Hug hug

World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles!
Very nice movie!!

Out with Poly friends last Friday. Supposed to go Timbre but there's 10 of us and we did not make reservation. So end up having dinner at Breeks before heading to Chijmes.

Bear bought me this!
It fits me nicely!
Xie Xie la
Dinner at Tampopo Takashimaya ^^

My Sakura fried rice!

His Sp.Tokusen Loin
My CHEESE salmon!
This salmon look so pathetic lol
This popcorns smell damn freaking nice la!
I can smell it from far!
I think it taste better than Cornery

So he bought a medium sized cheesy popcorn and small caramel crisps for me to go home and eat LOL!

It's so yummy to me that I ate it for breakfast for the past 3 days.
Just can't stop eating it!! HAHA.

Caramel crisp <3
Cheesy corn <3 <3
Jesslyn I know u drooling la!

Swensens at Changi Airport with family and Yang Yang yesterday!! Haha. My appetite has been good these few days. Eat a lot!! Die le laaaaaa

Oh yeah got a lot of activities coming up this week!

Amazing race (11pm-6am) with Jess, Shi ting and Liying this coming Friday.
Work at 11am next day!
It sounds crazy! I think I will be skipping the breakfast and chiong home to catch some sleep before gg to work. Haha.

Unable to attend Yvonne's birthday BBQ this sat evening! So sorry ):
Maybe me, Km and Sean go find you after my work ok! If not it will be some other days k!

I think this is the first time I feel so broke leh.
The feeling is bad!!!

3rd April: Yvonne's birthday
5th April: Daddy's Birthday
8th April: Bear's birthday
9 April: Xuewei's birthday

Why all the birthdates so close to each other one!!!
I see already want to cry T.T
No $$ How ):

Internship today was a bit tiring but still fun! Did final touch up for our BMW SOP and we are almost done ^^ Dr Tan gave us a challenging task! We sat there for 1 hour plus to think and still, could not come up with the equation for the excel part! Vlookup function! Now i know why we need to learn this in Year 1 omg.

I think me and Jasmine really made a lot of noise in the lab sia. The lab was super quiet as everyone was busy with their work so its very loud when we start to giggle! I just could not stop laughing and gave a super loud high pitch noise suddenly and that made us laughed even harder LOL! Made fun of some of the bacteria names la. Streptococcus Pneumoniae wth!

Shi ting! You and Jas got the same problem pronouncing it I swear! Jess, you should know what I mean by that! Wahaha!!

Someone is enjoying himself in Batam! Jacuzzi by the seaside? Awesome massage? Good food? Never bring me go still dare to say!Boast some more la make me jealous only!!!!

It's time to sleep!

Nights (:

Replace the H with L
Went for lunch with family around Serangoon before heading to Sis' Latin dance performance at Far East Plaza :D Then headed to bear's house!

His niece and the baby so cute leh. Especially their cute little voices. Super high pitch. CUTE!

Dinner at KFC. Long time never eat le nice but fat! Aiya once in a while so its ok!

Met Xinyi and went home tgt. Aat least the long journey home is not so boring. Hehe.

Sianzxz weekend so fast over de. It's Monday again.
Monday bluessss

Going to dry my hair now and sleep!
Very tired already.

I hate you for a moment
Cupcake brownies from Designer bakes

So cute right!!

These cupcakes are meant to cheer you up. Blame it on my forgetfulness, I had to bring it home instead. Anyway, they are not cheap! 4 cupcakes for $21.40. Tried one and I think it taste so so only leh. The person told me its brownie but when i ate its like chocolate sponge cake la. Scam me. But I think the customised birthday cakes are damn nice laaaaaa. But super ex.

Met an insane driver today during my driving lesson. Almost got into an accident cos of that idiotic taxi driver who came from nowhere then suddenly cut into my lane and stop right in-front of me :@ My instructor told me that this driver did that on purpose because he knew I am learner driver cos of the L plate then wanna "make fun" of me. Wonder what this drivers are thinking man. Can drive properly but dun wanna drive properly. Wait till they get into an accident then they know.

