Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Work was crazy today! Time past so fast. Maybe its a Saturday. Me and Ws literally went crazy at around 9 pm. Sometimes i really wonder if he is 22 years old super playful and childish. HAHA. he took the bottle and sprayed water on me! We were like playing catching around the shop. And the stupid me ran to one corner and GG. The most funny part was i banged onto the Detergent pack which was hung on the wall. Dam malu. Literally LOL-ed all the way till we close store. Omg. To prevent him from spraying water on me, I had to hide his so called weapon(his bottle) in the drawer and lock it. Got hold of the keys. Wahaha. My shirt and hair was wet too. Tsk. I only sprayed his back but he sprayed me all over. Unfair. He gotta get it from me next week. Haha.

And he treated us Nz ice-cream! Such a nice manager always treat us things. In all, i had fun today! The most LOL-ing session ever. Can't wait to work next week. I rather go work everyday than go poly can. Zzz.

Supposed to meet des at Farrer park and go home together. Dint join him and peiyi for supper in the end cos was tired. So decided to try the circle line. But seems like both the same leh. cos need to walk alot to change line. I have decided to take to serangoon then circle line to Marymount and then change line to dover then bus to Np. But still, its super troublesome! Hate it ttm. GRAHHH

Just finished my cell bio tutorial and finding articles for my BSTATS project. Deadline on 30th oct. Thought would be 2 weeks after. Its just first week of holidays and i alrdy have 3 projects. Why Np so Kiasu one?!

Its 3am now. I think i would better go sleep alrdy. I don't wanna grow fatter.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word? Not for me but YOU.
First week of school finally ended. All the new modules sucked. Organic Chem, cell biology, Infocomm and Biostats. Plus the com tool kit. Still dun understand why my course must learn how to use excel. Am very afraid of cell bio. No bio background. Scared cannot catch up. 8 credits somemore. can die! This whole week were just full of boring lectures and tutorials. Can't wait to go home everyday. Poly sucks.

Had com tool kit from 1-5. Thought we won't learn English after sec school. But then im wrong. Totally. I can 100% guarantee this module will pull my GPA down. Weak in english. Saw the learning plan. Must learn how to write compo/reports/individual presentation. I was like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Guess i won't get a good gpa result this semester. Hais. but i won't give up so easily.

Met Xw at Dover. Saw Jaryl, Ys, Daryl and Joel on the way. Train-ed to Orchard. Went ION tori Q to take a look. Seems different. Quek not working alrdy. Things are getting weird in Tori Q man. Then bought a fish shape biscuit or whatever u call that. It would be better if the person heat the german chocolate with banana fillings b'iscuit' longer. The shape of the biscuit so cute lo. Had hard time deciding what to eat. Its always like that -.- Hate it.

Decided to catch a movie at Cine. But all the movies like not nice one. No horror shows ): So dint watch. Dinner-ed at HKcafe. The fish n chips were yummy! Ordered our favourite Man Tous (: Then shopped around. Went Heerens. Last time heerens alot of things. Now like nothing much. Spent quite some time at Fourskin looking at some wallets. Almost wanted to buy the wallet with those leopard design. But luckily i dint. Haha. Save money! I spent alot this month. Awww

Then Far East to shop! But its just window shopping ): Went back to ION. Chatted while waiting for Sandra to go back together. Saw Des and Clay while going up the escalator. They were at 711 eating instant food -.- Walked home together. Had great time LOL-ING seriously. my jaws were feeling sour after much laughing. Omg they are funny people. Were talking/reminiscing the past. BEEP BEEP. and people's style of walking etc. Seriously very funny can. and they still remembered something funny which i had totally forgotten. Omg. Really very funny!!! And i really cannot imagine if .......Yeah

Watched Moonlight Resonance. This serial drama really very touching. The best drama ever i think. I seldom cry when watching shows. Or can i say never? but i cried after watching it.

And i am very irritated by some things. Is it wrong to wear dress to school? Wear dress=dating/going out after school? And I don't think the length of dress i wear is very short. The most absurd things is that they even commented on the shorts i wear. Very short meh?! Or can i say your are the one having problems with your dressings. Omg. Whats wrong with this people man.
Organic chem lab ended in like 45 minutes after completing the plagiarism quiz. Zzz. Was hoping that we could start doind experiments but then. We were released after 45mins instead of after 3 hours -.- So had s uper long break!

