Had to wear leggings to work today cos my jeans haven dry yet. Lucky it dint look weird. Haha
Very busy especially at night. And i got to Fang huo. Fun fun! And surprisingly, cl dint manage to jam me (:

Won't be working next week and maybe the following week too. Common tests are coming and i need to study. Sian. Holidays faster come. Omg can't wait though its just two weeks.

My arm is abit swollen cos of the blue black. Look damn ugly when i wear sleeveless -.- But don't think i can blame on anyone cos i always pinch people. Hohoho

Its 3am now.



Nothing is gonna change?
I've got one super big blue black on my arm! Caused by just two pinches. Can imagine how powerful the pinch is -.- its damn painful. Lol.

Got home after work and saw nothing on the table. All my lecture notes and other things were gone. Mum and sis actually help me clear all the things and put it nicely in the cupboard. Thats a good thing. But then i found out something after awhile. My stack of science notes were missing. Found out that my sis actually threw them away cos she thought i dun need it -.-Felt dam angry sad and helpless at that moment. They threw them into the big recycle bin downstairs of my house. It was 1am plus already and i thought that the rubbish would have been cleared alrdy. Had to intention to go down and check at all. But then mum keep saying if i never try, how would i know? So tried my luck and went down to find and i think im super duper lucky (: Heng ah

Working tmr. Can listen to music in the shop. Great!
Almost done with the powerpoint and done with summary! Can't believe i actually sat infront of the laptop for four hours to complete everything! I think it would take me longer to finish if i go online. Yeap. 1 thing down.

Neck was feeling very uncomfortable when doing the cbio test cos the table was too low for me. Lol.

Dint eat breakfast, lunch or dinner today. First time. And am not feeling hungry at all. A slice of banana cake was all i ate for today.

You and your BIG mouth. HAHA!

Last day of school for the week. Thought i could go home earlier and was feeling happy about it. Who knows I had to stay back after school to complete my cell bio project. And the thing that seriously pissed me off was i had to stay back to do the project all by myself! How nice?! Group consist of 3 people. One went overseas and one had to go for work. Leaving me alone to complete the 500 word summary and powerpoint slides. Ok at least Fahkrin completed almost half of the summary before he went Genting.

But then this was supposed to be a GROUP work. I seriously duno how to complete the project all by myself. There's so many things to be done and really have no idea where to start from. And the best thing was, i asked you to compile those info and send it to me. All i get was a WHOLE CHUNK OF INFO from you.

Yes, im a perfectionist. But i dun its right of you to make use of this and expect me to handle everything by myself.

ARGHHH. hate projects. Hate group work !


Anw, Happy birthday to Kok ming and Edmond.
Its 230am now and im not on my bed yet. Omg. Have been sleeping really late this few days. Slept at 3 yesterday and waking up at 6 plus in the morning. Surprisingly, i dun feel tired at all. Lol. Weird.

Excited for lab tmr. Extracting DNA!

Shall go and try sleeping. Don't wanna be late for lab. Haha.

Sometimes i rather work alone than in groups.
I get irritated easily.


My infotech quiz is totally screwed up. Haha. Its 25% but 2 credits only. So don't care already.

Made full use of the 1 hour break with Jasmine, Shi Ting, Safurah and Fakhrin! Was talking about ghost stories. Awesome break. Stood outside lecture hall to wait for lecturer and continued our stories. I malu-ed 2 times! Cos Fakhrin was waving to someone. I turned around to see who he waving to and i got shocked cos the guy was standing right infront of me -.- Second time was when Kai En out of no where stood behind me and I shouted right into his ears when i turned back. Really got a shocked. Everyone started laughing. OMG. It was so damn funny la.

Oh yeah watched 2012 last Friday with Xw at Jp. Nice movie! But abit too long leh. Sit till butt pain and my neck aching halfway cos say in the first 4 rows -.-

Can't wait for the long weekend!

A:Did anyone say you are a dictionary?
B: No, why?
A: Cos you add meaning to my life

So sweet!
Mind your own business
Sometimes i really don't understand why people cannot just mind their own business.
Why must you make a mountain out of a molehill?

