you love me

Every little thing that you have said and done

Feels like it's deep within me

Doesn't really matter if you're on the run

It seems like we're meant to be

I've tried to hide it so that no one knows But I guess it shows When you look into my eyes

What you did and where you are comin' fromI don't care, as long as you love me, baby.

Who you are Where you're from Don't care what you did As long as you love me

Went np to download software for my course. Dad drived me there then went home on my own. Procedures were faster than i expected. Around 45 mins and its done(: Lost my way when heading home. Took me so long to find the way out to np bus stop -.- walked one big round! Should have turned left instead of right. Wth. Took bus 74 then 88 home. Journey was freaking 1 hour 30mins! Can die i tell u.

Then met barry at around 5 plus at cp. Went to dhoby. Shopped around. Found out that dhoby is a good place to shop for presents. Got alot nice and cute stuffs. Went Just Acia for dinner. Catched up quite alot with each other. Yeah and thats how i spent my day.

Work. Was like telling tong that i can join ballet on 19th april. Then he say if got like any dance competition, he will be the first to go there support(: And i really dreamt that i went for the competition and i won the champion! LOL but dint dreamt of tong going there to support. Haha. The dream was quite funny la. Some does not make any sense though. Dreamt of going cruise for dinner to celebrate -.-

Speech day on 3rd April. Yvonne's bdae btw. Happy belated birthday. Met xw then saw gab, amanda, ch and liying at cp. Quite alot of ex-students went. Collected my cert. Its like finally! Everything is nicely printed except my results. Haha. The celebration was boring. Imagine seeing 140 ++ students going up the stage one by one. Performance was ok. Band really improved alot! Cool. Really happy to hear that band won a Silver :D

Hanged around the school awhile. Buffet catered too. Then went for dinner at kfc with jiayi, xw, sandra, km, jerry and chris. Chermel, wanni, yd and jq joined after that. Laughed alot cos of the jokers around. Then went home at around 11 plus.

Time flies while working yesterday cos its a Saturday. Ended work quite late cos we closed late. Only started clearing up at 9.50pm(Should clear everything by 10) cos me and tong were talking about some stuffs and we forget about the time! He taught me alot of things. And told me quite alot of his things especially his girlfriend. Quite interesting. Really nice talking to him(: Funny things happened when we (me tong and chenglong) walked to the mrt station. Tong asked if I dare to laugh super loudly on the streets. And i say if he dares then i follow. So we just shouted HAHAHAHA like nobody's business and everyone started looking at us. It was not that ps actually. We are attention seekers!! Then Tong asked me what will i do if he shouted "he love me". I just said if he dare then say. Who knows he really shouted! OMG. And he did it twice. One was while walking. One was he stood at one high end and shouted. And this time, there were more people looking. i could do nothing but just beat him and he run. LOL. The scene super funny la. Hmmm maybe its another way for tori peeps to destress >.<

Had a bad dream yesterday and i woke up tearing. LOL. Its the second time already! Yeah. And i spent my whole day today watching dvd. The show is getting more exciting! Shall continue watching later.

And its dad's birthday today! Purposely took off today. End up dint went out to celebrate ): cos xinyi working, jiayi went to to project. While mum and dad went jb.

And im still thinking..
The Princess Diary
Today's timetable was quite relaxed. Only 2 hours of maths lecture. 2 hours of lunch break followed by one hour of physiology tutorial. Maths lecture was so damn boring. Lecturer teach those basic stuffs. Indices etc. All learn in sec sch alrdy. And i have alrdy finished the self test ques in the book. So me and other friends were busy doing other things. LOL.

Then had lunched with km. Sean and christopher joined us an hour later. Was doing the maths online thing during phy tutorial. LOL. lecturer dint noticed cos i sat right a the corner end -.- Went to it helpdesk again! Finally found out the prob. Its my network connection at home. Some blocking of firewall thingy. Shall go fixed it soon.