Went helpdesk with Shi Ting, Jeslyn and Jeremy to install the data analysis program. Wah must learn excel. I hate it. I com noob can. And i realise my class also alot com noob. HAHA. Then library to stone -.-

Was talking about r/s things during break when Ken came. So Shi Ting suddenly asked me a question which made me quite emo after that ):

Guys keep getting close to a girl whom they like. BUt got rejected after confessing to the girl. Their relationship was very good/close before the guy confess. But after being rejected by the girl, relationship between them became cold suddenly. Stranger. So whats the purpose of the guy? Can't they continue to be like last time. Is it possible that they will be close like before?

The girl wants everything to be like last time. But she thinks its impossible alrdy. She just had to suffer in silence. Without letting the other party knows what she wants and what she is thinking.


I saw you today. And i know u did saw me too. All i could do was to avoid. I walked round big round to get to my lecture hall just to avoid you. Hais.
Sleep Eat Shop Eat Laugh
Town with Jiayi today! Lunched at Ion. Ate R burger. Not bad la the burger. The bitter orange quite special eh. Lol. Then shopped around. Wisma next. Bought a top at Max&More. Went cotton on but nothing caught my eye. Lol. Then Far East. Bought a skirt. Cute and unique! Bought my eyeliner at Skin Food. Like finally can. Haha. And took me so long to find someone's present -.- Guys' present seriously hard to buy. But still managed to buy it. So happy can!

Then went Subway for cookies. Real purpose was just to find a place to sit. HAHA.

Then accompanied Jiayi back to Sk. But alighted at Boon Keng instead cos xw, sean,yy and hy on there way alrdy. Met up and steamboat! Km joined us later. Dint really eat much. But had fun laughing(: Then was arcade. Saw one guy who was really pro in playing Dj Max. His hands really imba! Can go join world competition alrdy seriously. Really pro! Then trained home at around 11pm. Walked home with xw instead of taking lrt.

School tmr ): I really dread going to school! Should i take mrt all the way to dover then bus to school or train to Bishan and change 2 buses instead? Still deciding. ARGHHH so irritating. Should not have chosen Np. Tsk tsk. And i duno what to wear tmr! AHHHHH.

Most irritating thing is i haven even buy my lecture notes yet. And school ends at 6pm tmr. Which means i need to purchase them after school which also means that i would be home real lateeee. Really feel like quitting school sometimes. IDIOT.

I am happy today though i spent almost $100 bucks on shopping. Haha. Happy thing was I dint expect we can talk like how we used to. Sad thing was we dint speak a single word today. Why?
Sales super poor todayyyyy. So everyone ate Tori Q for lunch to boost up sales -.- Thought would be busy today cos its a saturday and its deepavali. Public holiday! But it turns out to be so so so bad!

Last day of work today. School reopening on monday. Hais. No mood to go school. The thought of the long bus/mrt ride dampen my mood. Really regretted choosing np eh. Is it possible to change poly now? Hais.

I will miss working seriously! Awwww. Would only be working on Saturday starting next week. I rather work than study lo seriously. Haha.

Going to shop for Jar's belated birthday present with Jiayi tmr. Gonna have good food again. Hoho. Then meeting the others at evening for dinner.

Its 2.15am now. Shall sleep alrdy. Bye.
Does eating icecream really makes me happier?
Ate two flavour burst with Rui Xian after work last tuesday. Just felt like eating more than two but then on diet. So controlled! I am getting fatter each day. Damn it.

Desmond, clay and JinTai waited for me after work yesterday. At least im not that bored when going home. Walked home from cp cos clay complained his too full -.- 711 for drinks then walked home with clay and des(:

Dinner at Fish n Co after work today. Ws's treat again! Seafood platter and fish and chips. Omg. My plan to eat one meal a day failed again. Tsk tsk. Talked about some stuffs. Mostly about work. Funny and serious.

Thought everything had been going on well for me all these while. But i think im wrong.
Why am i feeling unhappy all of a sudden again?
Why am i thinking of every single little thing about the past?

Its been so long since i had talked to you. I can only looked at the bear you gave.
Its been so long since i told you my things. I can only re-read the card and reminisce the past.
Its been so long since we talked like how we used to.
Its been so long since we chatted on the phone. I know its totally impossible alrdy. oao....

