In my own world
Finally went for blood test. Results will be out next week. Hope everything will be fine!

2nd week of school alrdy. One project one assignment to do D: more to come!

I don't know what's becoming of me. Don't feel like hanging out. Just feel like going home right after school ends. Bathe study sleep and everything repeats. I have become really anti-social. Not interested in anything.

I have changed

I love my Bear bear very much :P
A short day in school yesterday! First day of lectures were alright. Hope the upcoming lectures will be fine for me too!

Dinner at Marina Pasta de waraku with BBB! The pasta NOT NICE! Pizza also NOT NICE! Saw a super duper cute sheep soft toy so it was catching soft toys time!!!! We kept trying to catch as many small soft toys as possible hoping to hit the jackpot in order to get the cutie sheep but still!!!!! Dint managed to hit it after spending 100 bucks -.- So we gave up! In the end, we exchanged the 11 soft toys (Supposed to be 12 but the person was kind enough to let us exchange for the plush toy) we caught with a not very cute elmo head D: Very disappointed lo but luckily we managed to exchange this elmo head with a forever friends bear in the end. Phew. At the very least it is much more worth and cuter than the stupid elmo head LOL.

Love my bear bear beri muchie ^^

Proteomics lab tmr. Hope it will be fun!

I woke up today with 5 super obvious blue blacks on both of my arms. Something is definitely wrong. I need a doctor. This weekend probably T.T
'Last' day in Changi General Hospital
Friday was sort of our 'last' day doing our project in CGH because school is starting this coming Monday. So the research lab colleagues organized a small mini farewell celebration for us! So sweet of them :) Wanted Arnold's chicken but then they don't deliver to our area, tried popeyes and there's no menu available online. So ended up eating Ritz pizza. All of us were kinda disappointed cos we were all craving for Arnold's chicken badly. LOL
Theme for the day was either Polka dots or checkered! Tadaaaa 5 worn checkered and 3 polka!
POLKA DOTS TEAM (My polka top isn't very obvious la)
I look like a giant here! So tall LOL
Rafidah and Sasi! They are super funny, always bringing laughters to us
Holding the pipette action LOL
My FYP partner, Jasmine Tan!
The 4 interns at CGH!
Lovable Sya Sya Syahidah ^^
In the Microbiology laboratory
I have learnt a lot of things over the past 7 months, all thanks to these bunch of wonderful colleagues in Changi General Hospital. Love them all! Look out for my cute little laboratory supervisor in the above pic! (Bottom right hand corner, second from the right). HAHAHA. She's super cute I swear! And of course great thanks to Dr Tan (Main supervisor) for guiding us through our project over the 7 months period.
Happy 19th JWJL!
5 years of friendship and counting. This friend of mine is really really AWESOME!!
Its quite amazing how we can hit off really well! He made me understand what is really called BFF ^^

School in 4 days time! Somewhat feels excited but turn off at the same time. Happy because it will be my last lap in Ngee Ann polytechnic! Stress because I will have to juggle between FYP and studying for modules. Hope everything will turn out fine for me!

Wanted to go to the Zoo and USS before school starts, but seemed like everything failed cos someone is busyyyyyyy D: Seems like I will have to wait till the next holiday before I get to go there ):

Birthday celebration, Yummy-licious dinner
Birthday boy Zhen Qiang!
Cake smashing session! Me and Rui xian just stood there laughing our ass out HAHAHA
These bunch of peeps (Tori Q paragon) are just awesome!
Love them! Hehe

Headed to Clementi for Zi char after! Plans after supper failed due to the weather. It rained D: But still, we enjoyed the whole night I guess? Had htht and I finally got to know myself better. I have always been wanting people to tell me how they feel about me and I finally got the answer. It's time for me to change! Reached home only at 8am in the morning!

Today's dinner was GREAT!
By Chef Eric and Chef Xinyi!!!!

