Friends for life
Have been keeping in touch with lots of people for the past few weeks.
Just purely updating about each other's life once in awhile is enough ;)
Because I know they did not forget me!! And of course they are constantly in my mind too! Hehe.

Had a little catch up session at my house downstairs with Sean and Partner last week!
The guys wanted to drown their sorrows but being broke, they bought Jolly shandy instead of breezer like wth -.- HAHA

Some friends whom I am going to meet most prolly next week!




Photos last taken on 23rd September 2010 with Yvonne Ang Yi Wen!

Almost a year never meet this babe alrdy!!!
Gonna meet up for dinner
Probably with Sean and Km too!

And this cute little gossip girl of mine!
Teo Ying Xuan!!
Meeting her real soon too!

Would be meeting up with Jaryl wang, Choo Guangmin also!

And not forgetting dinner with Arnold Tan!


Not going to hospital for FYP this week. No experiments for us to do. So stayed home the whole day today and did my FYP report. Manged to do something! Hehe.

Ooops I Don't know what title to put

Xinyi was chosen to take part in this on 20 August 2011!

Bocuse d' Or Singapore National Selection

Juniors looking at the competitors.
Lazy to tilt the photos ._.
Spot my sis! The only female chef there. Hehe

Spot Chef Eric Teo!

Judging room
Witnessed the whole competition by standing there for 3 freaking hours. LOL.
The atmosphere was intense but I think it's really cool. Haha.
Had to work after that so did not manage to snap photos of the food served by the last 2 teams.

Saw a lot of famous chefs too! Some were so handsome. Lol.
Felt very happy for my sis though she did not win the competition but it's a really good experience according to her. Hehe.

Well done!

Last sunday~

Dad let me drove his car the 2nd time! I think it's scary to drive on highways and tunnel
First to CCK, then Geylang for...

Our favourite

Original KL hokkien mee

$18 Sang Har hokkien mee!

Prawny noodles but very nice :P

Final destination 5 is out!

k la need to read my bacterial typing stuffs now!

Relaxing day :D

Bought this dress at Haji lane. Love it so much la!!
Love the soft and silky material too!
So lacy and princessy :D

Went for Garuda Padang 1-for-1 Dinner Buffet!
2 person for only $29.70 cheap cheap~

I'm not picky so the food was considered not bad to me. Hehe.
You all can try! This deal until 30th August 2011 at Far East Square.

The food doesn't look appetizing somehow due to my lousy Iphone 3GS camera.

Had a stroll and reached Clarke Quay. Decided to go Helipad for a drink!
Whooo it was packed! But luckily Bear got connection there so there were seats for us! :D

Really love the atmosphere and scenery there. Super nice!!!
Definitely a good place to relax.

Ordered Sarong fly! Its a mixture of Vodka, blue curacao and lime juice.
We also got 2 free glasses of drinks which taste like honey lemon aloe vera with beer? lol

Hangover after :/ But I had a great day out!

Thanks for the Iron and B12 supplements!

Actually my house have all these supplements but I am always so lazy to eat it
Shall pop one pill/day from today onwards!

Time to start on my powerpoint lo

u la hehe


My mood is super good now because I passed my tp!!!!

Thankful that I've such a great instructor, seriously!!!
He just called and told me he's gonna treat me some nice food some day later!

My parents are so happy that they say they want to celebrate this good news later at night. Haha. So funny!

Waiting for Dad to settle my car insurance before I get to drive his car. So excited!

Okie off to watch Dongyi!
Do I really look that fair T.T

Have been getting a lot of questions from people regarding my fair skin. Pale skin to be exact? I know I look very pale, like a ghost as some people have said. I have the symptoms of anemia and anemia causes pale skin. So this is most likely the answer why I am so white.

Already damn sad about it so dun ask me anymore.
I just need more Vitamin b12 and iron supplements and I will be alright.

My body is weak. I get breathless easily. Last time can stay up till 4-5am but now leh? 10-11 plus pm already buay tahan alrdy. Sigh~

From now on, I will eat more so that my skin will at least be tanner abit!

Traffic Police Test next Tuesday.
That's super fast.
Quite excited though!

"Fail at most try again lo"
That's what I always tell myself.
Hehe so yeah just gonna try my best.
Don't want emo nemo!

