Chomp chomp with Huayao for dinner. The last time when i saw him was on February. Never see him for 7 months already! I wonder why all the friends i go out with are never punctual. Lol. Ordered a lot of food! Chicken wings, Xiao bai cai, Stingray, fried oysters, hokkien mee and not forgetting the sugar cane! Was god damn full la. Guess we will meet up again after his A levels (:

These few days had not been good. Luckily, i've got Teo Ying Xuan to make me laugh real hard throughout the whole msn conversation just now! She kept wanting to webcam with me cos she misses me! And she wants me to see her face. HAHA. Become pretty le eh. Cute max!

She made herself look so retarded just to make me laugh. “你开心就好. Thanks girl ^^

Love you la ♥

She was shaking her head in front of the webcam like a SZB and i scolded her crazy and asked her to eat her medicine. And there she went to take her first aid kit. Really bth her! But she is just way too cute!

We gotta meet up either next week or the week after!
I miss you so much!
Got a lot of things to update yaaaaaa!
See you!

Working at 11am tmr.
Its 3.30am but not tired leh
Dad is driving me to work again tmr!

230910 was spent with yvonne sean and km!

Met up with Yvonne Ang, Sean Ng and See Kok Ming yesterday! Yvonne specially baked us muffins. Got Pandan, vanilla and coffee. According to her, she baked till 2 plus a.m because she ended work late at night. So nice of her!

Lunch at Dhoby swensens. The guys had their breaded chicken while we had fish and chips. Plus 2 side orders. Can't finish the food and we all pushed to ..... to settle them. HAHA. Sean's treat. Thanks ah!

Planned to watch a movie but seems like nothing is nice, so went shopping instead. Walked from Dhoby to 313 and it started drizzling -.- Hate the rain because i dun like my hair to get wet. Lol. Then was Ion followed by Far East.

Settled at a shop selling dessert and wanton mee (Forgot the name of the shop) since our legs were tired. Had our drinks and desserts there and sat there for close to 4 hours! Had hth talk session. It was great! Found out many things. Interestinggggggggg. Really a great catch up session (:

Trained back to Dhoby and had dinner. Went to paper market to find something but can't find ):

Stayed at home today. Bored max!
Supposed to go out but..Aiya nvm.
A bit spoil mood.
Just hope everything will be normal again soon.

Just finished folding and ironing clothes.
My eyes are giving me problems again. Irritating.

Going Grandma's house later.

Went out with Yvonne, Sean and Km today!
It was a great catching up session (:

Update more tmr

I need a good good sleep tonight

210910 USS with lovely people!
Trip is so awesome because of them!

Group photos!!

This is cute ^^

Really enjoyed myself totally today! Met the lovely people and headed to USS at 9am. HAHA. It was early in the morning and hence, very little people! Which is a good sign. Hehe.

We all started exploring the places and i'm busy taking photos. Took a total of 288 photos today. Wheee. Tried all the rides except the treasure hunter <-- for little kids to play.
The ride which we enjoyed most was the 'Revenge of the mummy'. Thumbs up for that ride. We went for 5 rounds. 2 consecutive and towards the late afternoon we just went for 3 consecutive rounds till the person recognise us and even asked us to give others a chance to sit on the back row cos its the most exciting. HAHA ttm.

Rapid adventure was fun too! Went 3 times and the water just love me too much that it did not bear to splash on me. Lucky max! Looking at how others got so drenched makes me want to laugh. HAHAHAHAHA.

Waiting for the battlestar galactica to open. Really wanna ride on the roller coaster. Badlyyyyyy. USS next year again i dun care. Lol.

Then was shopping. More of camwhoring i would say. Really had fun, at least it keeps my mind off some things for awhile. Phew.

I am tired.
Working later.
Need to get some sleep nowwww.

Am I really that petty? Hmm


Went to book for my BTT today
Like FINALLY after dragging for so long
Need to wait for 2 months arghhh
Kinda regret. Should have registered earlier.

Waking up early tmr to jog with xw before heading to work
Need to burn some fats.

