FYP external presentation is over!
Today marks the end of my poly life!
External FYP presentation was great!!!

I think I look weird wearing formal. Wore formal for a presentation for the very first time. So uneasy la HAHA
Next up would be on 9 March, YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD

Sakae Sushi for dinnerrr. Then walked from Orchard all the way till Marina square! Burnt a lot of fats indeed! ;)
Occupied with work this weekend!
Picnic & Dance
HIHI! This will be a photobomb post about today's outing to...
PICNIC session ^^ There's too much food and we can't finish :/
Flew kites and played gamessss; polar bear hahahaha
and started camwhoring ;)
Liying's house after! The rest were playing mahjong while we started camwhoring again!
I think we really damn retarded HAHA
Played DDR! All of us got damn high after that. No pictures for this section cos it's too unglam!

Got bored and started behaving like crazy people again! (10 continuous shots!)
Ended the day with green tea red bean snow ice!
Received a text from Jar saying he wanna treat me eat MEAT cos my body lacks of red meat. Why my friend so cute one? No la actually he wanna treat me eat some nice food. Hehe! Followed by a call from partner just now! Very touched because he actually took the effort to call me just to see how am I doing, even after a tiring day in the camp. Awwwww..I am lucky to have so many many friends who are sweet to me ;) Haha!

External presentation on Monday and I haven't prepare yettt. Lolol holiday mood no mood to prepare. Tsk. And I'm working from tmr all the way till Sunday. Soooo need to start preparing alreadyyyy.

Excited for next wednesday! Helipad with many many peopleeee. Gonna be funnnnnnnn ^^

My freedom starts TODAY!!!!
OH LEH OH LEH OH LEH OH LEH, OH LEH, OH LEH. No more exams!! FYP external presentation next Monday, then it's the end of my poly life. It has been a really awesome 3 years in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Gonna miss some of my friendssss. Guys going army :/ But come to think of us (girls) choosing the same uni and course, we might be classmates again next year! So still not that bad?

Shopping plan failed cos fugu was feeling unwell :/ Get well soon k fuguuuuu!! Met up with Sean for dinnerrrrrr (His treat hehe)

Went to collect my..... HELLO KITTY SOUP BOWL ^^
Signed up for the Young Scientist Symposium (YSS). Got shortlisted for the oral presentation! Happy and shock yet nervous at the same time. I can't imagine myself standing on the stage with a panel of judges and audiences staring at me omg. But since I'm given a chance, just gonna keep practicing so that I won't stammer on that day. What to do haha! Anyway it's held at Science centre on the 9th of March. Unsure if it's open to the public, but if it is, feel free to come! Confirm can gain some knowledge since there's poster presentations going on too hehe.

Picnic tmrrr ^^
Study and study
Being a nerd these 2 days! Waking up at 11am and study all the way till 12am and sometimes even more that that. More than 13 hours of study Zzzz NO LIFE RIGHT I KNOW.

Good job to myself for not falling asleep halfway while studying these 2 days. It's damn rare HAHA perhaps is cos of Jiayi studying w me in the room :P

Not tired at all. Am still wide awake. Don't know why I just can't fall asleep..

River flows in you. Found the score already! So excited to play that!! Shall try later! Its been ]#{^~*>~$~^*+<€~¥ since I touched my piano..heheh river flows in you..... Need to relax awhile by playing some nice music to myself

Who wanna hear me play? ;)
This reminded me of myself! HAHAHA
Last lap
Genomics paper tmrrrrrrwwwww. I don't know why I am so nervous this time round D:

But still, cant wait for exams to be over! Proteomics and forensics. 2 more and I'm done! Can't believe these 3 years just finished like that. Lol damn fastttt.

Lots of things to do after exams! :) can't wait!!!

Sleep NOW
Baby Ashlyn
Exams are nearinggggg
World is cruel
Just completed application for NUS and NTU. I swear it's such a chore. Made me damn pek chek. Website laggy click wrong button made me retype all the information 3 times!! But luckily I've got my dad to help me. Seems like he is the one studying uni not me. Any problem, he settle <3

Rather affected by the scholarship application. Kinda regretted not having a CCA in poly. cos you are deprived of scholarship without a CCA. Good results no cca no scholarship? FACT.. Why so unfair one Zzzzz sigh

Saddest thing is you work so hard yet ur work is not recognised but in turn, your credit is stolen by someone else. I don't understand why this happen. Why people behave like that. This world is so selfish competitive and cruel..

We cannot control what people will do to us. But we can minimise the actions that people will do to hurt us so long as we know how to protect ourselves. This is so true.

Whatever. Getting into biological science is good enough for me already. And I know I will definitely get it.
Read my heart
I don't like to do things which will make me feel really guilty..

These few days had been bad. Real bad.
Was already having flu and sore throat. Got caught in the rain while walking back from Bukit Timah mall to school after lunching with the guys today.

