Back to PA. The feeling is really great! But then don't know why business not really good. Maybe alot don't know we have reopened. Was feeling rather tired. No appetite also. So just stone-ed during break. But Cl told me something which perked me up totally! >.< HAHAHA! And Im the first to get my job done today. So proud of myself (:

Im sure tmr will be a better day. Im happy! At least for today =D

Don't think going k tmr alrdy!
It rained suddenly just now.
And it stopped after a few minutes.

Everything changes so fast. Too fast that i could not catch up.
Met Xw at late 3 plus. Headed to Icon to accompany Sg cut hair. Then ION. Dint really shopped. Just walked around and talk. Then went Paragon. Wow everything so new and nice. Can't wait to work tmr. Helped Ws dabao food then off to Far East. Felt a little bad cos they were bust clearing things while im happily shopping. But no choice. Need to shop for shoes. If not no shoes to wear for work tmr. Stupid flats. So fast spoil. Xw ended up buying as well. Haha.

Then ion again. Chatted with tori q peeps then trained to punggol. Ate char Kway tiao with lai choon, esther and her bf. Then Lc sent us home(:

My feet looks dam ugly now. The mark will be there forever. Damn scar ):
I don't wanna feel the way that I do
Every outlet really have different working style. The way they place the nets, plates, food tags etc. Hope i dun get confused when back at PA.

Work at Ck Tang was bad. Place damn small. Had to give way even when standing at the cashier. No rice machine. So had to do it manually. Must weigh somemore. That makes my work pace much much slower. And sometimes felt really irritated when scooping. Sometimes overscooped. . Then scooped out some. Weigh again. Not enough! Wah damn pissed off. So felt really happy when i hear customers saying they dun want rice.

Everything started off very badly. Got complained by a customer just before i started serving. First day there. Of course not used to everything. And i had no freaking idea where the customers are supposed to queue. So i just attended to the customer right infront. And there was this regular customer queuing up. And when it was her turn, she just stared at me. And started scolding saying my attitude sucks etc. I was like huh? And just kept quiet. She even lectured me infront of everyone. And there's alot of customers queuing. I wasn't angry. But found it funny. So just smiled to myself. Guess what she said? "Why are you laughing? Very funny is it? I alrdy very angry you still laugh". So i tried to control la. And asked her politely for her orders. And she actually looked at the other direction and told others her order and saying she dun wanna talk to me.. WTH. I also never do anything. I alrdy tried to be nice. Who is the one giving attitude. Sucks la.

And the shop stinks i think. It just makes me feel so unwell and i really felt like puking at that point of time. Omg. K. enough complaints. Won't be working there anymore in the future. heng ah.

Then went ION tori q awhile with quek. Chatted abit. Cp and home.

Off tmr. Should be going out with xw. But lazy sms her. lol. Nvm. Tmr then decide.

Headache again. Shall sleep early today. Tired.

Must there always be a reason for doing things?
Time really pass so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww during work today!!!! I think even slower than tortoise crawling leh. I think i stood for very very long alrdy. But when i see the time, only 15 minutes have passed -.- So can imagine how i endure the 7 hours there. Waited for sg then mac. Felt better after listening to him. Wah the things he said made me think alot. Tsk. But something funny happen when heading back which made me lol! Running and more running. Haha.

Ck Tang tmr. Paragon next tues. Can't wait!

I want to go K on 30th. Hope my mum allows me to go.

Work was fun and funny. ION people all quite friendly and easy to talk with. Coolness. K box on the 30th! Hope i can go. Should be quite fun as i got to know alot of people like constance and joanne(:

Nothing much to update. Working again tmr. Yeah!
Everything sucks
I have alot of cuts here and there. My fingers. My feet. And its quite a long cut. Cos i accidentally dropped a scissors and it dropped right on my feet. And i think there's a scar alrdy. Dam it. And its damn pain when i walk. Wth.

Work at Ion today. Super slack. Felt quite uneasy cos nothing much to do. Paragon still the best.

Waited 1 hour for Sg to go mac for dinner. Who knows Mac closed early today! Wasted my 1 hour. Arghh.

Checked timetable. And it SUCKS to the max compared to last sem.
Mon: 12-6

I dun want school to reopen so soon.

Hate poly life. Hate studying. Hate waking up early in the morning to prepare for school. Hate everything.

