Study of multi-drug resistant bacteria in hospital environment :)
Got into the 1st choice!
Will be attached to Changi General Hospital.
Wonder how hospital lab looks like! Heard that the lab there is near to the mortuary. Lol. This project will last for 12months! Doing same topic for FYP too. Internship-linked project.
Oh yeahhhh ^^

Have been sleeping earlier and earlier each day. But still feel very tired.
Imagine waking up at 545am everyday! Ok this will end very very soon.
Cos CGH is so much nearer to my house!

Im used to it already..
Off to sleep!
Learnt parking today.
It was fun! Lol
Looking forward to next lesson!

Dad just applied credit card for me
Happy leh ^^
Don't think I will use it anyway lol

Need to bathe liao
Gg for early reunion dinner later :)

Glad everything is fine now :D

Some words are just too sensitive
Say only when u mean it

I did not make a big fuss out of it
I know I am not mature enough but tt does not mean i am childish

The end
Random thoughts
Lie on the bed for almost one hour plus already. Can't fall asleep.
Had some random thoughts suddenly. Kinda weird tt I actually thought of those stuffs. Damn shall get it off my mind!

FYP and internship results out but will only be released next week. Please let me get into CGH!!

Driving lesson yesterday morning. Got honked by a taxi! Got so many cars and lorries -.- Was alrdy driving at 40-50km/h alrdy leh on minor road somemore. Those drivers sometimes just dun give chance. Lol. On a happier note learning parking this Sunday :)

Skipped school and went town with xw! Bought the same dress. Lol. Took neoprints!! Our favourite <3 took one initially and took another after dinner. Haha fun fun! Comparing the neoprints we took last April we really changed a lot a lot.

New sofa has arrived! Damn comfortable laaa. Guess I won't be lying on my bed to study liao. Sofa instead! Tried tt today and fell asleep 15 mins later -.- I'm not those type tt can sit infront of the table and study one. So serves me right lo.

Sometimes I hope someone will know what I'm thinking/feeling without needing me to tell them.

I will learn to be more independent.
Friday was spent watching Saw VII and studying for my FTT at Bear's house!
The movie was super gore but it was nice!! Always wanted to watch saw but then it's always R21 -.-

Headed to SSDC for the test and I passed!! Wl dun need read also can pass cos all those I read nv come out LOL! Waste my time only! Haha or maybe is I lucky get those easy questions out of the 300 over questions. Bleahh

We then headed to some coffeeshop at Yishun. Stingray, sotong and Prawn paste chicken wings! The sotong damn nice ^^

Woke up early the next morning and headed to ubi to get my PDL done! Like finally la after dragging for so long. Had my first driving lesson at night! It was fun!! The instructor very funny one. Lol! can't wait for the next lesson. Hehe.

Woke up feeling very irritated. Don't know why also. Must be schoolwork again :(

Alastair just asked me to join him and wp for high tea buffet to celebrate wp's birthday on Thursday. But I got school!!! Sian!

Projects faster end pleaseeeeee T.T

Shan't waste my time here alrdy.
Snoring machine HAHAHA
Last week was considered not bad la!

No school on Thurs and Fri due to open house!
Open house was quite fun. I finally dared to hold the big crayfish! Without gloves somemore. LOL! Took quite a number of photos of me holding the crayfish but the photos not very nice leh so decided not to post up! Hoho

Got back INAC on Wednesday. Oh wheee was quite shocked with what I have got. Damn happyyyy of course ^^ school ended very late. Around 6 am like tt due to the open house briefing -.- met bear at Clementi and headed to city hall for dinner!

Wanted to eat buffet one but then the food does not seem attractive to me. Haha! So ended up at Singapore Watami Jap casual restaurant. Dessert at fruittartshop. Oh yeah had my strawberry mont blanc :)

Cny is coming!! In like 3 weeks time? Mum ordered blueberry cheesecake. Nice leh. I love cheesy stuffs! And I haven buy new year clothes yet!! Still got some clothes hanging in my wardrobe not worn before yet, but I still wanna buy more leh! Need to get it real soon! Hahaha!

And dad has bought new sofa! Coming in a few weeks time. Excited! Hehe. And there's people coming to my house next week to clean those aircons in my house. Lol. So many things going on la. Haha.

Oh yeah final theory test this Friday. Looks hard hopefully I cam pass la!
Hopefully can learn driving by next week. Mum is currently helping me to find an instructor. Wheeee

I'm currently on the shuttlebus to school! Am I can't wait for next week because all the projects will end! And at least I can enjoy my cny without worrying about schoolwork.

