Afraid that I am going to... soon

Went to bed at around 1230am yesterday and me and Jiayi had htht all the way till 230am. She bombed me some questions which made me totally speechless :/ I was quite shocked with myself because some of the answers I gave contradicts my actions. No doubt, she kept me thinking for the whole night!

My sister is just too cute! She told me if I am seeing someone, I must let her see whether it's a pass or fail (based on looks, actions, characters etc) before my parents get to know him.. Cute or what sia. So that makes me ask her the first thing tt she does not accept. Guess what she said -.-

Went for Mac breakfast and tried to study in the afternoon. Got really bored while studying halfway and suddenly feel like gg shopping. Its a super last minute decision la. So headed to Paragon with jy to shop for mum's birthday present! Her bdae coming in a week's time. Bought her an Agnes B wallet! Never bought something so expensive with my own money before. And its been so long since I bought something nice for my mum already lo! So the $400++ is definitely worth it :D :D wheee so happy can't wait to give her!

The wallet really very nice leh. Classy!! Tempted to buy one to pamper myself for studying so hard sia! LOL!! But I told myself, i will not spend my $ on branded goods until I really know how to earn $$. And yes, RESIST THE TEMPTATION!

Dad's birthday coming in 2 months time! Have already thought of what to buy for him already! So i better start working and earn more $$$$$$$. I am broke already :/ lol As usual, April will be my poorest month. Haha

Yangyang coming tmr! And i know he will make my day ^^ This little boy is just way too cute!!!

I am tired.
I don't want anything.
I just wanna concentrate on my studies.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Recently, I found out there's a lot of coin shaped lesions on parts of my legs and hands. And it's very obvious when I wear shorts because its on the hind n lower part of my left leg.. Actually I experience this problem( coin shaped lesions) since I was primary 4. Normally i would just apply some skin cream and it takes quite some time to hwal though. Can go up till 2 weeks. It does not seem like mosquito bites because mosquito bites won't give coin shaped lesions but just one red patch. And the lesions have been popping out more recently this few days and it really irritates me due to the itchiness and it's so damn ugly la'. Like got some skin disease like that!

Got worried and consulted the doctor yesterday. And tadaaa it's "eczema". Nothing serious la. Wanted to find out more so googled and found out that they can be triggered by stress! And must cut down on eggs, peanuts etc. I hate peanuts, so it's ok! Haha but eggs? No way man. Btw I had 3 half boiled eggs today. Haha!

Been feeling stress lately because exams are just one week away from now! No wonder there's so many lesions on my legs la'! Tsk tsk. But luckily the lesions disappeared the next day after applying the cream. Wheeee smooth skin liao! LOL! I better don't get stress before they pop out and make me look like someone with skin disease -.-

I would better go sleep now. Jiayi keeps bugging me to accompany her for mac breakfast tmr! Needa wake up like at 9am?? Super early for me la'! Haha. But I'm a good sister so yeah!

So everything started with this Bunny messaging me this emoticon!

See how irritating she is!
Forever making fun of me
Or is it I nice to bluff??


Then she jio-ed me to her house for baking session!

Heart Bear and Bunny!
The bottom heart so ugly! First attempt LOL
Fairy Cupcakes! It tastes like 鸡蛋糕!
Got the eggy smell

Spent around 3 hours baking! And it was fun <3
I think the last batch of cookies we made taste the nicest lo!
Cos we used the bigger oven to bake. HAHA!

Xw let's try baking other things next time!

Stress is building up due to all the test and upcoming exams. Dread going to school now because i hate the "competitive" atmosphere. Yes, and i really do agree humans are selfish. Everyone wants the best for themselves. Sighhh but luckily i've got friends who are very encouraging.

Bookmark by Jesslyn!!
She gave me this on the day when we have our bchem quiz

And that explains why she wrote the LOVE this way!
Creative ah!
For those who don't know, its actually the names of some amino acids la!





Birthday/Valentines letter by Shi Ting!
Her nickname: Photocopy machine!

Woah her letter was long!
Haha but Shi Ting, ur letter was not the longest!

So far, the longest letter that i have received was from Jaryl!

But still, i am very happy to receive this letter!
Love you too! Hehe

I just love to receive cards/letters! I love to read what others write for me. It's just a very nice feeling laaaaa ^^

Oh yeah and this is Yang Yang!
The cute boy that stick with us for 1 year plus already!

I swear he is really super cute!

"where's the tree" and he will auto raise his head up
"Where's the grass" and he will look down on the floor
"Where's my nose" walk towards me and point to my nose
"Massage", place his face flat on anything and wait for people to help him massage!

cute or what u tell me!!!
and he is damn clever
He knows how to play iphone games
he is only 1 year plus btw!
and don't know how to talk yet!

But kinda sad cos he going childcare soon
Cos his mum gave birth and wants my mum to look after his brother!