Maybe you should get the facts right before accusing/scolding/arguing or whatever you call it.
So I don't think you are in any position to do/say anything.

Btw, im not taking any sides by saying this. This is just my point of view.

If you think the above mentioned post is for you, then i would appreciate that you can just shut your mouth cos i dun think it would do you any good.

Everyone would be happy if there's no trouble right? So

不要添油加醋。你没有说话没有人当你是哑巴 :P

Hope you understand.

Ps: I am being very polite alrdy (:
I don't wanna see it melt your way
Elearning week for Infotech. School was suppose to start at 2-6pm but then met Shi Ting and Fakhrin earlier for project. Did casegrader 4 all by myself and full marks! Dint really do much for the cell bio project. Just assign work. Hope i would me able to compile all the info and send to Fakhrin by Friday night.

Awww, this week would be very busy. Quizzes, presentations coming. Stress! No work this Saturday ):

Bstats quiz on Wednesday. Dint really revise. Shall revise it tmr. Hope that i won't fall asleep while revising. It happens just now again! During my cell bio revision. My eyes are literally closing can. Dun think anything got into my brains -.- Such a waste of time. Hais. i feel so useless suddenly.

Sometimes i really got the urge to not study for everything and do everything badly. Sometimes really feel like giving up studying D: I WANNA WORK!!!!!! Its not about the money. Its the fun i have during working. No stress at all. Awwwwwwwww

Its just the start of the week and im feeling so drained out. Been sleeping at aorund 3 plus in the morning and school. I tried lying on the bed at around 1-2 plus but i just can't seem to fall asleep. Its hard to switch back to the early timing. Sucks.

Talk to me, You speak with me
To sing before you rise, baby, dun fade away
You hesitate, you seem to wait
For all the calm we had feels like rot away
You used to say, we'll be ok, we'll make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up, in this state, i just wanna bolt to smile
cos we're the same, i know that will never change
Look at bought your favourite icecream, i dun wanna see it melt your way.
If you walk out now, i dun know that we could be the same
Baby, just talk with me, cos i want you to stay here with me..

The memories, the things we did, i laughed inside my heart, where i know i won't forget them now. used to say, we would be ok, we would make it through the night.
Dun wanna wake up in this state, i just wanna bolt to smile. cos we're the same, i know that will never change
Look at bought your favourite icecream, i dun wanna see it melt your way.
If you walk out now, i dun know that we could be the same
Baby, just talk with me, cos i want you to stay here with me..

Its Friday again! Omg i duno why im just in a good mood every Friday. Maybe is because im working on Saturday!

Reached home earlier than usual cos i dun want to be late for com tool. Makan place first to Pass Km the survey thing then went for lesson. The lesson was boring! Except for the movie part. Haha. Teacher dint release us earlier ): And it rained again! Such a mood spoiler. Need to walk one big round just to avoid the rain.

Then trained home and reached at near 7pm. Im like reaching home literally at 7 everyday and that sucks. Made me so tired that i could not do any revision. Always ended up falling asleep. Can you believe I can actually fall asleep while doing my homework and when i woke up, my paper would be full of scribbles. All the pencil marks -.- Dam it. I find myself super dumb to choose np.

Ok. I just finished casegrader 4 all by myself. Its not as hard as i think. HAHA. Happy!

Ok. working tmr! Im looking forward to it! Working with newbie tmr. Hope i won't be pissed (:

Tiring day
Work from 11.30-L yesterday. Wow sales was way too good! Over target by $500++. Was super duper busy. But very happy cos good sales. Thumbs up for Paragon! But was very tired especially at night. Qiangyi knocked off at 7pm which left me multi-tasking in front. Take rice, serve and counter. Omg.

Was been bluffed by Sg. Cos he told me not going chalet then need me to hurry to Ion to take some documents from him to pass to Quek. So punched card then ran all the way to Ion. Saw him working and he was shocked to see me. Only then i knew he was bluffing me. He just wants me to get to Ion earlier. Wth la. So i made my way back to Pa cos i left my bag there. Perspiring like hell. Slacked there awhile then Ion again.