Its 12.26am
Not waiting anymore
Kinda used to it?

Had been working for the past few days.
It's been great!
Don't feel bored at all because there is always so many things to DISCUSS!
Rui Xian am i right? HAHA

Lunch break with rx today!
Had mac at lucky plaza.
And we got so engrossed in our conver that we forgotten the time
It was alrdy 4.09pm and our break is until 4.12pm.
And zoooooom we ran like mad woman.
And the clock just struck 4.12pm when we reached.
3 mins! LOL damn funnny.

Pa is organising a chalet! Can't wait!

Don't know why my feet just feels pain today
Luckily dad came to fetch me and sis from work
And he is driving us to work tmr before heading to JB! Whooo

And yeah, i finally got my hair dyed.

I shan't say anything which i dun mean it next time.
No more nonsense.
I've got a bad feeling. Awwwwww nvm

Back to Hk drama.
I am a happy girl
Chicken chop and fish with black pepper sauce (:

Mixed combo set: Lamb chop, sausage, bacon, chicken chop, egg (:

Dessert! Cheesecake in chocolate cup and chocolate ice cream mint cake ^^
We dug out the cheesecake and replaced with tea instead. LOL

I thought it was purely a brown cup at first who knows its chocolate!
Haha this is just sooo cute la

I am a happy girl ^^

Finally went for the hygiene course
God damn boring its from 9-5pm
And i don't know anybody from the class but luckily got my phone to entertain me instead.
Learn about the bacteria/viruses and HACCP
Its like recapping everything about what Dr Forday said -.-
So finally can work after attending this course. HAHA

Went to bb's house today (:
Slacked for the whole day before heading to Jack's place for dinner!
Yummmy food and dessert!
The cheesecake in chocolate cup damn cute la.
Only realised the cup was made from chocolate until ws told me -.-
I thought its just a brown cup. HAHA ttm.

Trying to be funny, he dug out the cheesecake and poured my tea inside!
The waiters were looking at us weirdly thinking what we were doing.
Haha and so i used the 'cup' to finish my tea. CUTE ^^

I am a happy girl ^^

Next week would be an exciting week!
USS with polymates on 21st sept!
Meetup with Yvonne, Sean and Km!
Meetup with partner(Huayao)!

Arghh i have yet to book my BTT.
Keep dragging and dragging
Why cannot book online de huh!
I am so lazy to travel all the way to Admiralty leh T.T

Still thinking if i should dye my hair.
Should I or not huhhhhhhhh

Jealous of Iphone 4's camera!
All the photos on top were taken from 4 not 3Gs
My pics all not clear de T.T
Why 3Gs no flash de?!

Working tmr!
Shall sleep soon!
Happy 18th birthday Jasmine Tan!
Specially dedicated to 'my twin'

Happy 18th birthday Jasmine Tan Shi Min!
It's been great knowing you!
Shi Ting always say we 'twin' and i totally agree with her!
The way we think and do things.
And the most scary part was us having the almost the same dp on our phone!
Isn't it scary?! HAHA

And we are forever overreacting in Jess and Fak's eyes. LOL
*Roll eyes at them*

Have a blast FYP partner!

What i want to say its alrdy in the sms!
Especially the last sentence impt ah!
You should know what i mean hehe
See you soon!
Love ya! (:
Me and Xw love love

Out with Chubbeh today!
Town again! Our favourite hangout. Hehe
Went to shop for presentsssss
Dint manage to buy anything! HAHA guys' presents are always so hard to buy -.-

Saw one very nice Vans shoe at Tangs.
Wanted to buy for xw but no size.
Was told that 313 have that shoe and so we train there since we were lazy to walk.
Went there and it was sold out. Tsk pisssed.

Then was cine.
Took neoprints!
Saw one very cute shirt at num. If only no printing at the back. Wasted!