In short, i regretted choosing Ngee Ann poly.

Everything sucks.
Ng Xue wei!

Eh xw! This picture was drawn about 5 months ago. The more i look at this picture, the more it dun resemble us now right. Haha. You see your hair. You pinned it thIS way last time but not now. LOL.

I know everything had changed alot during this 5 months. Same goes for me too. But must learn to accept mah. And stop thinking so much and always feeling so vexed can. Just do what you really want. If you want to ....then go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. But most importantly, you need to find out the something first! You should clearly know what im referring to right.

And now you have one thing less to fan about. Told you your results would be okay right. And im right! Congrats! Know this is not the results you want, so try harder next sem. HAHA.
So cheer up! And meet up soon! Love you fatty <3

Last day of work at Paragon yesterday. Undergoing renovation. So work was enjoyable. Had much fun packing everything and decorating the boxes -.- Everything seemed super different yesterday. Quite slack. So finished packing everything at 9pm. Then ws asked us to go Fish and Co for dinner. Thought he was kidding at first but he actually booked a table for four and ordered the food alrdy. LOL. So left the shop unattended and went opp to eat. HAHA. So cool.

But then Boss suddenly came. Spoiled everything! So had to dabao the seafood platter -.- Thanks mgr for the treat (:

Working at ION starting tmr and sunday at Ck Tang. Omg i dunno anybody at Ck Tang eh. Die die. No one to talk to. Luckily i know everybody at ion. If not i would be bored to death for this week's work. Hohoho.

Going Ikea later to buy some stuffs. Then to grandparents' house.

Happy for the time being
Last monday was bad. Given attitude by erhem. Then something happened. Bad day. Then was steamboat at Bugis with a lot of tori q people. Dint really eat alot. Then ate till 2 plus a.m Lai Choon sent everyone home. Was the last to alight. Reached home only at arund 4 plus am.

Yesterday was whole day out with fattybitch. Dint really shopped. Just sat behind Tori Q and chit chat. Successfully bought tickets for the "blood ties". But then!!! Ic check -.- so changed to "the ugly truth". Outcome damn easy to predict. So wasn't that nice. Waste money! Then we went to meet Sean at Rm. Talked. Continued to play bastard with fattybitch. Don't know is who disturb who first hor!

Results released yesterday. And I am very happy with it. And i believe that no distractions=good results. Yeah! I am seeing results like what i got everytime during sec 3. HAHAHA.

I dun wanna think.
Woke up at damn 7am today though work starts at 10am. lol. Met Sg for breakfast. Thought i reached earlier. So waited for him at the control station. Who knows he waited for me at the mrt platform. In the end, we were waiting for each other at different place -.- super dumb. He thought i was late so waited for me but i also thought he late! HAHA.

Work today was way too boring! And im very pissed with someone. Never change a single bit. Still as ____as ever. Omg. Can't stand it. Tsk tsk. Luckily Ah siong released me 1 hour earlier. First time going home at 6 leh. lol

I think i very bad. People squeeze into the train and accidentally hit/push me i immediately tsk them. Got people step on my shoe i tsk the person very very loud. Then they apologised. lol. I realise i get very irritated and i tsk very easily. Haha. So dun get near me.

Taking over rx's place starting from tmr. Counting money is easy. But still abit confused about the inventory thing. Hope everything goes well tmr. If not will be home late again. HAHA.
Another tired day. Work was super duper boring today! Business was way too bad. One of the worst days ever. So just walked around the shop to occupy myself with things. Cannot imagine what my days will be like during the 1 week at ion. OMG. Supposed to end work at 9. But extended for half more hour to teach the newcomer how to do this and that -.-

Oh and one very stupid thing. Was in deep thoughts and i actually forgot to alight at Dhoby -.- But luckily was not late for work. Lol.

Have decided not to attend the leo induction tmr though its in the late afternoon. Lazy to travel. Must wear formaL. Somemore leg pain. Talking about this cca, i had not even attended a single community service. Am i considered a leo club member? I doubt so. Aiya i also dun care about cca points now.

And i think i damn anti-social. Never turn out for class outings, where most attended. And tmr got some small lil birthday party for a friend at 12pm at Np. Dun intend to go also. Partly because of laziness. Im ANTISOCIAL now i think.

