Microbio test today. Its just a mini test and we had to put our bags infront of the lecture room. Makes it looked so serious and made us so stress. 20 markers questions were easier than those two markers and mcq -.- But dint learnt how to draw the gram positive and negative bacterial cell wall! There goes my 5-8 marks. But anyway, this test is not counted. Just to let us get a feel of the standard and getting used to different types of ques. So luck. Dr sharmaine said she will make those people who feel to copy down the questions and write the correct answers and hand it in! This is crazy. But still, i hope i will be the one. Can learn better this way! haha.

Microbio lab again. But seriously, i dun really like Dr susan. Ask her one question she like very annoyed like that. Not only me, most of my friends felt so too. Hais. Still got logbook report need to do. But my experiment failed. How to conclude in the logbook? Microbio really sucks but still, will study hard for this sub. Its actually not hard. Just that need to memorise alot of things. I jolly well pass the common test man.

Going to lil red dot museum and Ura tmr. Hope it will be a fast one. And eeting xw tmr for dinner :D will be discussing bout chalet stuffs and talks and talks and talks.

I miss talking to you.
But, i dun think anything matters to you now.
So, i will just have to get used to it.
Im trying. And starting to get used to the feeling alrdy.
But, im reluctant to get use to this ):

Some random pics taken with Kai en's mac book. Mac book if so funny. It would be good if i have one! Can take many funny pictures. Lol. Today was coool. Me, jesslyn, safurah and munirah wore yellow today! Such a coincidence(:
I slept in the bus today. This shows how tired i am cos i seldom sleep on the bus. Lunched with jesslyn, kaien, clarence soon, fakhrin and jeremy after sch. Reached home wash my feet and went to my room and lay on my bed! And ya im not sweaty or dirty cos i just went to school for only 2 hours and i bathed before going. Haha. So slept all the way till 6 and y, energized enough to study for microbio test in a few hours time. Surprisingly, this is the first time i dint fall alseep while studying(: i really hope i can pass the test tmr. Studied very hard for it.

Ok. Its 1.05am now. Gonna catch some slp alrdy! Don't wanna fall alseep in class.

Sometimes, i just think of you. Maybe i just missed ur presence. Words coming out from my mouth does not seems to match my heart. Im so ironic. But.. I don't know. Very confused. And the answer that i gave you the other time may not be the right one. Hais.

Had so much fun during captain's ball today. There were a total of 26 teams and we waited for quite long for our match because we were the last team. While waiting, we did our homeworks! So first round was easy. 8-3. was the catcher for the first round.. Quite stressed though cos i was seldom the catcher when playing. Second round was more fierce. Fell down -.- But still won! 10-8. And so, we got into the top 6! So coool. But but we were eliminated cos out of the 6 teams finalist, we scored the lowest. Its expected cos all the final teams were all guys except our group which consists of two guys only. But its unfair! As the rules were supposed to be loser in each round eliminated then winner proceed to next round and so on so fourth. But they changed the rule suddenly. So "Better than u" confronted the referee. Still, same outcome. LOL. nvm. But we were damn happy alrdy to get into the top 6 with girls in the team (: just that our dream for the $100 is gone. Haha. But still, We rock! Totally enjoyed myself today :D

And something happened again. Expected.

Fakhrin showed me some slides he made. And this sentence i saw was stuck in my mind for the whole day. And it was damn true.

It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk to them for hours and how now, you can barely look at them.

Lab in the morning tmr cancelled. Will be reaching sch in the afternoon. First time. And the dumb thing is i need to go back for 3 hours for 1 hr of tutorial and lecture -.- waste time. Should i go? Or just stay at home?
Finally tests over. Everyone seems to be studying so hard though its just a class test. Imagine how we actually study for common test -.- So maths test manageable(: But microbiology ): And as expected, failed. By 3 marks! But after moderation, i passed by 5 marks. Better than not passing man.

Captain's ball match tmr.
Its the only thing that can keep my mind off everything
I will enjoy tmr.
And we will win :D

And fiy, xw is the alien. So no more misunderstandings. We are just trying to be funny. And how can i possibly have a bf??

I need a brain washing machine badly
2 consecutive tests tmr. Maths and Microbiology. I still don't really understand some parts of microbio. ARGHHH this is so stressful.

Im in deep shit tmr.



alien was here.
FRIENDS. How do we actually define friend?

Its really amazing that we can see the true colours of friends around u after many many incidents. But the shocking thing is, we hear things that no one would like to hear through others. To think that we treated this 'people' as sort of good friends and trusted them somemore. How GOOD can it be?? I seriously cannot stand YOU/THEM. Im sure you agree with me right XW!
To think that she treated you as a trusted/good friend and you actually said those kind of things. WTH.

What kind of friend are you. And do you know this sentence of yours actually hurt/insulted her deeply? Call urself a friend? BULLSHIT. So stop acting you are her friend la. Go wear a mask to cover your face cos she dun wanna talk or even see you anymore. OOPS i almost forgot. You alrdy had one plastered on ur face long ago. And even you wear a thousand billion of masks, it won't help anymore. Never ever. You are just so fake. And truthly speaking, i dun believe u are this kind of person. Perception of you had dropped down tremendously.