Appetizer: Mango salad
My favourite!!!
Bacon wrapped chicken roll with sliced mushrooms, celery and carrot!
Rose-shaped wrapped fish wanton w chicken soup base!
Dessert: Mini pancake with cookies and cream ice-cream and mixed fruits
Totally enjoyed my dinner today! So great to have a sis and a friend who works as chef. Got nice food to eat everytime! Hee ^^

Changi Hospital tmr! Time to get my butts off the chair and head for my bed!
Happie day
Haji lane with Sister Tay yesterday! Found some shops which sell really nice and cheap clothings. Hehe. It was around 3 plus after we finished our shopping but meeting Shiting and Arnold for dinner at 6. Thinking I can't possibly shop alone for two hours while waiting for 6pm to arrive, I followed my sis and Eric to punggol for prawning first! Stayed there for like 50 minutes only then trained to town. Quite a waste of time but no choice!!

Ajisen in the end as we couldn't think of what to eat ._.
Wanted to upload more pictures but then seems like the pics taken with my camera takes ultra long to upload. So gave up uploading already :/

Shopping with Shi Ting soon! Hehe
I feel weak
I really suspect there's something wrong with my body. I feel weak almost everyday, especially when I return home from work. I got massive headache, feel like vomiting etc. Once I got home, all I feel like doing is to sleep. I can sleep like 10pm at night wake up at 9am and then feel tired again and nap from 12pm all the way till 5-6pm. Then the same routine repeats again. My mum asked me what's wrong with me these few days, keep complaining this and that. My answer to her was "有病咯,很像要死了." Really feel this way T.T

Have been eating iron pills to tell myself my body will get better, face will not be so pale. But these pills are making my body so heaty that I get constipation. So I stopped eating it already.

Haha. All I know is to rant and rant. Should really go for a full body check up before sch starts. Shan't procrastinate anymore (I hope).

Should continue my report nowww
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have
Today is a bad day
Not as colourful as the past few days D:
I've got a really weird character which makes me don't understand myself sometimes.
I can be very fickle minded sometimes.
Don't like to plan and hate to decide things.
(Just making me decide what to eat/where to go makes me stressed already)

But one thing that I am sure of myself
I never once look down on people.
Barbiequeue with Bear bear de family ♥♥
Hehe I am back from Bear's family BBQ!

Woke up early in the morning to mop floor before heading to his house! Dad told me that there's a free circle line trial, so I planned to take to Serangoon and changed circle line to Buona Vista to see if it will cut short my travelling time! So happily I took to Marymount thinking that the train will continue all the way to Buona Vista. But it didn't!! I guess everyone was also confused by the route. Was told that I need to take back to Paya Lebar then change to circle line so I can get to Buona Vista -.- Woah damn pissed. LOL. In the end, I alighted at Bishan change to red line to cityhall then to green line all the way to Lakeside and took bus to his house! Took me like freaking 1hour30mins to his Taman Jurong. Stay so far for what. Still dare to scold me noob. Tsk tsk.

Watched movie with his lappy and slacked! Camwhored a little!

Then BBQ in the evening! Hehe
and some I dunno what's tt also
Eat till bao bao then his nieces (3) dragged us to go play with them! They are really so cute! Played ice and water and aeiou. lol I think I ran like mad. Panting like a dog. HAHAHA but it was enjoyable!
Snap snap w Tier
I had a great day! Teehee more to come!
Please dedicate post to me la!!!!!!!
To : Miss Xue Wei
Elloz xw i'm back! As promised, i shall give u a short update about today's bbq event. ( Not forgetting ur request for her zi lianing photos )

Then while i bbq she took my phone and.........

let her eat first thinking that she will help me but...

still eating.......


Kidnap my niece....

she almost pose the same way as my niece! ._. Act cute sia!

P.s In case she angry u must help me coax her wor if not she wont allow me to blog anymore le. Rem to msg me ur comments!
The Princess Diary
In my own world
Finally went for blood test. Results will be out next week. Hope everything will be fine!

2nd week of school alrdy. One project one assignment to do D: more to come!

I don't know what's becoming of me. Don't feel like hanging out. Just feel like going home right after school ends. Bathe study sleep and everything repeats. I have become really anti-social. Not interested in anything.

I have changed

I love my Bear bear very much :P
A short day in school yesterday! First day of lectures were alright. Hope the upcoming lectures will be fine for me too!

Dinner at Marina Pasta de waraku with BBB! The pasta NOT NICE! Pizza also NOT NICE! Saw a super duper cute sheep soft toy so it was catching soft toys time!!!! We kept trying to catch as many small soft toys as possible hoping to hit the jackpot in order to get the cutie sheep but still!!!!! Dint managed to hit it after spending 100 bucks -.- So we gave up! In the end, we exchanged the 11 soft toys (Supposed to be 12 but the person was kind enough to let us exchange for the plush toy) we caught with a not very cute elmo head D: Very disappointed lo but luckily we managed to exchange this elmo head with a forever friends bear in the end. Phew. At the very least it is much more worth and cuter than the stupid elmo head LOL.

Love my bear bear beri muchie ^^

Proteomics lab tmr. Hope it will be fun!

I woke up today with 5 super obvious blue blacks on both of my arms. Something is definitely wrong. I need a doctor. This weekend probably T.T
'Last' day in Changi General Hospital
Friday was sort of our 'last' day doing our project in CGH because school is starting this coming Monday. So the research lab colleagues organized a small mini farewell celebration for us! So sweet of them :) Wanted Arnold's chicken but then they don't deliver to our area, tried popeyes and there's no menu available online. So ended up eating Ritz pizza. All of us were kinda disappointed cos we were all craving for Arnold's chicken badly. LOL
Theme for the day was either Polka dots or checkered! Tadaaaa 5 worn checkered and 3 polka!
POLKA DOTS TEAM (My polka top isn't very obvious la)
I look like a giant here! So tall LOL
Rafidah and Sasi! They are super funny, always bringing laughters to us
Holding the pipette action LOL
My FYP partner, Jasmine Tan!
The 4 interns at CGH!
Lovable Sya Sya Syahidah ^^
In the Microbiology laboratory
I have learnt a lot of things over the past 7 months, all thanks to these bunch of wonderful colleagues in Changi General Hospital. Love them all! Look out for my cute little laboratory supervisor in the above pic! (Bottom right hand corner, second from the right). HAHAHA. She's super cute I swear! And of course great thanks to Dr Tan (Main supervisor) for guiding us through our project over the 7 months period.
Happy 19th JWJL!
5 years of friendship and counting. This friend of mine is really really AWESOME!!
Its quite amazing how we can hit off really well! He made me understand what is really called BFF ^^

School in 4 days time! Somewhat feels excited but turn off at the same time. Happy because it will be my last lap in Ngee Ann polytechnic! Stress because I will have to juggle between FYP and studying for modules. Hope everything will turn out fine for me!

Wanted to go to the Zoo and USS before school starts, but seemed like everything failed cos someone is busyyyyyyy D: Seems like I will have to wait till the next holiday before I get to go there ):

Birthday celebration, Yummy-licious dinner
Birthday boy Zhen Qiang!
Cake smashing session! Me and Rui xian just stood there laughing our ass out HAHAHA
These bunch of peeps (Tori Q paragon) are just awesome!
Love them! Hehe

Headed to Clementi for Zi char after! Plans after supper failed due to the weather. It rained D: But still, we enjoyed the whole night I guess? Had htht and I finally got to know myself better. I have always been wanting people to tell me how they feel about me and I finally got the answer. It's time for me to change! Reached home only at 8am in the morning!

Today's dinner was GREAT!
By Chef Eric and Chef Xinyi!!!!