I really miss the past. T.T

Bad day ):
Dint order enough stocks. So ended up had to borrow asparagus and chicken green pepper from Ck Tang. First mistake. Guilty.

Second mistake made me damn guilty for the later part of the day. Was serving this customer. And the customer ordered miso soup. Misplaced the soup and the soup spilt. Almost everything split on the com .GG. Burnt my hand also ): Thought just dry up can already. But the com just black out. Was dam scared. Surprisingly, ws dint get angry but still joked with me. He knows im scared alrdy. Com spoil. No choice. Called up for repair. Lucky got spare com. Now still duno the outcome. Hope the motherboard never spoil. If not really Gg.

I am very lucky to have such a nice manager. He knows when im sad and always find alot of ways to make me laugh. Thank you (:

Its 13th oct. Happy birthday Jaryl (: 233763 (forever?)
I don't know.

Why can't i get back the feeling when we used to sms?
Is it because everything is different now?
Am I still your 233763? I doubt so.
I really want to know what you are thinking now. What you treat me as.
But i dare not ask you.
I told you i have grown up. You asked me in what ways.
I told you its the way i handle things etc. Is it really the way?

Nobody really knows exactly what am i feeling. Maybe you will know if it was last time. But i think i lost you as a listening ear.

I am feeling very sad today..
Out with Popo and aunt <3

My Grandma is so cute! LOL.

Shopping at Bugis. Spent a lot of time at Mitju(:
Had dinner at Sakae Sushi. Haha.
Continued shopping. Cotton on again >.<

Enjoyed myself today!

Working tmr. Thinking what should i eat for lunch tmr -.- Paragon all restaurant. Lazy to walk out and buy. Tsk tsk.
Porky CareBear BugsBunny Popeye JackieChan

Start to feel shagged already. Needed to force myself out of the bed every morning. Aww.
Not working tmr. Shall make use of the time to sleep more. Haha.

Meeting Aunt for shopping tmr. Cool! So long never go out with her alrdy. Hoho.

Work was fun today. Ws came back with a banana after coming back from the office -.- Cos he say i monkey. LOL. Damn idiot. And he bought a blueberry cheesecake from Bakerzin. Nice nice (: Hahaha.

Very tired alrdy. Gooodnight.
Out with xw and lai choon (:

Out with xw and Lai choon. He came to fetch us at 3pm and headed to Marina Square. Lunched at Kenny Roger. Food was nice. But servings too big. Can't finish everything. Lol. Then shopped around and catched Phobia 2. Awesome movie i think. Great time Lol-ing at the last part. HAHA. I love horror movies! Omg. Shall watch more before school reopens. Awww.

Upload pictures tmr. Uploaded halfway just now and suddenly dc. Damn. Am lazy to upload now. Haha. Great day out today! Fun time taking photos too. Hohoho.
Working tmr! Got Nz icecream eat alrdy. Thanks Bear. Haha.

I like my job leh. What you want?
Sales super super super bad today. GG. Yohei sure come down tmr to ask why alrdy. Lol. Went mac for icecream with rx(: Talked a lot as usual. Headed to the mrt station and sat on the staircase outside and continued chatting. There was this couple sitting beside us quarelling. The guy damn fierce. Lol. I think rx's personality very cool lo! Haha. Talked about the past too. Haha. And think that some things are just so stupid lo. Trained home at about 1130pm. HAHA. Reallly wanted to continue the conver but getitng late alrdy eh. More next time ah rx. Lol.

My uniform super dirty. Full of sanitizers -.- First time got so wet when working can. Bear's fault. Keep spraying liquid stuffs on me. Tsk tsk. But i got my revenge. HAHA.

Payday tmr! Going out with xw and lc tmr.
The feeling I've got won't let go

Reached home later than usual today. Was talking to Ruixian at mrt station! for i think 45 mins? Skipped a lot a lot of trains! Haha. Talked about a lot of things. Wah Rui xian your life interesting ah. I know you got a lot more things to say! Tell me tmr you this stalker. Haha.

Nothing much to update. Its still early. Dun feel like sleeping yet. Shall continue my show. Bye.

Its all past tense alrdy. Why am i having flashbacks all of a sudden?
Always thought that girls are the more petty ones. But i've seen some guys more petty than girls.

I wanna drink. DRUNK.
Aspraaaa. Laugh till stomach cramp!
Supposed to reach Pa by 1030 but then was too tired so reached at 11 instead. Cl bought everyone coffee! Nice timing. At least it made me awake a lil.