After sch, makan place to mug with sandy, siyun, jasmine and shiting(: Did maths tutorial work and microbiology. After two hours of mugging, then early dinner. Then went for our cca trial. Joined dancesports with shiting. There were alot of people. Thought that the guys in dancesports will be those kind of gays or sissys one. But im wrong. Most of them were quite goodlooking and man. Except that their legs were super skinny! Maybe is cos of the attire. Went to another studio cos there were too many people alrdy. the vice president taught us some moves. Quite fun. Then ask us find partner. So they paired me up with this guy. Abit paikia those kind. I was so damn ps. Then they asked us to hold hands -.- Everyone was like so obedient la. But im NOT. So they started dancing with partners. I just turned to the other side to avoid the guy's face. LOL. Then the seniors see the two of us like that. So i paired up with a year two senior, alex at last. He is very friendly and gentleman la. At least i dun feel so ps facing him. He said i got potential cos i learned the moves quite fast -.- HAHA. so funny. But afterall, this cca quite fun. Hoho. Then homed with chris and sean.

Gonna stay back in tmr again. For dancegroup cca. Going for fun only. Accompanying shiting(: Then she will accompany me for the netball trial on thurs! So will be choosing one out of this 3 ccas. Hope tmr will be fun! Bag will be damn heavy tmr. Cos got pracs and need bring stretchable pants for the cca -.-

Its 12.43am alrdy. Gonna slp now. Nights.
One word to describe maths online. SUCKS. wasted so much of my time accessing it. From re-installing to travelling to kairen's house to borrow his laptop to him coming my house to help me. But at last, still can't! Wonder whats wrong with it. All cos of np. Download also never download properly -.- PISSED off man. Done everything except questions for mol. And the deadline for submission is before 12am which is just 2 hours away. So, i will be handing in my work late alrdy. So think will be travelling to np earlier to get the software fixed before my tutorial starts. First lesson of the day. Hais. So troublesome.

Watching star awards. Not really nice this time round. Shall slp after the show ends. And i haven pack my bag!
Im still awake!

Ng Xue Wei sent me an email! Who use emails to send message nowadays? Very seldom! Guess the two of us will be making full use of emails now! Just replied her. Gonna catch some sleep now.
Finally found time to blog. Poly started for just one week only and there's so much work to do! Trying to get used to everything! Dun like lectures especially microbiology. First lesson, dun catch a single thing that the lecturer says -.- its hard for me. Cos dun have basics for biology and the indian accent of the lecturer is damn strong. Wrote 1 hour as 1R. Wth? Very funny things happened during ipc lecture. Mr kueh in his 60s i think. He was briefing us about what to bring for lab pracs etc. And he pronounced lab COAT as lab COCK. Everyone burst out to laughter. As usual, i can't stop laughing! Then he continued saying" rmb to wear ur goggles during pracs if not u need to REPAIR ur eyes". LAUGHS. Fahkrin then told me engineering sch nearby. We can walk there to repair it. Omg. And i was really laughing non-stop.

Love tutorials. Can slack and its fun. There was one time when fakhrin webcammed me when he was sitting right beside me -.- alexis and jesslyn behind us was laughing away. Lucky teacher never notice. And the playful him went to invite everyone(about 8) who is online to the conversation. Many were giggling but mr kueh duno what they were laughing at. Of course, i dint join in the fun. Paid attention in class k(:

CCA! Hundreds of cca to choose from. So shortlisted a few. Cheerleading( Magnum force) sounds cool! Dancesports( Latin dance etc), dance group( ballet, chinese dance etc) and netball! Further shortlisted. And now decided whether i should join dancesports or netball. Suggestions!!!

Love friday's timetable cos ends sch at 12 and there's only sports and wellness and CATS classes on that day. Chose volleyball for SW. Shiting and munirah too! Its in a first come first served basis. Should have chosen Sports climbing or dancesports instead! Wanted to change module. But need re Q. heng never. Cos end up left with some boring module. Go gym one. Cats class quite fun. Know alot people form other courses. They are all very friendly and nice people. It would be great if they were in my course class. Not saying my course the people unfriendly. But seems like people from other courses are much more friendlier!

Makan place on friday. Saw kairen and his friends. Sat together. Waited for lois to have lunch together. Barry were there too. Then home-ed at around 3 plus.