You have failed terribly as a friend. Maybe you should attend some basic classes on "task fulfilment of a friend" or maybe you can borrow a dictionary or check wikipedia on the definition of friend. I really hate to type all this out but i can't control it. This is the first time im blogging these kinda things on blog. But im just too pissed off. Cause I DUN WANNA SEE MY BEST FRIEND GETTING HURT AND EMO ALL THE TIME.

Sometimes people should just keep their mouth shut. 你们没有讲话每有人当你们是哑巴。And most importantly, MIND YOUR WORDS. cos you won't know how hurtful ur words will be to others sometimes.

You all owe her an apology.

XW; you better cheer up alright. Don't always so emo. I admit im not really good in cheering people up. But i think this is the best i can do. At least you know that you are not alone. IM ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU. Don't cry when you see this k. CHEER UP. Love you always <3

First was you

Then was you

Now is you
School has been great. Cos im in 1F01. Class had been very united so far(: And we never fails to make fun of each other and laugh at everything.

Try out for Np strings last thurs. With Jesslyn, Shi Ting and Fakhrin. The 4 enthu us went earlier and took a violin each and went to a room which was directed by fakhrin. And excitedly, we started playing. And Fakhrin taught us twinkle twinkle little stars -.- He's not pro fyi. He's a newbie. Just that he went for the cca last week and learnt the notes and figure out himself. HAHA. At around 6.30, we hear noises outside the room. Thought was the freshies for strings. We immediately kept our violin and pretend we were waiting for the teacher to come -.- Cos we went into the room without anybody's consent. So the door opened and we found out that we went into the wrong room. LOL. Whose fault? HAHA

So were late for the cca. Learnt fingerings. And its quite hard to play. Position of fingers must be very accurate to get the right sound. Hands will be very tired after playing. But but Shi Ting and Jesslyn said its very fun and of course enjoyed it. And they went for the cca again today. I went home instead. Cos very tired though i slept at 8 yesterday. But, almost dozed off during IPC lecture again! OMG. I think iscos the lesson is just way tooo boring.

Serial dilution for microbio lab. Unlucky day for me and fahkrin. Need to use micropipette. And the micropipettes we took can't work. Damn pekchek. took all the micropipettes left in the basket which is like 4? and all can't work -.- it seems that only we are the real unlucky ones. So had to borrow from others after they finish their prac. Nice. We are the lab mangers today. Had to wash all the test tubes. Lucky class ended early today(: something funny happened. Was trying to wash away the soap bubbles on the tap. So i adjusted the pipe. Who knows the water splashed on my face and hair instead. Everyone burst out laughing. Damn funny. Thats what i love about my class. Can laugh at every single thing. HAHA.

And LSCT captain's ball competition next tues. Can't wait for it to arrive. Its been so long since i played captains ball alrdy! Team with jesslyn, christine, siyun, clarence and john. GIRLS POWER. lol!

Was finding some things yesterday.
And saw the huge card u gave me during christmas
Read every single word on it
And tears just flow unknowingly
Why? I don't know.
Maybe is because i missed the times
I miss it, and i really do
But i dun think it can be like last time anymore.
Never ever.

And there's a reason why i chose this blog song

TEO YING XUAN! Where are you! I miss you super badly!!!
Just attended a funeral today. Alot of faces strangers to me. Only knew they are my relatives when my mum told me. Even had to ask her how should i greet them as. lol?

Stayed back till late four plus for cats project on friday. Would have gone home at 12 if we had done everything last week. Felt satisfied. Cos we rushed everything on that day. Think had to meet up again on monday for last minute touchup cos will be presenting on fri. Stupid cats lesson. Find it redundant. Seriously.

Volleyball. Fun and tiring. Did alot of drills. Then had to do many actions for many many times. Tossing of ball, hitting the ball over the net etc.

And this was what happened to my hands after two hours of training.

Blue-black, rashes and slight swollen wrist. PAINFUL ):

Wonder why the blueblack is near the thumb there? Not that i use wrong position to hit. Cos i rub the blueblack and it spreaded. LOL.

Im confused by everything.
My 156th post.

This is damn funny. I cant stop laughing. xuewei too!

imagine the pig nodding the head non-stop!

sometimes, i wonder, who can make me laugh that hard other than


Xw, u thought is you right? HAHA. k la. Its the pretty girl on the left. XD

Ended school at 2 yesterday. Stayed in school for four hours for dancesports to start. Studied with shiting, sandy and siyun while kai en and clarence was gaming as usual. Dint felt like touching science sub. So did maths instead though there's no hw needed to be done.

Something really embarrassing happened after coming back from the toilet! All because of the stupid Fakhrin and JB. Until now i duno who's the real culprit. But bigger suspect: FAKHRIN. On my way back to the table, i saw my laptop's desktop background changed! And its so obvious from far! So i ran towards my lappy and immediately closed it. LOL. i was like wth who changed the background. Out of so many pictures, they chose that one. Don't ask me what pic they chose. Cos i won't say. HAHAHA. Its actually quite funny la. So after awhile, fakhrin joined us to study after coming back from makan place. The moment he came, i could not concentrate alrdy. Cos he kept talking and disturbing me. We really laughed non-stop. Laugh at everything -.- And i nthe end, i took approximately 20mins to finish one differentiation question. While the others were concentrating on their work, we were laughing our ass off. Noise polluter man!

