So many things to update! OMG. Was too busy with many stuffs especially this week ): awww so tired. But still im gonna update. shall only update those which i can remember? LOL

Saturday, went cp with jiayi to hunt for sean's birthday present. Actually went there cos i was bored and brain dead. Do too much homework. Need a break. So yeah, bought a very cute card from precious thoughts. Wanted to buy the Chelsea sweets from Watsons but think not seeling alrdy ): Then pasar malam after that. Haha.

Happy thing was i got 20/25 for my fungi online test! Was the top 5 in the cohort. So damn happy! Cos i studied for two days just for this small test. Got alot of names to memorise and the spellings damn hard. Someone its an online test. Spelling sensitive. And surprisingly, i got all the spellings right! COOOL-NESSS. then dinnered at cp with mum and sisters. Ate Ajisen. YUMMY.

Wednesday, 8th july was Jurong point with Xw after school. School ended at around 3pm. Ate pepper lunch first. Then hunt for sean's present! Walked hours and hours. Dint know what to buy. Wanted to buy the Adidas watch. But dint. So walked past Everlast. And in the end, we bought something from there. Finally after hours! Legs already damn tired. HAHA. then went to icing room. Make the birthday cake! Had so much fun decorating the cake. LOL. And it turns out not bad though. Will post the photos next time. Lazy to post it now. So, the jurong point trip with Xw was fun! We can joke about everything! Literally LOL all the way. HAHA. Then went compass after that. Cos xw need go atm. And when we just reached cp, i was like telling xw hope we dun see any familiar faces in cp. Cos we always see familiar faces! Lol. Went to the atm at the ya kun there. Then as we walked back, xw was like "eh sia la, sean leh!" then i walked abit and popped my head out. Then i was like Oh my god??!!! Then i turn and ran, and xw followed. Damn funny la. Cos we were holding his cake and bdae present. Let him see=no surprise. Such a coincidence -.-

Mini birthday celebration at night on 9th july(: Went anchorvale cc area. Cos everyone was rushing from school. People who turned up were: me, xw,chermel, sandra, chris, jw, brinal, huayao and km. Km only came after everything -.- Nvm. Took alot of pictures! <3 size="1">Was listening to some songs just now on the car. Specifically 爱太痛. Flashbacks suddenly. The intro of the song was played by cello. So it automatically reminds me of you. I don't know why. Maybe, up till now, i still could not accept the fact that i lost u as my good friend. Tears just rolled down. And i could feel the sour-ness in my heart. Im sad. 2 of y friends. In the same day told me that we were compatible. One said we were fated. and i seem to agree with the fate thing. I saw u twice in school today. School so big, also can bump into u. One was outside lt. another was at the bus stop. I saw u, u walked past me. I really wonder if u got seee me. As much as possible, im trying to avoid you. Cos the moment i see u, i willl be reminded of the past. So please, dun let me bump into u again. But truthly speaking, i miss your presence. I miss talking to u..

Late for Cats today. Cos i left home a little bit late than usual. Missed the first bus, which is like 7am? So thought every 5 mins interval, there will be one bus. But who knows the second bus is like 7.30. Only after 7.50 then got the 5 mins interval thingy. Wth. So board the bus at 7.30 where my S&w starts at 8 -.- And of course, late la. But only like 10 mins? Considered very good alrdy k. Everyone was alrdy doing their warmups. Then i had to run alone three rounds around the two bball court. So ps. HAHA. Volleyball was fun today! Seems like everyone had improved (: Hope we will be very good by the volleyball interclass competition man. >.<

Cats. Did some group discussion on the second assignment. And i got A for my cats! Very happy cos very few people get A. I think is my individual report pulled me up. 9/10. Haha. So the lack of sleep and being late for s&w that day was worth it. Put in so much effort know. LOL.

Took Bus 52 home. Dint have to wait very long. Saw clarence soon. So went home together as usual. Haha. And the bus 52 is like for those handicapped people one. And there was this old lady standing there. And she suddenly pushed me, scolded me and keep nagging. She pushed me two times ok. And its purposely one. She said the bus got alot of space. Why dun go and sit. Why use your bag to anyhow hit people -.- I was like wth la. she was standing behind me. And im carrying a shoulder bag. Not a bagpack. So how can my bag hit her?? She contradicts herself. So why she dint go and find a seat instead? Wanted to shoot back but dint. Avoid commotion cos when she started nagging, a lot of attention were on us. The funny thing was she actually grabbed the handle with a plastic bag wrapped around her hands, as if the handle bar poisonous like that. Dots?????

Took 156 instead of 163 today. As usual, these two buses are hard to wait. I dozed off on the bus!!! I was putting my hands at the side and then using my hand to support my head. Then my hands suddenly slipped from the side and of course, my head hit the window. Damn embarrassing la. got people sitting beside me. Lucky is an auntie. If not really malu! Reached home, lunched and did my homeworks. Did the notes for the fungi ppt. 32 slides. Can do until die man. I did it for like 3 hours plus? Many people say its a waste of time to do notes from ppt. But its me. I dun like to read things from ppt la. Thats sad though. Haha. Then did microbio lab book. Completed about 2/3 of the work. Left the drawing of aspergillus and im done! Shall do it later :D

Then met xw at 10 at cp. Ktv with tori Q peeps. Just came back home not long ago. Took alot of photos(: shall upload it maybe later or some day when i feel like uploading. LOL. Will miss Tong badly man. He will be in Msia and won't be back that often alrdy ):

Its too much of a coincidence that i saw you today. And i saw the lyrics of one chinese songs. At the first thought, i thought of you. Hais. Wanted to help you celebrate your birthday. But you are just so stubborn. I dun think i can change your mind right. If i were to force you to go, then there's no point already. Cos you dun even appreciate it.

Im having a hard time thinking what to buy for your birthday. OMG OMG. Ideas pleaseeeee

School was great today especially during the two hours of break (: Me, Shi ting, Safurah, Munirah and Fakhrin were joking all the way. And of course, creating alot of laughters. Can't stop laughing man. For everything that one of us said, we will try to shoot back each other. LOL. Its really funny. HAHA. So sat there for quite long and the weather was rather stuffy. So the 5 of us decided to go to blk 81, where our lab are, to slack. And we started our crap again. Really can go crazy with them man. They made my day (: (:

Lab was ok ok only. Did some innoculation of fungi. And the microscope thing. Seriously hate the stage and ocular division la. so troublesome and hard. Squint my eyes till so pain man. But was released early! It was only like 3.30pm. Slacked at the bench are with Munirah, Christine and John. They had cca too. Mine was at 5.30. So played cards. Bridge. My favourite game. Lol. Then played a few rounds of heart attack. Thats really lame but we really bored mah. Haha. And time flies.

Headed for Netball practice. First time going there. Was rather scared cos scared i would be left out. Lol. And they turn out to be nice people. So friendly. Ran around the track for one round. Then did some warmups and drills. Then shooting. Its quite hard to shoot but after awhile, i got the gist of it already. Haha. Then had street netball match. Three rounds of match. Lol. Very fun i think. But tiring. Run here and there. And there's a street netball match next tues. Seniors wants the newbies to join. Of course, im one of them. But i decided not to go for the competition. Cos the competition starts at 7.30 leh. So late and i ended school at 2. So just came up with an excuse lo. LOL. Cos it impossible for me to stay back for so long in school just for the competition. HAHA.

Netball ended at around 9? Bus-ed home. Waited super damn long for 156 to come. Felt really unwell. Cramps plus gastric. Nice combi. Hungry also. So was hoping i could reach cp before 11. Dabao mac and im like so full now. Need to wake up at 8 tmr but want sleep now also cannot. Need to wait for the food to digest first. ARGHH. But im so tired already. Dun feel like going school tmr.

Microbio. Dr charmaine rechecked my papers and deducted 2.5 marks! But added 6 marks. LOL. At least better than never add marks. and the funny thing is i dunoo why she deducted my three marks -.- wth. Top 10 for mbio. Last student of the top 10 was like 64%? I got like 61%, which is like not bad already. But if teacher did not deduct my three marks, i would have gotten top 10 in the cohort. ARHHH! so wasted. Lol.

Why can't i have everything going smoothly for me for just once? Why? Unending problems. Why so suck one.
School has been quite okay. Got back almost all the papers except Ipc cos Mr Kueh is being quarantined for one week. He just came back from Uk. Hhaas. So his lesson was cancelled for one week. But sad thing is all his lessons is in the middle of the day. which means cannot go home early ): Maths: 92/100. Ok. Damn disappointing. Expected full marks. 5 marks gone cos of the stupid number. Sub wrong num. The other 3 marks gone cos of the unit sign. Damn idiot la. LOL. Ipc lab 31/40. Ok. This one more pissed. All the questions related. One question ans wrong means the others will be affected. And for the 5 fold dilution, calculated wrongly. In the end, 9 marks gone just for that ques. But i got the others correct. All cos of one ques, cost me 9 marks. Damn it.