Was telling xw how i was so addicted to the pvz game and she said im very childish
And she somehow got addicted too. HAHA

Don't hear it from the 3rd party
Come and ask me yourself
I am more than willing to tell you (:

The Princess Diary
Chomp chomp with Huayao for dinner. The last time when i saw him was on February. Never see him for 7 months already! I wonder why all the friends i go out with are never punctual. Lol. Ordered a lot of food! Chicken wings, Xiao bai cai, Stingray, fried oysters, hokkien mee and not forgetting the sugar cane! Was god damn full la. Guess we will meet up again after his A levels (:

These few days had not been good. Luckily, i've got Teo Ying Xuan to make me laugh real hard throughout the whole msn conversation just now! She kept wanting to webcam with me cos she misses me! And she wants me to see her face. HAHA. Become pretty le eh. Cute max!

She made herself look so retarded just to make me laugh. “你开心就好. Thanks girl ^^

Love you la ♥

She was shaking her head in front of the webcam like a SZB and i scolded her crazy and asked her to eat her medicine. And there she went to take her first aid kit. Really bth her! But she is just way too cute!

We gotta meet up either next week or the week after!
I miss you so much!
Got a lot of things to update yaaaaaa!
See you!

Working at 11am tmr.
Its 3.30am but not tired leh
Dad is driving me to work again tmr!

230910 was spent with yvonne sean and km!

Met up with Yvonne Ang, Sean Ng and See Kok Ming yesterday! Yvonne specially baked us muffins. Got Pandan, vanilla and coffee. According to her, she baked till 2 plus a.m because she ended work late at night. So nice of her!

Lunch at Dhoby swensens. The guys had their breaded chicken while we had fish and chips. Plus 2 side orders. Can't finish the food and we all pushed to ..... to settle them. HAHA. Sean's treat. Thanks ah!

Planned to watch a movie but seems like nothing is nice, so went shopping instead. Walked from Dhoby to 313 and it started drizzling -.- Hate the rain because i dun like my hair to get wet. Lol. Then was Ion followed by Far East.

Settled at a shop selling dessert and wanton mee (Forgot the name of the shop) since our legs were tired. Had our drinks and desserts there and sat there for close to 4 hours! Had hth talk session. It was great! Found out many things. Interestinggggggggg. Really a great catch up session (:

Trained back to Dhoby and had dinner. Went to paper market to find something but can't find ):

Stayed at home today. Bored max!
Supposed to go out but..Aiya nvm.
A bit spoil mood.
Just hope everything will be normal again soon.

Just finished folding and ironing clothes.
My eyes are giving me problems again. Irritating.

Going Grandma's house later.

Went out with Yvonne, Sean and Km today!
It was a great catching up session (:

Update more tmr

I need a good good sleep tonight

210910 USS with lovely people!
Trip is so awesome because of them!

Group photos!!

This is cute ^^

Really enjoyed myself totally today! Met the lovely people and headed to USS at 9am. HAHA. It was early in the morning and hence, very little people! Which is a good sign. Hehe.

We all started exploring the places and i'm busy taking photos. Took a total of 288 photos today. Wheee. Tried all the rides except the treasure hunter <-- for little kids to play.
The ride which we enjoyed most was the 'Revenge of the mummy'. Thumbs up for that ride. We went for 5 rounds. 2 consecutive and towards the late afternoon we just went for 3 consecutive rounds till the person recognise us and even asked us to give others a chance to sit on the back row cos its the most exciting. HAHA ttm.

Rapid adventure was fun too! Went 3 times and the water just love me too much that it did not bear to splash on me. Lucky max! Looking at how others got so drenched makes me want to laugh. HAHAHAHAHA.

Waiting for the battlestar galactica to open. Really wanna ride on the roller coaster. Badlyyyyyy. USS next year again i dun care. Lol.

Then was shopping. More of camwhoring i would say. Really had fun, at least it keeps my mind off some things for awhile. Phew.

I am tired.
Working later.
Need to get some sleep nowwww.

Am I really that petty? Hmm


Went to book for my BTT today
Like FINALLY after dragging for so long
Need to wait for 2 months arghhh
Kinda regret. Should have registered earlier.

Waking up early tmr to jog with xw before heading to work
Need to burn some fats.