Appetizer: Mango salad
My favourite!!!
Bacon wrapped chicken roll with sliced mushrooms, celery and carrot!
Rose-shaped wrapped fish wanton w chicken soup base!
Dessert: Mini pancake with cookies and cream ice-cream and mixed fruits
Totally enjoyed my dinner today! So great to have a sis and a friend who works as chef. Got nice food to eat everytime! Hee ^^

Changi Hospital tmr! Time to get my butts off the chair and head for my bed!
Happie day
Haji lane with Sister Tay yesterday! Found some shops which sell really nice and cheap clothings. Hehe. It was around 3 plus after we finished our shopping but meeting Shiting and Arnold for dinner at 6. Thinking I can't possibly shop alone for two hours while waiting for 6pm to arrive, I followed my sis and Eric to punggol for prawning first! Stayed there for like 50 minutes only then trained to town. Quite a waste of time but no choice!!

Ajisen in the end as we couldn't think of what to eat ._.
Wanted to upload more pictures but then seems like the pics taken with my camera takes ultra long to upload. So gave up uploading already :/

Shopping with Shi Ting soon! Hehe
I feel weak
I really suspect there's something wrong with my body. I feel weak almost everyday, especially when I return home from work. I got massive headache, feel like vomiting etc. Once I got home, all I feel like doing is to sleep. I can sleep like 10pm at night wake up at 9am and then feel tired again and nap from 12pm all the way till 5-6pm. Then the same routine repeats again. My mum asked me what's wrong with me these few days, keep complaining this and that. My answer to her was "有病咯,很像要死了." Really feel this way T.T

Have been eating iron pills to tell myself my body will get better, face will not be so pale. But these pills are making my body so heaty that I get constipation. So I stopped eating it already.

Haha. All I know is to rant and rant. Should really go for a full body check up before sch starts. Shan't procrastinate anymore (I hope).

Should continue my report nowww
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have
Today is a bad day
Not as colourful as the past few days D:
I've got a really weird character which makes me don't understand myself sometimes.
I can be very fickle minded sometimes.
Don't like to plan and hate to decide things.
(Just making me decide what to eat/where to go makes me stressed already)

But one thing that I am sure of myself
I never once look down on people.
Barbiequeue with Bear bear de family ♥♥
Hehe I am back from Bear's family BBQ!

Woke up early in the morning to mop floor before heading to his house! Dad told me that there's a free circle line trial, so I planned to take to Serangoon and changed circle line to Buona Vista to see if it will cut short my travelling time! So happily I took to Marymount thinking that the train will continue all the way to Buona Vista. But it didn't!! I guess everyone was also confused by the route. Was told that I need to take back to Paya Lebar then change to circle line so I can get to Buona Vista -.- Woah damn pissed. LOL. In the end, I alighted at Bishan change to red line to cityhall then to green line all the way to Lakeside and took bus to his house! Took me like freaking 1hour30mins to his Taman Jurong. Stay so far for what. Still dare to scold me noob. Tsk tsk.

Watched movie with his lappy and slacked! Camwhored a little!

Then BBQ in the evening! Hehe
and some I dunno what's tt also
Eat till bao bao then his nieces (3) dragged us to go play with them! They are really so cute! Played ice and water and aeiou. lol I think I ran like mad. Panting like a dog. HAHAHA but it was enjoyable!
Snap snap w Tier
I had a great day! Teehee more to come!
Please dedicate post to me la!!!!!!!
To : Miss Xue Wei
Elloz xw i'm back! As promised, i shall give u a short update about today's bbq event. ( Not forgetting ur request for her zi lianing photos )

Then while i bbq she took my phone and.........

let her eat first thinking that she will help me but...

still eating.......


Kidnap my niece....

she almost pose the same way as my niece! ._. Act cute sia!

P.s In case she angry u must help me coax her wor if not she wont allow me to blog anymore le. Rem to msg me ur comments!