Went makan place again cos shi ting was hungry. She's got big appetite! Bought two subway cookies despite having two alrdy when studying. Ate a total of four -.- cos its nice(: HAHA. And thanks for the dark choco chip cookies. If not i would had fallen aslp at that time. Hoho.

Then me, shi ting and sandy went for dancesports and fakhrin went np strings. Dancesports sucks this time. So many people in one room. One teacher. How to dance -.- can dance. Bang onto each other lo. So have decided not to join. Cos i feel so uneasy partnering with a guy. LOL.

May be trying out np strings tmr. Cos the joker keep psycho-ing the three of us to join. He says its fun. so gonna try out the fun later at night! Haha.

My card!! Need tap card before entering physio lecture. But my card is not with me. LOL. And the teacher asked me to email him to inform him im present for today's lesson. So troublesome. Can't he just note down on a piece of paper? LOL?

I think i should really force myself to sleep earlier. Have been dozing off in class lately. First was maths, then physio tutorial. Today was physio lecture! Its not that the lessons are boring, though most are, im just too tired cos i have to wake up at 6.30 every morning. So i shall go get some slp now in case i fall asleep again. 3 consecutive lectures straight in the morning. Microbio and ipc somemore. Can die.

Its 1.09am. Goodnight.

Would not have gone to school today if not for the maths class test. The test was so-so. Dint have time to finish it. Damn. Cos i took my own sweet time -.- Forget it. Shall score for the common test instead. Wanted to pon maths lecture! Cos after tutorial was two hours of break. And i knew i won't listen to what the lecturer is teaching. So found it a waste of time. In the end, still went. Cos nobody in my class pon! Except for fakhrin -.- Did my hw there and i finished one tutorial homework. LOL. Bused home and reached home in 1hr5mins. Fastest timing so far.

Bathed sat infront of the table and lie on it. And fell asleep again!! omg. Its always like that. So took out my contact lenses then went to slp. Woke up at 6 plus then make my way to kfc to meet sbg to celebrate weiling's bdae. Ate at ajisen then sk park to cut cake. Took quite alot of photos(:


If you think avoiding is the best, then thats up to you

Have not spoken to you for weeks? Strangers? How nice

IPC last thurs was very fun! experiment was about fitting balloons over flask with acid inside and magnesium of diff mass dissolved in it. See which balloon will be the biggest. Fun fun.

Friday even better. Relaxing day. Had SW early in the morning at 8am. Volleyball! Ran three rounds around the don't know what area. It was raining that day. So cannot go to the court. Then after the run, did some basic drills. Tiring. Then took a volleyball each and was taught some basic skills. Damn fun la. HAHA. But after everything, got rash -.- and arms starting to feel pain. Can't wait for next week's class!

Then CATS lesson next. Was not listening to what the teacher is saying. about the assignment thingy. Going to the lil red dot museum and URA musuem. Everyone was using the laptop. Most of them were surfing the np website regarding the cats stuffs. But i was on msn chatting and webcamming with km. LOL. damn funny. Issac was beside me and he like kept laughing away. Ha. Then was games time. Yeah something good about cats lesson was that we get to play games all the time. First game we were supposed to rearrange the words for different types of sweets and chocolates. one funny part was , i was like eh i think this word is "nestom" leh. But it should be spelt as "nestum" what. got prob isit. i was like keep say nestom nestom -.- suddenly thought of it and i shouted "mentos". LOL. the word that we took the longest time to think was SNICKERS. -.- But we were the champion! Prize were one sweet each. LOL next we were supposed to come up with questions like " top ten endangered species in the world" using charades, hangman, pic description etc. So our group did the " 10 popular songs". Which included umbrella, mad, touch my body, fall for u, stop and stare, poker face blah blah. And we did picture description. I went to this group and showed them the actions. One was poking my face. The people there guessed CHEEK? POKE? I was laughing all the way. And after continuous poking, they finally got the ans. which is POKER FACE. Stop and stare was funny too. Chrysan walked, stop and stare at one guy. damn funny. can't stop laughing.

After that, went to discussed project with chrysan and isaac. Got two other guys dint join. One say he was busy. But obviously, its an excuse and the other went to acc his gf. Such a nice group member we have -.- So the three of us came up with great ideas after spending 1hr and 30mins. may have finished it earlier cos we were talking about some "people". haha. Great! Then lunched at makan place. Talked bout sec sch stuffs cca and other(: they are really nice people. and chrysan is a professional volleyballer! omg played volleyball for 8 years alrdy. ENVY.

Reached home at about 4. took very long to decided whether if i should go to work. Cos tong called saying celine was not well. So went in the end cos tong last day of work ): if i dun go, will be only able to see him after months. He went back to msia. Something cropped up.