The Princess Diary
Friends for life
Have been keeping in touch with lots of people for the past few weeks.
Just purely updating about each other's life once in awhile is enough ;)
Because I know they did not forget me!! And of course they are constantly in my mind too! Hehe.

Had a little catch up session at my house downstairs with Sean and Partner last week!
The guys wanted to drown their sorrows but being broke, they bought Jolly shandy instead of breezer like wth -.- HAHA

Some friends whom I am going to meet most prolly next week!




Photos last taken on 23rd September 2010 with Yvonne Ang Yi Wen!

Almost a year never meet this babe alrdy!!!
Gonna meet up for dinner
Probably with Sean and Km too!

And this cute little gossip girl of mine!
Teo Ying Xuan!!
Meeting her real soon too!

Would be meeting up with Jaryl wang, Choo Guangmin also!

And not forgetting dinner with Arnold Tan!


Not going to hospital for FYP this week. No experiments for us to do. So stayed home the whole day today and did my FYP report. Manged to do something! Hehe.

Ooops I Don't know what title to put

Xinyi was chosen to take part in this on 20 August 2011!

Bocuse d' Or Singapore National Selection

Juniors looking at the competitors.
Lazy to tilt the photos ._.
Spot my sis! The only female chef there. Hehe

Spot Chef Eric Teo!

Judging room
Witnessed the whole competition by standing there for 3 freaking hours. LOL.
The atmosphere was intense but I think it's really cool. Haha.
Had to work after that so did not manage to snap photos of the food served by the last 2 teams.

Saw a lot of famous chefs too! Some were so handsome. Lol.
Felt very happy for my sis though she did not win the competition but it's a really good experience according to her. Hehe.

Well done!

Last sunday~

Dad let me drove his car the 2nd time! I think it's scary to drive on highways and tunnel
First to CCK, then Geylang for...

Our favourite

Original KL hokkien mee

$18 Sang Har hokkien mee!

Prawny noodles but very nice :P

Final destination 5 is out!

k la need to read my bacterial typing stuffs now!

Relaxing day :D

Bought this dress at Haji lane. Love it so much la!!
Love the soft and silky material too!
So lacy and princessy :D

Went for Garuda Padang 1-for-1 Dinner Buffet!
2 person for only $29.70 cheap cheap~

I'm not picky so the food was considered not bad to me. Hehe.
You all can try! This deal until 30th August 2011 at Far East Square.

The food doesn't look appetizing somehow due to my lousy Iphone 3GS camera.

Had a stroll and reached Clarke Quay. Decided to go Helipad for a drink!
Whooo it was packed! But luckily Bear got connection there so there were seats for us! :D

Really love the atmosphere and scenery there. Super nice!!!
Definitely a good place to relax.

Ordered Sarong fly! Its a mixture of Vodka, blue curacao and lime juice.
We also got 2 free glasses of drinks which taste like honey lemon aloe vera with beer? lol

Hangover after :/ But I had a great day out!

Thanks for the Iron and B12 supplements!

Actually my house have all these supplements but I am always so lazy to eat it
Shall pop one pill/day from today onwards!

Time to start on my powerpoint lo

u la hehe


My mood is super good now because I passed my tp!!!!

Thankful that I've such a great instructor, seriously!!!
He just called and told me he's gonna treat me some nice food some day later!

My parents are so happy that they say they want to celebrate this good news later at night. Haha. So funny!

Waiting for Dad to settle my car insurance before I get to drive his car. So excited!

Okie off to watch Dongyi!
Do I really look that fair T.T

Have been getting a lot of questions from people regarding my fair skin. Pale skin to be exact? I know I look very pale, like a ghost as some people have said. I have the symptoms of anemia and anemia causes pale skin. So this is most likely the answer why I am so white.

Already damn sad about it so dun ask me anymore.
I just need more Vitamin b12 and iron supplements and I will be alright.

My body is weak. I get breathless easily. Last time can stay up till 4-5am but now leh? 10-11 plus pm already buay tahan alrdy. Sigh~

From now on, I will eat more so that my skin will at least be tanner abit!

Traffic Police Test next Tuesday.
That's super fast.
Quite excited though!

"Fail at most try again lo"
That's what I always tell myself.
Hehe so yeah just gonna try my best.
Don't want emo nemo!