Work from 12pm. Felt tired and left shop at 8pm and went Ion and to Tong since I've got nothing to do. Stood outside his shop and chatted all the way till he end work. Then trained with him to Bishan and took circle line home. Never had such a great long chat for so long already.

I've got a lot a lot of things in mind.
Shared some of them and felt much much better.
I hope it will be over soon!

Friends is always #1.
Thanks for reminding me over and over again.
I really get it now.


It's Friday again!!!

Just came back from grandparents' house :)

Internship this week was rather slack because everyone was busy with their own stuffs. So everyday was spent identifying the different types of bacteria on different agar plates. Which also means gram stain and other tests! Quite fun especially for those more challenging ones where we have to crack our brains! Lol.

The supervisor assigned us weekly reports to do and since this week is sort of free and easy, we will just sit in front of the com for the whole day to do those reports and now I am 2 weeks ahead! Which means I have finished the report which is supposed to be handed in on week 4. LOL

And we also did our fyp BMW SOP and also finished the FYP safety hazard report sia!!! Btw, we are only supposed to do it during our FYP and hand in like in 3-4 months later? ROFLMAO! Our FYP haven even start can! omg damn efficient! Me and Jas make the best team seriously ^^

It sounds boring right, everyday type report. But I'm enjoying it because I am learning new things everyday!

Driving at 9am and working at 12pm tmr.

Like a starfish muahaha


It's the second week of attachment already!
More free as compared to studying periods of course :)

Last min change of plans last Sunday
Spoil mood only :@

Went out with my parents, Jiayi and 2 of her friends instead.
Went to buy their Latin skirts at Far East plaza.

Oh yeah they are performing at Far East plaza this Sunday.
If i'm not wrong, it starts at 230pm.
Performance by students from 'Shawn and Gladys' dance school
A famous school! So performance should be nice la HAHA!

Woah the skirts are damn expensive la.
But very niceee leh i also want!
Even nicer than my ballet costumes ):

I have decided to go back for my ballet lessons!
Not now of course as I dun really have the time.
Some time later!

Really miss dancing sia ):
Have been dancing around the house these few days at home with my Pointe
The great thing is I can still remember the steps!

I have yet to fulfil my dream!
Awww i really wanna make it happen
I know I can do it!

Then headed to Bugis!
Bought 1 top and 2 dresses wheeee happy!

Met xw and China for dinner at DTF!

I think only this pic looks ok.
The rest very uglyyy so not uploading!

Sorry ah Esther lua dun have ur face here >.<

My supervisor released us 1 hour earlier today! Which means that we left the lab at 4pm instead of 5pm. SHIOK. Haha! Then headed to Tampines to meet Ws, Wendy and Wei en. The 3 Ws. Lol. Dinner at Sushi Tei! Laughed till peng during the dinner la can. I made a joke of myself!!

We were talking about Tsunami. Then i suggested a super 'clever' idea of how to survive Tsunami and made them laughed like hell la. Stupid bear keep coming up with his theories to shoot me. Clever la hor! Lol but it was really funny till we laughed till cramps! HAHA.

I am dumb :)

Wanted to go bowling/pool but could not think of any places nearby.
So went separate ways! And I am very happy for paddy! Hehe

Dad came home with durians!
1kg durian for $15
Of course yummmy la!

Just finished my Laboratory safety assignment!
Gonna streak more plates and observe our colonies tmr :)
Hope the bacteria colonies which i have isolated turns out nice man!

Time really flies during attachment.
Have been learning a lot of new things
I am enjoying it!

Everytime i comb my hair after bathing i don't dare to look at the comb one cos i know cfm got a lot of hair drop out. And it's very scary.



8mins before the clock struck 1am

Hate what is happening now

Get lost

Attachment at CGH
Wheee it's the 4th day of my attachment and I can say it getting more fun as each day passes. Actually the supervisor told us that since both pairs are here at the same time, only one of the pairs will be able to work in the microlab( handling with real patients' specimens) while the other will start doing the fyp. So we were given 2 days to think about it la. Of course we get to observe how is it like to work in the microlab which is the one where we handle patients' sample and also the research lab(for fyp). In the end, both pairs wanted FYP because we felt it's really stress if we really work in the micro lab. Patients' sample u know! Cannot play play one. LOL! So Dr Tan assigned us our fyp topic. The guys got a very challenging one! It's really challenging according to our supervisor. Haha good luck to the guys!