Just because a customer mispronounced a word made me laugh like crazy today. Really crazy. Can't stop laughing. Needed Ws to take over and serve while i went behind to stop myself from laughing. Came back and serve again. Tried very hard to control alrdy. So was serving 2 Ang moh customers halfway and i burst out laughing again -.- Thought they wanted to complain me when they asked ws for my name. But luckily NOT. They just felt that the way i laugh very funny. Everything lasted for around 15 mins -.- i think i am crazy.

Ws and Shawn made me super embarrassed yesterday. Was being sabotaged. They told the Nz guy that i wanted his number -.- Had to hide behind the pot of plants ensuring tt the guy dun recognise me. GG. Dam ps can. Wth.

Working again tmr. Yeah!
Sacrificed my sleeping time today. Left home 1 hour plus plus earlier. Headed to Tori q to pass them the fried rice first. Was alrdy perspiring when i reached -.- Then to Good wood park hotel to buy mooncakes. A lot of people. Ended up buying for myself too (: Thought im done with my errand. But then they called to ask me go Ck Tang borrow tissue boxes. Ended up carrying two big heavy plastic bags back. Heavy know! Reached shop and was perspiring like hell. Very tired ah. Lol.

Finished doing everything 15 mins earlier. So after i came back from the toilet, realised they locked the refrigerator. Ws said my mooncakes were locked inside. And i took the trouble to open it and found nothing! They hid my mooncakes somewhere. Wth. Took quite long to find it. After working for so long then i knew there are actually 3 fridge in the shop instead of 2. How blur. HAHA.

Nice durian mooncakes >.<

Work tmr. Yeah. I enjoy working. But guys' night tmr. They better not gang up against me. Lol.

Not talked to you for so so long alrdy. But it doesn't seemed to affect me much anymore. Unlike last time. Maybe is because i think im not at fault this time round. Haha.
Bye A Hi C. HAHAHA >.<
As usual, great time laughing during closing today. Time pass super fast when 8 struck. I completed my task super fast today! Like 10 minutes and im done with everything. HAHA. Even helped ws to scrap off those charcoal dirts on the machine. Quite fun leh. But tiring. Need alot alot of strength. Had great time laughing while talking about some things. Laugh laugh and laugh only >.< supposed to go dinner with ws and cl one but qy dun want go. So ended up i never go also. Maybe next time!

Working 1.15pm tmr. But should be waking up at early 9 plus. Cooking fried rice for tori q people. LOL. cos alot leftover rice today. And and going the hotel near Fareast to help ws buy Durian Mooncake. Haha. I think I like their Maria. Even Uncle's phone got prob need me to help call Samsung to find out whats wrong -.- In short, im helpful (:

Realise i found out alot of things recently. Mostly good but found out something bad just now. Hais. I tried to be nice. Listen to your complaints, give you opinions and tried to help you when you needed help. I swear. They asked me what you told me. I only told them what im supposed to say. The rest i just kept quiet. But then you actually push all the blame on me. About everything you said/ complained to me , you told him/her is I say one. Why? I seriously dun understand. Maybe i agree with him/her. You are finding fault with everything except for yourself. I always thought you were ok. But after hearing this, i think im wrong. Backstabbed? Hais.

And xw cheer up k! Dun so vex and sad about so many things. Those things not worth for you to care/think so much. Im always here for you! Wait till everything comes then say k. Love you!
Had a super great talk with mum today during lunch. Talked about a lot of things mostly r/s stuff -.- And i found out that she actually allows leh! All along i thought she dun allow lo. lol. Quite shocked. Talked till I dint take note of the time and guess what! It was alrdy 1 plus and i haven left home! Was rushing. Saw Sandra at Dhoby. She also going for work. Haha.

I had great time laughing during closing today. I think im crazy. Everybody had alrdy stopped laughing but i can't seem to stop. Like crazy woman like that. And the stupid ws keep spraying the sanitizer on me. Spray into my eyes and ears can. Tsk. Make my uniform so wet. Idiot! lol. The 711 with rx. Rx very bad. Played with the mashed potato machine. Then ended up not buying but wasted two cups of mashed potato!!