Microbio. 45.5/80, 57% ): Even more sad. Studied so much for it but still just pass only. And its the sub that i hate most cos its hard. A lot to memorise. BUT BUT the thing was i was flipping through my papers today. And found out that teacher calculated wrongly!!! She gave me 8 marks lesser. OMG OMG OMG. That mean i will get 53.5 which is like 66.7% i think? Almost 10% diff la. Wth. Lucky i check. Really damn happy la. Gotta tell teacher tmr! And its the first period. Hoho. And actually also cannot blame the teacher for counting wrongly. She has 100s of papers to mark. And my answers are like jumping here and there. Thats why -.- But who cares. Answers correct can already. LOL.

Maths lecture on Tuesday. Blackout suddenly! Everyone was like so happy la. But only 10 mins break. Then lecturer ask us whatever with have, handphones or psp as torchlight -.- Do our self revision. And surprisingly, most of us listen to her. Haha. We are goood students man.

Come to think of that, sometimes no ipc really sucks. Cos we will have like 2-3 hours of break including lunch. Then for the rest of the hours, we will just stone there, use our laptop( playing) or just crap around. Its like a total waste of time. And even if i discipline myself to study, also cannot cos surroundings are noisy and i get distracted quite easily. HAHA. Mr Kueh come back soon!

IPC LAB was fun today. Did titration again. But a harder version. Its hard to determine the end point this time. NOt the normal titration. HAHA. And and the happy thing was Physio lesson cancelled today cos Mr Tan feeling unwell. YAY! It was 12 at that time. Should have informed us earlier. Cos we were released at 11. Then three hours break before physio. Anyway, its good that i can go home early and rest and nap (: reached home at about 2.30? Bathed and nap for two hours. Hoho.

Planned to go pasar malam with elder sis after my revision. But then dint go in the end cos she thought i got things to buy and i thought she got things to buy. and it turns out that we had nothing to buy. So dint go. Somemore, parents dabao the Ngoh hiang for us to eat. Nice man. Haha. Then managed to complete 2 ipc tutorial. yeah. Felt so accomplished now.

As for today, IM HAPPY! Its been so long since i felt this way already. COOOOL-NESSSSS
The Princess Diary
So many things to update! OMG. Was too busy with many stuffs especially this week ): awww so tired. But still im gonna update. shall only update those which i can remember? LOL

Saturday, went cp with jiayi to hunt for sean's birthday present. Actually went there cos i was bored and brain dead. Do too much homework. Need a break. So yeah, bought a very cute card from precious thoughts. Wanted to buy the Chelsea sweets from Watsons but think not seeling alrdy ): Then pasar malam after that. Haha.

Happy thing was i got 20/25 for my fungi online test! Was the top 5 in the cohort. So damn happy! Cos i studied for two days just for this small test. Got alot of names to memorise and the spellings damn hard. Someone its an online test. Spelling sensitive. And surprisingly, i got all the spellings right! COOOL-NESSS. then dinnered at cp with mum and sisters. Ate Ajisen. YUMMY.

Wednesday, 8th july was Jurong point with Xw after school. School ended at around 3pm. Ate pepper lunch first. Then hunt for sean's present! Walked hours and hours. Dint know what to buy. Wanted to buy the Adidas watch. But dint. So walked past Everlast. And in the end, we bought something from there. Finally after hours! Legs already damn tired. HAHA. then went to icing room. Make the birthday cake! Had so much fun decorating the cake. LOL. And it turns out not bad though. Will post the photos next time. Lazy to post it now. So, the jurong point trip with Xw was fun! We can joke about everything! Literally LOL all the way. HAHA. Then went compass after that. Cos xw need go atm. And when we just reached cp, i was like telling xw hope we dun see any familiar faces in cp. Cos we always see familiar faces! Lol. Went to the atm at the ya kun there. Then as we walked back, xw was like "eh sia la, sean leh!" then i walked abit and popped my head out. Then i was like Oh my god??!!! Then i turn and ran, and xw followed. Damn funny la. Cos we were holding his cake and bdae present. Let him see=no surprise. Such a coincidence -.-

Mini birthday celebration at night on 9th july(: Went anchorvale cc area. Cos everyone was rushing from school. People who turned up were: me, xw,chermel, sandra, chris, jw, brinal, huayao and km. Km only came after everything -.- Nvm. Took alot of pictures! <3 size="1">Was listening to some songs just now on the car. Specifically 爱太痛. Flashbacks suddenly. The intro of the song was played by cello. So it automatically reminds me of you. I don't know why. Maybe, up till now, i still could not accept the fact that i lost u as my good friend. Tears just rolled down. And i could feel the sour-ness in my heart. Im sad. 2 of y friends. In the same day told me that we were compatible. One said we were fated. and i seem to agree with the fate thing. I saw u twice in school today. School so big, also can bump into u. One was outside lt. another was at the bus stop. I saw u, u walked past me. I really wonder if u got seee me. As much as possible, im trying to avoid you. Cos the moment i see u, i willl be reminded of the past. So please, dun let me bump into u again. But truthly speaking, i miss your presence. I miss talking to u..

Late for Cats today. Cos i left home a little bit late than usual. Missed the first bus, which is like 7am? So thought every 5 mins interval, there will be one bus. But who knows the second bus is like 7.30. Only after 7.50 then got the 5 mins interval thingy. Wth. So board the bus at 7.30 where my S&w starts at 8 -.- And of course, late la. But only like 10 mins? Considered very good alrdy k. Everyone was alrdy doing their warmups. Then i had to run alone three rounds around the two bball court. So ps. HAHA. Volleyball was fun today! Seems like everyone had improved (: Hope we will be very good by the volleyball interclass competition man. >.<

Cats. Did some group discussion on the second assignment. And i got A for my cats! Very happy cos very few people get A. I think is my individual report pulled me up. 9/10. Haha. So the lack of sleep and being late for s&w that day was worth it. Put in so much effort know. LOL.

Took Bus 52 home. Dint have to wait very long. Saw clarence soon. So went home together as usual. Haha. And the bus 52 is like for those handicapped people one. And there was this old lady standing there. And she suddenly pushed me, scolded me and keep nagging. She pushed me two times ok. And its purposely one. She said the bus got alot of space. Why dun go and sit. Why use your bag to anyhow hit people -.- I was like wth la. she was standing behind me. And im carrying a shoulder bag. Not a bagpack. So how can my bag hit her?? She contradicts herself. So why she dint go and find a seat instead? Wanted to shoot back but dint. Avoid commotion cos when she started nagging, a lot of attention were on us. The funny thing was she actually grabbed the handle with a plastic bag wrapped around her hands, as if the handle bar poisonous like that. Dots?????

Took 156 instead of 163 today. As usual, these two buses are hard to wait. I dozed off on the bus!!! I was putting my hands at the side and then using my hand to support my head. Then my hands suddenly slipped from the side and of course, my head hit the window. Damn embarrassing la. got people sitting beside me. Lucky is an auntie. If not really malu! Reached home, lunched and did my homeworks. Did the notes for the fungi ppt. 32 slides. Can do until die man. I did it for like 3 hours plus? Many people say its a waste of time to do notes from ppt. But its me. I dun like to read things from ppt la. Thats sad though. Haha. Then did microbio lab book. Completed about 2/3 of the work. Left the drawing of aspergillus and im done! Shall do it later :D

Then met xw at 10 at cp. Ktv with tori Q peeps. Just came back home not long ago. Took alot of photos(: shall upload it maybe later or some day when i feel like uploading. LOL. Will miss Tong badly man. He will be in Msia and won't be back that often alrdy ):

Its too much of a coincidence that i saw you today. And i saw the lyrics of one chinese songs. At the first thought, i thought of you. Hais. Wanted to help you celebrate your birthday. But you are just so stubborn. I dun think i can change your mind right. If i were to force you to go, then there's no point already. Cos you dun even appreciate it.

Im having a hard time thinking what to buy for your birthday. OMG OMG. Ideas pleaseeeee

School was great today especially during the two hours of break (: Me, Shi ting, Safurah, Munirah and Fakhrin were joking all the way. And of course, creating alot of laughters. Can't stop laughing man. For everything that one of us said, we will try to shoot back each other. LOL. Its really funny. HAHA. So sat there for quite long and the weather was rather stuffy. So the 5 of us decided to go to blk 81, where our lab are, to slack. And we started our crap again. Really can go crazy with them man. They made my day (: (:

Lab was ok ok only. Did some innoculation of fungi. And the microscope thing. Seriously hate the stage and ocular division la. so troublesome and hard. Squint my eyes till so pain man. But was released early! It was only like 3.30pm. Slacked at the bench are with Munirah, Christine and John. They had cca too. Mine was at 5.30. So played cards. Bridge. My favourite game. Lol. Then played a few rounds of heart attack. Thats really lame but we really bored mah. Haha. And time flies.