Okay reaching school soon. While someone still snoring away! Lol







Just finished doing parts of BIF.
So many DNA sequences
Wah my eyes going to become DOU JI YAN soon.

Need to sleep now!


May update again tmr!
Happehhhh newwwwww earrrrrr
It's 2011!! Super duper fast!
2010 was not that bad but this year will definitely be better :)

So Wednesday was spent with sisters and cousins. 7 of them! Been so long since we went out together. Cool! Town with Jiayi first and met up with the rest later. Bought another bag again. Hoho. Took super long to decide where to eat. Ended up at Ajisen. Swensens ice-cream after. Haha. It was a nice catchup session ^^ Guess we will meet again on 23rd Jan. Reunion dinner! Hoho.

Work on New year eve. Unending queues again! Left the shop only at 11am because it's the end of the month and it is the first time I am doing stock taking and all those inventory stuffs for end month. Abit different from daily inventory. Super pek chek lo. Haha but ok la I learned something again. Haha. Next I wanna learn how to cook and put stock properly. But like hard leh cos pa so busy where got chance to learn. Lol.

Supposed to work at 12pm today but not a lot of customers so was asked to punch in at a later time. One hour later... ended up gg out instead. With bear! Lunch at a jap restaurant in Mandarin gallery. Ramen, pork bun and gyoza! The pork bun is very nice! Not a pork fan but the pork tasted nice ^^ then headed to cine for movie! Shopping and dessert before that. Mango sago with pomelo, Black sesame paste and chicken wings with chips. Eat and eat only!! Caught " The tourist". Full house. The how was not bad! Movie ended at around 6 plus and it was raining. Got caught in the rain for awhile.

Next destination was nex! Went there just for food only! Go out with him means eat eat and eat nonstop :P becoming a fatty pig soon! Hobey chicken wings followed by Cheese,mushroom and egg prata followed by peanut riceballs. my stomach bloated already he still hungry. Lol! Huge appetite. Eat so much still so skinny. Envy leh Hahaha.

Embarrassed myself again on the train. Laughed and... Wth I dint know lo. Had a great laugh!

Okay today was great <3
Not that moody liao

Shan't think anymore
Shall just let nature takes it's course

School starting in 2 days time.
Will be busy again :\

The Princess Diary
Study of multi-drug resistant bacteria in hospital environment :)
Got into the 1st choice!
Will be attached to Changi General Hospital.
Wonder how hospital lab looks like! Heard that the lab there is near to the mortuary. Lol. This project will last for 12months! Doing same topic for FYP too. Internship-linked project.
Oh yeahhhh ^^

Have been sleeping earlier and earlier each day. But still feel very tired.
Imagine waking up at 545am everyday! Ok this will end very very soon.
Cos CGH is so much nearer to my house!

Im used to it already..
Off to sleep!
Learnt parking today.
It was fun! Lol
Looking forward to next lesson!

Dad just applied credit card for me
Happy leh ^^
Don't think I will use it anyway lol

Need to bathe liao
Gg for early reunion dinner later :)

Glad everything is fine now :D

Some words are just too sensitive
Say only when u mean it

I did not make a big fuss out of it
I know I am not mature enough but tt does not mean i am childish

The end
Random thoughts
Lie on the bed for almost one hour plus already. Can't fall asleep.
Had some random thoughts suddenly. Kinda weird tt I actually thought of those stuffs. Damn shall get it off my mind!

FYP and internship results out but will only be released next week. Please let me get into CGH!!

Driving lesson yesterday morning. Got honked by a taxi! Got so many cars and lorries -.- Was alrdy driving at 40-50km/h alrdy leh on minor road somemore. Those drivers sometimes just dun give chance. Lol. On a happier note learning parking this Sunday :)

Skipped school and went town with xw! Bought the same dress. Lol. Took neoprints!! Our favourite <3 took one initially and took another after dinner. Haha fun fun! Comparing the neoprints we took last April we really changed a lot a lot.

New sofa has arrived! Damn comfortable laaa. Guess I won't be lying on my bed to study liao. Sofa instead! Tried tt today and fell asleep 15 mins later -.- I'm not those type tt can sit infront of the table and study one. So serves me right lo.

Sometimes I hope someone will know what I'm thinking/feeling without needing me to tell them.