Omg. I think i need a leg massage. My feet dam sour and right one is swollen ): Pain pain. I think will be staying at home to rest tmr.


I thought i saw a ghost. LOL

My eyebrow suddenly thickened!

Shop till so stress!

Tuesday was way too cool! Out with xw and esther(: Lunch at Kfc. Wanted to train to Bugis but someone was so blur to bring her POSB card. So she went all the way home to get while me and xw walked around aimlessly around cp -.- While waiting, there was this uncle who approach us and ask us to help him send a msg to someone. Sort of funny though.

Headed to Bugis street. Bought nothing at all! The other two bought the 3 for $10 cute ribbon/lace/cartoon panties! LOL. And esther seemed very very excited. Haha. Then to Bugis junction. Took neoprints. Hoho. Fun! But the pics dun look very nice though. Shall take again next time!

Then was steamboat! Tried out new stall. Wow. The Tom Yum soup was yummmmmmy(: Ate for like 2 hours and all of us were very full alrdy but there's still alot of food inside. Mostly fishballs. Don't know who put one. HAHA!

Then walked to marina square hoping there was forever 21 cos esther wanted to buy tanktop. Then to Suntec. Cotton on! Most of the shops were alrdy closed but luckily not cotton on. All of us bought the same black dress. Shall wear it together for our next outing which is either next week or next month. Confirm very funny one. Hohoho.

Cabbed home. All lazy to walk to the mrt station. Haha. Wash up and everything and tv-ed!. Then Lc called. Chatted till late 2 plus. Talked for almost 3 hours! omg. But he did the most talking. Wah his life really very interesting man.

Work. Tired. Lunch with Sg. His treat (: Ate curry chicken. It was sory of rush. Cos only got 45 mins and were at Ck Tang and somemore he late -.- Got people come orientation again. Another boring day. Must let the newcomers serve. So i just stood at the cashier for the whole day. Omg. Stand till my leg pain. My legs getting weaker. Last time also dun have this prob. And i just realised my feet abit swollen. Wth. I dun care alrdy. Should be wearing slippers to work tmr.

Went over to ion to find sg. Then dinnered at Mac. Another guy with such an interesting life. Haha. k. Should be sleeping soon. Another boring day tmr- newcomers again. Tsk tsk.

I realised i got no patience at all. Moodswing again. Shit.
Work and work. No life.
Opening again! And yes, improved again! Omg. So proud of myself. But scalded my fingers -.- Cuts and blisters all over. Legs also have. Tsk tsk. Time seem to past quite fast today(: Something funny today. Jia Yuan talk to me need to repeat 4-5 times before i actually get what he is trying to say. He keep saying my ears got prob cos everybody can hear what he saying for the first time except me. But in fact, he is speaking too fast! Cos got one customer ask the auntie in the shop if he is crazy. Why speak so fast. I immediately LOL!

K. So ended at 7. Slacked at Tori Q for 1 hour 30minutes! Why? Cos the slow poke xw ends work at 8pm! Make me wait for so longggggggg. Never say sorry somemore. Supposed to meet her at cp but then she called ask me go Tm dinner then Lai Choon send us home. Hoho. so went to meet her (:

Ok. working opening tmr again. Need to wake up early again. Bad! Got people coming orientation again -.- Dun understand why they want hire so many people. Tsk.

Nice blogskin by XW! Thanks ah fatty. LOL. y' know i love you ttm! Haha.

Ok. "原来就是你,幸福就在你手里." Im coming. Hope i can wake up tmr!

Im surprised by your sms.
I don't even know if i had actually made a decision.
What is wrong with me? I should not be even thinking about all these alrdy.
I am very happy with myself today cos opening was quite successful considering the fact that it was my second time doing it. First time was a total failure. lol. So cl said i had improved alot (: And there's more to come!