But i like yang yang more leh ):
Really treat him like my own brother

His brother!
See how thick his double chin is!

so cuteeeee


It's 2:43am already!
I should sleep



Tell me the tales that to me was so dear


k la shall force myself to sleep nawww
Oh yeah bchem quiz was alright la!
Just that the mcq sucked a little bit. Hehe!
Hope those chemical structures that I drew was right *prays hard*

One test down. 3 more tests to go!
One more week to endure. Ughhh

So went vivo with Bear!
Dinner at carnivore! Woahh I think the place is cool.
Good service. The way they serve the food quite cute leh hahah
Ate a lot of meats!! Carnivore mah. LOL
Nice nice!! ^^

On the way home now! But very tired already. So should hit the bed straight and study tmr!

I want to go to cruise lehhh.
But no holidays from now till year 3!
Ah sian.

Haha. I need to cut short my fringe!
It's so long and ugly right now.


Chinese New year was great!

Lazy to elaborate

My lovely grandparents! <3

Cousinssss ^^

Company dinner at Vienna

Oh yeah i think the food sucked there
Did not eat much!

Just ate a few prawns, a bit of salmon and a piece of cheesecake only!
Disappointed with the food there lehh. lol

And i dint win anything from the lucky draw lo!
The 2 girls below very lucky sia
Tsk tsk!

Then went helipad with Rui xian, Xinfei, Xuying, Qiangyi, Jazz and Bear!
Wheee first time going to this kind of place.

Enjoyed our Sarong Fly at the rooftop!
The weather and the view from the rooftop was WOWWWWWWWWW
Damn niceeeee :P

Played guess the number and loser drinks and tadaaa one person got drunk
And really drunk. LOL!

Guess who got drunk! hehe

First time clubbing and yeah its cool!
Left the place at around 1 plus and went to Bear's house!
Left at around 530am ^^

Woke up feeling sick the next day.
Flu and coughs invaded!

Chu4 went to Bear's house to Bai Nian.
Gambled and we won!
Then followed him to his friend's house and gambled again!
Lol and won a bit! Yeahhhh

Went for dinner with his family at night!
His bro drove us to some place at Alexandra.

An awesome dinner <3

Really enjoyed myself this new year!
Neglected most of my study times
The things i planned to do all failed


And there's so many test coming this week and the week after

On a happier note, i feel loved!


School tmr.
Off to sleep!


The Princess Diary
Afraid that I am going to... soon

Went to bed at around 1230am yesterday and me and Jiayi had htht all the way till 230am. She bombed me some questions which made me totally speechless :/ I was quite shocked with myself because some of the answers I gave contradicts my actions. No doubt, she kept me thinking for the whole night!

My sister is just too cute! She told me if I am seeing someone, I must let her see whether it's a pass or fail (based on looks, actions, characters etc) before my parents get to know him.. Cute or what sia. So that makes me ask her the first thing tt she does not accept. Guess what she said -.-

Went for Mac breakfast and tried to study in the afternoon. Got really bored while studying halfway and suddenly feel like gg shopping. Its a super last minute decision la. So headed to Paragon with jy to shop for mum's birthday present! Her bdae coming in a week's time. Bought her an Agnes B wallet! Never bought something so expensive with my own money before. And its been so long since I bought something nice for my mum already lo! So the $400++ is definitely worth it :D :D wheee so happy can't wait to give her!

The wallet really very nice leh. Classy!! Tempted to buy one to pamper myself for studying so hard sia! LOL!! But I told myself, i will not spend my $ on branded goods until I really know how to earn $$. And yes, RESIST THE TEMPTATION!

Dad's birthday coming in 2 months time! Have already thought of what to buy for him already! So i better start working and earn more $$$$$$$. I am broke already :/ lol As usual, April will be my poorest month. Haha

Yangyang coming tmr! And i know he will make my day ^^ This little boy is just way too cute!!!

I am tired.
I don't want anything.
I just wanna concentrate on my studies.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Recently, I found out there's a lot of coin shaped lesions on parts of my legs and hands. And it's very obvious when I wear shorts because its on the hind n lower part of my left leg.. Actually I experience this problem( coin shaped lesions) since I was primary 4. Normally i would just apply some skin cream and it takes quite some time to hwal though. Can go up till 2 weeks. It does not seem like mosquito bites because mosquito bites won't give coin shaped lesions but just one red patch. And the lesions have been popping out more recently this few days and it really irritates me due to the itchiness and it's so damn ugly la'. Like got some skin disease like that!

Got worried and consulted the doctor yesterday. And tadaaa it's "eczema". Nothing serious la. Wanted to find out more so googled and found out that they can be triggered by stress! And must cut down on eggs, peanuts etc. I hate peanuts, so it's ok! Haha but eggs? No way man. Btw I had 3 half boiled eggs today. Haha!