I will learn to be more independent.
Friday was spent watching Saw VII and studying for my FTT at Bear's house!
The movie was super gore but it was nice!! Always wanted to watch saw but then it's always R21 -.-

Headed to SSDC for the test and I passed!! Wl dun need read also can pass cos all those I read nv come out LOL! Waste my time only! Haha or maybe is I lucky get those easy questions out of the 300 over questions. Bleahh

We then headed to some coffeeshop at Yishun. Stingray, sotong and Prawn paste chicken wings! The sotong damn nice ^^

Woke up early the next morning and headed to ubi to get my PDL done! Like finally la after dragging for so long. Had my first driving lesson at night! It was fun!! The instructor very funny one. Lol! can't wait for the next lesson. Hehe.

Woke up feeling very irritated. Don't know why also. Must be schoolwork again :(

Alastair just asked me to join him and wp for high tea buffet to celebrate wp's birthday on Thursday. But I got school!!! Sian!

Projects faster end pleaseeeeee T.T

Shan't waste my time here alrdy.
Snoring machine HAHAHA
Last week was considered not bad la!

No school on Thurs and Fri due to open house!
Open house was quite fun. I finally dared to hold the big crayfish! Without gloves somemore. LOL! Took quite a number of photos of me holding the crayfish but the photos not very nice leh so decided not to post up! Hoho

Got back INAC on Wednesday. Oh wheee was quite shocked with what I have got. Damn happyyyy of course ^^ school ended very late. Around 6 am like tt due to the open house briefing -.- met bear at Clementi and headed to city hall for dinner!

Wanted to eat buffet one but then the food does not seem attractive to me. Haha! So ended up at Singapore Watami Jap casual restaurant. Dessert at fruittartshop. Oh yeah had my strawberry mont blanc :)

Cny is coming!! In like 3 weeks time? Mum ordered blueberry cheesecake. Nice leh. I love cheesy stuffs! And I haven buy new year clothes yet!! Still got some clothes hanging in my wardrobe not worn before yet, but I still wanna buy more leh! Need to get it real soon! Hahaha!

And dad has bought new sofa! Coming in a few weeks time. Excited! Hehe. And there's people coming to my house next week to clean those aircons in my house. Lol. So many things going on la. Haha.

Oh yeah final theory test this Friday. Looks hard hopefully I cam pass la!
Hopefully can learn driving by next week. Mum is currently helping me to find an instructor. Wheeee

I'm currently on the shuttlebus to school! Am I can't wait for next week because all the projects will end! And at least I can enjoy my cny without worrying about schoolwork.

Okay reaching school soon. While someone still snoring away! Lol







Just finished doing parts of BIF.
So many DNA sequences
Wah my eyes going to become DOU JI YAN soon.

Need to sleep now!


May update again tmr!
Happehhhh newwwwww earrrrrr
It's 2011!! Super duper fast!
2010 was not that bad but this year will definitely be better :)

So Wednesday was spent with sisters and cousins. 7 of them! Been so long since we went out together. Cool! Town with Jiayi first and met up with the rest later. Bought another bag again. Hoho. Took super long to decide where to eat. Ended up at Ajisen. Swensens ice-cream after. Haha. It was a nice catchup session ^^ Guess we will meet again on 23rd Jan. Reunion dinner! Hoho.

Work on New year eve. Unending queues again! Left the shop only at 11am because it's the end of the month and it is the first time I am doing stock taking and all those inventory stuffs for end month. Abit different from daily inventory. Super pek chek lo. Haha but ok la I learned something again. Haha. Next I wanna learn how to cook and put stock properly. But like hard leh cos pa so busy where got chance to learn. Lol.

Supposed to work at 12pm today but not a lot of customers so was asked to punch in at a later time. One hour later... ended up gg out instead. With bear! Lunch at a jap restaurant in Mandarin gallery. Ramen, pork bun and gyoza! The pork bun is very nice! Not a pork fan but the pork tasted nice ^^ then headed to cine for movie! Shopping and dessert before that. Mango sago with pomelo, Black sesame paste and chicken wings with chips. Eat and eat only!! Caught " The tourist". Full house. The how was not bad! Movie ended at around 6 plus and it was raining. Got caught in the rain for awhile.

Next destination was nex! Went there just for food only! Go out with him means eat eat and eat nonstop :P becoming a fatty pig soon! Hobey chicken wings followed by Cheese,mushroom and egg prata followed by peanut riceballs. my stomach bloated already he still hungry. Lol! Huge appetite. Eat so much still so skinny. Envy leh Hahaha.

Embarrassed myself again on the train. Laughed and... Wth I dint know lo. Had a great laugh!

Okay today was great <3
Not that moody liao

Shan't think anymore
Shall just let nature takes it's course

School starting in 2 days time.
Will be busy again :\