Worked with ruixian. Fun! Saw alot of people holding flowers walking around paragon. Rx was saying maybe is bai ren valentines. I was like saying "wow, valentines they got flower i dun have". In a joking mode la. Who knows after awhile, tong came back with a bouquet of flowers! Thought he went smoking at first. I was like OMG! why he buy me flowers. He said cos he heard my conver with rx. So sweet of him (: HAHA. I have such a nice manager <3 come back soon! All of us will miss you(:

Long day in sch. Took shuttle bus still can late. Nothing to say -.- First was maths tutorial. Damn boring. Sat right at the back of the class cos late. Fakhrin too. Ms tan was going through questions that some of us don't know. Finished every questions. Nothing to do so just stoned there -.- Cos all the things learnt in sec sch alrdy. And i still think mrs Cheow is the best Maths teacher. Miss her ): Listened to music in hp. BUt the stupid earpiece keep dropping. Pekchek! So use laptop! Teacher dint notice cos laptop was small and i hide it under the table :P

Then microbio. Manageable. At least i understand. And used to the indian accent alrdy. Went to the engineering school canteen with cristine, siyun, shiting and sandy. The chicken rice sucks like hell. All bones. Rice no taste. Will be the last time im going there. Then IPC lecture. Another boring lesson. The lecturer pro. One slide can talk for 10-15 mins. And the things he say are not impt stuffs. Then showed us the 20mins video. And i dozed off again as usual. This shows how tired i am. Then microbio tutorial and home-ed.

Home alone today. And realise it can be bad and good. Shan't elaborate any further. Lest..

Physiology test tmr. Not really prepared. Cos i kept dozing off. Wth. Cos i was putting my head on the table and reading it. Jiayi kept asking me to wake up when she suddenly noticed i was not moving. lol she's cute. Noticed her keep walking to my table to check if im awake anot. Haha. Such a cute sis.

I really hate myself for everything. Life is screwed. Its really tiring to be a human being.
The medicine that the doctor prescribed does not seem to take any effect. Still having stomach aches -.- Feeling so unwell again. Hais.

School tmr. Hope will be better. Dun wanna keep visiting the toilet!

At least i have tried.
Celebrated Alexis birthday on thurs(: the whole class was so cooperative and united can. Planned and cooperated. Ordered "dark secret" cake from SIM. Kaien rushed there to collect the cake while the class of 24 excluding two strolled to SIM. Celebrated at some study area. And the good thing was alexis was surprised(: Sang birthday songs and took class photos. After that, headed to SIM for some light lunch. We knew we gonna be late for our microbiology lab prac alrdy. Then John suddenly suggested that we should wear our labcoats first to show the teacher that though we may be late, we are prepared. But the conver got to nowhere and everyone continued eating -.- Then after everyone finished eating, i asked them if they want to wear the labcoat anot. The reactions that clarence, john and fakhrin was "Huh, you serious uh!"

In the end, we all took our labcoats and goggles out and wear it outside SIM. Don't dare to wear it inside the canteen cos we are from np. And someone was like asking whose idea was it and the three guys pointed at me -.- it was john's idea! Everyone was steady and we walked as a class to our lab. We are attention seekers indeed! All dressed in white walking around the campus. People were looking at us and some were laughing and murmuring to each other. Looks really retarded but its as a class. So its not that embarrassing. So the teacher was shocked to see us came well prepared. We were late as a class! LOL.

So practical was fun. Grew our bacteria. Placing them in the laminar flame hood. Last week, me and fakhrin were the first group to finish our work. This week we were the last cos we poured too much agar onto the petri plates and it needs more time to dry it under the flame hood -.-

After school, prepared to go for the netball trial with shiting. Slacked at makan place. Then to sports complex. Reached the place that we were told to meet. But see nobody in the netball court. so saw the noticeboard and went to the street soccer court. But nobody still. So checked my phone. Saw the note as trial on 29th april. Then asked shi ting today what date. and she said 30th april -.- but still, was very confused cos i rmb the trial was on thurs but date was 29th?! Dint gave up and went to the two places to check again. Walk uphill and downhill for four times! Its tiring. Gave up finding. Went home, checked my mail and found out that its really 29th april. My blurness. Smsed the captain and asked whether still got the trial. she told me that i will join the recreational team instead of the competitive team cos i missed the trial. Disappointed! Waited so long for the trial to come but i actually missed it. wth. Real sad la. whats the point of joining a cca where u dun get into a sch team? Maybe it matters to me only. Hais. So guess have to join dancesports alrdy. Not that i dun like dancesports. Just that netball is my preferred choice.

Dad bought a new lcd and com suddenly. So i just merely asked him what his gonna do to the current lcd in the living room. His ans was put it in my sis' room -.- So i started to psycho him and my mum. And i succeeded! In my room! hope he dun changes his mind after that(:

Diarrhoea today was worst than yesterday. 11 times. Cannot take it alrdy. So went to see doc. Food poisoning. lol. Feeling much better after popping 6 tablets.

In a state of confusion. I dint mean to take everything away from you. And i dint mean to treat u this way. Life has never been fair. I just don't know what to do..
Woke up feeling hot and a bad headache. Supposed to go to work today. But dint cos feeling really unwell. Lazy to go and see a doc. So just ate a panadol and dranks lots of water.

Headache, flu, diarrhoea and fever. Temperature shot up high and only subsided to 38.2 degrees after drinking lots of water. Fever still. It only went off half an hour ago -.- feeling rather weak now. Diarrhoea for 3 times.

Anw, thanks to those who cared(:

My life is screwed. Don't wanna care about anything anymore. Same for my health. Would even be better if i dun wake up from my slp.


May not be so suckish if everything was like last time. In short, i miss last time.