BMW's and Bugs: The travels of multi-drug resistant organisms in a high-tech world. Woah very happy because this was the project I hope to get and my dream came true! Whoohoo shiok! So we will be working in the microlab for 7 months and since our project is easier compared to the guys, we need to contribute more by working in the lab. Which means as time comes, we will be triad to deal with patients' samples. Wah super cool. Both of us is attached to a senior and see how try work! Streaking faeces ( some where HIV positive), sputum to check whether it's tb pos or neg, urine, blood samples, how to read plates and more!!! I think it's gonna be stressful but fun at the same time. Ehe can't wait to get started!

So tmr we will be visiting wards to collect our samples for our fyp trial test. Will be swabbing the hands of doctors, nurses and patients, Toilet door handles, curtains, bedside handles, doc's computer keyboards and mouse, overbed tables, hands of random people etc! Really damn excited la! And will be officially starting our training tmr! hahaha.

The people there are friendly especially those in research lab. A grouo of jokers. Haha and btw the whole microlab are girls. No guys at all except my supervisor la'. Which is kinda weird. Is it because gels are more delicate when doing experiments? Hmmm haha.

Working in CGH is good because I cam reach my hose within 50 mins! And wake up late the next day. Shiok!

And should I go clubbing with Des and gang tmr?? He keep asking me to go leh but I got wrk the next day scared cannot wake up!!!


Oops I reread my post and found a lot of typo errors. Blogging with my phone btw. Aiya u all understand can alrdy. Very lazy to change.

Card DKNY perfume+shower gel Flowers

Finally went to work yesterday! Have not been working for 2 months plus already so legs felt very tired after 10 hours of continuous standing. Haha! But still I enjoyed it though!

Breakfast prepared by you know who!
I feel the loveeeeee

Wow, the breakfast was awesome much!

Potato cream soup Black vitasoy
Fried egg Honey and mustard ham Cheese hotdogs
Hashbrowns and garlic bread!!!!!


HIS with bacon
MINE looks more yummy according to him ^^

Then was movie marathon! All three movies were damn nice la!

1) Step into my grave (If I never rmb the title wrongly)
2) Last 3 years or last 3 months. Forget liao LOL
3)Black swan. (A bit outdated la I know!) HAHA

Felt a bit sian but also abit excited and nervous lehhhh
Later they bully us ask us wash test tubes/beakers whole day how?

K think too much.
Needa reach tampines mrt interchange by 830am

And i think i should make the effort to wake up a bit earlier because
1) Bus 27 is always packed
2) JAM

Was asked to read the lab manual before attachment tmr. But there's like 34 freaking pages. And i am only at the 18th page? Haha. But don't care already. Shall see what happens tmr then!

Jiayi will be going for camp at msia tmr
Nobody acc me sleep. Lol
Sian lehhhhhh

Ok la shall stop crapping!

Nights :)

Bad bad day
Today was supposed to be a happy day since it's the last day of exams. But felt really sad instead. T.T the molbio paper was really unexpectated. The 7 mins reading time totally demoralized me. Almost all the questions I don't know how to do okay. Mybmind was in a total blank even when doing mcq. Dont know whats wrong with me today. Sighhhhhh I hope I don't get a B for this. I want my gpa 4. Damn it.

Met Paddington, settled some stuffs at SIM then headed to Cathay for movie! UNKNOWN is an awesome movie. BUT sadly, dun understand some parts of the show and needed him to explain to me who is who what is what and I will go orhhhh. Wth I am really slow/dumb whatever u call it. After today, I really felt that I am dumb in some things and tat demoralized me a little too :/ wake up la' thy. Got to stop living in my own world!!!

Movie ended at late 9pm and almost all shops were closed. Dinner at hot tomato lo. My salmon linguine :) I reallyhad a great talk/laugh on the way home! But

Felt really sad today. I feel like crying. I set too high expectations for myself and get over stressed about results easily. That's a bad thing shitz.

But I really tried not to let my mood affect others. And I hope I did succeed.