I am happy again (: Maybe is cos i found out many things these 2 days. HAHA. I am indeed shocked.
The Princess Diary
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Work was crazy today! Time past so fast. Maybe its a Saturday. Me and Ws literally went crazy at around 9 pm. Sometimes i really wonder if he is 22 years old super playful and childish. HAHA. he took the bottle and sprayed water on me! We were like playing catching around the shop. And the stupid me ran to one corner and GG. The most funny part was i banged onto the Detergent pack which was hung on the wall. Dam malu. Literally LOL-ed all the way till we close store. Omg. To prevent him from spraying water on me, I had to hide his so called weapon(his bottle) in the drawer and lock it. Got hold of the keys. Wahaha. My shirt and hair was wet too. Tsk. I only sprayed his back but he sprayed me all over. Unfair. He gotta get it from me next week. Haha.

And he treated us Nz ice-cream! Such a nice manager always treat us things. In all, i had fun today! The most LOL-ing session ever. Can't wait to work next week. I rather go work everyday than go poly can. Zzz.

Supposed to meet des at Farrer park and go home together. Dint join him and peiyi for supper in the end cos was tired. So decided to try the circle line. But seems like both the same leh. cos need to walk alot to change line. I have decided to take to serangoon then circle line to Marymount and then change line to dover then bus to Np. But still, its super troublesome! Hate it ttm. GRAHHH

Just finished my cell bio tutorial and finding articles for my BSTATS project. Deadline on 30th oct. Thought would be 2 weeks after. Its just first week of holidays and i alrdy have 3 projects. Why Np so Kiasu one?!

Its 3am now. I think i would better go sleep alrdy. I don't wanna grow fatter.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word? Not for me but YOU.
First week of school finally ended. All the new modules sucked. Organic Chem, cell biology, Infocomm and Biostats. Plus the com tool kit. Still dun understand why my course must learn how to use excel. Am very afraid of cell bio. No bio background. Scared cannot catch up. 8 credits somemore. can die! This whole week were just full of boring lectures and tutorials. Can't wait to go home everyday. Poly sucks.

Had com tool kit from 1-5. Thought we won't learn English after sec school. But then im wrong. Totally. I can 100% guarantee this module will pull my GPA down. Weak in english. Saw the learning plan. Must learn how to write compo/reports/individual presentation. I was like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Guess i won't get a good gpa result this semester. Hais. but i won't give up so easily.

Met Xw at Dover. Saw Jaryl, Ys, Daryl and Joel on the way. Train-ed to Orchard. Went ION tori Q to take a look. Seems different. Quek not working alrdy. Things are getting weird in Tori Q man. Then bought a fish shape biscuit or whatever u call that. It would be better if the person heat the german chocolate with banana fillings b'iscuit' longer. The shape of the biscuit so cute lo. Had hard time deciding what to eat. Its always like that -.- Hate it.

Decided to catch a movie at Cine. But all the movies like not nice one. No horror shows ): So dint watch. Dinner-ed at HKcafe. The fish n chips were yummy! Ordered our favourite Man Tous (: Then shopped around. Went Heerens. Last time heerens alot of things. Now like nothing much. Spent quite some time at Fourskin looking at some wallets. Almost wanted to buy the wallet with those leopard design. But luckily i dint. Haha. Save money! I spent alot this month. Awww

Then Far East to shop! But its just window shopping ): Went back to ION. Chatted while waiting for Sandra to go back together. Saw Des and Clay while going up the escalator. They were at 711 eating instant food -.- Walked home together. Had great time LOL-ING seriously. my jaws were feeling sour after much laughing. Omg they are funny people. Were talking/reminiscing the past. BEEP BEEP. and people's style of walking etc. Seriously very funny can. and they still remembered something funny which i had totally forgotten. Omg. Really very funny!!! And i really cannot imagine if .......Yeah

Watched Moonlight Resonance. This serial drama really very touching. The best drama ever i think. I seldom cry when watching shows. Or can i say never? but i cried after watching it.

And i am very irritated by some things. Is it wrong to wear dress to school? Wear dress=dating/going out after school? And I don't think the length of dress i wear is very short. The most absurd things is that they even commented on the shorts i wear. Very short meh?! Or can i say your are the one having problems with your dressings. Omg. Whats wrong with this people man.
Organic chem lab ended in like 45 minutes after completing the plagiarism quiz. Zzz. Was hoping that we could start doind experiments but then. We were released after 45mins instead of after 3 hours -.- So had s uper long break!