Work was funny. Had great time laughing. Lucky ruixian still in paragon. If not i will be bored to death. Kept teasing her about everything i can think of. Everybody in the shop ask me why i always zi high -.- some thing very funny happen today. Ruixian was telling me about a guy in fish and co quite good looking and she pointed out to me. My first response to her was "eeee. Huh you like this kind of guy ah?. If you never tell me is a guy i thought is a girl leh. " lol. The guy's hair is long and tied up. His backview really looks like a girl. Haha. Then after awhile, i saw one guy quite goodlooking. Then i told her. Her response to me was like what i gave her. So our taste dam diff! She likes long haired guy >.<

Something so coincidental again. Two girls who came for orientation study science course. One from rp pharmaceutical sci. Another one sp biomedical science -.-

I think i ate alot today! 3 meals. Omg. Been so long since i have had my three full meals. Tend to skip meals but duno why today just felt like eating. Awww bad sign. dun wanna get any fatter. Hoho.

And hope the genting trip will be successful. Dun feel like planning. So pushing all the plannings to Yusiang. LOL. He monday going tour agency ask liao!

K. don't know what to update alrdy. Working again tmr!

And xuewei i re-read ur sms on the train today. And the more i read, the more questions i ask myself leh. Tsk tsk. Thanks for the sms anyway. Haha. lyly.

How long has it been?? I seem to have lost count.
No electricity in the afternoon today! I rmb i did on the heater before entering the toilet. But the water feels so cold! So i shouted for my mum to check. And she says there will be no electricity till 4.30pm! So i had to bathe with cold water. Was shivering all the way can. And dint managed to charge my phone before i go out. Only left 49% -.-

Lai Choon came and drive us to tm! So nice of him. Hoho. Xw had to start work at 4. So me and lc sat behind and talk. LOL. And i had great time laughing and great time tsk-ing him. He dam funny guy. Good thing no generation gap. HAHA. Then accompanied him go smoke then met mum and sis at 5 (:

Dinner at cafe cartel again -.- cos jiayi wants to eat. Shopped. Saw Sean and Chris. Saw Sean again on the bus. So dam coincidental. K.

Working opening tmr! Wah i think i better reach there earlier. Dun wanna screw everything up again. Screwed everything yesterday. Totally forgotten to put asparagus, fillet and pepper to go roud the machine. So 11 struck. And all the meat not ready yet -.- Everyone was like waiting for their items to be ready so the queue was moving so slowly. Totally screwed man. But im confident for tmr! No more screwing up man.

Have decided to stay in Paragon! No regrets.
I think today is the worst working day ever. Both my feet is aching like hell. Stood for 11 hours straight besides the 45 minutes break. The pain is super sudden and it ache all the way till now. Awwwwww. Somemore i could not even find a seat in the train. So i was like cursing and hoping people would alight at the next stop and yes they did. But other people sat before i do -.- Oh my. and im still feeling the pain now. so irritating. Arghhhh. So lucky that i not working tmr.

Dint manage to meet Sg for dinner. Cos uncle extended my work hour for one hour. Was pissed at first cos everything was planned plus my feet cannot tahan any longer. But manpower shortage la. Cannot help it. Hais.

Oh yeah. Wei Siong came today and ask if i have made a decision. Tsk tsk. Paragon and ion. I totally have no freaking idea how to choose between this 2 outlets. How how. Must give answer tmr already. HOWWWWWWWWWWWW??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Work today was sort of fun. But super busy though its only Tuesday. So Uncle went home after i came. Not feeling well. So the shop was left me me, ruixian, Cl and two aunties. Last time is Guy power. Now is girls' power -.- Target was super high today according to them. But managed to hit target. So throughout the day, i keep emphasising business was extemely good today cos got me in the shop. Ok. so bhb i know. And i finally saw the true self of auntie sc today. After uncle left, her true self just automatically appears. More happy. And she talk and laugh quite alot today. Thats a good thing.

Found out that the cut on my palm is actually quite deep. After washing the rice, it bled again -.- duno change how many plasters alrdy. cos the plaster keep coming off after i wash something. Damn irritating. And and auntie Annie helped me wash everything today. Practically everything though she works till 9 only. Felt so ps!! uncle treated us bubbletea. First time. lol. Oh yeah. tori Q hiring people. "State" see this. I ask my manager alrdy.

Working opening with auntie tmr. Hope nothing goes wrong. First time eh. lol. And maybe going dinner with Sg after work.

Yesterday, Sis and I can't get to sleep. So talked about somethings which made me emotional again. Argh. Felt better after everything. oh love her so much. But still, thinking about some things. I think i will only stop thinking until i know the answer.