But people's mood affect me a lot.
The Princess Diary
Hug hug

World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles!
Very nice movie!!

Out with Poly friends last Friday. Supposed to go Timbre but there's 10 of us and we did not make reservation. So end up having dinner at Breeks before heading to Chijmes.

Bear bought me this!
It fits me nicely!
Xie Xie la
Dinner at Tampopo Takashimaya ^^

My Sakura fried rice!

His Sp.Tokusen Loin
My CHEESE salmon!
This salmon look so pathetic lol
This popcorns smell damn freaking nice la!
I can smell it from far!
I think it taste better than Cornery

So he bought a medium sized cheesy popcorn and small caramel crisps for me to go home and eat LOL!

It's so yummy to me that I ate it for breakfast for the past 3 days.
Just can't stop eating it!! HAHA.

Caramel crisp <3
Cheesy corn <3 <3
Jesslyn I know u drooling la!

Swensens at Changi Airport with family and Yang Yang yesterday!! Haha. My appetite has been good these few days. Eat a lot!! Die le laaaaaa

Oh yeah got a lot of activities coming up this week!

Amazing race (11pm-6am) with Jess, Shi ting and Liying this coming Friday.
Work at 11am next day!
It sounds crazy! I think I will be skipping the breakfast and chiong home to catch some sleep before gg to work. Haha.

Unable to attend Yvonne's birthday BBQ this sat evening! So sorry ):
Maybe me, Km and Sean go find you after my work ok! If not it will be some other days k!

I think this is the first time I feel so broke leh.
The feeling is bad!!!

3rd April: Yvonne's birthday
5th April: Daddy's Birthday
8th April: Bear's birthday
9 April: Xuewei's birthday

Why all the birthdates so close to each other one!!!
I see already want to cry T.T
No $$ How ):

Internship today was a bit tiring but still fun! Did final touch up for our BMW SOP and we are almost done ^^ Dr Tan gave us a challenging task! We sat there for 1 hour plus to think and still, could not come up with the equation for the excel part! Vlookup function! Now i know why we need to learn this in Year 1 omg.

I think me and Jasmine really made a lot of noise in the lab sia. The lab was super quiet as everyone was busy with their work so its very loud when we start to giggle! I just could not stop laughing and gave a super loud high pitch noise suddenly and that made us laughed even harder LOL! Made fun of some of the bacteria names la. Streptococcus Pneumoniae wth!

Shi ting! You and Jas got the same problem pronouncing it I swear! Jess, you should know what I mean by that! Wahaha!!

Someone is enjoying himself in Batam! Jacuzzi by the seaside? Awesome massage? Good food? Never bring me go still dare to say!Boast some more la make me jealous only!!!!

It's time to sleep!

Nights (:

Replace the H with L
Went for lunch with family around Serangoon before heading to Sis' Latin dance performance at Far East Plaza :D Then headed to bear's house!

His niece and the baby so cute leh. Especially their cute little voices. Super high pitch. CUTE!

Dinner at KFC. Long time never eat le nice but fat! Aiya once in a while so its ok!

Met Xinyi and went home tgt. Aat least the long journey home is not so boring. Hehe.

Sianzxz weekend so fast over de. It's Monday again.
Monday bluessss

Going to dry my hair now and sleep!
Very tired already.

I hate you for a moment
Cupcake brownies from Designer bakes

So cute right!!

These cupcakes are meant to cheer you up. Blame it on my forgetfulness, I had to bring it home instead. Anyway, they are not cheap! 4 cupcakes for $21.40. Tried one and I think it taste so so only leh. The person told me its brownie but when i ate its like chocolate sponge cake la. Scam me. But I think the customised birthday cakes are damn nice laaaaaa. But super ex.

Met an insane driver today during my driving lesson. Almost got into an accident cos of that idiotic taxi driver who came from nowhere then suddenly cut into my lane and stop right in-front of me :@ My instructor told me that this driver did that on purpose because he knew I am learner driver cos of the L plate then wanna "make fun" of me. Wonder what this drivers are thinking man. Can drive properly but dun wanna drive properly. Wait till they get into an accident then they know.