Cabbed down to Costa sands chalet with Sg, Peiyi and Sandra. Tong dint went! Food was nice especially the sambal Sotong made by quek, chicken and chicken balls by Lc and i love the chicken fillet (:

Then was uncle quek's r/s lecture to me, xw and Puiman. His life interesting. Chatted all the way till 5 plus then i bathed then chatted awhile with Joanne and Lai choon before catching a nap. Checked out at close to 12 then lc sent us back.

Homed. Slept all way till 2 plus. Then watch tv then slept again -.- Woke up studied a little then mop the floor. Bathed dinnered and studied again.

Oh gosh. I haven started doing my Cbio prac 500 summary report. Though its a group work but me, Shi ting and Fahkrin had said to do 3 individuals then combine to make the best out of it. But i haven even started. How?

Shall go sleep and wake up at 8 plus to do it. Bye
Life goes on and on and on
Feeling kinda relaxed now cos i have finished what im supposed to do. Finished up all the tutorials and prac prelab quiestions for ochem. Chiong-ed bstats tutorial the whole of yesterday night. Cool cos it means that i need not worry what i have not done for this weekend(:

Its friday again. Time really flies seriously. Especially in Poly. Don't know why. Is that a good thing? I hope so. So Com tool kit. Had extemporaneous speech. Prepared everything the day before alrdy but was rather nervous cos was afraid the topic i got would be hard? Who know i was chosen the to be the evaluator for the day -.- If not, the topic i had gotten would be "environment"-which I think i could present it well infront of the class? But after everything, i think its better to be evaluator. Cos most of my friends who talked about their topics got between 2.5 to 3.5? While I got 4. Rather surprised! Omg. But i still felt bad because im not a good english speaker. And im supposed to evaluate/criticise how my classmates talk -.- Very DOTS i think. Who cares. Its over anyway.

Dinnered at Houhgang are for western food with family! Lava rock. Wow the food was awesome. Seriously awesome. And i think is super cheap. One set meal with 2 side dish plus set A consisting of mushroom soup and marshmallow and banana fondue. Omg. Its awesome! >.< Sometimes i think im weird. I feel very tired but i just don't wanna sleep. For the past few days while studying with my head lying on the table, i just fell asleep and was always woken up either by my sis or mum. And when i woke up, my neck was feeling super sour and painful. Aww. I am very tired. But i just dun wanna sleep so early. Time is short ): sounds like i got some terminal disease like that -.- but seriously, how life would be if we had 36 hours? Work tmr. And going Chalet after that. Another slack weekend. I swear this is the last weekend that im slacking. Won't happen for the following week alrdy because test/quizzes is coming up. And i can feel the stress coming again. Hais
Finally built up the courage to start the msn conver with you. Hope you are feeling better. Don't feel depress anymore..Cheer up (:
School ended slightly earlier than 3pm today! Ws cabbed down to school and fetched me to Paragon first cos he want to do some spot check. Lol. Then Shopped at ION, Taka and back to ION again for his friends' present. Went to Armani xchange, calvin klein, burberry, Guess and Fred Perry. After so long, finally bought shirts at Fred Perry. So he was supposed to buy for his friend. And he ended up buying two shirts for himself -.-The 3 shirts add up to $300++. Wow.

Then ION ToriQ to find Ah Tong. Then cine. Wanted to catch a movie but none suits me leh. Its either M18 or R21. Sucj a turn off. So dinner-ed at Hk Cafe. Only reached home at about 9pm? Tired.

Did stats tutorial and read up on cell bio. I still have a lot of things left undone. And im like hanging around outside almost everyday. I should Stop! Shall go home straight after school tmr. I hope.

Chalet this weekend. Which means i have no time to revise again. Thatss very stressssful. Omg.

Have to reach school early tmr to teach Jaryl some stuffs. I need to sleep now cos im left with less than 5 hours. Oh Gosh!

School was tiring! A lot of catch up. Should have taken Bio during sec school. If not i won't be struggling now. Awww. So many tutorials to do. But glad that i managed to finish it.