Maybe im not following what my heart actually wants me to do..oh my. I think only i knows what i want exactly.
The Princess Diary
Back to PA. The feeling is really great! But then don't know why business not really good. Maybe alot don't know we have reopened. Was feeling rather tired. No appetite also. So just stone-ed during break. But Cl told me something which perked me up totally! >.< HAHAHA! And Im the first to get my job done today. So proud of myself (:

Im sure tmr will be a better day. Im happy! At least for today =D

Don't think going k tmr alrdy!
It rained suddenly just now.
And it stopped after a few minutes.

Everything changes so fast. Too fast that i could not catch up.
Met Xw at late 3 plus. Headed to Icon to accompany Sg cut hair. Then ION. Dint really shopped. Just walked around and talk. Then went Paragon. Wow everything so new and nice. Can't wait to work tmr. Helped Ws dabao food then off to Far East. Felt a little bad cos they were bust clearing things while im happily shopping. But no choice. Need to shop for shoes. If not no shoes to wear for work tmr. Stupid flats. So fast spoil. Xw ended up buying as well. Haha.

Then ion again. Chatted with tori q peeps then trained to punggol. Ate char Kway tiao with lai choon, esther and her bf. Then Lc sent us home(:

My feet looks dam ugly now. The mark will be there forever. Damn scar ):
I don't wanna feel the way that I do
Every outlet really have different working style. The way they place the nets, plates, food tags etc. Hope i dun get confused when back at PA.

Work at Ck Tang was bad. Place damn small. Had to give way even when standing at the cashier. No rice machine. So had to do it manually. Must weigh somemore. That makes my work pace much much slower. And sometimes felt really irritated when scooping. Sometimes overscooped. . Then scooped out some. Weigh again. Not enough! Wah damn pissed off. So felt really happy when i hear customers saying they dun want rice.

Everything started off very badly. Got complained by a customer just before i started serving. First day there. Of course not used to everything. And i had no freaking idea where the customers are supposed to queue. So i just attended to the customer right infront. And there was this regular customer queuing up. And when it was her turn, she just stared at me. And started scolding saying my attitude sucks etc. I was like huh? And just kept quiet. She even lectured me infront of everyone. And there's alot of customers queuing. I wasn't angry. But found it funny. So just smiled to myself. Guess what she said? "Why are you laughing? Very funny is it? I alrdy very angry you still laugh". So i tried to control la. And asked her politely for her orders. And she actually looked at the other direction and told others her order and saying she dun wanna talk to me.. WTH. I also never do anything. I alrdy tried to be nice. Who is the one giving attitude. Sucks la.

And the shop stinks i think. It just makes me feel so unwell and i really felt like puking at that point of time. Omg. K. enough complaints. Won't be working there anymore in the future. heng ah.

Then went ION tori q awhile with quek. Chatted abit. Cp and home.

Off tmr. Should be going out with xw. But lazy sms her. lol. Nvm. Tmr then decide.

Headache again. Shall sleep early today. Tired.

Must there always be a reason for doing things?
Time really pass so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww during work today!!!! I think even slower than tortoise crawling leh. I think i stood for very very long alrdy. But when i see the time, only 15 minutes have passed -.- So can imagine how i endure the 7 hours there. Waited for sg then mac. Felt better after listening to him. Wah the things he said made me think alot. Tsk. But something funny happen when heading back which made me lol! Running and more running. Haha.

Ck Tang tmr. Paragon next tues. Can't wait!

I want to go K on 30th. Hope my mum allows me to go.

Work was fun and funny. ION people all quite friendly and easy to talk with. Coolness. K box on the 30th! Hope i can go. Should be quite fun as i got to know alot of people like constance and joanne(:

Nothing much to update. Working again tmr. Yeah!
Everything sucks
I have alot of cuts here and there. My fingers. My feet. And its quite a long cut. Cos i accidentally dropped a scissors and it dropped right on my feet. And i think there's a scar alrdy. Dam it. And its damn pain when i walk. Wth.

Work at Ion today. Super slack. Felt quite uneasy cos nothing much to do. Paragon still the best.

Waited 1 hour for Sg to go mac for dinner. Who knows Mac closed early today! Wasted my 1 hour. Arghh.

Checked timetable. And it SUCKS to the max compared to last sem.
Mon: 12-6

I dun want school to reopen so soon.