Went helpdesk with Shi Ting, Jeslyn and Jeremy to install the data analysis program. Wah must learn excel. I hate it. I com noob can. And i realise my class also alot com noob. HAHA. Then library to stone -.-

Was talking about r/s things during break when Ken came. So Shi Ting suddenly asked me a question which made me quite emo after that ):

Guys keep getting close to a girl whom they like. BUt got rejected after confessing to the girl. Their relationship was very good/close before the guy confess. But after being rejected by the girl, relationship between them became cold suddenly. Stranger. So whats the purpose of the guy? Can't they continue to be like last time. Is it possible that they will be close like before?

The girl wants everything to be like last time. But she thinks its impossible alrdy. She just had to suffer in silence. Without letting the other party knows what she wants and what she is thinking.


I saw you today. And i know u did saw me too. All i could do was to avoid. I walked round big round to get to my lecture hall just to avoid you. Hais.
Sleep Eat Shop Eat Laugh
Town with Jiayi today! Lunched at Ion. Ate R burger. Not bad la the burger. The bitter orange quite special eh. Lol. Then shopped around. Wisma next. Bought a top at Max&More. Went cotton on but nothing caught my eye. Lol. Then Far East. Bought a skirt. Cute and unique! Bought my eyeliner at Skin Food. Like finally can. Haha. And took me so long to find someone's present -.- Guys' present seriously hard to buy. But still managed to buy it. So happy can!

Then went Subway for cookies. Real purpose was just to find a place to sit. HAHA.

Then accompanied Jiayi back to Sk. But alighted at Boon Keng instead cos xw, sean,yy and hy on there way alrdy. Met up and steamboat! Km joined us later. Dint really eat much. But had fun laughing(: Then was arcade. Saw one guy who was really pro in playing Dj Max. His hands really imba! Can go join world competition alrdy seriously. Really pro! Then trained home at around 11pm. Walked home with xw instead of taking lrt.

School tmr ): I really dread going to school! Should i take mrt all the way to dover then bus to school or train to Bishan and change 2 buses instead? Still deciding. ARGHHH so irritating. Should not have chosen Np. Tsk tsk. And i duno what to wear tmr! AHHHHH.

Most irritating thing is i haven even buy my lecture notes yet. And school ends at 6pm tmr. Which means i need to purchase them after school which also means that i would be home real lateeee. Really feel like quitting school sometimes. IDIOT.

I am happy today though i spent almost $100 bucks on shopping. Haha. Happy thing was I dint expect we can talk like how we used to. Sad thing was we dint speak a single word today. Why?
Sales super poor todayyyyy. So everyone ate Tori Q for lunch to boost up sales -.- Thought would be busy today cos its a saturday and its deepavali. Public holiday! But it turns out to be so so so bad!

Last day of work today. School reopening on monday. Hais. No mood to go school. The thought of the long bus/mrt ride dampen my mood. Really regretted choosing np eh. Is it possible to change poly now? Hais.

I will miss working seriously! Awwww. Would only be working on Saturday starting next week. I rather work than study lo seriously. Haha.

Going to shop for Jar's belated birthday present with Jiayi tmr. Gonna have good food again. Hoho. Then meeting the others at evening for dinner.

Its 2.15am now. Shall sleep alrdy. Bye.
Does eating icecream really makes me happier?
Ate two flavour burst with Rui Xian after work last tuesday. Just felt like eating more than two but then on diet. So controlled! I am getting fatter each day. Damn it.

Desmond, clay and JinTai waited for me after work yesterday. At least im not that bored when going home. Walked home from cp cos clay complained his too full -.- 711 for drinks then walked home with clay and des(:

Dinner at Fish n Co after work today. Ws's treat again! Seafood platter and fish and chips. Omg. My plan to eat one meal a day failed again. Tsk tsk. Talked about some stuffs. Mostly about work. Funny and serious.

Thought everything had been going on well for me all these while. But i think im wrong.
Why am i feeling unhappy all of a sudden again?
Why am i thinking of every single little thing about the past?

Its been so long since i had talked to you. I can only looked at the bear you gave.
Its been so long since i told you my things. I can only re-read the card and reminisce the past.
Its been so long since we talked like how we used to.
Its been so long since we chatted on the phone. I know its totally impossible alrdy. oao....