Having a fever now oh no
The Princess Diary
FYP external presentation is over!
Today marks the end of my poly life!
External FYP presentation was great!!!

I think I look weird wearing formal. Wore formal for a presentation for the very first time. So uneasy la HAHA
Next up would be on 9 March, YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD

Sakae Sushi for dinnerrr. Then walked from Orchard all the way till Marina square! Burnt a lot of fats indeed! ;)
Occupied with work this weekend!
Picnic & Dance
HIHI! This will be a photobomb post about today's outing to...
PICNIC session ^^ There's too much food and we can't finish :/
Flew kites and played gamessss; polar bear hahahaha
and started camwhoring ;)
Liying's house after! The rest were playing mahjong while we started camwhoring again!
I think we really damn retarded HAHA
Played DDR! All of us got damn high after that. No pictures for this section cos it's too unglam!

Got bored and started behaving like crazy people again! (10 continuous shots!)
Ended the day with green tea red bean snow ice!
Received a text from Jar saying he wanna treat me eat MEAT cos my body lacks of red meat. Why my friend so cute one? No la actually he wanna treat me eat some nice food. Hehe! Followed by a call from partner just now! Very touched because he actually took the effort to call me just to see how am I doing, even after a tiring day in the camp. Awwwww..I am lucky to have so many many friends who are sweet to me ;) Haha!

External presentation on Monday and I haven't prepare yettt. Lolol holiday mood no mood to prepare. Tsk. And I'm working from tmr all the way till Sunday. Soooo need to start preparing alreadyyyy.

Excited for next wednesday! Helipad with many many peopleeee. Gonna be funnnnnnnn ^^

My freedom starts TODAY!!!!
OH LEH OH LEH OH LEH OH LEH, OH LEH, OH LEH. No more exams!! FYP external presentation next Monday, then it's the end of my poly life. It has been a really awesome 3 years in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Gonna miss some of my friendssss. Guys going army :/ But come to think of us (girls) choosing the same uni and course, we might be classmates again next year! So still not that bad?

Shopping plan failed cos fugu was feeling unwell :/ Get well soon k fuguuuuu!! Met up with Sean for dinnerrrrrr (His treat hehe)

Went to collect my..... HELLO KITTY SOUP BOWL ^^
Signed up for the Young Scientist Symposium (YSS). Got shortlisted for the oral presentation! Happy and shock yet nervous at the same time. I can't imagine myself standing on the stage with a panel of judges and audiences staring at me omg. But since I'm given a chance, just gonna keep practicing so that I won't stammer on that day. What to do haha! Anyway it's held at Science centre on the 9th of March. Unsure if it's open to the public, but if it is, feel free to come! Confirm can gain some knowledge since there's poster presentations going on too hehe.

Picnic tmrrr ^^
Study and study
Being a nerd these 2 days! Waking up at 11am and study all the way till 12am and sometimes even more that that. More than 13 hours of study Zzzz NO LIFE RIGHT I KNOW.

Good job to myself for not falling asleep halfway while studying these 2 days. It's damn rare HAHA perhaps is cos of Jiayi studying w me in the room :P

Not tired at all. Am still wide awake. Don't know why I just can't fall asleep..

River flows in you. Found the score already! So excited to play that!! Shall try later! Its been ]#{^~*>~$~^*+<€~¥ since I touched my piano..heheh river flows in you..... Need to relax awhile by playing some nice music to myself

Who wanna hear me play? ;)
This reminded me of myself! HAHAHA
Last lap
Genomics paper tmrrrrrrwwwww. I don't know why I am so nervous this time round D:

But still, cant wait for exams to be over! Proteomics and forensics. 2 more and I'm done! Can't believe these 3 years just finished like that. Lol damn fastttt.

Lots of things to do after exams! :) can't wait!!!

Sleep NOW
Baby Ashlyn
Exams are nearinggggg
World is cruel
Just completed application for NUS and NTU. I swear it's such a chore. Made me damn pek chek. Website laggy click wrong button made me retype all the information 3 times!! But luckily I've got my dad to help me. Seems like he is the one studying uni not me. Any problem, he settle <3

Rather affected by the scholarship application. Kinda regretted not having a CCA in poly. cos you are deprived of scholarship without a CCA. Good results no cca no scholarship? FACT.. Why so unfair one Zzzzz sigh

Saddest thing is you work so hard yet ur work is not recognised but in turn, your credit is stolen by someone else. I don't understand why this happen. Why people behave like that. This world is so selfish competitive and cruel..

We cannot control what people will do to us. But we can minimise the actions that people will do to hurt us so long as we know how to protect ourselves. This is so true.

Whatever. Getting into biological science is good enough for me already. And I know I will definitely get it.
Read my heart
I don't like to do things which will make me feel really guilty..

These few days had been bad. Real bad.
Was already having flu and sore throat. Got caught in the rain while walking back from Bukit Timah mall to school after lunching with the guys today.

Having a fever now oh no