Tried many routes to school. And mrt is simply the fastest. Tried bus route and was late for two times alrdy -.-

The stupid mol is so damn annoying. Cannot access it. Weird symbols and alphabets instead of numbers. So damn pissed. Supposed to hand in by 12 tmr. Dun think can hand in on time alrdy. PISSED. But thanks to kairen who wanted to help me do those questions using his lappy and benjamin who tried to help by checking the settings etc. THANKS(:

Dinner-ed with jiayi at ljs at rm. Usual hangout when im with her.

Moodswings lately again. Don't know for what reason also. So sorry to those whom i gave attitude to. Dint mean it. So yeah, real sorry.

Starting to feel the coldness in you? Or just that im not used to u treating me this way? I don't know.
Advanced ballet today! The works are nice. And very very tiring. Perpired alot. can't find my leotard. So wore a tanktop and a fbt shorts and my ballet shoes instead -.- Did loads of stretching and the feeling is damn great. Hoho.

Collected my jacket. Then trained to vivo with sean. Met up with xw, chermel and yy first. Then bought tickets for movie first. Catched "17 again". Km and jerry came after that. Huayao dint come cos he got hw left undone ): Was supposed to either dine at sushi tei or hongkong cafe kim gary. But our movie starts at 6.50 and it was already early 6 plus. So ate pasta mania instead.

The movie was okok la. But felt uncomfortable when watching due to the seat. Then walked around vivo after that. Took very very lil photos this time.

Then went pasar malam with xw. Walked home and as usual, went to the staircase there to talk. We have been doing this for so many times! And for two consecutive days alrdy. Must talk more. Cos when sch starts, which is tmr, dun even know when we can meet up/ Thats sad! But nvm. she's gonna buy her laptop tmr((:

Yeah. School is starting just tmr. Its fast. Wow 6 months past in a blink of an eye. Don't know why. I don't feel excited at all!

And i duno what to bring tmr. Oh god. haha. Its 12.32am now. Shall go slp already. Need wake up at 6 am tmr. SIAN
Got bored at home today. So texted xw to go shop. Met at 5pm. So late. haha. Saw sean and chrisopher at dhoby. Took the same train but dint see each other inside. Haha. Went to bugis(: Cos both of us wanted to buy bag. so saw this bag which was quite nice. The salasgirl keep asking us to buy..but we dint in the end cos xw wanted to go bugis street to see ohers first as she saw one quite nice bag there last week. Came back to the same shop in less than 10 mins time -.- the bag in bugis is too small. LOL. So we each bought one and a laptop case each. And we actually bought the same design and colour -.-

Don't know where else to go after that. So met sean and chris at iluma. The new shopping centre. Then went kfc at bugis for dinner. Chris is really a joker. LOL. Then chris went tm, sean dhoby(according to him) while me and xw took the train towards harbourfront instead then back to sk cos we are afraid there's no seats in the mrt. HAHA. Was thinking very hard of where to go for dinner tmr during the journey. So at last, decided to go vivo. Either going sushi tei or another restaurant( forgot the name).

Advanced ballet starting tmr! And i can't seem to find my leotard. Omg. So decided to wear a tanktop and fbt for class tmr. Hope ms shymala won't mind. And then head to vivo to meet the others( xw, chermel, huayao, sean, yy and km) for dinner(:

School starting on mon! And i seriously duno what to bring on monday. Shitty shit. HAHAHA.
Np to buy notes with safurah, sherry and three other people(forgot their names). Only safurah same course as me. The others were either in BMS or CBE. Got lost in school. Was already perspiring when we reached the school bookshop. And i think i bought the tb which is not compulsory. It was bloody thick and the contents inside are super lengthy!Its like a story book.Not like the sci ones in sec sch. Hope can refund. Cos it cost me almost $3o bucks -.- Then lunch at makan place. Ate nasi lemak. Food okok only. The rest went off to buy their things while me and safurah went to find the machine that can top up ez link cards. Then went our own ways after that.

Read my storybook throughout the journey. And the journey seems shorter today compared to the last time i went sch. Thinking of if i should take bus or mrt to sch when sch reopens. Cos my mum told me that my dad can drive me to hougang interchange everyday. Thats cool! At least i can slp abit more.

And im in class 1.1! Hope the classmates there are nice people(:

Intended to go Bugis today with mum. But then felt real tired after the long journey. com-ed awhile and took a 15 mins nap on sis' bed. Lazy to walk to my room though there's aircon. Haha.