Hate poly life. Hate studying. Hate waking up early in the morning to prepare for school. Hate everything.

In short, i regretted choosing Ngee Ann poly.

Everything sucks.
Ng Xue wei!

Eh xw! This picture was drawn about 5 months ago. The more i look at this picture, the more it dun resemble us now right. Haha. You see your hair. You pinned it thIS way last time but not now. LOL.

I know everything had changed alot during this 5 months. Same goes for me too. But must learn to accept mah. And stop thinking so much and always feeling so vexed can. Just do what you really want. If you want to ....then go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. But most importantly, you need to find out the something first! You should clearly know what im referring to right.

And now you have one thing less to fan about. Told you your results would be okay right. And im right! Congrats! Know this is not the results you want, so try harder next sem. HAHA.
So cheer up! And meet up soon! Love you fatty <3

Last day of work at Paragon yesterday. Undergoing renovation. So work was enjoyable. Had much fun packing everything and decorating the boxes -.- Everything seemed super different yesterday. Quite slack. So finished packing everything at 9pm. Then ws asked us to go Fish and Co for dinner. Thought he was kidding at first but he actually booked a table for four and ordered the food alrdy. LOL. So left the shop unattended and went opp to eat. HAHA. So cool.

But then Boss suddenly came. Spoiled everything! So had to dabao the seafood platter -.- Thanks mgr for the treat (:

Working at ION starting tmr and sunday at Ck Tang. Omg i dunno anybody at Ck Tang eh. Die die. No one to talk to. Luckily i know everybody at ion. If not i would be bored to death for this week's work. Hohoho.

Going Ikea later to buy some stuffs. Then to grandparents' house.

Happy for the time being
Last monday was bad. Given attitude by erhem. Then something happened. Bad day. Then was steamboat at Bugis with a lot of tori q people. Dint really eat alot. Then ate till 2 plus a.m Lai Choon sent everyone home. Was the last to alight. Reached home only at arund 4 plus am.

Yesterday was whole day out with fattybitch. Dint really shopped. Just sat behind Tori Q and chit chat. Successfully bought tickets for the "blood ties". But then!!! Ic check -.- so changed to "the ugly truth". Outcome damn easy to predict. So wasn't that nice. Waste money! Then we went to meet Sean at Rm. Talked. Continued to play bastard with fattybitch. Don't know is who disturb who first hor!

Results released yesterday. And I am very happy with it. And i believe that no distractions=good results. Yeah! I am seeing results like what i got everytime during sec 3. HAHAHA.

I dun wanna think.
Woke up at damn 7am today though work starts at 10am. lol. Met Sg for breakfast. Thought i reached earlier. So waited for him at the control station. Who knows he waited for me at the mrt platform. In the end, we were waiting for each other at different place -.- super dumb. He thought i was late so waited for me but i also thought he late! HAHA.

Work today was way too boring! And im very pissed with someone. Never change a single bit. Still as ____as ever. Omg. Can't stand it. Tsk tsk. Luckily Ah siong released me 1 hour earlier. First time going home at 6 leh. lol

I think i very bad. People squeeze into the train and accidentally hit/push me i immediately tsk them. Got people step on my shoe i tsk the person very very loud. Then they apologised. lol. I realise i get very irritated and i tsk very easily. Haha. So dun get near me.

Taking over rx's place starting from tmr. Counting money is easy. But still abit confused about the inventory thing. Hope everything goes well tmr. If not will be home late again. HAHA.
Another tired day. Work was super duper boring today! Business was way too bad. One of the worst days ever. So just walked around the shop to occupy myself with things. Cannot imagine what my days will be like during the 1 week at ion. OMG. Supposed to end work at 9. But extended for half more hour to teach the newcomer how to do this and that -.-

Oh and one very stupid thing. Was in deep thoughts and i actually forgot to alight at Dhoby -.- But luckily was not late for work. Lol.

Have decided not to attend the leo induction tmr though its in the late afternoon. Lazy to travel. Must wear formaL. Somemore leg pain. Talking about this cca, i had not even attended a single community service. Am i considered a leo club member? I doubt so. Aiya i also dun care about cca points now.

And i think i damn anti-social. Never turn out for class outings, where most attended. And tmr got some small lil birthday party for a friend at 12pm at Np. Dun intend to go also. Partly because of laziness. Im ANTISOCIAL now i think.