Work from 12pm. Felt tired and left shop at 8pm and went Ion and to Tong since I've got nothing to do. Stood outside his shop and chatted all the way till he end work. Then trained with him to Bishan and took circle line home. Never had such a great long chat for so long already.

I've got a lot a lot of things in mind.
Shared some of them and felt much much better.
I hope it will be over soon!

Friends is always #1.
Thanks for reminding me over and over again.
I really get it now.


It's Friday again!!!

Just came back from grandparents' house :)

Internship this week was rather slack because everyone was busy with their own stuffs. So everyday was spent identifying the different types of bacteria on different agar plates. Which also means gram stain and other tests! Quite fun especially for those more challenging ones where we have to crack our brains! Lol.

The supervisor assigned us weekly reports to do and since this week is sort of free and easy, we will just sit in front of the com for the whole day to do those reports and now I am 2 weeks ahead! Which means I have finished the report which is supposed to be handed in on week 4. LOL

And we also did our fyp BMW SOP and also finished the FYP safety hazard report sia!!! Btw, we are only supposed to do it during our FYP and hand in like in 3-4 months later? ROFLMAO! Our FYP haven even start can! omg damn efficient! Me and Jas make the best team seriously ^^

It sounds boring right, everyday type report. But I'm enjoying it because I am learning new things everyday!

Driving at 9am and working at 12pm tmr.

Like a starfish muahaha


It's the second week of attachment already!
More free as compared to studying periods of course :)

Last min change of plans last Sunday
Spoil mood only :@

Went out with my parents, Jiayi and 2 of her friends instead.
Went to buy their Latin skirts at Far East plaza.

Oh yeah they are performing at Far East plaza this Sunday.
If i'm not wrong, it starts at 230pm.
Performance by students from 'Shawn and Gladys' dance school
A famous school! So performance should be nice la HAHA!

Woah the skirts are damn expensive la.
But very niceee leh i also want!
Even nicer than my ballet costumes ):

I have decided to go back for my ballet lessons!
Not now of course as I dun really have the time.
Some time later!

Really miss dancing sia ):
Have been dancing around the house these few days at home with my Pointe
The great thing is I can still remember the steps!

I have yet to fulfil my dream!
Awww i really wanna make it happen
I know I can do it!

Then headed to Bugis!
Bought 1 top and 2 dresses wheeee happy!

Met xw and China for dinner at DTF!

I think only this pic looks ok.
The rest very uglyyy so not uploading!

Sorry ah Esther lua dun have ur face here >.<

My supervisor released us 1 hour earlier today! Which means that we left the lab at 4pm instead of 5pm. SHIOK. Haha! Then headed to Tampines to meet Ws, Wendy and Wei en. The 3 Ws. Lol. Dinner at Sushi Tei! Laughed till peng during the dinner la can. I made a joke of myself!!

We were talking about Tsunami. Then i suggested a super 'clever' idea of how to survive Tsunami and made them laughed like hell la. Stupid bear keep coming up with his theories to shoot me. Clever la hor! Lol but it was really funny till we laughed till cramps! HAHA.

I am dumb :)

Wanted to go bowling/pool but could not think of any places nearby.
So went separate ways! And I am very happy for paddy! Hehe

Dad came home with durians!
1kg durian for $15
Of course yummmy la!

Just finished my Laboratory safety assignment!
Gonna streak more plates and observe our colonies tmr :)
Hope the bacteria colonies which i have isolated turns out nice man!

Time really flies during attachment.
Have been learning a lot of new things
I am enjoying it!

Everytime i comb my hair after bathing i don't dare to look at the comb one cos i know cfm got a lot of hair drop out. And it's very scary.



8mins before the clock struck 1am

Hate what is happening now

Get lost

Attachment at CGH
Wheee it's the 4th day of my attachment and I can say it getting more fun as each day passes. Actually the supervisor told us that since both pairs are here at the same time, only one of the pairs will be able to work in the microlab( handling with real patients' specimens) while the other will start doing the fyp. So we were given 2 days to think about it la. Of course we get to observe how is it like to work in the microlab which is the one where we handle patients' sample and also the research lab(for fyp). In the end, both pairs wanted FYP because we felt it's really stress if we really work in the micro lab. Patients' sample u know! Cannot play play one. LOL! So Dr Tan assigned us our fyp topic. The guys got a very challenging one! It's really challenging according to our supervisor. Haha good luck to the guys!