Its 12.26am
Not waiting anymore
Kinda used to it?

Had been working for the past few days.
It's been great!
Don't feel bored at all because there is always so many things to DISCUSS!
Rui Xian am i right? HAHA

Lunch break with rx today!
Had mac at lucky plaza.
And we got so engrossed in our conver that we forgotten the time
It was alrdy 4.09pm and our break is until 4.12pm.
And zoooooom we ran like mad woman.
And the clock just struck 4.12pm when we reached.
3 mins! LOL damn funnny.

Pa is organising a chalet! Can't wait!

Don't know why my feet just feels pain today
Luckily dad came to fetch me and sis from work
And he is driving us to work tmr before heading to JB! Whooo

And yeah, i finally got my hair dyed.

I shan't say anything which i dun mean it next time.
No more nonsense.
I've got a bad feeling. Awwwwww nvm

Back to Hk drama.
I am a happy girl
Chicken chop and fish with black pepper sauce (:

Mixed combo set: Lamb chop, sausage, bacon, chicken chop, egg (:

Dessert! Cheesecake in chocolate cup and chocolate ice cream mint cake ^^
We dug out the cheesecake and replaced with tea instead. LOL

I thought it was purely a brown cup at first who knows its chocolate!
Haha this is just sooo cute la

I am a happy girl ^^

Finally went for the hygiene course
God damn boring its from 9-5pm
And i don't know anybody from the class but luckily got my phone to entertain me instead.
Learn about the bacteria/viruses and HACCP
Its like recapping everything about what Dr Forday said -.-
So finally can work after attending this course. HAHA

Went to bb's house today (:
Slacked for the whole day before heading to Jack's place for dinner!
Yummmy food and dessert!
The cheesecake in chocolate cup damn cute la.
Only realised the cup was made from chocolate until ws told me -.-
I thought its just a brown cup. HAHA ttm.

Trying to be funny, he dug out the cheesecake and poured my tea inside!
The waiters were looking at us weirdly thinking what we were doing.
Haha and so i used the 'cup' to finish my tea. CUTE ^^

I am a happy girl ^^

Next week would be an exciting week!
USS with polymates on 21st sept!
Meetup with Yvonne, Sean and Km!
Meetup with partner(Huayao)!

Arghh i have yet to book my BTT.
Keep dragging and dragging
Why cannot book online de huh!
I am so lazy to travel all the way to Admiralty leh T.T

Still thinking if i should dye my hair.
Should I or not huhhhhhhhh

Jealous of Iphone 4's camera!
All the photos on top were taken from 4 not 3Gs
My pics all not clear de T.T
Why 3Gs no flash de?!

Working tmr!
Shall sleep soon!
Happy 18th birthday Jasmine Tan!
Specially dedicated to 'my twin'

Happy 18th birthday Jasmine Tan Shi Min!
It's been great knowing you!
Shi Ting always say we 'twin' and i totally agree with her!
The way we think and do things.
And the most scary part was us having the almost the same dp on our phone!
Isn't it scary?! HAHA

And we are forever overreacting in Jess and Fak's eyes. LOL
*Roll eyes at them*

Have a blast FYP partner!

What i want to say its alrdy in the sms!
Especially the last sentence impt ah!
You should know what i mean hehe
See you soon!
Love ya! (:
Me and Xw love love

Out with Chubbeh today!
Town again! Our favourite hangout. Hehe
Went to shop for presentsssss
Dint manage to buy anything! HAHA guys' presents are always so hard to buy -.-

Saw one very nice Vans shoe at Tangs.
Wanted to buy for xw but no size.
Was told that 313 have that shoe and so we train there since we were lazy to walk.
Went there and it was sold out. Tsk pisssed.

Then was cine.
Took neoprints!
Saw one very cute shirt at num. If only no printing at the back. Wasted!

Was telling xw how i was so addicted to the pvz game and she said im very childish
And she somehow got addicted too. HAHA

Don't hear it from the 3rd party
Come and ask me yourself
I am more than willing to tell you (: