Woke up earlier than usual today. Can't get to sleep. Met xw outside school bus stop and went Phss. Only managed to see the last 2 peihwa idol performance. Went back to class. Surprisingly, pictures taken with the projector were still there. Had great time laughing. Stayed in class for quite awhile. Then cp. Chermel's house to eat and played taboo.

Dental at night. Guess need to change my retainers soon. There's hole in it cos i tend to eat with my retainers on.

Working tmr. Got things to keep me occupied. Thats a good thing.


Headache again. Seems like im having headache every single night. I think i got a tumour in my head. Shall sleep now.

Everything suck big time
EVERYTHING suck big time.
I know i suck.

Is not i don't care. Its because i have stopped thinking about everything long ago. Problems always appear when exams are nearing. And i had successfully managed not to think of it and managed to concentrate on my exams. But now, since exams are over, its time to face it.

Face it vs avoid. Haha. Its obvious facing the music is a better choice. But for some things, i really don't know how to. Or can i say i dun dare to? Cos i am afraid of the outcome. Good or bad. 50-50.

People come and fo. Yes. Everything has changed. I have seen the true colours of some people after some incidents. Finally i got to see and know what some is thinking. Glad to know that, whether is good or bad.

Sorry to make you feel that you are a stranger to me. I will treat you like how i treat others.
Sorry for not being initiative in doing some things. Its just simply me but i will try to change.
Sorry for everything

Sometimes i really think outside friends are better. suddenly miss Tong so much. just wth wrong is with my phone??!!! Can't even send a sms to him. Suck la. Even my phone is working against me. Suck big time seriously.

Final Destination 4 at shaw house with mum! Oh yeah managed to get in! Not because i look like 18 or older, but i think the people there also not strict one. So people can try your luck. HAHA.
So the movie was nice (: Some parts were real disgusting, but i like. LOL. But seriously, don't understand why M18, i think Nc 16 can already. Haha.

Then was shopping time at orchard and dhoby. Went paragon to check my schedule. And i will be working like 5 days?? So no life man -.- Haha. Dinnered at Cafe Cartel. Went back cp to meet BASKET xw. Went back PH. Saw Mr chia. And the first thing he ask me was "huiyi, got chritian name alrdy ah". At first i duno what he talking. But got it after awhile. Wah barry! You never make it clear to him meh??!! Omg. He mistook me as erhem leh. TSK TSK. Make me so ps. And i think both of us won't want to visit there again cos..HAHA!

Left after awhile. Was feeling so bored. So called clay to join us at Cp. And he steady one lo. And partner met us too! Haha. Went 188 to stone plus jiayi. Many were there too. Hoho. Then mac and home-ed.

The girl in the cadbury advertisement really looks like my sis. Have been hearing from alot of people alrdy. HAHA. So funny can. LOL.

Wah i still deciding if i going for the flagday tmr. Must wake up at 5am leh. tsk tsk. Should i go or not!!! in dilemna man.

And still deciding if going Sean's house tmr. He cooking some pasta leh. RARE. hahaha
Sleeping late will make me grow fatter! So i shall sleep early today and tmr and the day after tmr and after after tmr. LOL. I shall try to sleep early from now till sch reopens! TRY! it will be hard but i will sleep for the sake of sleeping. Haha.

Omg. And i just found out that i need to reach common wealth Mrt station at 7.30am on saturday! I thought the flag day will be held at Orchard but who knows...At somemore in the west again. WTH. So early T.T that means need to wake up at 5 plus alrdy. Who ask me. Join leo. Society work -.- I can't believe im doing this. Netball was my preferred cca but i keep skipping. And i dun have any idea if they have extra training furing the hols. Great! so FICKLE MINDED like what most of my friends say. Ha. And i totally agree with themmm.

Stupid Fakhrin kept using acronyms to talk to me on msn. "yuwita". You understand what i talking about. Purposely one. and he can read my mind! Then he says cos my IQ low. So anyone can predict. WTH. he can gad alrdy. HAHA. xw! somebody taking over you alrdy. LOLOL.

OK. ITS 1207 NOW. im GOING to sleep alrdy. Nights people.
Exams are finally over! No more stressss.
All papers was ok except microbio-the one i studied the hardest but performed the worst i think.
Enough of studies.
So, met xw at amk hub after my last paper which end at 4. She ended her paper at 6 -.-
Lucky my sis at amk hub. Went arcade to find her. Then was alone in the mall wandering around while waiting for xw to arrive! she reached at 645!!! omg. Make me wait so long. LOL.
Dinnered at Mos burger. Chatted about almost everythinggg. Is absolute everythingg! Haha.
Found out some shocking things man. Omg the world is becoming so damn weird.
And and the scary thing is what we had said earlier, we saw it with our own eyes right at the next moment. OMG! Why so acurate one. Tsk tsk.
Went back cp as hub was so damn boring. Talked more on the bus. Settled at KFC and details shall be kept secret!
Really a joke man.
Walked home as usual. But someone could not control her bladder and had to rush home to pee!
So it was just a short conver at the staircase(:

oh and just received Ml's sms! He will be buying a com realllll soooon. That means can chat alrdy. YEAH! and my phone is getting sot. Can't seem to send a sms to msia! wth. Pissed. Grahhh
First was him

Then was him

Who is next? Why everybody around me is leaving? I miss them so much ):
Photos time!

Just came back from the airport. Minglong went back to China already ):
Just could not control my tears ): Its so damn sad to see him entering the departure hall. Omg i will miss him man. Seriously.
Tong had left. Minglong had left. Who is next? Hais.

Microbio paper later. One word: Die.
Tried to study in the airport just now but nothing seems to get in. ARGHHH.
Everything came at the wrong time. And I really mean everything!
Did maths revision today. Just flip through for the sake of studying. Cos maths eh. How to study. I don't know. Lol. If i never touch on revision for maths, i would feel weird. Haha. Yeah. Dint follow my family to the ' ' hotel. Forget the name of the hotel. They went there to listen to some band perform. Awww wanted to go but i forced myself not to. Exams really suck to the core man.

I realised i had been eating aloooot.I seriously need to cut down on my meals. Eating and eating. Some more its study week. Which also means that i will be staying at home most of the time. And its bad cos when i am at home, i will keep visiting the kitchen! I wanna slim down cos i think im fat. OMG.

I hate my stomach. Its acting weird nowadays. Especially just now. I lied on the bed cos i just feel so unwell that i feel like vomiting anytime. The feeling of wanting to vomit but no vomit comes out really suck. ):

My phone is absolutely quiet today. And im happy with that! (:
Study week is here. Got like slightly more than one week to study 3 modules. I am going to ace it. Not going to let anything affect me from getting bad results. Will only solve the 'problems' after exams. I hope i can. Please man.

Everybody in my class is really mugging like hell. Early in the morning, they are discussing about microbiology. Heard they were alrdy discussing on msn yesterday -.- Omg. They were discussing about the pyruvate cycle which i haven even started memorising. Omg. Must chiong this week alrdy. Maths! Give me an A please. Or AD even better!

Think thats about it. I better stop blogging before i type emo things out again. ARGHHH. so irritating.
Failed terribly. Im sorry ):
When can we ever start communicating properly? I really don't wish to quarrel with you anymore. I am very very tired ):

All i want is just to communicate with you properly. Its been so so long since we can chat normally. Hais. Sometimes, i really think its hard to be a friend.

Is it because you people expect too much from me or it is i am just too lousy to be your friend?
D: D: D: D: D:

I am sad...
Sbg outing. 080809!

Dint join them for sentosa cos of work -.-
Joined them after my work! since all of us cannot decide of what to eat, we decided to pack dinner and have dinner at skypark. LOL.
Me and Xw dabao-ed kim and Gary. While waiting, went Diva. Bought a best friend necklace. HAHA.
The cheese baked rice was nice (:
Took damn lots of photos. 110. Some were really funny. Fun fun =D
Trained home at around 10 plus. Took more photos there. All were stupid photos.
Then slacked at sculpture park with xw, clay, des, ys and pk. Chatted alot. Mostly were studies and complaints. Haha. Chatted till 1.15am and went home.
Had alot of fun. Especially catching up with these people (:
Don't think will have the chance to meet up until exams end ):

Shall upload the photos when im free. which will take years. Like what xw described of me taking years to send her the photos. LOL.

K. Sleeping. IM tired. Nights!
The Princess Diary
Woke up earlier than usual today. Can't get to sleep. Met xw outside school bus stop and went Phss. Only managed to see the last 2 peihwa idol performance. Went back to class. Surprisingly, pictures taken with the projector were still there. Had great time laughing. Stayed in class for quite awhile. Then cp. Chermel's house to eat and played taboo.

Dental at night. Guess need to change my retainers soon. There's hole in it cos i tend to eat with my retainers on.

Working tmr. Got things to keep me occupied. Thats a good thing.


Headache again. Seems like im having headache every single night. I think i got a tumour in my head. Shall sleep now.

Everything suck big time
EVERYTHING suck big time.
I know i suck.

Is not i don't care. Its because i have stopped thinking about everything long ago. Problems always appear when exams are nearing. And i had successfully managed not to think of it and managed to concentrate on my exams. But now, since exams are over, its time to face it.

Face it vs avoid. Haha. Its obvious facing the music is a better choice. But for some things, i really don't know how to. Or can i say i dun dare to? Cos i am afraid of the outcome. Good or bad. 50-50.

People come and fo. Yes. Everything has changed. I have seen the true colours of some people after some incidents. Finally i got to see and know what some is thinking. Glad to know that, whether is good or bad.

Sorry to make you feel that you are a stranger to me. I will treat you like how i treat others.
Sorry for not being initiative in doing some things. Its just simply me but i will try to change.
Sorry for everything

Sometimes i really think outside friends are better. suddenly miss Tong so much. just wth wrong is with my phone??!!! Can't even send a sms to him. Suck la. Even my phone is working against me. Suck big time seriously.

Final Destination 4 at shaw house with mum! Oh yeah managed to get in! Not because i look like 18 or older, but i think the people there also not strict one. So people can try your luck. HAHA.
So the movie was nice (: Some parts were real disgusting, but i like. LOL. But seriously, don't understand why M18, i think Nc 16 can already. Haha.

Then was shopping time at orchard and dhoby. Went paragon to check my schedule. And i will be working like 5 days?? So no life man -.- Haha. Dinnered at Cafe Cartel. Went back cp to meet BASKET xw. Went back PH. Saw Mr chia. And the first thing he ask me was "huiyi, got chritian name alrdy ah". At first i duno what he talking. But got it after awhile. Wah barry! You never make it clear to him meh??!! Omg. He mistook me as erhem leh. TSK TSK. Make me so ps. And i think both of us won't want to visit there again cos..HAHA!

Left after awhile. Was feeling so bored. So called clay to join us at Cp. And he steady one lo. And partner met us too! Haha. Went 188 to stone plus jiayi. Many were there too. Hoho. Then mac and home-ed.

The girl in the cadbury advertisement really looks like my sis. Have been hearing from alot of people alrdy. HAHA. So funny can. LOL.

Wah i still deciding if i going for the flagday tmr. Must wake up at 5am leh. tsk tsk. Should i go or not!!! in dilemna man.

And still deciding if going Sean's house tmr. He cooking some pasta leh. RARE. hahaha
Sleeping late will make me grow fatter! So i shall sleep early today and tmr and the day after tmr and after after tmr. LOL. I shall try to sleep early from now till sch reopens! TRY! it will be hard but i will sleep for the sake of sleeping. Haha.

Omg. And i just found out that i need to reach common wealth Mrt station at 7.30am on saturday! I thought the flag day will be held at Orchard but who knows...At somemore in the west again. WTH. So early T.T that means need to wake up at 5 plus alrdy. Who ask me. Join leo. Society work -.- I can't believe im doing this. Netball was my preferred cca but i keep skipping. And i dun have any idea if they have extra training furing the hols. Great! so FICKLE MINDED like what most of my friends say. Ha. And i totally agree with themmm.

Stupid Fakhrin kept using acronyms to talk to me on msn. "yuwita". You understand what i talking about. Purposely one. and he can read my mind! Then he says cos my IQ low. So anyone can predict. WTH. he can gad alrdy. HAHA. xw! somebody taking over you alrdy. LOLOL.

OK. ITS 1207 NOW. im GOING to sleep alrdy. Nights people.
Exams are finally over! No more stressss.
All papers was ok except microbio-the one i studied the hardest but performed the worst i think.
Enough of studies.
So, met xw at amk hub after my last paper which end at 4. She ended her paper at 6 -.-
Lucky my sis at amk hub. Went arcade to find her. Then was alone in the mall wandering around while waiting for xw to arrive! she reached at 645!!! omg. Make me wait so long. LOL.
Dinnered at Mos burger. Chatted about almost everythinggg. Is absolute everythingg! Haha.
Found out some shocking things man. Omg the world is becoming so damn weird.
And and the scary thing is what we had said earlier, we saw it with our own eyes right at the next moment. OMG! Why so acurate one. Tsk tsk.
Went back cp as hub was so damn boring. Talked more on the bus. Settled at KFC and details shall be kept secret!
Really a joke man.
Walked home as usual. But someone could not control her bladder and had to rush home to pee!
So it was just a short conver at the staircase(:

oh and just received Ml's sms! He will be buying a com realllll soooon. That means can chat alrdy. YEAH! and my phone is getting sot. Can't seem to send a sms to msia! wth. Pissed. Grahhh
First was him

Then was him

Who is next? Why everybody around me is leaving? I miss them so much ):
Photos time!

Just came back from the airport. Minglong went back to China already ):
Just could not control my tears ): Its so damn sad to see him entering the departure hall. Omg i will miss him man. Seriously.
Tong had left. Minglong had left. Who is next? Hais.

Microbio paper later. One word: Die.
Tried to study in the airport just now but nothing seems to get in. ARGHHH.
Everything came at the wrong time. And I really mean everything!
Did maths revision today. Just flip through for the sake of studying. Cos maths eh. How to study. I don't know. Lol. If i never touch on revision for maths, i would feel weird. Haha. Yeah. Dint follow my family to the ' ' hotel. Forget the name of the hotel. They went there to listen to some band perform. Awww wanted to go but i forced myself not to. Exams really suck to the core man.

I realised i had been eating aloooot.I seriously need to cut down on my meals. Eating and eating. Some more its study week. Which also means that i will be staying at home most of the time. And its bad cos when i am at home, i will keep visiting the kitchen! I wanna slim down cos i think im fat. OMG.

I hate my stomach. Its acting weird nowadays. Especially just now. I lied on the bed cos i just feel so unwell that i feel like vomiting anytime. The feeling of wanting to vomit but no vomit comes out really suck. ):

My phone is absolutely quiet today. And im happy with that! (:
Study week is here. Got like slightly more than one week to study 3 modules. I am going to ace it. Not going to let anything affect me from getting bad results. Will only solve the 'problems' after exams. I hope i can. Please man.

Everybody in my class is really mugging like hell. Early in the morning, they are discussing about microbiology. Heard they were alrdy discussing on msn yesterday -.- Omg. They were discussing about the pyruvate cycle which i haven even started memorising. Omg. Must chiong this week alrdy. Maths! Give me an A please. Or AD even better!

Think thats about it. I better stop blogging before i type emo things out again. ARGHHH. so irritating.
Failed terribly. Im sorry ):
When can we ever start communicating properly? I really don't wish to quarrel with you anymore. I am very very tired ):

All i want is just to communicate with you properly. Its been so so long since we can chat normally. Hais. Sometimes, i really think its hard to be a friend.

Is it because you people expect too much from me or it is i am just too lousy to be your friend?
D: D: D: D: D:

I am sad...
Sbg outing. 080809!

Dint join them for sentosa cos of work -.-
Joined them after my work! since all of us cannot decide of what to eat, we decided to pack dinner and have dinner at skypark. LOL.
Me and Xw dabao-ed kim and Gary. While waiting, went Diva. Bought a best friend necklace. HAHA.
The cheese baked rice was nice (:
Took damn lots of photos. 110. Some were really funny. Fun fun =D
Trained home at around 10 plus. Took more photos there. All were stupid photos.
Then slacked at sculpture park with xw, clay, des, ys and pk. Chatted alot. Mostly were studies and complaints. Haha. Chatted till 1.15am and went home.
Had alot of fun. Especially catching up with these people (:
Don't think will have the chance to meet up until exams end ):

Shall upload the photos when im free. which will take years. Like what xw described of me taking years to send her the photos. LOL.

K. Sleeping. IM tired. Nights!