I really miss the past. T.T

Bad day ):
Dint order enough stocks. So ended up had to borrow asparagus and chicken green pepper from Ck Tang. First mistake. Guilty.

Second mistake made me damn guilty for the later part of the day. Was serving this customer. And the customer ordered miso soup. Misplaced the soup and the soup spilt. Almost everything split on the com .GG. Burnt my hand also ): Thought just dry up can already. But the com just black out. Was dam scared. Surprisingly, ws dint get angry but still joked with me. He knows im scared alrdy. Com spoil. No choice. Called up for repair. Lucky got spare com. Now still duno the outcome. Hope the motherboard never spoil. If not really Gg.

I am very lucky to have such a nice manager. He knows when im sad and always find alot of ways to make me laugh. Thank you (:

Its 13th oct. Happy birthday Jaryl (: 233763 (forever?)
I don't know.

Why can't i get back the feeling when we used to sms?
Is it because everything is different now?
Am I still your 233763? I doubt so.
I really want to know what you are thinking now. What you treat me as.
But i dare not ask you.
I told you i have grown up. You asked me in what ways.
I told you its the way i handle things etc. Is it really the way?

Nobody really knows exactly what am i feeling. Maybe you will know if it was last time. But i think i lost you as a listening ear.

I am feeling very sad today..
Out with Popo and aunt <3

My Grandma is so cute! LOL.

Shopping at Bugis. Spent a lot of time at Mitju(:
Had dinner at Sakae Sushi. Haha.
Continued shopping. Cotton on again >.<

Enjoyed myself today!

Working tmr. Thinking what should i eat for lunch tmr -.- Paragon all restaurant. Lazy to walk out and buy. Tsk tsk.
Porky CareBear BugsBunny Popeye JackieChan

Start to feel shagged already. Needed to force myself out of the bed every morning. Aww.
Not working tmr. Shall make use of the time to sleep more. Haha.

Meeting Aunt for shopping tmr. Cool! So long never go out with her alrdy. Hoho.

Work was fun today. Ws came back with a banana after coming back from the office -.- Cos he say i monkey. LOL. Damn idiot. And he bought a blueberry cheesecake from Bakerzin. Nice nice (: Hahaha.

Very tired alrdy. Gooodnight.
Out with xw and lai choon (:

Out with xw and Lai choon. He came to fetch us at 3pm and headed to Marina Square. Lunched at Kenny Roger. Food was nice. But servings too big. Can't finish everything. Lol. Then shopped around and catched Phobia 2. Awesome movie i think. Great time Lol-ing at the last part. HAHA. I love horror movies! Omg. Shall watch more before school reopens. Awww.

Upload pictures tmr. Uploaded halfway just now and suddenly dc. Damn. Am lazy to upload now. Haha. Great day out today! Fun time taking photos too. Hohoho.
Working tmr! Got Nz icecream eat alrdy. Thanks Bear. Haha.

I like my job leh. What you want?
Sales super super super bad today. GG. Yohei sure come down tmr to ask why alrdy. Lol. Went mac for icecream with rx(: Talked a lot as usual. Headed to the mrt station and sat on the staircase outside and continued chatting. There was this couple sitting beside us quarelling. The guy damn fierce. Lol. I think rx's personality very cool lo! Haha. Talked about the past too. Haha. And think that some things are just so stupid lo. Trained home at about 1130pm. HAHA. Reallly wanted to continue the conver but getitng late alrdy eh. More next time ah rx. Lol.

My uniform super dirty. Full of sanitizers -.- First time got so wet when working can. Bear's fault. Keep spraying liquid stuffs on me. Tsk tsk. But i got my revenge. HAHA.

Payday tmr! Going out with xw and lc tmr.
The feeling I've got won't let go

Reached home later than usual today. Was talking to Ruixian at mrt station! for i think 45 mins? Skipped a lot a lot of trains! Haha. Talked about a lot of things. Wah Rui xian your life interesting ah. I know you got a lot more things to say! Tell me tmr you this stalker. Haha.

Nothing much to update. Its still early. Dun feel like sleeping yet. Shall continue my show. Bye.

Its all past tense alrdy. Why am i having flashbacks all of a sudden?
Always thought that girls are the more petty ones. But i've seen some guys more petty than girls.