Omg. I think i need a leg massage. My feet dam sour and right one is swollen ): Pain pain. I think will be staying at home to rest tmr.


I thought i saw a ghost. LOL

My eyebrow suddenly thickened!

Shop till so stress!

Tuesday was way too cool! Out with xw and esther(: Lunch at Kfc. Wanted to train to Bugis but someone was so blur to bring her POSB card. So she went all the way home to get while me and xw walked around aimlessly around cp -.- While waiting, there was this uncle who approach us and ask us to help him send a msg to someone. Sort of funny though.

Headed to Bugis street. Bought nothing at all! The other two bought the 3 for $10 cute ribbon/lace/cartoon panties! LOL. And esther seemed very very excited. Haha. Then to Bugis junction. Took neoprints. Hoho. Fun! But the pics dun look very nice though. Shall take again next time!

Then was steamboat! Tried out new stall. Wow. The Tom Yum soup was yummmmmmy(: Ate for like 2 hours and all of us were very full alrdy but there's still alot of food inside. Mostly fishballs. Don't know who put one. HAHA!

Then walked to marina square hoping there was forever 21 cos esther wanted to buy tanktop. Then to Suntec. Cotton on! Most of the shops were alrdy closed but luckily not cotton on. All of us bought the same black dress. Shall wear it together for our next outing which is either next week or next month. Confirm very funny one. Hohoho.

Cabbed home. All lazy to walk to the mrt station. Haha. Wash up and everything and tv-ed!. Then Lc called. Chatted till late 2 plus. Talked for almost 3 hours! omg. But he did the most talking. Wah his life really very interesting man.

Work. Tired. Lunch with Sg. His treat (: Ate curry chicken. It was sory of rush. Cos only got 45 mins and were at Ck Tang and somemore he late -.- Got people come orientation again. Another boring day. Must let the newcomers serve. So i just stood at the cashier for the whole day. Omg. Stand till my leg pain. My legs getting weaker. Last time also dun have this prob. And i just realised my feet abit swollen. Wth. I dun care alrdy. Should be wearing slippers to work tmr.

Went over to ion to find sg. Then dinnered at Mac. Another guy with such an interesting life. Haha. k. Should be sleeping soon. Another boring day tmr- newcomers again. Tsk tsk.

I realised i got no patience at all. Moodswing again. Shit.
Work and work. No life.
Opening again! And yes, improved again! Omg. So proud of myself. But scalded my fingers -.- Cuts and blisters all over. Legs also have. Tsk tsk. Time seem to past quite fast today(: Something funny today. Jia Yuan talk to me need to repeat 4-5 times before i actually get what he is trying to say. He keep saying my ears got prob cos everybody can hear what he saying for the first time except me. But in fact, he is speaking too fast! Cos got one customer ask the auntie in the shop if he is crazy. Why speak so fast. I immediately LOL!

K. So ended at 7. Slacked at Tori Q for 1 hour 30minutes! Why? Cos the slow poke xw ends work at 8pm! Make me wait for so longggggggg. Never say sorry somemore. Supposed to meet her at cp but then she called ask me go Tm dinner then Lai Choon send us home. Hoho. so went to meet her (:

Ok. working opening tmr again. Need to wake up early again. Bad! Got people coming orientation again -.- Dun understand why they want hire so many people. Tsk.

Nice blogskin by XW! Thanks ah fatty. LOL. y' know i love you ttm! Haha.

Ok. "原来就是你,幸福就在你手里." Im coming. Hope i can wake up tmr!

Im surprised by your sms.
I don't even know if i had actually made a decision.
What is wrong with me? I should not be even thinking about all these alrdy.
I am very happy with myself today cos opening was quite successful considering the fact that it was my second time doing it. First time was a total failure. lol. So cl said i had improved alot (: And there's more to come!