Dinner-ed then went to fernvale to meet sean. Went to the bball court behind koufu. Sat there. Helped to record timings for his sprints etc. And its real sunny there and alot of mosquitoes! Omg. my legs and arms got alot mosquitoes marks alrdy. Ha. My blood that nice meh. LOL

Then koufu for dinner. Kept receiving calls from jasmine. She keep asking me where am i cos band's performing night today and the alumnis of band can join to play for the finale "Friends for life". I just said i go and watch but she keep urging me to perform with the band. SO no choice. Reason why i kept rejecting cos im just wearing a quite a presentable long shirt or dress, Whatever u call it and a sandals and a short!

So waited for sean to finish his chicken rice before heading. He took less then 5 mins to finish his food cos jasmine told me i only have 5-8 mins to reach sch. And i keep rushing him. So bad of me -.-

Jasmine and jiaying alrdy hellped me fix the saxophone and washed the mouthpiece clean! Cos borrowed it from some juniors. And those alumni band members were all wearing long sleeves and jeans. And me?? Look so weird standing with them. surprised that i actually rmb the fingerings. Except when they were playing merry widows, got stuck abit. Cos the tempo were so fast adn im just sight reading. Haha. When the concert ended, most of the band members were crying. Alastair too! But i dint.

Then headed home with sean. Actually with peiyi and pk too. But peiyi wanted to stay awhile more. And only when we reached thanggam pk called and asked where we are. If not can go home together. But he lazy walk home also cos he just came from his orientation camp. Sat at the bench near anchorvale cc. Talked for quite long. Then headed to 7 11 for pocky. Jiayi wanted to eat. Then hsw(:
Was late for work today again. Second time this month. Another time and i would be sacked! Cos cannot be late more than 3 times in a month. Was late cos left home 10 minutes late than usual. It was alrdy 11.50 when i reached dhoby. waited 5 mins for the train! Reached orchard station at 11.56am. Walked and run at the same time. Started getting tired. So walked and was late for 3 mins -.-

Ate cup noodles, plus two sushi and one chicken during lunch. LOL. Damn budget. Got tired of outside food! So cup noodles best choice. Xw ate the same thing as me. HAHA. work ended quite early cos we cleaned up fast today! So just sat there while waiting for the right time before punching our cards. And laichoon lied to us. He was transferred to Bishan tori q ):

Then Mac Flurry at Mac with xw after work. Sudden crave(: Sat there and ate before heading to mrt. Talked about secondary school stuffs suddenly. The happenings in school! Sicko movie, how one dislike another, cold war between me and her etc. Thinking about what happened last time, its really very childish. Im sure all agrees. Guess we have matured?

Almost forgotten. Something very funny happened when me and xw were on our way home the day before. Saw this guy wearing the same tone colour top as xw. So i purposely stood beside the guy and of course thought xw would follow me but she dint! So i stood there like a retard. HAHA. and was laughing non-stop on the lrt platform and especially in the lrt. Found seats to sit. So was telling xw something funny about this super over-sized guy bout his pants and we ended up laughing. The laughter stop for awhile and duno for what reason i started laughing again and its quite loud considering there's only two of us talking and laughing in the train. Xw pinched me and i "ouch!" People around started looking at us. Was damn ps. And the laughing eventually stopped till we got off the lrt and went our ways. LOL

so today found out that xw's actually not laughing bout my joke but laughing at the way i laugh. HAHAHAHAHA. And she already started laughing before telling me her joke. Im like that sometimes too. HAHA. Thought my joke at least was HOT enough to make her laugh!!!! who knows she laughing at the way i laugh -.-

Am going np to buy stuffs for poly with new course mates this fri i think. Must take 1 hour ++ of bus ride again. SIAN.

Shall i go malacca with my parents this saturday? hmmm...

Intermediate ballet this sunday! And poly starting on monday alrdy. 5 more days!

shall go catch some sleep now. Dun wanna be late for work tmr. If not i will be sacked. hoho.

I don't know how u get to know of my password. In another words, hack into my blogger account.

Everybody needs privacy. Im sure u need it too. So why hack into my account. You even went to the extent of checking who i invited to read my blog.