All the projects coming up. And just finished Bstats project. One project down. And i am very satisfied with the project. Lucky my group was cooperative. Haha. I never fails to look forward to Friday last semester. But i dread to go to school on friday this semester. Com tool kit- back to secondary learning how to write proposals/compo/individual speech in front of the class. Omg? 4 credits some more. How am i going to survive this semester?

And next week would be extemporaneous speech. Were given 22 articles. And teacher would assign one article to us and we would only know next week. Impromptu speech. I am definitely going to die man. What has a science course got to do with english! Its so gonna pull my gpa right down.

So work on saturday was even crazier than last saturday! It was halloween. Rx suggested buying toy knife but ws came back with two water knives from ToysRus instead. LOL. SO after work, we started our water war round two. Sounds super lame but really fun! I got super duper wet. My back was so wet that it dint dry up even after i reach home. Dunno is i sensitive or what. I can feel people looking at my back. They must be wondering "why this girl perspire so much?" HAHA. Then had our late dinner at the shop. Rx went to buy food at taka. Got kway teow, fruits, finger food and chips! Ws's treat again (:

Went town to celebrate esther's birthday. With xw, amanda and guangmin. Long time since i seen gm can. Now then know she dyed her hair -.- very slow i know. Haha. Joined the girls at around 2 plus. Must have made them waited for very long! And they made me very malu in paragon -.- Watched "jennifer's body". NOT NICE ONE! STORYLINE SUCKS. But im happy another horror movie is coming up! Can't wait to watch it. i love horror movies. omg omg. then esther's bf came. Sing song cut cake and they went their ways leaving us to walk around aimlessly at cine. Amanda and gm left earlier.

Ion tori q. Chatted with yz and quek. Haha. Then Fareast with xw again. Slowly walked to Dhoby. And something super funnny happen. A BIRDSHIT LANDED ON XW'S FEET. PIAK! lol. she dam suay. Omg.

6 minutes before 3am struck. Starting to feel tired alrdy. School at 12pm tmr. Till 6pm. One word. SUCK. i hate poly!
The Princess Diary
Had to wear leggings to work today cos my jeans haven dry yet. Lucky it dint look weird. Haha
Very busy especially at night. And i got to Fang huo. Fun fun! And surprisingly, cl dint manage to jam me (:

Won't be working next week and maybe the following week too. Common tests are coming and i need to study. Sian. Holidays faster come. Omg can't wait though its just two weeks.

My arm is abit swollen cos of the blue black. Look damn ugly when i wear sleeveless -.- But don't think i can blame on anyone cos i always pinch people. Hohoho

Its 3am now.



Nothing is gonna change?
I've got one super big blue black on my arm! Caused by just two pinches. Can imagine how powerful the pinch is -.- its damn painful. Lol.

Got home after work and saw nothing on the table. All my lecture notes and other things were gone. Mum and sis actually help me clear all the things and put it nicely in the cupboard. Thats a good thing. But then i found out something after awhile. My stack of science notes were missing. Found out that my sis actually threw them away cos she thought i dun need it -.-Felt dam angry sad and helpless at that moment. They threw them into the big recycle bin downstairs of my house. It was 1am plus already and i thought that the rubbish would have been cleared alrdy. Had to intention to go down and check at all. But then mum keep saying if i never try, how would i know? So tried my luck and went down to find and i think im super duper lucky (: Heng ah

Working tmr. Can listen to music in the shop. Great!
Almost done with the powerpoint and done with summary! Can't believe i actually sat infront of the laptop for four hours to complete everything! I think it would take me longer to finish if i go online. Yeap. 1 thing down.

Neck was feeling very uncomfortable when doing the cbio test cos the table was too low for me. Lol.

Dint eat breakfast, lunch or dinner today. First time. And am not feeling hungry at all. A slice of banana cake was all i ate for today.

You and your BIG mouth. HAHA!

Last day of school for the week. Thought i could go home earlier and was feeling happy about it. Who knows I had to stay back after school to complete my cell bio project. And the thing that seriously pissed me off was i had to stay back to do the project all by myself! How nice?! Group consist of 3 people. One went overseas and one had to go for work. Leaving me alone to complete the 500 word summary and powerpoint slides. Ok at least Fahkrin completed almost half of the summary before he went Genting.

