FYP poster
Sunshine plaza to print this poster! Waited for almost 2 hours just to get it printed today. Worth the wait cos it's damn niceeee. So proud of us.

Why am I so luckyyyy?!!
Marina Mandarin hotel, Vanda roll ballroom

Clarke quay with love after :)
Won a $20 NTUC voucher. Haha better than nothing right >.<
Happy Dragon year CHU 1
Final year project submission
Finally submitted out FYP report! How blur can Jasmine and I be. We forgotten to sign out declaration form and happily dropped our document into the pigeon hole and was panicking halfway through the lectures. Hehe. But luckily we managed to get everything done nicely in the end.

Slogged our guts out after 5pm to prepare speech for our poster presentation. It's my first time i stayed till so late! 8pm Zzzzz think we are the only ones in the whole Lsct building Hahahaha. Totally drained but worth it.

My twin rock :>
I have always wanted to be a doctor. A forensic pathologist to be exact. This job focuses on the medicolegal investigation of sudden or unexpected death. So common questions asked is if I am scared when a dead body is placed in front of me. Actually I don't really know the answer because I never experienced it before. But even if I am afraid, I think it would be quite easy for me to overcome that fear?

Just a week ago, a CID came to talk to us about his experience in forensics field etc.. Was giving my 100% to that talk! It's just so interesting to me. Crime investigations how to solve crime etc etc. Even went to ask him some questions about the requirements to get into this field. He will give us a more detailed description when he comes for the next lecture which is held 2 weeks later! But rough info he told me was "he gained approval from (Don't know who) that he will be setting up a forensics course for poly graduates... and that those who passed the interview will be undergoing intense trainings and will even get to the crime scene to collect evidences! Not to the extent of being a pathogist yet but at least we get to experience the feeling of collecting evidences from the crime scene! Kinda excited

Year 3 is a hectic year! FYP report submission this coming friday! (20th January). Poster presentation on 1st Feb. FYP ppt presentation in late Feb-early Mar. Exams on 17, 21 and 22 Feb! Wahhhh feb is a busy month like always..
Time flies
I love this place! So pretty
A lil something from my FYP partner JASMINE TAN
Time really flies! In another 3 weeks, we will be handing in our final FYP report. In 1 month time, we will be having final exams followed by powerpoint and poster presentation for our FYP.

Application for Uni will be in February! Only have Biological sciences in mind right now. Shall really go and explore for other courses when I have the time! Feb will be a busy month for most of us. Choosing and ranking courses for uni, final exams, FYP presentations etc etc. Can't wait to graduate from Ngee ann polytechnic though I will miss some of my friends :/

Have been spending $ like nobody's business. Sometimes I would rather not have a credit card with me because I will end up spending more Zzzzz Just spent 80 over bucks for 1 top and 2 dresses from online shopping yesterday. Can't wait for them to arrive! Hehe

Bonus is coming! $$$ rolling in *KACHING KACHING*
The Princess Diary
FYP poster
Sunshine plaza to print this poster! Waited for almost 2 hours just to get it printed today. Worth the wait cos it's damn niceeee. So proud of us.

Why am I so luckyyyy?!!
Marina Mandarin hotel, Vanda roll ballroom

Clarke quay with love after :)
Won a $20 NTUC voucher. Haha better than nothing right >.<
Happy Dragon year CHU 1
Final year project submission
Finally submitted out FYP report! How blur can Jasmine and I be. We forgotten to sign out declaration form and happily dropped our document into the pigeon hole and was panicking halfway through the lectures. Hehe. But luckily we managed to get everything done nicely in the end.

Slogged our guts out after 5pm to prepare speech for our poster presentation. It's my first time i stayed till so late! 8pm Zzzzz think we are the only ones in the whole Lsct building Hahahaha. Totally drained but worth it.

My twin rock :>
I have always wanted to be a doctor. A forensic pathologist to be exact. This job focuses on the medicolegal investigation of sudden or unexpected death. So common questions asked is if I am scared when a dead body is placed in front of me. Actually I don't really know the answer because I never experienced it before. But even if I am afraid, I think it would be quite easy for me to overcome that fear?

Just a week ago, a CID came to talk to us about his experience in forensics field etc.. Was giving my 100% to that talk! It's just so interesting to me. Crime investigations how to solve crime etc etc. Even went to ask him some questions about the requirements to get into this field. He will give us a more detailed description when he comes for the next lecture which is held 2 weeks later! But rough info he told me was "he gained approval from (Don't know who) that he will be setting up a forensics course for poly graduates... and that those who passed the interview will be undergoing intense trainings and will even get to the crime scene to collect evidences! Not to the extent of being a pathogist yet but at least we get to experience the feeling of collecting evidences from the crime scene! Kinda excited

Year 3 is a hectic year! FYP report submission this coming friday! (20th January). Poster presentation on 1st Feb. FYP ppt presentation in late Feb-early Mar. Exams on 17, 21 and 22 Feb! Wahhhh feb is a busy month like always..
Time flies
I love this place! So pretty
A lil something from my FYP partner JASMINE TAN
Time really flies! In another 3 weeks, we will be handing in our final FYP report. In 1 month time, we will be having final exams followed by powerpoint and poster presentation for our FYP.

Application for Uni will be in February! Only have Biological sciences in mind right now. Shall really go and explore for other courses when I have the time! Feb will be a busy month for most of us. Choosing and ranking courses for uni, final exams, FYP presentations etc etc. Can't wait to graduate from Ngee ann polytechnic though I will miss some of my friends :/

Have been spending $ like nobody's business. Sometimes I would rather not have a credit card with me because I will end up spending more Zzzzz Just spent 80 over bucks for 1 top and 2 dresses from online shopping yesterday. Can't wait for them to arrive! Hehe

Bonus is coming! $$$ rolling in *KACHING KACHING*