This is way too much!
Told mum i wanted to go shopping for stuffs yesterday. Woken up by mum in the late afternoon today and she said she will accompany me to shop today! Cool. So prepared and went to tampines. Jiayi went too. Long time since i went there. Would go there every week last time cos of ballet >.< Went to the new shopping mall first. But it was way too crowded! Quite big though. Hunted for bags for the whole day around the 3 shopping malls. But dint find any ): So met up with aunty, uncle and couins for dinner. They wanted to go to the new shopping mall. But we have alrdy went there earlier. So went seperate ways.

Realised that if u have something in mind and purposely want to shop for it, you won't be able to find it. But if you don't have anything in mind and shop, u will end up buying alot of things! So next time i shall just tell myself i dun have anything in mind and go shopping! LOL. Thats abit retarded -.-

Ended up buying a jacket at Espirit. My favourite colour!!!!! At least i dint go home empty handed. HAHA. So went home at around 8 plus. Then dvd-ed all the way from late 8 plus till now. My father is watching too! K. Shall go watch it now(:
Was raining heavily at orchard on my way to work. It was alrdy 3.50pm. Stood at the shelter for awhile. Hoping the rain would get smaller. But it dint! So no choice. Had to run all the way to paragon. Was drenched. Hair was in a mess. So stone-ed at the toilet for around 10 minutes to dry my hair cos its way too messy. In the end, late for work. 6 mins late! ARGHH.First time late. Instead of having 30 mins for brea, break time was shortened to 15 minutes. Wth. And 15 minutes really past so quickly.

And time flies so quickly today. Perhaps is cos i start work at 4pm today. Hoho. And today xw was like telling me she dun wan sch to start so fast cos she say the girls in her class like cmi? In terms of dressing sense. I was like LOL! Cos she judge a person according to their dressings. Actually another reason is cos she says she and her new friends no topics to talk. Bet she will miss me when sch starts! I will miss her too!

Actually seriously, i duno if i wan poly to start so soon. Must start everything anew. Getting used to poly life, new teachers and most importantly, need to make new friends. As in yeah, who dun wanna make new friends. But it takes one very long to get to know the person inside out and outside in. Good or bad thing? I don't know.

Wanted to enjoy my last week of holidays before poly starts. But who knows, im working from this coming sun to next fri. 6 consecutive days. Oh gosh. I wanna go shopping! Will either go shopping tmr or next sat alrdy. Ballet starting next sunday. Should i feel excited?

"If you ain't talking to me, i would'nt talk to you forever. Never. " You said this pm is meant for me. You dint even wanna reply me when i asked you why u wrote that. You just told me it does not mean anything alrdy. And its not ur business anymore. I really have no idea why u wrote that pm

I wanna know why.
Its going to be 330am now!
Feeling tired.
But can't seem to be able to get to sleep.
Just being random.
Msn really kills time.
Shall go try and sleep now.
Got work at 4pm tmr!
Such a weird timing.
But double pay tmrw :D

Xw's birthday today. Eh should be yesterday already! cos its 1:38am now. Happy belated birthday miss bunny ng xuewei! HAHA.

Really quite glad that today's outing was considered a success. Met xw, amanda, clay, des and ys at cp first. Waited for awhile for ys cos he came last minute. Trained to somerset. Went to cineleisure. Wanted to catch a movie. Wanted to catch "confessions of a shopaholic". Omg wanted to watch it for very long already! But still dint managed to catch it today cos the timing dun really suit and the guys dun really wanna watch it. Someone suggested "Fast and furious 4". But dint really feel like watching. So ended up eating lunch at some place selling japanese food. Next station was tori q. Went there for awhile and headed to lucky plaza for bubble tea :D Chocolate ice blended. My favourite! Dint buy Hndsg cos the taste deproved alot. Hoho. Clay bought it and its so watery. Haha.

Fareast after that! Really dun understand why guys hate shopping that much. shopping is fun k! Something des said that is quite funny. He said girls when come to shopping will walk at a negative speed. That means very slow! LOL. The three girls bought a belt each. Yeah. Then wanted to search for cardigans. But like not worth. Cos of the material and its quite ex. But its my fav colour. GREY! awwwwwww. And the shades of grey is the one similar to my blog skin! ):

Continued shopping. The guys went to find a place to sit. Guess they hate shopping. Tried heels too. Cos the heels looks cool and it quite matches the dress im wearing. So tried it for fun -.- Want to buy heels. But its like so weird. Cos if i wear it, i will look so tall! Maybe only when i go out with esther then can wear. LOL. No offence. Hahaha.