I wanna drink. DRUNK.
Aspraaaa. Laugh till stomach cramp!
Supposed to reach Pa by 1030 but then was too tired so reached at 11 instead. Cl bought everyone coffee! Nice timing. At least it made me awake a lil.

Just because a customer mispronounced a word made me laugh like crazy today. Really crazy. Can't stop laughing. Needed Ws to take over and serve while i went behind to stop myself from laughing. Came back and serve again. Tried very hard to control alrdy. So was serving 2 Ang moh customers halfway and i burst out laughing again -.- Thought they wanted to complain me when they asked ws for my name. But luckily NOT. They just felt that the way i laugh very funny. Everything lasted for around 15 mins -.- i think i am crazy.

Ws and Shawn made me super embarrassed yesterday. Was being sabotaged. They told the Nz guy that i wanted his number -.- Had to hide behind the pot of plants ensuring tt the guy dun recognise me. GG. Dam ps can. Wth.

Working again tmr. Yeah!
Sacrificed my sleeping time today. Left home 1 hour plus plus earlier. Headed to Tori q to pass them the fried rice first. Was alrdy perspiring when i reached -.- Then to Good wood park hotel to buy mooncakes. A lot of people. Ended up buying for myself too (: Thought im done with my errand. But then they called to ask me go Ck Tang borrow tissue boxes. Ended up carrying two big heavy plastic bags back. Heavy know! Reached shop and was perspiring like hell. Very tired ah. Lol.

Finished doing everything 15 mins earlier. So after i came back from the toilet, realised they locked the refrigerator. Ws said my mooncakes were locked inside. And i took the trouble to open it and found nothing! They hid my mooncakes somewhere. Wth. Took quite long to find it. After working for so long then i knew there are actually 3 fridge in the shop instead of 2. How blur. HAHA.

Nice durian mooncakes >.<

Work tmr. Yeah. I enjoy working. But guys' night tmr. They better not gang up against me. Lol.

Not talked to you for so so long alrdy. But it doesn't seemed to affect me much anymore. Unlike last time. Maybe is because i think im not at fault this time round. Haha.
Bye A Hi C. HAHAHA >.<
As usual, great time laughing during closing today. Time pass super fast when 8 struck. I completed my task super fast today! Like 10 minutes and im done with everything. HAHA. Even helped ws to scrap off those charcoal dirts on the machine. Quite fun leh. But tiring. Need alot alot of strength. Had great time laughing while talking about some things. Laugh laugh and laugh only >.< supposed to go dinner with ws and cl one but qy dun want go. So ended up i never go also. Maybe next time!

Working 1.15pm tmr. But should be waking up at early 9 plus. Cooking fried rice for tori q people. LOL. cos alot leftover rice today. And and going the hotel near Fareast to help ws buy Durian Mooncake. Haha. I think I like their Maria. Even Uncle's phone got prob need me to help call Samsung to find out whats wrong -.- In short, im helpful (:

Realise i found out alot of things recently. Mostly good but found out something bad just now. Hais. I tried to be nice. Listen to your complaints, give you opinions and tried to help you when you needed help. I swear. They asked me what you told me. I only told them what im supposed to say. The rest i just kept quiet. But then you actually push all the blame on me. About everything you said/ complained to me , you told him/her is I say one. Why? I seriously dun understand. Maybe i agree with him/her. You are finding fault with everything except for yourself. I always thought you were ok. But after hearing this, i think im wrong. Backstabbed? Hais.

And xw cheer up k! Dun so vex and sad about so many things. Those things not worth for you to care/think so much. Im always here for you! Wait till everything comes then say k. Love you!
Had a super great talk with mum today during lunch. Talked about a lot of things mostly r/s stuff -.- And i found out that she actually allows leh! All along i thought she dun allow lo. lol. Quite shocked. Talked till I dint take note of the time and guess what! It was alrdy 1 plus and i haven left home! Was rushing. Saw Sandra at Dhoby. She also going for work. Haha.

I had great time laughing during closing today. I think im crazy. Everybody had alrdy stopped laughing but i can't seem to stop. Like crazy woman like that. And the stupid ws keep spraying the sanitizer on me. Spray into my eyes and ears can. Tsk. Make my uniform so wet. Idiot! lol. The 711 with rx. Rx very bad. Played with the mashed potato machine. Then ended up not buying but wasted two cups of mashed potato!!

I am happy again (: Maybe is cos i found out many things these 2 days. HAHA. I am indeed shocked.