I miss talking to you on the phone
I miss the times where we can chat normally in sms and msn.
I miss the pm rule.

ps: Not referring to one person only.
Everything is not going smoothly now

The Princess Diary
Microbio test today. Its just a mini test and we had to put our bags infront of the lecture room. Makes it looked so serious and made us so stress. 20 markers questions were easier than those two markers and mcq -.- But dint learnt how to draw the gram positive and negative bacterial cell wall! There goes my 5-8 marks. But anyway, this test is not counted. Just to let us get a feel of the standard and getting used to different types of ques. So luck. Dr sharmaine said she will make those people who feel to copy down the questions and write the correct answers and hand it in! This is crazy. But still, i hope i will be the one. Can learn better this way! haha.

Microbio lab again. But seriously, i dun really like Dr susan. Ask her one question she like very annoyed like that. Not only me, most of my friends felt so too. Hais. Still got logbook report need to do. But my experiment failed. How to conclude in the logbook? Microbio really sucks but still, will study hard for this sub. Its actually not hard. Just that need to memorise alot of things. I jolly well pass the common test man.

Going to lil red dot museum and Ura tmr. Hope it will be a fast one. And eeting xw tmr for dinner :D will be discussing bout chalet stuffs and talks and talks and talks.

I miss talking to you.
But, i dun think anything matters to you now.
So, i will just have to get used to it.
Im trying. And starting to get used to the feeling alrdy.
But, im reluctant to get use to this ):

Some random pics taken with Kai en's mac book. Mac book if so funny. It would be good if i have one! Can take many funny pictures. Lol. Today was coool. Me, jesslyn, safurah and munirah wore yellow today! Such a coincidence(:
I slept in the bus today. This shows how tired i am cos i seldom sleep on the bus. Lunched with jesslyn, kaien, clarence soon, fakhrin and jeremy after sch. Reached home wash my feet and went to my room and lay on my bed! And ya im not sweaty or dirty cos i just went to school for only 2 hours and i bathed before going. Haha. So slept all the way till 6 and y, energized enough to study for microbio test in a few hours time. Surprisingly, this is the first time i dint fall alseep while studying(: i really hope i can pass the test tmr. Studied very hard for it.

Ok. Its 1.05am now. Gonna catch some slp alrdy! Don't wanna fall alseep in class.

Sometimes, i just think of you. Maybe i just missed ur presence. Words coming out from my mouth does not seems to match my heart. Im so ironic. But.. I don't know. Very confused. And the answer that i gave you the other time may not be the right one. Hais.

Had so much fun during captain's ball today. There were a total of 26 teams and we waited for quite long for our match because we were the last team. While waiting, we did our homeworks! So first round was easy. 8-3. was the catcher for the first round.. Quite stressed though cos i was seldom the catcher when playing. Second round was more fierce. Fell down -.- But still won! 10-8. And so, we got into the top 6! So coool. But but we were eliminated cos out of the 6 teams finalist, we scored the lowest. Its expected cos all the final teams were all guys except our group which consists of two guys only. But its unfair! As the rules were supposed to be loser in each round eliminated then winner proceed to next round and so on so fourth. But they changed the rule suddenly. So "Better than u" confronted the referee. Still, same outcome. LOL. nvm. But we were damn happy alrdy to get into the top 6 with girls in the team (: just that our dream for the $100 is gone. Haha. But still, We rock! Totally enjoyed myself today :D

And something happened again. Expected.

Fakhrin showed me some slides he made. And this sentence i saw was stuck in my mind for the whole day. And it was damn true.

It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk to them for hours and how now, you can barely look at them.

Lab in the morning tmr cancelled. Will be reaching sch in the afternoon. First time. And the dumb thing is i need to go back for 3 hours for 1 hr of tutorial and lecture -.- waste time. Should i go? Or just stay at home?
Finally tests over. Everyone seems to be studying so hard though its just a class test. Imagine how we actually study for common test -.- So maths test manageable(: But microbiology ): And as expected, failed. By 3 marks! But after moderation, i passed by 5 marks. Better than not passing man.

Captain's ball match tmr.
Its the only thing that can keep my mind off everything
I will enjoy tmr.
And we will win :D

And fiy, xw is the alien. So no more misunderstandings. We are just trying to be funny. And how can i possibly have a bf??

I need a brain washing machine badly
2 consecutive tests tmr. Maths and Microbiology. I still don't really understand some parts of microbio. ARGHHH this is so stressful.

Im in deep shit tmr.



alien was here.
FRIENDS. How do we actually define friend?

Its really amazing that we can see the true colours of friends around u after many many incidents. But the shocking thing is, we hear things that no one would like to hear through others. To think that we treated this 'people' as sort of good friends and trusted them somemore. How GOOD can it be?? I seriously cannot stand YOU/THEM. Im sure you agree with me right XW!
To think that she treated you as a trusted/good friend and you actually said those kind of things. WTH.

What kind of friend are you. And do you know this sentence of yours actually hurt/insulted her deeply? Call urself a friend? BULLSHIT. So stop acting you are her friend la. Go wear a mask to cover your face cos she dun wanna talk or even see you anymore. OOPS i almost forgot. You alrdy had one plastered on ur face long ago. And even you wear a thousand billion of masks, it won't help anymore. Never ever. You are just so fake. And truthly speaking, i dun believe u are this kind of person. Perception of you had dropped down tremendously.

