Happy birthday April babies (:

020410: Dinner at some jap restaurant at Ion. Stole something there! O.o FFF! Haha

030410: Universal studio with family! Awesome(:
Expo to buy phone!

040410-060419: Work

070410: Shopping with rx at suntec, Marina and town.
Clarke quay Jumbo seafood restaurant with people at night to celebrate ws's birthday!
Met a super cute taxi driver. LOL

080410: Marina square. Kenny Rogers for lunch. Caught 2 lovely bears at arcade (:
Movie: REC 2 <-- SUCKS

090410: Din Tai Fung at Paragon with xw and esther. Yummmy
Dinner at Paragon Sushi tei with xw,esther,peiyi, sandra,clay and yusiang!

100410: Bad day.
Because of you, i quarrelled with 2 of my love ones and made others quarrel because of me. And i will not let this happen again. Guilty max! Sorry ):

Lucky number 8! Lovely pictures! Lovely videos! <3
Did not get into exploring classical music ):
All because of my GeiKiang-ness -.-
Lazy to on my laptop. So used another com instead.
Count down at the website. Log in then duno give what error. Wth
Then rushed to on laptop. Left with those sucky modules. Arghh

No mood just anyhow click and got into Principles of management :@
Learn how to be a good manager -.-

Met xw at cp just now. Ate KFC.
Walked around aimlessly and chatted a lot as usual along the way.
Managed to buy some things too.

Working tmr!

Shall take a short nap and then hopefully can wake up at 12am to watch my fav show.
Someone please call me at 12am to wake me up please!

Feeling so weird suddenly
Haven been updating regularly. Already very tired when i reach home from work plus im really lazy to on my com -.-

Rushed for Clay's birthday chalet after work last Sunday.
Best part of the chalet was me, xw, yu siang and des chatting at the beach.
Time really pass damn fast. Really awesome chat (:

Then back to chalet. Slack for awhile more before going for mac breakfast at around 4 plus am?
Took the first bus back to sk.

Then HOME. Haha!

I am such a liarrrrrrr. tsk tsk. No choice la. Lol. Shan't elaborate. You know i know can already >.<

Did not have a good night sleep yesterday. Keep waking up in the middle of the night.
Had a bad headache plus my body suddenly feels very hot. Took temperature. Fever -.- wth.

Feeling better alrdy. Still a lil bit of headache.

Stayed at home for the whole day. Want to go out also cannot. Cos must enrol for the stupid year 2 module which only starts at 4pm.

Just finished the enrollment. Very happy! Got into the module i wanted.
Understanding relationship: Love and sexuality.

Need to enrol for another one. But no more vacancies.
Exploring classical music <--- Thought not a lot will choose but im wrong!

Shall try again tonight.
Exploring classical music! Here i come. People dun fight with me leh. Lol

My dad ask me to choose understanding financial statements. I think very sian -.-
But if really cannot get what i want, then no choice. Learn about stocks. Coool?

Xw: Bored very bored ver bored bored bored bored
Me: Haha. Wanna go out and slack?
Xw: Huh you asking me out ah. Want want want

Whats that supposed to mean huh xw. I know i not initiative but u also dun need like that right!
I think today is the 2nd or 3rd time i ask you out ho. Lol.

K got to prepare and meet her le. Bye!

Happy April's fool!
Sorry Arnold >.<

Purple -.-
Sudden sore throat and headache :/

Update tmr

Going to sleep now.


Feeling of waiting and being tired sucks right?


Get it? HAHA.

If dun get, then too bad (:

Ok lame.

Really going to sleep alrdy.

The Princess Diary
Happy birthday April babies (:

020410: Dinner at some jap restaurant at Ion. Stole something there! O.o FFF! Haha

030410: Universal studio with family! Awesome(:
Expo to buy phone!

040410-060419: Work

070410: Shopping with rx at suntec, Marina and town.
Clarke quay Jumbo seafood restaurant with people at night to celebrate ws's birthday!
Met a super cute taxi driver. LOL

080410: Marina square. Kenny Rogers for lunch. Caught 2 lovely bears at arcade (:
Movie: REC 2 <-- SUCKS

090410: Din Tai Fung at Paragon with xw and esther. Yummmy
Dinner at Paragon Sushi tei with xw,esther,peiyi, sandra,clay and yusiang!

100410: Bad day.
Because of you, i quarrelled with 2 of my love ones and made others quarrel because of me. And i will not let this happen again. Guilty max! Sorry ):

Lucky number 8! Lovely pictures! Lovely videos! <3
Did not get into exploring classical music ):
All because of my GeiKiang-ness -.-
Lazy to on my laptop. So used another com instead.
Count down at the website. Log in then duno give what error. Wth
Then rushed to on laptop. Left with those sucky modules. Arghh

No mood just anyhow click and got into Principles of management :@
Learn how to be a good manager -.-

Met xw at cp just now. Ate KFC.
Walked around aimlessly and chatted a lot as usual along the way.
Managed to buy some things too.

Working tmr!

Shall take a short nap and then hopefully can wake up at 12am to watch my fav show.
Someone please call me at 12am to wake me up please!

Feeling so weird suddenly
Haven been updating regularly. Already very tired when i reach home from work plus im really lazy to on my com -.-

Rushed for Clay's birthday chalet after work last Sunday.
Best part of the chalet was me, xw, yu siang and des chatting at the beach.
Time really pass damn fast. Really awesome chat (:

Then back to chalet. Slack for awhile more before going for mac breakfast at around 4 plus am?
Took the first bus back to sk.

Then HOME. Haha!

I am such a liarrrrrrr. tsk tsk. No choice la. Lol. Shan't elaborate. You know i know can already >.<

Did not have a good night sleep yesterday. Keep waking up in the middle of the night.
Had a bad headache plus my body suddenly feels very hot. Took temperature. Fever -.- wth.

Feeling better alrdy. Still a lil bit of headache.

Stayed at home for the whole day. Want to go out also cannot. Cos must enrol for the stupid year 2 module which only starts at 4pm.

Just finished the enrollment. Very happy! Got into the module i wanted.
Understanding relationship: Love and sexuality.

Need to enrol for another one. But no more vacancies.
Exploring classical music <--- Thought not a lot will choose but im wrong!

Shall try again tonight.
Exploring classical music! Here i come. People dun fight with me leh. Lol

My dad ask me to choose understanding financial statements. I think very sian -.-
But if really cannot get what i want, then no choice. Learn about stocks. Coool?

Xw: Bored very bored ver bored bored bored bored
Me: Haha. Wanna go out and slack?
Xw: Huh you asking me out ah. Want want want

Whats that supposed to mean huh xw. I know i not initiative but u also dun need like that right!
I think today is the 2nd or 3rd time i ask you out ho. Lol.

K got to prepare and meet her le. Bye!

Happy April's fool!
Sorry Arnold >.<

Purple -.-
Sudden sore throat and headache :/

Update tmr

Going to sleep now.


Feeling of waiting and being tired sucks right?


Get it? HAHA.

If dun get, then too bad (:

Ok lame.

Really going to sleep alrdy.