But then this was supposed to be a GROUP work. I seriously duno how to complete the project all by myself. There's so many things to be done and really have no idea where to start from. And the best thing was, i asked you to compile those info and send it to me. All i get was a WHOLE CHUNK OF INFO from you.

Yes, im a perfectionist. But i dun its right of you to make use of this and expect me to handle everything by myself.

ARGHHH. hate projects. Hate group work !


Anw, Happy birthday to Kok ming and Edmond.
Its 230am now and im not on my bed yet. Omg. Have been sleeping really late this few days. Slept at 3 yesterday and waking up at 6 plus in the morning. Surprisingly, i dun feel tired at all. Lol. Weird.

Excited for lab tmr. Extracting DNA!

Shall go and try sleeping. Don't wanna be late for lab. Haha.

Sometimes i rather work alone than in groups.
I get irritated easily.


My infotech quiz is totally screwed up. Haha. Its 25% but 2 credits only. So don't care already.

Made full use of the 1 hour break with Jasmine, Shi Ting, Safurah and Fakhrin! Was talking about ghost stories. Awesome break. Stood outside lecture hall to wait for lecturer and continued our stories. I malu-ed 2 times! Cos Fakhrin was waving to someone. I turned around to see who he waving to and i got shocked cos the guy was standing right infront of me -.- Second time was when Kai En out of no where stood behind me and I shouted right into his ears when i turned back. Really got a shocked. Everyone started laughing. OMG. It was so damn funny la.

Oh yeah watched 2012 last Friday with Xw at Jp. Nice movie! But abit too long leh. Sit till butt pain and my neck aching halfway cos say in the first 4 rows -.-

Can't wait for the long weekend!

A:Did anyone say you are a dictionary?
B: No, why?
A: Cos you add meaning to my life

So sweet!
Mind your own business
Sometimes i really don't understand why people cannot just mind their own business.
Why must you make a mountain out of a molehill?

Maybe you should get the facts right before accusing/scolding/arguing or whatever you call it.
So I don't think you are in any position to do/say anything.

Btw, im not taking any sides by saying this. This is just my point of view.

If you think the above mentioned post is for you, then i would appreciate that you can just shut your mouth cos i dun think it would do you any good.

Everyone would be happy if there's no trouble right? So

不要添油加醋。你没有说话没有人当你是哑巴 :P

Hope you understand.

Ps: I am being very polite alrdy (:
I don't wanna see it melt your way
Elearning week for Infotech. School was suppose to start at 2-6pm but then met Shi Ting and Fakhrin earlier for project. Did casegrader 4 all by myself and full marks! Dint really do much for the cell bio project. Just assign work. Hope i would me able to compile all the info and send to Fakhrin by Friday night.

Awww, this week would be very busy. Quizzes, presentations coming. Stress! No work this Saturday ):

Bstats quiz on Wednesday. Dint really revise. Shall revise it tmr. Hope that i won't fall asleep while revising. It happens just now again! During my cell bio revision. My eyes are literally closing can. Dun think anything got into my brains -.- Such a waste of time. Hais. i feel so useless suddenly.

Sometimes i really got the urge to not study for everything and do everything badly. Sometimes really feel like giving up studying D: I WANNA WORK!!!!!! Its not about the money. Its the fun i have during working. No stress at all. Awwwwwwwww

Its just the start of the week and im feeling so drained out. Been sleeping at aorund 3 plus in the morning and school. I tried lying on the bed at around 1-2 plus but i just can't seem to fall asleep. Its hard to switch back to the early timing. Sucks.

Talk to me, You speak with me
To sing before you rise, baby, dun fade away
You hesitate, you seem to wait
For all the calm we had feels like rot away
You used to say, we'll be ok, we'll make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up, in this state, i just wanna bolt to smile
cos we're the same, i know that will never change
Look at bought your favourite icecream, i dun wanna see it melt your way.
If you walk out now, i dun know that we could be the same
Baby, just talk with me, cos i want you to stay here with me..