BMW's and Bugs: The travels of multi-drug resistant organisms in a high-tech world. Woah very happy because this was the project I hope to get and my dream came true! Whoohoo shiok! So we will be working in the microlab for 7 months and since our project is easier compared to the guys, we need to contribute more by working in the lab. Which means as time comes, we will be triad to deal with patients' samples. Wah super cool. Both of us is attached to a senior and see how try work! Streaking faeces ( some where HIV positive), sputum to check whether it's tb pos or neg, urine, blood samples, how to read plates and more!!! I think it's gonna be stressful but fun at the same time. Ehe can't wait to get started!

So tmr we will be visiting wards to collect our samples for our fyp trial test. Will be swabbing the hands of doctors, nurses and patients, Toilet door handles, curtains, bedside handles, doc's computer keyboards and mouse, overbed tables, hands of random people etc! Really damn excited la! And will be officially starting our training tmr! hahaha.

The people there are friendly especially those in research lab. A grouo of jokers. Haha and btw the whole microlab are girls. No guys at all except my supervisor la'. Which is kinda weird. Is it because gels are more delicate when doing experiments? Hmmm haha.

Working in CGH is good because I cam reach my hose within 50 mins! And wake up late the next day. Shiok!

And should I go clubbing with Des and gang tmr?? He keep asking me to go leh but I got wrk the next day scared cannot wake up!!!


Oops I reread my post and found a lot of typo errors. Blogging with my phone btw. Aiya u all understand can alrdy. Very lazy to change.

Card DKNY perfume+shower gel Flowers

Finally went to work yesterday! Have not been working for 2 months plus already so legs felt very tired after 10 hours of continuous standing. Haha! But still I enjoyed it though!

Breakfast prepared by you know who!
I feel the loveeeeee

Wow, the breakfast was awesome much!

Potato cream soup Black vitasoy
Fried egg Honey and mustard ham Cheese hotdogs
Hashbrowns and garlic bread!!!!!


HIS with bacon
MINE looks more yummy according to him ^^

Then was movie marathon! All three movies were damn nice la!

1) Step into my grave (If I never rmb the title wrongly)
2) Last 3 years or last 3 months. Forget liao LOL
3)Black swan. (A bit outdated la I know!) HAHA

Felt a bit sian but also abit excited and nervous lehhhh
Later they bully us ask us wash test tubes/beakers whole day how?

K think too much.
Needa reach tampines mrt interchange by 830am

And i think i should make the effort to wake up a bit earlier because
1) Bus 27 is always packed
2) JAM

Was asked to read the lab manual before attachment tmr. But there's like 34 freaking pages. And i am only at the 18th page? Haha. But don't care already. Shall see what happens tmr then!

Jiayi will be going for camp at msia tmr
Nobody acc me sleep. Lol
Sian lehhhhhh

Ok la shall stop crapping!

Nights :)

Bad bad day
Today was supposed to be a happy day since it's the last day of exams. But felt really sad instead. T.T the molbio paper was really unexpectated. The 7 mins reading time totally demoralized me. Almost all the questions I don't know how to do okay. Mybmind was in a total blank even when doing mcq. Dont know whats wrong with me today. Sighhhhhh I hope I don't get a B for this. I want my gpa 4. Damn it.

Met Paddington, settled some stuffs at SIM then headed to Cathay for movie! UNKNOWN is an awesome movie. BUT sadly, dun understand some parts of the show and needed him to explain to me who is who what is what and I will go orhhhh. Wth I am really slow/dumb whatever u call it. After today, I really felt that I am dumb in some things and tat demoralized me a little too :/ wake up la' thy. Got to stop living in my own world!!!

Movie ended at late 9pm and almost all shops were closed. Dinner at hot tomato lo. My salmon linguine :) I reallyhad a great talk/laugh on the way home! But

Felt really sad today. I feel like crying. I set too high expectations for myself and get over stressed about results easily. That's a bad thing shitz.

But I really tried not to let my mood affect others. And I hope I did succeed.

But people's mood affect me a lot.