Headed for Netball practice. First time going there. Was rather scared cos scared i would be left out. Lol. And they turn out to be nice people. So friendly. Ran around the track for one round. Then did some warmups and drills. Then shooting. Its quite hard to shoot but after awhile, i got the gist of it already. Haha. Then had street netball match. Three rounds of match. Lol. Very fun i think. But tiring. Run here and there. And there's a street netball match next tues. Seniors wants the newbies to join. Of course, im one of them. But i decided not to go for the competition. Cos the competition starts at 7.30 leh. So late and i ended school at 2. So just came up with an excuse lo. LOL. Cos it impossible for me to stay back for so long in school just for the competition. HAHA.

Netball ended at around 9? Bus-ed home. Waited super damn long for 156 to come. Felt really unwell. Cramps plus gastric. Nice combi. Hungry also. So was hoping i could reach cp before 11. Dabao mac and im like so full now. Need to wake up at 8 tmr but want sleep now also cannot. Need to wait for the food to digest first. ARGHH. But im so tired already. Dun feel like going school tmr.

Microbio. Dr charmaine rechecked my papers and deducted 2.5 marks! But added 6 marks. LOL. At least better than never add marks. and the funny thing is i dunoo why she deducted my three marks -.- wth. Top 10 for mbio. Last student of the top 10 was like 64%? I got like 61%, which is like not bad already. But if teacher did not deduct my three marks, i would have gotten top 10 in the cohort. ARHHH! so wasted. Lol.

Why can't i have everything going smoothly for me for just once? Why? Unending problems. Why so suck one.
School has been quite okay. Got back almost all the papers except Ipc cos Mr Kueh is being quarantined for one week. He just came back from Uk. Hhaas. So his lesson was cancelled for one week. But sad thing is all his lessons is in the middle of the day. which means cannot go home early ): Maths: 92/100. Ok. Damn disappointing. Expected full marks. 5 marks gone cos of the stupid number. Sub wrong num. The other 3 marks gone cos of the unit sign. Damn idiot la. LOL. Ipc lab 31/40. Ok. This one more pissed. All the questions related. One question ans wrong means the others will be affected. And for the 5 fold dilution, calculated wrongly. In the end, 9 marks gone just for that ques. But i got the others correct. All cos of one ques, cost me 9 marks. Damn it.

Microbio. 45.5/80, 57% ): Even more sad. Studied so much for it but still just pass only. And its the sub that i hate most cos its hard. A lot to memorise. BUT BUT the thing was i was flipping through my papers today. And found out that teacher calculated wrongly!!! She gave me 8 marks lesser. OMG OMG OMG. That mean i will get 53.5 which is like 66.7% i think? Almost 10% diff la. Wth. Lucky i check. Really damn happy la. Gotta tell teacher tmr! And its the first period. Hoho. And actually also cannot blame the teacher for counting wrongly. She has 100s of papers to mark. And my answers are like jumping here and there. Thats why -.- But who cares. Answers correct can already. LOL.

Maths lecture on Tuesday. Blackout suddenly! Everyone was like so happy la. But only 10 mins break. Then lecturer ask us whatever with have, handphones or psp as torchlight -.- Do our self revision. And surprisingly, most of us listen to her. Haha. We are goood students man.

Come to think of that, sometimes no ipc really sucks. Cos we will have like 2-3 hours of break including lunch. Then for the rest of the hours, we will just stone there, use our laptop( playing) or just crap around. Its like a total waste of time. And even if i discipline myself to study, also cannot cos surroundings are noisy and i get distracted quite easily. HAHA. Mr Kueh come back soon!

IPC LAB was fun today. Did titration again. But a harder version. Its hard to determine the end point this time. NOt the normal titration. HAHA. And and the happy thing was Physio lesson cancelled today cos Mr Tan feeling unwell. YAY! It was 12 at that time. Should have informed us earlier. Cos we were released at 11. Then three hours break before physio. Anyway, its good that i can go home early and rest and nap (: reached home at about 2.30? Bathed and nap for two hours. Hoho.

Planned to go pasar malam with elder sis after my revision. But then dint go in the end cos she thought i got things to buy and i thought she got things to buy. and it turns out that we had nothing to buy. So dint go. Somemore, parents dabao the Ngoh hiang for us to eat. Nice man. Haha. Then managed to complete 2 ipc tutorial. yeah. Felt so accomplished now.

As for today, IM HAPPY! Its been so long since i felt this way already. COOOOL-NESSSSS