The memories, the things we did, i laughed inside my heart, where i know i won't forget them now. used to say, we would be ok, we would make it through the night.
Dun wanna wake up in this state, i just wanna bolt to smile. cos we're the same, i know that will never change
Look at bought your favourite icecream, i dun wanna see it melt your way.
If you walk out now, i dun know that we could be the same
Baby, just talk with me, cos i want you to stay here with me..

Its Friday again! Omg i duno why im just in a good mood every Friday. Maybe is because im working on Saturday!

Reached home earlier than usual cos i dun want to be late for com tool. Makan place first to Pass Km the survey thing then went for lesson. The lesson was boring! Except for the movie part. Haha. Teacher dint release us earlier ): And it rained again! Such a mood spoiler. Need to walk one big round just to avoid the rain.

Then trained home and reached at near 7pm. Im like reaching home literally at 7 everyday and that sucks. Made me so tired that i could not do any revision. Always ended up falling asleep. Can you believe I can actually fall asleep while doing my homework and when i woke up, my paper would be full of scribbles. All the pencil marks -.- Dam it. I find myself super dumb to choose np.

Ok. I just finished casegrader 4 all by myself. Its not as hard as i think. HAHA. Happy!

Ok. working tmr! Im looking forward to it! Working with newbie tmr. Hope i won't be pissed (:

Tiring day
Work from 11.30-L yesterday. Wow sales was way too good! Over target by $500++. Was super duper busy. But very happy cos good sales. Thumbs up for Paragon! But was very tired especially at night. Qiangyi knocked off at 7pm which left me multi-tasking in front. Take rice, serve and counter. Omg.

Was been bluffed by Sg. Cos he told me not going chalet then need me to hurry to Ion to take some documents from him to pass to Quek. So punched card then ran all the way to Ion. Saw him working and he was shocked to see me. Only then i knew he was bluffing me. He just wants me to get to Ion earlier. Wth la. So i made my way back to Pa cos i left my bag there. Perspiring like hell. Slacked there awhile then Ion again.

Cabbed down to Costa sands chalet with Sg, Peiyi and Sandra. Tong dint went! Food was nice especially the sambal Sotong made by quek, chicken and chicken balls by Lc and i love the chicken fillet (:

Then was uncle quek's r/s lecture to me, xw and Puiman. His life interesting. Chatted all the way till 5 plus then i bathed then chatted awhile with Joanne and Lai choon before catching a nap. Checked out at close to 12 then lc sent us back.

Homed. Slept all way till 2 plus. Then watch tv then slept again -.- Woke up studied a little then mop the floor. Bathed dinnered and studied again.

Oh gosh. I haven started doing my Cbio prac 500 summary report. Though its a group work but me, Shi ting and Fahkrin had said to do 3 individuals then combine to make the best out of it. But i haven even started. How?

Shall go sleep and wake up at 8 plus to do it. Bye
Life goes on and on and on
Feeling kinda relaxed now cos i have finished what im supposed to do. Finished up all the tutorials and prac prelab quiestions for ochem. Chiong-ed bstats tutorial the whole of yesterday night. Cool cos it means that i need not worry what i have not done for this weekend(:

Its friday again. Time really flies seriously. Especially in Poly. Don't know why. Is that a good thing? I hope so. So Com tool kit. Had extemporaneous speech. Prepared everything the day before alrdy but was rather nervous cos was afraid the topic i got would be hard? Who know i was chosen the to be the evaluator for the day -.- If not, the topic i had gotten would be "environment"-which I think i could present it well infront of the class? But after everything, i think its better to be evaluator. Cos most of my friends who talked about their topics got between 2.5 to 3.5? While I got 4. Rather surprised! Omg. But i still felt bad because im not a good english speaker. And im supposed to evaluate/criticise how my classmates talk -.- Very DOTS i think. Who cares. Its over anyway.