You have failed terribly as a friend. Maybe you should attend some basic classes on "task fulfilment of a friend" or maybe you can borrow a dictionary or check wikipedia on the definition of friend. I really hate to type all this out but i can't control it. This is the first time im blogging these kinda things on blog. But im just too pissed off. Cause I DUN WANNA SEE MY BEST FRIEND GETTING HURT AND EMO ALL THE TIME.

Sometimes people should just keep their mouth shut. 你们没有讲话每有人当你们是哑巴。And most importantly, MIND YOUR WORDS. cos you won't know how hurtful ur words will be to others sometimes.

You all owe her an apology.

XW; you better cheer up alright. Don't always so emo. I admit im not really good in cheering people up. But i think this is the best i can do. At least you know that you are not alone. IM ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU. Don't cry when you see this k. CHEER UP. Love you always <3

First was you

Then was you

Now is you
School has been great. Cos im in 1F01. Class had been very united so far(: And we never fails to make fun of each other and laugh at everything.

Try out for Np strings last thurs. With Jesslyn, Shi Ting and Fakhrin. The 4 enthu us went earlier and took a violin each and went to a room which was directed by fakhrin. And excitedly, we started playing. And Fakhrin taught us twinkle twinkle little stars -.- He's not pro fyi. He's a newbie. Just that he went for the cca last week and learnt the notes and figure out himself. HAHA. At around 6.30, we hear noises outside the room. Thought was the freshies for strings. We immediately kept our violin and pretend we were waiting for the teacher to come -.- Cos we went into the room without anybody's consent. So the door opened and we found out that we went into the wrong room. LOL. Whose fault? HAHA

So were late for the cca. Learnt fingerings. And its quite hard to play. Position of fingers must be very accurate to get the right sound. Hands will be very tired after playing. But but Shi Ting and Jesslyn said its very fun and of course enjoyed it. And they went for the cca again today. I went home instead. Cos very tired though i slept at 8 yesterday. But, almost dozed off during IPC lecture again! OMG. I think iscos the lesson is just way tooo boring.

Serial dilution for microbio lab. Unlucky day for me and fahkrin. Need to use micropipette. And the micropipettes we took can't work. Damn pekchek. took all the micropipettes left in the basket which is like 4? and all can't work -.- it seems that only we are the real unlucky ones. So had to borrow from others after they finish their prac. Nice. We are the lab mangers today. Had to wash all the test tubes. Lucky class ended early today(: something funny happened. Was trying to wash away the soap bubbles on the tap. So i adjusted the pipe. Who knows the water splashed on my face and hair instead. Everyone burst out laughing. Damn funny. Thats what i love about my class. Can laugh at every single thing. HAHA.

And LSCT captain's ball competition next tues. Can't wait for it to arrive. Its been so long since i played captains ball alrdy! Team with jesslyn, christine, siyun, clarence and john. GIRLS POWER. lol!

Was finding some things yesterday.
And saw the huge card u gave me during christmas
Read every single word on it
And tears just flow unknowingly
Why? I don't know.
Maybe is because i missed the times
I miss it, and i really do
But i dun think it can be like last time anymore.
Never ever.

And there's a reason why i chose this blog song

TEO YING XUAN! Where are you! I miss you super badly!!!
Just attended a funeral today. Alot of faces strangers to me. Only knew they are my relatives when my mum told me. Even had to ask her how should i greet them as. lol?

Stayed back till late four plus for cats project on friday. Would have gone home at 12 if we had done everything last week. Felt satisfied. Cos we rushed everything on that day. Think had to meet up again on monday for last minute touchup cos will be presenting on fri. Stupid cats lesson. Find it redundant. Seriously.

Volleyball. Fun and tiring. Did alot of drills. Then had to do many actions for many many times. Tossing of ball, hitting the ball over the net etc.

And this was what happened to my hands after two hours of training.

Blue-black, rashes and slight swollen wrist. PAINFUL ):

Wonder why the blueblack is near the thumb there? Not that i use wrong position to hit. Cos i rub the blueblack and it spreaded. LOL.

Im confused by everything.
My 156th post.

This is damn funny. I cant stop laughing. xuewei too!

imagine the pig nodding the head non-stop!

sometimes, i wonder, who can make me laugh that hard other than


Xw, u thought is you right? HAHA. k la. Its the pretty girl on the left. XD

Ended school at 2 yesterday. Stayed in school for four hours for dancesports to start. Studied with shiting, sandy and siyun while kai en and clarence was gaming as usual. Dint felt like touching science sub. So did maths instead though there's no hw needed to be done.

Something really embarrassing happened after coming back from the toilet! All because of the stupid Fakhrin and JB. Until now i duno who's the real culprit. But bigger suspect: FAKHRIN. On my way back to the table, i saw my laptop's desktop background changed! And its so obvious from far! So i ran towards my lappy and immediately closed it. LOL. i was like wth who changed the background. Out of so many pictures, they chose that one. Don't ask me what pic they chose. Cos i won't say. HAHAHA. Its actually quite funny la. So after awhile, fakhrin joined us to study after coming back from makan place. The moment he came, i could not concentrate alrdy. Cos he kept talking and disturbing me. We really laughed non-stop. Laugh at everything -.- And i nthe end, i took approximately 20mins to finish one differentiation question. While the others were concentrating on their work, we were laughing our ass off. Noise polluter man!