At arounf six plus, headed to bugis. Went bugis street with xw while the guys plus pk waited at macdonalds cos they were tired -.- Headed back after awhile. Then esther came. So headed to the steamboat place first. It was at the far end. Stupid partner(hy) damn noob. Walked all the way to bugis to bring him here. OMG. Then came sean and yy. Omg. Yy's bag is damn cute. LOL. Walked back then put the cake in the fridge. Lucky got place. Started eating. The food was okay only. $15 only. Dint expect much. Then came jerry jw and chris. At around 10 plus, brought the cake out and sang birthday songs! Took quite a number of photos. Not alot. Cos hands were dirty. Most say the cake was nice. Found it okay only. LOL. And xw looks quite shock and somehow happy with the present i gave. And of course im happy la. At least she likes. Alot effort de k! At least this gift is more meaningful and memorable((:

Then many headed to toilet. Took very long cos the girl's toilet damn full. And i became the auntie carrying the bags and plastic bags for them -.- Then took some pictures before going home. Split up. Esther wore heels. So took lrt home. Omg i simply love her heels! Walked back home with yusiang, desmond, clay and partner! People are now starting to say me and partner alrdy -.-

Chatted alot with partner. Parted off with ys, des and clay and continued chatting till we reach my house downstairs. Wanted to continue talking but due to time constraint. So yeah.

Awww i wanna watch "confessions of a shopaholic"!!!! omg omg omg

Totally shocked...
Woke up at 1pm today. Wanted to continue slping but woke up by my dad talking to his customer on the phone -.- should have agreed to slp with my elder sis the day before. Lunched and tv-ed awhile. Took up the housewife role today. LOL. saw the pile of clothes on the sofa. Folded it. Then mopped the floor. Then iron the clothes while watching dvd at the same time. Rewatched "little man". The show damn funny. HAHA. Got bored cos there's only me and my dad at home. He's working. Mum brought grandpa for checkup. Xinyi working. Jiayi in school! So just continued doing the card. Hate engaging in artwork. Cos at the end of it, my hand would be very dirty, stained with glue and papers. Then table in a mess. HAHA. And im lazy to clean it up. Aww..

Jiayi's grade 6 ballet exam tmr! Goodluck uh pig >.<

Going out to celebrate xw's birthday tmr(:

Don't let urself remind of me again
Met barry to get some stuffs first before going to work yesterday. Just nice he going bugis. At least got people accompany me to dhoby. Who knows i actually forgot to alight at dhoby and trained to clarke quay instead. It was alrdy o133 alrdy. And my work starts at 0200. Luckily never late. HAHA.

Camp orientation today. Really regret choosing np. The bus journey is damn super long. Double deck somemore. Can die! Saw seeswee on bus. Then went to the brieding hall. Feeling rather uneasy/awkward. Everything was stranger to me. New faces. So just anyhow find a seat. The Gls were all so high. But we were all so quiet. Probabaly cos its so early in the morning and everyone feels shy. And this malay girl sitting beside me suddenly talk to me. So we just chatted. LOL. thought i will be the one talking to others first. COS IM SOCIABLE. But who knows, its the other way round -.-

The briefing was quite boring. Videos screened was okay lo. Followed by a short break then tour around campus. Never really see clearly who's in the same course as me cos there are simply too many to be recognised. 80 people. Surprisingly, the no. of males and females were almost equal. Some of them looked quite old to me. LOL. Then was brought to lecture theatre. Entertained by one graduates from np. He's really gay. His actions and cca (aerobics) shows it all. But his quite humorous. Wonder if i will regret not staying over for the camp. cos the camp seems quite fun and i bet i can make quite alot of friends there.

AWWW, im afraid i will be lonely on the first day of school ): NOT!