Dinnered at Houhgang are for western food with family! Lava rock. Wow the food was awesome. Seriously awesome. And i think is super cheap. One set meal with 2 side dish plus set A consisting of mushroom soup and marshmallow and banana fondue. Omg. Its awesome! >.< Sometimes i think im weird. I feel very tired but i just don't wanna sleep. For the past few days while studying with my head lying on the table, i just fell asleep and was always woken up either by my sis or mum. And when i woke up, my neck was feeling super sour and painful. Aww. I am very tired. But i just dun wanna sleep so early. Time is short ): sounds like i got some terminal disease like that -.- but seriously, how life would be if we had 36 hours? Work tmr. And going Chalet after that. Another slack weekend. I swear this is the last weekend that im slacking. Won't happen for the following week alrdy because test/quizzes is coming up. And i can feel the stress coming again. Hais
Finally built up the courage to start the msn conver with you. Hope you are feeling better. Don't feel depress anymore..Cheer up (:
School ended slightly earlier than 3pm today! Ws cabbed down to school and fetched me to Paragon first cos he want to do some spot check. Lol. Then Shopped at ION, Taka and back to ION again for his friends' present. Went to Armani xchange, calvin klein, burberry, Guess and Fred Perry. After so long, finally bought shirts at Fred Perry. So he was supposed to buy for his friend. And he ended up buying two shirts for himself -.-The 3 shirts add up to $300++. Wow.

Then ION ToriQ to find Ah Tong. Then cine. Wanted to catch a movie but none suits me leh. Its either M18 or R21. Sucj a turn off. So dinner-ed at Hk Cafe. Only reached home at about 9pm? Tired.

Did stats tutorial and read up on cell bio. I still have a lot of things left undone. And im like hanging around outside almost everyday. I should Stop! Shall go home straight after school tmr. I hope.

Chalet this weekend. Which means i have no time to revise again. Thatss very stressssful. Omg.

Have to reach school early tmr to teach Jaryl some stuffs. I need to sleep now cos im left with less than 5 hours. Oh Gosh!

School was tiring! A lot of catch up. Should have taken Bio during sec school. If not i won't be struggling now. Awww. So many tutorials to do. But glad that i managed to finish it.

All the projects coming up. And just finished Bstats project. One project down. And i am very satisfied with the project. Lucky my group was cooperative. Haha. I never fails to look forward to Friday last semester. But i dread to go to school on friday this semester. Com tool kit- back to secondary learning how to write proposals/compo/individual speech in front of the class. Omg? 4 credits some more. How am i going to survive this semester?

And next week would be extemporaneous speech. Were given 22 articles. And teacher would assign one article to us and we would only know next week. Impromptu speech. I am definitely going to die man. What has a science course got to do with english! Its so gonna pull my gpa right down.

So work on saturday was even crazier than last saturday! It was halloween. Rx suggested buying toy knife but ws came back with two water knives from ToysRus instead. LOL. SO after work, we started our water war round two. Sounds super lame but really fun! I got super duper wet. My back was so wet that it dint dry up even after i reach home. Dunno is i sensitive or what. I can feel people looking at my back. They must be wondering "why this girl perspire so much?" HAHA. Then had our late dinner at the shop. Rx went to buy food at taka. Got kway teow, fruits, finger food and chips! Ws's treat again (:

Went town to celebrate esther's birthday. With xw, amanda and guangmin. Long time since i seen gm can. Now then know she dyed her hair -.- very slow i know. Haha. Joined the girls at around 2 plus. Must have made them waited for very long! And they made me very malu in paragon -.- Watched "jennifer's body". NOT NICE ONE! STORYLINE SUCKS. But im happy another horror movie is coming up! Can't wait to watch it. i love horror movies. omg omg. then esther's bf came. Sing song cut cake and they went their ways leaving us to walk around aimlessly at cine. Amanda and gm left earlier.

Ion tori q. Chatted with yz and quek. Haha. Then Fareast with xw again. Slowly walked to Dhoby. And something super funnny happen. A BIRDSHIT LANDED ON XW'S FEET. PIAK! lol. she dam suay. Omg.

6 minutes before 3am struck. Starting to feel tired alrdy. School at 12pm tmr. Till 6pm. One word. SUCK. i hate poly!