Went makan place again cos shi ting was hungry. She's got big appetite! Bought two subway cookies despite having two alrdy when studying. Ate a total of four -.- cos its nice(: HAHA. And thanks for the dark choco chip cookies. If not i would had fallen aslp at that time. Hoho.

Then me, shi ting and sandy went for dancesports and fakhrin went np strings. Dancesports sucks this time. So many people in one room. One teacher. How to dance -.- can dance. Bang onto each other lo. So have decided not to join. Cos i feel so uneasy partnering with a guy. LOL.

May be trying out np strings tmr. Cos the joker keep psycho-ing the three of us to join. He says its fun. so gonna try out the fun later at night! Haha.

My card!! Need tap card before entering physio lecture. But my card is not with me. LOL. And the teacher asked me to email him to inform him im present for today's lesson. So troublesome. Can't he just note down on a piece of paper? LOL?

I think i should really force myself to sleep earlier. Have been dozing off in class lately. First was maths, then physio tutorial. Today was physio lecture! Its not that the lessons are boring, though most are, im just too tired cos i have to wake up at 6.30 every morning. So i shall go get some slp now in case i fall asleep again. 3 consecutive lectures straight in the morning. Microbio and ipc somemore. Can die.

Its 1.09am. Goodnight.

Would not have gone to school today if not for the maths class test. The test was so-so. Dint have time to finish it. Damn. Cos i took my own sweet time -.- Forget it. Shall score for the common test instead. Wanted to pon maths lecture! Cos after tutorial was two hours of break. And i knew i won't listen to what the lecturer is teaching. So found it a waste of time. In the end, still went. Cos nobody in my class pon! Except for fakhrin -.- Did my hw there and i finished one tutorial homework. LOL. Bused home and reached home in 1hr5mins. Fastest timing so far.

Bathed sat infront of the table and lie on it. And fell asleep again!! omg. Its always like that. So took out my contact lenses then went to slp. Woke up at 6 plus then make my way to kfc to meet sbg to celebrate weiling's bdae. Ate at ajisen then sk park to cut cake. Took quite alot of photos(:


If you think avoiding is the best, then thats up to you

Have not spoken to you for weeks? Strangers? How nice

IPC last thurs was very fun! experiment was about fitting balloons over flask with acid inside and magnesium of diff mass dissolved in it. See which balloon will be the biggest. Fun fun.

Friday even better. Relaxing day. Had SW early in the morning at 8am. Volleyball! Ran three rounds around the don't know what area. It was raining that day. So cannot go to the court. Then after the run, did some basic drills. Tiring. Then took a volleyball each and was taught some basic skills. Damn fun la. HAHA. But after everything, got rash -.- and arms starting to feel pain. Can't wait for next week's class!

Then CATS lesson next. Was not listening to what the teacher is saying. about the assignment thingy. Going to the lil red dot museum and URA musuem. Everyone was using the laptop. Most of them were surfing the np website regarding the cats stuffs. But i was on msn chatting and webcamming with km. LOL. damn funny. Issac was beside me and he like kept laughing away. Ha. Then was games time. Yeah something good about cats lesson was that we get to play games all the time. First game we were supposed to rearrange the words for different types of sweets and chocolates. one funny part was , i was like eh i think this word is "nestom" leh. But it should be spelt as "nestum" what. got prob isit. i was like keep say nestom nestom -.- suddenly thought of it and i shouted "mentos". LOL. the word that we took the longest time to think was SNICKERS. -.- But we were the champion! Prize were one sweet each. LOL next we were supposed to come up with questions like " top ten endangered species in the world" using charades, hangman, pic description etc. So our group did the " 10 popular songs". Which included umbrella, mad, touch my body, fall for u, stop and stare, poker face blah blah. And we did picture description. I went to this group and showed them the actions. One was poking my face. The people there guessed CHEEK? POKE? I was laughing all the way. And after continuous poking, they finally got the ans. which is POKER FACE. Stop and stare was funny too. Chrysan walked, stop and stare at one guy. damn funny. can't stop laughing.

After that, went to discussed project with chrysan and isaac. Got two other guys dint join. One say he was busy. But obviously, its an excuse and the other went to acc his gf. Such a nice group member we have -.- So the three of us came up with great ideas after spending 1hr and 30mins. may have finished it earlier cos we were talking about some "people". haha. Great! Then lunched at makan place. Talked bout sec sch stuffs cca and other(: they are really nice people. and chrysan is a professional volleyballer! omg played volleyball for 8 years alrdy. ENVY.

Reached home at about 4. took very long to decided whether if i should go to work. Cos tong called saying celine was not well. So went in the end cos tong last day of work ): if i dun go, will be only able to see him after months. He went back to msia. Something cropped up.