Took cab with jar. He damn cock up. Thought if turn to PIE will pass by sk then pasir ris. so he took the cab from opp ask the driver u turn and call me board the cab -.- LOL. so i alighted at pasir ris then 88 home while he went for his chalet. But at least, i need not sit on the bus for hours. If not, the chances of vomiting is damn high. LOL

Reached home. Dvd marathon again. So grab an icecream from the fridge and lay on my sis's bed to enjoy the show. Fell asleep halfway! With the icecream stick in my mouth and contact lenses on -.- Mum kept asking me to throw away the icecream stick. As usual, my replies were "Wait". Only threw it till i know i cannot tahan anymore. turned off the tv and went to my lalaland and woke up at 7pm. Dinnered, did some things and dvd again and did some stretching at the same time cos ballet going to start soon! (: 19th April! One day before school starts!

Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine

I'm leaving my life in your hands

People say I'm crazy and that I am blind

Risking it all in a glance

And how you got me blind is still a mystery

I can't get you out of my head

Don't care what is written in your history

As long as you're here with me

I don't care who you are Where you're from What you did As long as you love me

Who you are Where you're from Don't care what you did As long as you love me

Every little thing that you have said and done

Feels like it's deep within me

Doesn't really matter if you're on the run

It seems like we're meant to be

I've tried to hide it so that no one knows But I guess it shows When you look into my eyes

What you did and where you are comin' fromI don't care, as long as you love me, baby.

Who you are Where you're from Don't care what you did As long as you love me

Went np to download software for my course. Dad drived me there then went home on my own. Procedures were faster than i expected. Around 45 mins and its done(: Lost my way when heading home. Took me so long to find the way out to np bus stop -.- walked one big round! Should have turned left instead of right. Wth. Took bus 74 then 88 home. Journey was freaking 1 hour 30mins! Can die i tell u.

Then met barry at around 5 plus at cp. Went to dhoby. Shopped around. Found out that dhoby is a good place to shop for presents. Got alot nice and cute stuffs. Went Just Acia for dinner. Catched up quite alot with each other. Yeah and thats how i spent my day.

Work. Was like telling tong that i can join ballet on 19th april. Then he say if got like any dance competition, he will be the first to go there support(: And i really dreamt that i went for the competition and i won the champion! LOL but dint dreamt of tong going there to support. Haha. The dream was quite funny la. Some does not make any sense though. Dreamt of going cruise for dinner to celebrate -.-

Speech day on 3rd April. Yvonne's bdae btw. Happy belated birthday. Met xw then saw gab, amanda, ch and liying at cp. Quite alot of ex-students went. Collected my cert. Its like finally! Everything is nicely printed except my results. Haha. The celebration was boring. Imagine seeing 140 ++ students going up the stage one by one. Performance was ok. Band really improved alot! Cool. Really happy to hear that band won a Silver :D

Hanged around the school awhile. Buffet catered too. Then went for dinner at kfc with jiayi, xw, sandra, km, jerry and chris. Chermel, wanni, yd and jq joined after that. Laughed alot cos of the jokers around. Then went home at around 11 plus.

Time flies while working yesterday cos its a Saturday. Ended work quite late cos we closed late. Only started clearing up at 9.50pm(Should clear everything by 10) cos me and tong were talking about some stuffs and we forget about the time! He taught me alot of things. And told me quite alot of his things especially his girlfriend. Quite interesting. Really nice talking to him(: Funny things happened when we (me tong and chenglong) walked to the mrt station. Tong asked if I dare to laugh super loudly on the streets. And i say if he dares then i follow. So we just shouted HAHAHAHA like nobody's business and everyone started looking at us. It was not that ps actually. We are attention seekers!! Then Tong asked me what will i do if he shouted "he love me". I just said if he dare then say. Who knows he really shouted! OMG. And he did it twice. One was while walking. One was he stood at one high end and shouted. And this time, there were more people looking. i could do nothing but just beat him and he run. LOL. The scene super funny la. Hmmm maybe its another way for tori peeps to destress >.<

Had a bad dream yesterday and i woke up tearing. LOL. Its the second time already! Yeah. And i spent my whole day today watching dvd. The show is getting more exciting! Shall continue watching later.

And its dad's birthday today! Purposely took off today. End up dint went out to celebrate ): cos xinyi working, jiayi went to to project. While mum and dad went jb.

And im still thinking..