Been feeling stress lately because exams are just one week away from now! No wonder there's so many lesions on my legs la'! Tsk tsk. But luckily the lesions disappeared the next day after applying the cream. Wheeee smooth skin liao! LOL! I better don't get stress before they pop out and make me look like someone with skin disease -.-

I would better go sleep now. Jiayi keeps bugging me to accompany her for mac breakfast tmr! Needa wake up like at 9am?? Super early for me la'! Haha. But I'm a good sister so yeah!

So everything started with this Bunny messaging me this emoticon!

See how irritating she is!
Forever making fun of me
Or is it I nice to bluff??


Then she jio-ed me to her house for baking session!

Heart Bear and Bunny!
The bottom heart so ugly! First attempt LOL
Fairy Cupcakes! It tastes like 鸡蛋糕!
Got the eggy smell

Spent around 3 hours baking! And it was fun <3
I think the last batch of cookies we made taste the nicest lo!
Cos we used the bigger oven to bake. HAHA!

Xw let's try baking other things next time!

Stress is building up due to all the test and upcoming exams. Dread going to school now because i hate the "competitive" atmosphere. Yes, and i really do agree humans are selfish. Everyone wants the best for themselves. Sighhh but luckily i've got friends who are very encouraging.

Bookmark by Jesslyn!!
She gave me this on the day when we have our bchem quiz

And that explains why she wrote the LOVE this way!
Creative ah!
For those who don't know, its actually the names of some amino acids la!





Birthday/Valentines letter by Shi Ting!
Her nickname: Photocopy machine!

Woah her letter was long!
Haha but Shi Ting, ur letter was not the longest!

So far, the longest letter that i have received was from Jaryl!

But still, i am very happy to receive this letter!
Love you too! Hehe

I just love to receive cards/letters! I love to read what others write for me. It's just a very nice feeling laaaaa ^^

Oh yeah and this is Yang Yang!
The cute boy that stick with us for 1 year plus already!

I swear he is really super cute!

"where's the tree" and he will auto raise his head up
"Where's the grass" and he will look down on the floor
"Where's my nose" walk towards me and point to my nose
"Massage", place his face flat on anything and wait for people to help him massage!

cute or what u tell me!!!
and he is damn clever
He knows how to play iphone games
he is only 1 year plus btw!
and don't know how to talk yet!

But kinda sad cos he going childcare soon
Cos his mum gave birth and wants my mum to look after his brother!

But i like yang yang more leh ):
Really treat him like my own brother

His brother!
See how thick his double chin is!

so cuteeeee


It's 2:43am already!
I should sleep



Tell me the tales that to me was so dear


k la shall force myself to sleep nawww
Oh yeah bchem quiz was alright la!
Just that the mcq sucked a little bit. Hehe!
Hope those chemical structures that I drew was right *prays hard*

One test down. 3 more tests to go!
One more week to endure. Ughhh

So went vivo with Bear!
Dinner at carnivore! Woahh I think the place is cool.
Good service. The way they serve the food quite cute leh hahah
Ate a lot of meats!! Carnivore mah. LOL
Nice nice!! ^^

On the way home now! But very tired already. So should hit the bed straight and study tmr!

I want to go to cruise lehhh.
But no holidays from now till year 3!
Ah sian.

Haha. I need to cut short my fringe!
It's so long and ugly right now.


Chinese New year was great!

Lazy to elaborate

My lovely grandparents! <3

Cousinssss ^^

Company dinner at Vienna

Oh yeah i think the food sucked there
Did not eat much!

Just ate a few prawns, a bit of salmon and a piece of cheesecake only!
Disappointed with the food there lehh. lol

And i dint win anything from the lucky draw lo!
The 2 girls below very lucky sia
Tsk tsk!

Then went helipad with Rui xian, Xinfei, Xuying, Qiangyi, Jazz and Bear!
Wheee first time going to this kind of place.

Enjoyed our Sarong Fly at the rooftop!
The weather and the view from the rooftop was WOWWWWWWWWW
Damn niceeeee :P

Played guess the number and loser drinks and tadaaa one person got drunk
And really drunk. LOL!

Guess who got drunk! hehe

First time clubbing and yeah its cool!
Left the place at around 1 plus and went to Bear's house!
Left at around 530am ^^

Woke up feeling sick the next day.
Flu and coughs invaded!

Chu4 went to Bear's house to Bai Nian.
Gambled and we won!
Then followed him to his friend's house and gambled again!
Lol and won a bit! Yeahhhh

Went for dinner with his family at night!
His bro drove us to some place at Alexandra.

An awesome dinner <3

Really enjoyed myself this new year!
Neglected most of my study times
The things i planned to do all failed


And there's so many test coming this week and the week after

On a happier note, i feel loved!


School tmr.
Off to sleep!