Worked with ruixian. Fun! Saw alot of people holding flowers walking around paragon. Rx was saying maybe is bai ren valentines. I was like saying "wow, valentines they got flower i dun have". In a joking mode la. Who knows after awhile, tong came back with a bouquet of flowers! Thought he went smoking at first. I was like OMG! why he buy me flowers. He said cos he heard my conver with rx. So sweet of him (: HAHA. I have such a nice manager <3 come back soon! All of us will miss you(:

Long day in sch. Took shuttle bus still can late. Nothing to say -.- First was maths tutorial. Damn boring. Sat right at the back of the class cos late. Fakhrin too. Ms tan was going through questions that some of us don't know. Finished every questions. Nothing to do so just stoned there -.- Cos all the things learnt in sec sch alrdy. And i still think mrs Cheow is the best Maths teacher. Miss her ): Listened to music in hp. BUt the stupid earpiece keep dropping. Pekchek! So use laptop! Teacher dint notice cos laptop was small and i hide it under the table :P

Then microbio. Manageable. At least i understand. And used to the indian accent alrdy. Went to the engineering school canteen with cristine, siyun, shiting and sandy. The chicken rice sucks like hell. All bones. Rice no taste. Will be the last time im going there. Then IPC lecture. Another boring lesson. The lecturer pro. One slide can talk for 10-15 mins. And the things he say are not impt stuffs. Then showed us the 20mins video. And i dozed off again as usual. This shows how tired i am. Then microbio tutorial and home-ed.

Home alone today. And realise it can be bad and good. Shan't elaborate any further. Lest..

Physiology test tmr. Not really prepared. Cos i kept dozing off. Wth. Cos i was putting my head on the table and reading it. Jiayi kept asking me to wake up when she suddenly noticed i was not moving. lol she's cute. Noticed her keep walking to my table to check if im awake anot. Haha. Such a cute sis.

I really hate myself for everything. Life is screwed. Its really tiring to be a human being.
The medicine that the doctor prescribed does not seem to take any effect. Still having stomach aches -.- Feeling so unwell again. Hais.

School tmr. Hope will be better. Dun wanna keep visiting the toilet!

At least i have tried.
Celebrated Alexis birthday on thurs(: the whole class was so cooperative and united can. Planned and cooperated. Ordered "dark secret" cake from SIM. Kaien rushed there to collect the cake while the class of 24 excluding two strolled to SIM. Celebrated at some study area. And the good thing was alexis was surprised(: Sang birthday songs and took class photos. After that, headed to SIM for some light lunch. We knew we gonna be late for our microbiology lab prac alrdy. Then John suddenly suggested that we should wear our labcoats first to show the teacher that though we may be late, we are prepared. But the conver got to nowhere and everyone continued eating -.- Then after everyone finished eating, i asked them if they want to wear the labcoat anot. The reactions that clarence, john and fakhrin was "Huh, you serious uh!"

In the end, we all took our labcoats and goggles out and wear it outside SIM. Don't dare to wear it inside the canteen cos we are from np. And someone was like asking whose idea was it and the three guys pointed at me -.- it was john's idea! Everyone was steady and we walked as a class to our lab. We are attention seekers indeed! All dressed in white walking around the campus. People were looking at us and some were laughing and murmuring to each other. Looks really retarded but its as a class. So its not that embarrassing. So the teacher was shocked to see us came well prepared. We were late as a class! LOL.

So practical was fun. Grew our bacteria. Placing them in the laminar flame hood. Last week, me and fakhrin were the first group to finish our work. This week we were the last cos we poured too much agar onto the petri plates and it needs more time to dry it under the flame hood -.-

After school, prepared to go for the netball trial with shiting. Slacked at makan place. Then to sports complex. Reached the place that we were told to meet. But see nobody in the netball court. so saw the noticeboard and went to the street soccer court. But nobody still. So checked my phone. Saw the note as trial on 29th april. Then asked shi ting today what date. and she said 30th april -.- but still, was very confused cos i rmb the trial was on thurs but date was 29th?! Dint gave up and went to the two places to check again. Walk uphill and downhill for four times! Its tiring. Gave up finding. Went home, checked my mail and found out that its really 29th april. My blurness. Smsed the captain and asked whether still got the trial. she told me that i will join the recreational team instead of the competitive team cos i missed the trial. Disappointed! Waited so long for the trial to come but i actually missed it. wth. Real sad la. whats the point of joining a cca where u dun get into a sch team? Maybe it matters to me only. Hais. So guess have to join dancesports alrdy. Not that i dun like dancesports. Just that netball is my preferred choice.

Dad bought a new lcd and com suddenly. So i just merely asked him what his gonna do to the current lcd in the living room. His ans was put it in my sis' room -.- So i started to psycho him and my mum. And i succeeded! In my room! hope he dun changes his mind after that(:

Diarrhoea today was worst than yesterday. 11 times. Cannot take it alrdy. So went to see doc. Food poisoning. lol. Feeling much better after popping 6 tablets.

In a state of confusion. I dint mean to take everything away from you. And i dint mean to treat u this way. Life has never been fair. I just don't know what to do..
Woke up feeling hot and a bad headache. Supposed to go to work today. But dint cos feeling really unwell. Lazy to go and see a doc. So just ate a panadol and dranks lots of water.

Headache, flu, diarrhoea and fever. Temperature shot up high and only subsided to 38.2 degrees after drinking lots of water. Fever still. It only went off half an hour ago -.- feeling rather weak now. Diarrhoea for 3 times.

Anw, thanks to those who cared(:

My life is screwed. Don't wanna care about anything anymore. Same for my health. Would even be better if i dun wake up from my slp.


May not be so suckish if everything was like last time. In short, i miss last time.

I miss talking to you on the phone
I miss the times where we can chat normally in sms and msn.
I miss the pm rule.

ps: Not referring to one person only.
Everything is not going smoothly now