Work was funny. Had great time laughing. Lucky ruixian still in paragon. If not i will be bored to death. Kept teasing her about everything i can think of. Everybody in the shop ask me why i always zi high -.- some thing very funny happen today. Ruixian was telling me about a guy in fish and co quite good looking and she pointed out to me. My first response to her was "eeee. Huh you like this kind of guy ah?. If you never tell me is a guy i thought is a girl leh. " lol. The guy's hair is long and tied up. His backview really looks like a girl. Haha. Then after awhile, i saw one guy quite goodlooking. Then i told her. Her response to me was like what i gave her. So our taste dam diff! She likes long haired guy >.<

Something so coincidental again. Two girls who came for orientation study science course. One from rp pharmaceutical sci. Another one sp biomedical science -.-

I think i ate alot today! 3 meals. Omg. Been so long since i have had my three full meals. Tend to skip meals but duno why today just felt like eating. Awww bad sign. dun wanna get any fatter. Hoho.

And hope the genting trip will be successful. Dun feel like planning. So pushing all the plannings to Yusiang. LOL. He monday going tour agency ask liao!

K. don't know what to update alrdy. Working again tmr!

And xuewei i re-read ur sms on the train today. And the more i read, the more questions i ask myself leh. Tsk tsk. Thanks for the sms anyway. Haha. lyly.

How long has it been?? I seem to have lost count.
No electricity in the afternoon today! I rmb i did on the heater before entering the toilet. But the water feels so cold! So i shouted for my mum to check. And she says there will be no electricity till 4.30pm! So i had to bathe with cold water. Was shivering all the way can. And dint managed to charge my phone before i go out. Only left 49% -.-

Lai Choon came and drive us to tm! So nice of him. Hoho. Xw had to start work at 4. So me and lc sat behind and talk. LOL. And i had great time laughing and great time tsk-ing him. He dam funny guy. Good thing no generation gap. HAHA. Then accompanied him go smoke then met mum and sis at 5 (:

Dinner at cafe cartel again -.- cos jiayi wants to eat. Shopped. Saw Sean and Chris. Saw Sean again on the bus. So dam coincidental. K.

Working opening tmr! Wah i think i better reach there earlier. Dun wanna screw everything up again. Screwed everything yesterday. Totally forgotten to put asparagus, fillet and pepper to go roud the machine. So 11 struck. And all the meat not ready yet -.- Everyone was like waiting for their items to be ready so the queue was moving so slowly. Totally screwed man. But im confident for tmr! No more screwing up man.

Have decided to stay in Paragon! No regrets.
I think today is the worst working day ever. Both my feet is aching like hell. Stood for 11 hours straight besides the 45 minutes break. The pain is super sudden and it ache all the way till now. Awwwwww. Somemore i could not even find a seat in the train. So i was like cursing and hoping people would alight at the next stop and yes they did. But other people sat before i do -.- Oh my. and im still feeling the pain now. so irritating. Arghhhh. So lucky that i not working tmr.

Dint manage to meet Sg for dinner. Cos uncle extended my work hour for one hour. Was pissed at first cos everything was planned plus my feet cannot tahan any longer. But manpower shortage la. Cannot help it. Hais.

Oh yeah. Wei Siong came today and ask if i have made a decision. Tsk tsk. Paragon and ion. I totally have no freaking idea how to choose between this 2 outlets. How how. Must give answer tmr already. HOWWWWWWWWWWWW??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Work today was sort of fun. But super busy though its only Tuesday. So Uncle went home after i came. Not feeling well. So the shop was left me me, ruixian, Cl and two aunties. Last time is Guy power. Now is girls' power -.- Target was super high today according to them. But managed to hit target. So throughout the day, i keep emphasising business was extemely good today cos got me in the shop. Ok. so bhb i know. And i finally saw the true self of auntie sc today. After uncle left, her true self just automatically appears. More happy. And she talk and laugh quite alot today. Thats a good thing.

Found out that the cut on my palm is actually quite deep. After washing the rice, it bled again -.- duno change how many plasters alrdy. cos the plaster keep coming off after i wash something. Damn irritating. And and auntie Annie helped me wash everything today. Practically everything though she works till 9 only. Felt so ps!! uncle treated us bubbletea. First time. lol. Oh yeah. tori Q hiring people. "State" see this. I ask my manager alrdy.

Working opening with auntie tmr. Hope nothing goes wrong. First time eh. lol. And maybe going dinner with Sg after work.

Yesterday, Sis and I can't get to sleep. So talked about somethings which made me emotional again. Argh. Felt better after everything. oh love her so much. But still, thinking about some things. I think i will only stop thinking until i know the answer.

Maybe im not following what my heart actually wants me to do..oh my. I think only i knows what i want exactly.